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Bøker av Marlene Miles

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  • av Marlene Miles

    Nightmares, bloody dreams, or blood in real life. Don't panic; don't be afraid, this book will help you know why the blood is there, what to do, and how to protect yourself and your loved ones When You See Blood.

  • - Thieves of Darkness, 4: Why You Can't Have Nice Things
    av Marlene Miles

    The thieves of darkness who come to steal from the saints of God are emptiers, wasters, swallowers, and devourers.In this book you can find out how they operate so you can identify them and get them out of your finances, health, and life.Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1 Peter 5:8)The devil is a devourer; don't let him make you into one.

  • - Thieves of Darkness 2
    av Marlene Miles

    The thieves of darkness are the spirits that come to steal from the saints of God. They are emptiers, wasters, swallowers, and devourers. The wasters are the ruthless spirits that will let you build your life, business, career, or family and then come in and destroy it completely.

  • av Marlene Miles

    The thieves of darkness who come to steal from the saints of God are emptiers, wasters, swallowers, and devourers. He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly. (Job 20:15) In this book you can find out how they operate so you can identify them and get them out of your finances, health, and life.

  • av Marlene Miles

    When evil patterns keep occurring in your life, or in your family, suspect collective captivity. When the same thing keeps repeating in your family, or happening to one then the other, suspect collective captivity. This book will explain all that and give powerful prayer points to break you out of captivity.

  • av Marlene Miles

    Money on the Altar is a sacrifice, and it is supposed to be there; find out why in this book. There are far more benefits to sacrificing on a Godly altar than one may think. Find out so much more in this revelatory volume.When Money is on the Altar, it is like the tents of Jacob arranged in worship to honor Jehovah. How lovely it is. May God be pleased and receive your worship. May you receive what God brings when He arises to the sweet-smelling savor of your sacrifice. Amen.

  • av Marlene Miles

    For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches. Nahum 2:2The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. One of the ways he does this by the emptiers, or the emptier spirit. Find out how to recognize if this spirit is at work in our life and how to pray to be rid of it.

  • av Marlene Miles

    The worst day of your life may be to find out that you have a spirit spouse and it's been hidden from you for years. Lion of the Tribe of Judah, roar for me and destroy spirit spouse of any kind, from any origin, especially the human astral projected spirit spouse, in the Name of Jesus!This book is powerful and chock full of valuable information for your warfare and deliverance from the evil astral projected spirit spouse.

  • av Marlene Miles

    The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. But it would take evil man to reprogram or re-direct the purposes of a tree against man.Jesus cursed the fruitless fig tree and it withered and died. The fig tree is of the Mulberry family.This is the true story of a childhood Mulberry Tree that represents the strongman in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. This strongman has caused destruction and delay for decades.It must come down.

  • av Marlene Miles
    162 - 164,-

  • av Marlene Miles

    And He called His ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. (Luke 19:11, emphasis, mine). The Lord spoke to me saying, You are the first territory that you occupy. May the Lord open up our understanding to know what to occupy and how to occupy and be obedient to God.

  • av Marlene Miles

    This book, So Thankful is a prayerbook consisting only of prayer points.You may simply pray this book of thanksgiving.Scripture references are at the end of prayer points do not necessarily indicate that the verse is exact from any Bible translation. Instead, that reference indicates from what verse or verses the prayer point has been derived. This book is beautiful inside and out.

  • av Marlene Miles

    There's warfare involved in getting a Kingdom mate. Warfare is involved in marrying them, more warfare in birthing children, righteous seed, and raising them.

  • av Marlene Miles

    Sometimes a lot of work needs to be done to prepare for marriage, and most of that work needs to be done on one's foundation.Sometimes work needs to be done to stay in marriage, happily.Let this prayer be a tool in changing your foundation in the Courts of Heaven, so you will be ready to be married, stay married and be happy and successful in marriage. It is for singles and those who are already married.These warfare prayers break curses, evil covenants and are focused on Foundation.God bless you.

  • av Marlene Miles

    God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered., Deuteronomy 30:3Sometimes the devil steals from you in your presence. Find out how and how to take back all that has been stolen from you.

  • av Marlene Miles

    What would church or life be like if and when the Devourer was really rebuked? Would you celebrate or lament? - What do I need to do to have the Devourer rebuked in my life and finances? How will it be living in a perfect world or a perfect church when the Devourer is rebuked? Why do I not want to be the last one to tithe at my church. When the Devourer if Rebuked answers all of these questions.

  • av Marlene Miles

    Sometimes we unknowingly agree with things that are not good for us, things that seem like fun today are really traps to do us harm tomorrow. We must be wise to what they are so we don't fall for them. Get off the Rollercoaster of Doom, and Live!

  • av Marlene Miles

    How long have you been waiting on God to answer your prayer? How long have you been waiting for a spouse, a child, or your ministry to start?Find out all the reasons you may be waiting, and how you can have Grace to wait, and be very successful in getting the things that the Lord has promised you. by defeating demonic delays.

  • av Marlene Miles

    Jesus gave the Grace of Thanksgiving, so the Multitude was empowered to come through those Gates into Thanksgiving. Whether the Multitude knew it or not, it happened. All they may have known, being carnal, is that they ate.How can we enter in through the Gates of Thanksgiving? And, what is beyond those gates?

  • av Marlene Miles

    Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Saints of God, do not wait until your old age to find out if you've been sifted or not.

  • av Marlene Miles

    If you have heard God's voice calling you and you've had to walk away from houses, brothers, sisters, father or mother, wife, husband, children, or land, then according to the above Scripture, you automatically should be in the 100-fold return on your financial sowing.This is the 5th book in a series entitled, The Fold: Receiving 30, 60, and 100-Fold Returns.

  • av Marlene Miles

    The devil loves trauma because he uses it to get into the lives of unsuspecting humans.

  • av Marlene Miles

    If it's not one thing, then it's another, at least, that's what people say. the enemy is always busy, but he would not have to keep sending attacks at you, unless he was failing. Do your spiritual warfare, then declare FAILED ASSIGNMENT against the enemy and take back everything that is yours. Seven-fold.

  • av Marlene Miles

    In the dating game, don't get played by a Player. Don't Let Player Drama and Dating Trauma Stagnate Your Life, or Steal Your Future. You have value; ask God to show you your value and God's plans and purposes for your life. Do not let any random person tell you. Do not let anyone other than GOD define your value, purpose, and life.

  • av Marlene Miles

    God created for six days before conditions were right to bring forth man. In God's image we do what He does, the way He does it. It may take considerable awareness and preparation before the conditions are right to bring forth righteous seed. Then, like God, you too can rest from creating. This book is for those who have been trying and trying, but nothing is happening. This book contains real talk and real prayer points. Expect to see a move of God. Expect to see a change in your situation.

  • av Marlene Miles

    God prepares a table for you, even in the presence of your enemies. Power Money: Nine Times the Tithe is aother of the many awesome ways that God says He loves us.

  • av Marlene Miles

    Barrenness can affect more than having children, it can steal a man's dreams, and his whole life. Learn more about it, how to avoid it, and how to pray against it if it lands in your life.Barrenness as it relates to fruit of the body, is addressed in Book 2, Fruit of the Womb, Prayers Against Barrenness.

  • av Marlene Miles

    More than 40 million people in the US have been married more than once.125 million are married now and about 5% of those are married for their third time, or more. If you are going into a second or third, marriage or more... what do you need to look out for spiritually?

  • av Marlene Miles

    Time bombs --, terrorists use them. Assassins use them. They are used in war. The devil uses them. How can you avoid demonic traps so you and your generations stay safe?

  • av Marlene Miles

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