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Bøker av Marie Force

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  • av Marie Force
    199 - 255,-

  • av Marie Force

    She has everything she ever wanted-except the man she can't live without.Ten years ago, their relationship was a scandal. Now it's forever. Kate Harrington goes after the man she left behind when she set out to chase her dream of music superstardom. Now she has everything she ever wanted, except for the one thing she can't live without. What will Reid say when she shows up unannounced in St. Kitts, looking to reclaim their lost love? And what will Jack, Kate's father, say when he hears she's gone back to her first love, a man Jack once considered a friend? And what do you think will happen when Jill Harrington, Kate's sister, attorney and manager, faces off with Ashton Matthews, Reid's son, the same man who made life miserable for Kate many years ago? The sparks will fly when the Harrington, Matthews and O'Malley families gather in Nashville for a Christmas none of them will ever forget!

  • av Marie Force

    Sometimes rock bottom is the best place to rebuild.In a drunken stupor, Brandon O'Malley frightens his brother Aidan's girlfriend, enraging his brother and the rest of his family. Aidan offers Brandon the choice of rehab or jail, and Brandon reluctantly enters treatment. While in rehab, he confronts the lifetime of secrets and resentments that fueled his spiral into alcoholism, and these revelations have a major effect on his entire family. When he returns home expecting to resume his supervisory role in the family's construction business, Brandon learns his father has retired and put his younger brother, Colin, in charge. Brandon is unhappy to be given the job of renovating an apartment building where he loses his heart to an adorable five-year-old tenant named "Mike." After he falls hard for Michaela, Brandon becomes involved with her mother Daphne, who is running from a past that will later test his sobriety and his mettle as a man.

  • av Marie Force

    Her life was torn down to the foundation. Rebuilding will take one small miracle at a time."Marking Time" continues the story begun in "Treading Water" as Clare Harrington begins a new life. She's considered a miracle, but everything that's happened since she recovered from a three-year coma has been something less than miraculous. Now left to grapple with the aftermath of a selfless decision, she is home from the hospital and trying to figure out what the next chapter in her miraculous recovery has in store for her. Meanwhile, her eighteen-year-old daughter Kate, a talented singer and songwriter, sets out to pursue her musical dreams in Nashville. Her parents have agreed to allow Kate to spend a year there, but they couldn't have anticipated Kate falling in love with a much older man. Her newly divorced parents are forced back together to confront their wayward daughter. Spanning from Newport, Rhode Island, to Nashville, Tennessee, to Stowe, Vermont, "Marking Time" is the story of new beginnings and new loves.

  • av Marie Force

    When you're living one step at a time, the next one could change your life...forever.Love is the last thing on Jack Harrington's mind when he sets out to meet Andi Walsh's flight. Recently back to work after spending more than a year tending to his comatose wife, Jack is focused on getting through each day and caring for his three daughters. However, the moment he sets eyes on Andrea Walsh, the interior designer who has come to decorate the hotel his company is building in Newport, Rhode Island, Jack begins to wonder if Andi might be his second chance. After a disastrous marriage, Andi, single mom to a hearing-impaired son, isn't exactly looking for love, either, but that's what she finds with Jack. The two embark on a long-distance relationship fraught with challenges as they balance the needs of their children and dueling careers while Jack continues to care for his wife, Clare. Just when Jack thinks his life is once again settled, he is confronted with a new challenge that tests him in ways he never could've imagined, leaving him to wonder if "happily ever after" is in the cards for him.

  • av Marie Force
    230 - 343,-

  • av Marie Force

    Denial: refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant... His mother has been arrested, his government is under new threat, the relentless media is driving him mad, and denial becomes the word of the day for President Nick Cappuano. Meanwhile, his wife, DC Metro Police Lt. Sam Holland Cappuano has caught a big new case with suspects everywhere she looks. Watch for her partner, Detective Freddie Cruz, to take center stage in this investigation when a variety of personal situations keep Sam off the job. With the countdown on to their second anniversary, the first couple is keeping their heads down and their eyes on the prize of a week away from the capital city. But with threats circling all around them, will they be able to make it happen? The fifth First Family book picks up right where State of Shock left off, with Sam and her family continuing to absorb the loss of a beloved family member as she and her team work to clean up the mess former Lt. Stahl has left behind.

  • av Marie Force

    La mia feroce cagnolina ha appena morso la più grande stella del cinema al mondo... e lui mi ha chiesto di uscire.NatalieL'ultima cosa che cerco al mondo è un uomo. Voglio solo portare a spasso la mia cagnolina e vivere la mia vita ma, quando Fluff scappa e morde l'uomo più famoso sulla terra, capisco che la mia giornata non andrà affatto secondo i piani. Dopo quello che ho passato, non sopporto gli uomini convinti che le donne debbano loro qualcosa, soprattutto uno che potrebbe avere tutte quelle che vuole.FlynnResto immediatamente ammaliato e voglio conoscere il suo nome e tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sulla stupenda e giovane proprietaria del cane che mi ha morso. Non mi importa se dovrei lavorare né del mio amico che vorrebbe uccidermi per il ritardo nella produzione. Voglio lei ma, quando le corro dietro, capisco che ci vorrà molto di più del mio nome e della mia faccia famosa per superare i muri che si è costruita intorno al cuore.Riuscirà l'amore appena sbocciato tra Flynn e Natalie a sopravvivere all'attenzione incessante dei media? Da Hollywood a Las Vegas, la travolgente storia d'amore tra i due ha tutto: romanticismo, passione, notti bollenti, paparazzi instancabili e un omicidio che potrebbe segnare la loro fine. Flynn è un eroe sboccato che mette in gioco tutto se stesso per la donna che ama, che soddisfa ogni desiderio e farebbe qualsiasi cosa pur di proteggere ciò che gli appartiene... ATTENZIONE! Per conoscere la storia bollente tra Flynn e Natalie, dovete leggere d'un fiato Virtuous, Valorous e Victorious. La serie prosegue poi con cinque romanzi autoconclusivi (libri 4-8) sulle avventure dei soci in affari di Flynn della Quantum Production Company.

  • av Marie Force

    Der nächste Band aus der Reihe Wilde Witwen bringt eine bewegende Story über Trauer und Verlust - und die Kraft einer neuen LiebeIrisZweieinhalb Jahre ist es her, dass mein Mann Mike bei einem Flugzeugabsturz umgekommen ist und ich plötzlich als alleinerziehende Mutter von drei kleinen Kindern dastand. Aber jetzt lasse ich allmählich die lähmende Trauer hinter mir - das verdanke ich zu großen Teilen meinen großartigen Freundinnen und Freunden aus der wunderbaren Selbsthilfegruppe Wilde Witwen. Jedenfalls werfe ich nun einen kritischen Blick auf den Rest meines Lebens, um zu entscheiden, wie es weitergehen soll und was ich wirklich will.Und während ich nach einer Antwort auf diese Fragen suche, lande ich irgendwann immer bei Gage, der ebenfalls bei der Gruppe ist. Allerdings hab ich nicht die geringste Ahnung, ob er mein Interesse erwidert. Doch ich bin fest entschlossen, das bei dem Wochenende am Strand, das die Wilden Witwen geplant haben, herauszufinden, egal, was ich dafür tun muss.

  • av Marie Force

    Dr. Ted Duffy has finally met a woman who makes him ache with desire. Too bad she's his best friend's girlfriend.Dr. Ted Duffy has finally met a woman who makes him ache with desire. Too bad she's dating his best friend of twenty years. This simple premise has momentous consequences for Ted in The Fall, a story that explores the bonds of friendship, the expectations of family, and the power of love to unite and divide. Ted is a third-generation pediatric oncologist in Boston. He is thirty-seven years old, married to his work, and considers his patients to be his kids. He and his friends spend summer weekends in Newport, Rhode Island, which is the only break Ted allows himself from the grind of his job. After a devastating loss at work, he leaves for Newport where he meets his friend's new girlfriend, Caroline. Over that first weekend, Ted and Caroline fall in love. When they later act on their feelings, shock and disbelief ricochet through his tight-knit group of friends and family. A highly respected doctor, a beloved son and grandson, a loyal friend, Ted is stunned by his sudden free-fall from grace.

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force
    204 - 288,-

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

    Die ergreifende Geschichte der jungen Witwe Roni, bekannt aus der beliebten Fatal-ReiheNach dem plötzlichen Tod meines geliebten Mannes stehe ich vor den Scherben meines Glücks. Zwar tun meine Freunde und meine Familie alles, um mir durch die schwere Zeit zu helfen, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass es letztlich an mir ist, die Kraft zum Weitermachen zu finden - vor allem als sich völlig unerwartet eine weitere große Veränderung in meinem Leben ankündigt.Inmitten von all dem Aufruhr sind die Wilden Witwen ein Geschenk des Himmels. Doch um Teil dieser Selbsthilfegruppe zu werden, muss man eine Bedingung akzeptieren: Man muss offen sein für eine neue Liebe. Auch wenn ich nicht den Rest meines Lebens allein verbringen möchte, ist das etwas, was ich mir im Moment nur schwer vorstellen kann. Doch manchmal hält das Schicksal ja noch eine Überraschung für einen bereit ....

  • av Marie Force

    Marie Force, auteur de best-sellers classés dans le New York Times et USA Today, nous offre une nouvelle romance contemporaine torride. Deux inconnus trouvent l'amour de la manière la plus inattendue qui soit : en sauvant une vie. Austin Au sommet de ma gloire, lanceur de baseball pour Baltimore et père célibataire de la plus adorable petite du monde, je vis le rêve. Jusqu'à ce que je reçoive le redoutable appel m'annonçant qu'Everly est malade. Mon monde cesse de tourner lorsque les médecins me disent que la seule chance pour que mon bébé s'en sorte est une greffe de la moelle osseuse. Ma vie devient un véritable cauchemar alors que je me bats pour sauver ma fille. Rien d'autre ne compte. Ni mon Cy Young Award, prix du meilleur lanceur de la ligue, ni ma carrière, mon équipe ou mon talent. Rien de tout cela ne peut la guérir. Il lui faut un miracle. Une inconnue arrive... et Maria pourrait bien nous sauver tous les deux. Maria Ma vie à Miami n'est peut-être pas très glamour, mais elle est enrichissante. Je partage mon temps entre mon travail d'infirmière dans un dispensaire et mon activité de serveuse dans le restaurant cubano-italien de ma famille. Après avoir été trompée par mon petit ami de longue date, je ne cherche pas vraiment l'homme idéal, mais je ne le chasserais pas de mon lit si tout à coup il se présentait. Six mois après avoir fait un don de moelle osseuse à une petite fille de Baltimore, je reçois un mail du père reconnaissant de l'enfant, mais tout doit rester anonyme pendant un an. Je suis impatiente d'en savoir plus sur lui. La dernière chose à laquelle je m'attendais, c'est qu'il soit un joueur de baseball célèbre - et magnifique. Les mails se succèdent, jusqu'à ce qu'une amitié, à laquelle nous ne nous attendions pas, mais dont nous avons tous deux désespérément besoin, se noue entre nous. Je suis en train de tomber amoureuse d'un homme que je n'ai jamais rencontré. Lisez la suite passionnante de Combien je ressens pour découvrir ce qui se passe lorsqu'Austin doit jouer à Miami et que l'équipe organise une rencontre entre Austin, Everly et Maria.

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

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