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  • av Marie Force

  • av Marie Force

    Der dritte Band aus der Reihe Wilde Witwen mit der aufwühlenden Geschichte von Wynters und Adrians neuer LiebeSeit ich als Nanny auf den kleinen Xavier aufpasse, hat mein Leben nach dem viel zu frühen Krebstod meines Mannes endlich wieder einen Sinn. Umso schrecklicher finde ich es, dass ich es fast vermasselt hätte, daher strenge ich mich jetzt besonders an und schenke Xavier meine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit - zumindest bis sein Daddy den Raum betritt, denn Adrian ist einfach unwiderstehlich. Die Situation wird nicht besser, als ich ihn aus Versehen beim Sex beobachte. Jetzt kann ich nur noch daran denken, wie es wäre, selbst so mit ihm zusammen zu sein.Doch er ist mein Chef und ein guter Freund. Eine Affäre zwischen uns könnte verheerende Folgen haben, und das nicht nur für uns. Außerdem habe ich eigentlich genug damit zu tun, mein Leben als junge Witwe zu meistern. Die Komplikationen, die eine Beziehung mit Adrian garantiert mit sich bringen würde, kann ich da wirklich nicht gebrauchen. Wenn ich ihn nur nicht nackt gesehen hätte ....

  • av Marie Force

    Im Leben der Familie von Präsident Nick Cappuano und Lieutenant Sam Holland will einfach keine Ruhe einkehren: Nicks Mutter ist verhaftet worden, er muss die nächste Krise seiner Amtszeit meistern und die Berichterstattung schlägt in der Presse immer höhere Wellen. Unterdessen wird Sam an den Tatort eines schrecklichen Verbrechens gerufen, bei dem eine ganze Familie ausgelöscht wurde, und im Weißen Haus müsste sie sich eigentlich um ihre von einem Infekt außer Gefecht gesetzten Kinder kümmern. Da ist es wahrlich kein Wunder, dass es selbst Sam einmal zu viel wird. Doch wie immer zeigt sich: Sie kann sich auf ihr Team verlassen, zu Hause wie bei der Arbeit. Dank der tatkräftigen Unterstützung durch Freunde, Kollegen und Familie umschiffen Nick und Sam alle Klippen und finden in all dem Trubel sogar ein wenig dringend benötigte Zeit für sich ...

  • av Marie Force

    They're beloved members of the Gansett Island family... But they've never had their own book until now! Dan Torrington and Kara Ballard take center stage for the first time ever in this prequel novel. Revisit their story from when they first appeared in FALLING FOR LOVE through HURRICANE AFTER DARK, with many new scenes, characters and backstories as we prepare to follow Dan and Kara to Bar Harbor, Maine, to deal with the most intense Ballard family drama yet. This is an 87,000-word preview ahead of the upcoming DOWNEAST story, which will pick up right where Dan and Kara's story left off in HURRICANE AFTER DARK.

  • av Marie Force

    Lt. Sam Holland and her team are plunged into another complex case that at first seems routine. But as Sam tugs on the threads of the investigation, she uncovers a deep, dark Washington secret that threatens the careers of some of the government's highest-ranking officials. Racing to catch a killer before he can strike again, Sam and her fiancé, U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano, attempt to plan a wedding while her colleague Detective Tommy "Gonzo" Gonzales faces life-changing news.

  • av Marie Force

    President Cappuano has been working for months on his first State of the Union address, his highest profile moment yet as the country's new president. He's dealing with a wide array of complex issues and is counting down to the televised speech before a joint session of Congress. While he tries to strike the right tone to assure the American people that their new president is hard at work on their behalf, his wife, Metro Police Lt. Sam Holland is faced with one of the most confounding cases of her career and juggling some complex issues at home with the couple's children. Add to that some vexing security concerns, and the first couple are on edge as they wonder whether they'll pass this first big test for the fledgling Cappuano administration. As always, when things get too hot to handle in the rest of their lives, Sam and Nick turn to each other for solace as their bond grows deeper by the day in this latest installment in the First Family Series!

  • av Marie Force

    This story picks up right where State of the Union left off with another wild ride for the First Couple as they navigate work, family, and an all new and extra baffling murder mystery that has Sam pushing the boundaries to get answers before a killer can strike again. Meanwhile, Nick contends with the aftermath of his landmark State of the Union address as a person from his past threatens to undo all the progress he's made since assuming the presidency.

  • av Marie Force

    Isabella Coleman wasn't looking for love when she attended her cousin Wade's wedding in Boston, but she hadn't counted on the bride's father, Cabot Lodge. He's older, wiser and one of the most handsome, charming, and funny men she's ever met. Izzie is instantly smitten, and after a wonderful time at the wedding, she's certain she'll hear from Cabot again soon. But she doesn't hear a word from him until she's back in Boston and invites him to dinner. After yet another fantastic time together, she's once again optimistic--and once again disappointed when she gets nothing but silence from him. Cabot has his reasons for keeping his distance. After his former wife took off with their baby daughter, he spent twenty-five years looking for Mia, who suddenly reappeared in his life as a grown woman with a new husband. He's never been happier than since Mia returned, but those twenty-five years of searching left him with a deep well of bitterness that a sweet woman like Izzie doesn't need in her life. Until Izzy is seriously injured in a car accident, and all bets are off. Bitterness aside, Cabot can think of only getting to her as soon as he possibly can--and staying with her for as long as she'll have him. Now Izzy and Cabot are hunkered down in her cozy home in Vermont, and things are starting to get real. They'll both have to decide if their time together is a temporary interlude or the start of something lasting.

  • av Marie Force

    After I suddenly lose my husband, Patrick, in a senseless shooting, I'm lost in a sea of well-meaning people trying to make the unimaginable seem possible. How am I supposed to go on without the man who's been at the center of my life for nearly a decade? My friends and family do what they can for me, but I quickly realize that surviving this loss is going to be on me. One day to the next, I have to make the decision to go on, but life isn't done throwing me ringers, and just when I think I've got this young-widow game figured out, I find out how wrong I am. When a friend of my sister's connects me to the Wild Widows, I find a group of fellow travelers who understand my new reality in a way no one else in my life ever could. The Wild Widows have one requirement for membership to their group: I must be open to the possibility of a Chapter 2, which is what they call a second chance at love. While I'm not in any way looking for or ready for a Chapter 2, if I've learned anything, it's that I'm not in control of where this journey will take me. Come along as Roni and the other Wild Widows navigate their new realities with grace, humor, and compassion. They will make you laugh and cry and root for each and every one of them in this exciting, heartfelt new series.

  • av Marie Force

    Lei ha rinunciato a ciò che lui ama di più. Una relazione non potrebbe mai funzionare tra loro. O forse sì? NatalieDopo essermi scontrata con il destino, scopro che può essere un'arma a doppio taglio se include la più grande stella del cinema al mondo. La sua celebrità è una minaccia che non avrei mai immaginato per la nuova vita che mi sono costruita. Ma, quando il mio incubo peggiore diventa realtà, Flynn non lascia mai il mio fianco. FlynnNon riesco a credere che sia successo e voglio la testa della persona che l'ha tradita. Farò tutto ciò che è in mio potere per proteggerla, ma è tutta colpa mia. Dopo aver giurato di difenderla, quando si calmeranno le acque, spero che non mi odierà per il casino che ho combinato.L'amore appena sbocciato tra Flynn e Natalie sopravvivrà allo sguardo incessante dei media? Da Hollywood a Las Vegas, la travolgente storia tra Flynn e Natalie ha tutto: amore, passione, notti di fuoco, paparazzi instancabili e un omicidio che potrebbe sancire la loro fine. Flynn è un eroe sboccato che mette in gioco tutto per la donna che ama, soddisfa ogni suo desiderio e farebbe di tutto pur di proteggere ciò che è suo...

  • av Marie Force

    Wrenched apart by tragedy, they're brought back together by love.Carly Holbrook and Brian Westbury are weeks away from their high school graduation, and their future seems bright with promise. Everything changes one spring night when their six closest friends, including Brian's younger brother, are killed in a fiery car accident that Carly and Brian witness.The trauma leaves Carly unable to speak, and Brian is forced to make unimaginable decisions about a future that once seemed so certain. With Carly incapable of going forward with their plans, Brian leaves home and Carly for good. Fifteen years later, disturbing new clues indicate the accident that wrecked so many lives wasn't an accident at all, bringing Brian home to face a past-and a love-he's never forgotten.Content warning: A storyline involving sexual assault may be disturbing to some readers.

  • av Marie Force

    When you have their jobs, there's no such thing as a peaceful vacation... Sam and Nick are ready to get out of DC-and the White House-for a much-needed vacation to celebrate their second anniversary. Due to ongoing political pressures, they decide to scuttle their plans for a return to Bora Bora to stay closer to home at their favorite oceanfront house at Dewey Beach in Delaware. But before they can make their escape, Sam is summoned back to work to deal with yet another crisis in the ongoing investigation into former Lieutenant Stahl. Just when they think they've seen the full scope of his depravity, there is more. Sam leaves Gonzo, Freddie and the rest of the squad in charge of a new investigation of a murdered college student while Gigi and Cameron deal with the Internal Affairs Board and plot their strategy to respond to a lawsuit from the Patrick family. Meanwhile, Nick's mother is working on a plea deal with an unexpected new advocate who wants her to reconcile with her estranged son. As always for the first couple, nothing ever goes according to plan, but the chance to spend a week mostly alone is just what they needed until their children, family and friends join them for the final weekend at the beach. It's March in Dewey, and Sam and Nick are snuggling in front of the fire as they prepare to begin their third year of marriage.

  • av Marie Force

    She helped to bring me back to life. Now I want to return the favor. MiloWhen I open my eyes, I have no idea where I am or who I'm with. The woman beside my bed is lovely, with dark hair and eyes and a warm smile that makes me feel safe. I learn I've survived a major surgery that might've killed me after being shot in the neck, and Gianna is my nurse. She soon becomes the center of my universe as I recover. All I want is to get out of the hospital so I can really get to know her, but my recovery is slow and full of frustrating setbacks. The minute I get out of here, I'm taking her on the best date of her life. GiannaHe's the nicest man I've ever met, but I've learned to be wary of nice men. They tend to talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, they're all the same. The longer Milo is under my care, however, the more I like him-and his big, overly involved family. Since my parents died and left me to finish raising my two younger brothers, family has been in short supply in my life. The Giordinos are right out of a TV show, and I find myself as interested in them as I am in Milo, despite my reservations. He's promised me the best date of my life. We'll see if he can deliver.

  • av Marie Force

    Nico My reputation with women stinks. I'll admit I haven't always treated them with the respect they deserve. That's not to say I'm a bad guy or anything. What my sisters and cousin would call toxic, I prefer to think of as selfish. But I'm ready to change everything if it means I'll have a chance with the lovely, sweet, wounded Sofia Diaz--and her adorable son Mateo. They've been through a lot with her ex--and she's still dealing with him far more often than I'd like--but I'm prepared to be there for both of them, to do whatever it takes to make them happy. If only she'll stop listening to my family members who would warn her off me and give me a chance to show her how it can be between us. Sofia Nico Giordino is the sexiest man on the planet, but from what his sisters and cousin tell me, I need to keep my distance. I've already had one serious relationship end in the most painful way possible. I don't need to open myself up to more heartache by letting a bonafide player into my life--and my son's. Mateo is all that matters to me, and as he recovers from brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, I've got my hands full working at Nico's family's restaurant and taking care of my son while trying to finalize my divorce. I've got no time for romance or foolishness with a man who makes my heart beat fast. But I want him more than I've ever wanted anything, even if I know I probably shouldn't... Come back to Miami for another sexy installment in the Miami Nights Series, and catch up with the beloved Giordino family!

  • av Marie Force

    In the wake of a White House aide's wife being found beaten to death, with their one year-old daughter taken, Police Lieutenant Sam Holland is put in charge of the case, and forced to collaborate with Special Victims Unit detectives, as well as thorn-in-her-side FBI Special Agent Avery Hill. Then, a cold case of her father's resurrects old hurts, a distraction Sam cannot afford. As Sam's investigation heats up, so does Nick's political career, and the heat carries over to their bedroom. Will Sam put the pieces together in time to catch a killer and find the baby, or will ambition, greed, and lies prove fatal?

  • av Marie Force

    Lieutenant Sam Holland is on leave, recovering from an attack that shook her to the core. With no case to distract her, she's trying to stay busy--even voluntarily meeting with her new White House staff. But it's not enough to keep the horrific memories at bay, and her family is worried...especially her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano. Nick is dealing with his own demons where his wife's safety is concerned, losing night after night of sleep as he works to make sure what happened that day will never happen again. The pressure is building inside the Cappuanos' marriage, and something's got to give before Nick takes the oath of office. When two college girls go missing in the midst of inauguration madness, the chief of police needs the one cop he can count on to find them and save the Metro PD from disgrace. In a case full of ugly twists and turns, Sam will have to confront her past and find her strength again...before it's too late.

  • av Marie Force

    Escaping DC during the dog days of summer is one of the smartest moves Washington metro police lieutenant Samantha Holland ever made. Beach walks aren't quite as romantic with the Secret Service in tow, but Sam and her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, cherish the chance to recharge and reconnect―especially with a scandal swirling around the administration. No sooner are they back home than a fatal drive-by shooting sets the city on edge. The teenage victim is barely older than Sam and Nick's son, Scotty. As more deaths follow, Sam and her team play beat-the-clock to stop the ruthless killers. With Nick facing his greatest challenge―one that could drastically change all their lives and even end Sam's career―will the mounting pressure deepen or damage their bond?

  • av Marie Force

    It's just another day at the office for Washington Metro Police lieutenant Sam Holland when a body surfaces off the shores of the Anacostia River. But before Sam can sink her teeth into the new case, Secret Service agents seize her from the crime scene. A threat has been made against her family, but nobody will tell her anything--including the whereabouts of her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano. This isn't the first time the couple's lives have been at risk, but when a bombshell from Sam's past returns to haunt her, she can't help but wonder if there's a connection. With a ruthless killer out for vengeance and Nick struggling to maintain his reputation after secrets from his own past are revealed, Sam works to tie the threat to a murder that can't possibly be a coincidence. And she has to get it done before her husband's career is irrevocably damaged...

  • av Marie Force

    The holiday season is under way in Washington, D.C., but Metro Police Lieutenant Sam Holland is busier than ever as she contends with the murder of a well-liked wife, mother, and businesswoman found bound, gagged, and dead for quite some time inside her minivan, miles from home. Who could've wanted her dead badly enough to make her suffer for days before she died? Sam is determined to close the vexing case before a much-needed vacation with her family, but the universe has other ideas when a second murder--this one someone she knows--has her wondering if the vacation is going to happen. Meanwhile, Sam's husband, President Nick Cappuano, deals with the first national tragedy on his watch, forcing him on the record on a contentious issue as he fills the role of comforter-in-chief to a nation reeling from another senseless act of violence. All the while, a custody battle for the twins he and Sam took in after their parents' murder is looming, casting a dark cloud over everything this holiday season. With chaos swirling all around them, will Sam and Nick be able to pull off a big family Christmas at the White House? As always, Sam and Nick turn to each other for comfort in the storm that is their life together. Join Sam, Nick, Scotty, Elijah, Aubrey, Alden, and Skippy, the First Dog, as they celebrate a Christmas like no other.

  • av Marie Force

    She's his nanny and his close friend. He shouldn't be thinking about her that way... AdrianIn the year since I lost my wife in childbirth, I've been all about survival as I adapt to life as a single dad to our son. That's especially true after my mother-in-law also died suddenly. Life has been way more than I can handle, but somehow I'm getting by, thanks mostly to the Wild Widows, a group of fellow travelers who make me feel less alone with my grief. They encourage me to hire fellow Wild Widow Wynter as my nanny, and that's been working out great, until two things happen-she and my son go missing, and when they're found safe, I realize my feelings for her are anything but platonic. WynterI cannot be feeling this way about my employer. He's entrusted me to take care of the most important person in his life, and I nearly screwed that up epically. After the big scare we had, I should be giving Xavier my undivided attention, which I do until his daddy is in the room. All I see is him. Then I catch Adrian having sex, and now all I can think about what it would be like to be with him that way. He's my boss, my close friend and we share many mutual friends. A mess between us would be devastating, and not just to us, so I need to avoid that at all costs. I've got enough on my plate managing my grief for my late husband. I don't need the complication that could come with Adrian. If only I hadn't seen him naked...

  • av Marie Force

    The story breaks as Metro PD lieutenant Sam Holland attends a dinner party with her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano: President Nelson is accused of having an affair. More shocking still, campaign staffer Tara Weber claims the president fathered her newborn son--while the First Lady was undergoing secret cancer treatment. When a high-profile murder case hits Sam's desk, she's shocked to uncover a connection to the presidential scandal. With the department caught up in its own internal scandals and the chief's job hanging by a thread, Sam questions who she can trust as her team uncovers information that clouds an already-murky case. And with calls for the president to resign getting louder by the minute, Sam needs to close this case before she finds herself living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

  • av Marie Force

    A peaceful morning is shattered when Washington Metro Police lieutenant Sam Holland's beloved father succumbs to injuries from an unsolved shooting while on duty four years ago. As the community rallies around Sam and her family, one thing becomes crystal clear: her father's death has turned the unsolved case into a homicide--and it's on her to bring her father's killer to justice. But the case has been cold for years...until an anonymous tip that's too shocking to believe leads Sam down a dark and dangerous path. Her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, knows if she can't solve this case, it will haunt her for the rest of her life. She'll need the strength of their bond to pull her out of the darkness before it's too late--because as the missing pieces rapidly fall into place, Sam realizes the truth might just break her all the same...and that her father's killer isn't done yet.

  • av Marie Force

    As the first anniversary of her marriage to Vice President Nick Cappuano approaches, Lieutenant Sam Holland is dreaming of Bora Bora--sun, sand, and a desperately needed break from the DC grind. But real life has a way of intervening, and Sam soon finds herself taking on one of the most perplexing cases of her career. Government worker Josh Hamilton begs Sam to investigate his shocking claim that his parents stole him from another family thirty years ago. More complicated still, his "father" is none other than the FBI director. When a member of Josh's family is brutally murdered, Sam begins to question how deep this cover-up goes. Is it possible the revered director was part of a baby-napping ring and that others involved are also targets? With a killer intent on deadly revenge and her team still reeling from a devastating loss, Sam's plate is full--and when Nick and their son, Scotty, take ill, is her dream of a tropical anniversary celebration in peril too?

  • av Marie Force

    A brutal home invasion, two small traumatized survivors who may have witnessed the horror--Lieutenant Sam Holland has never worked a case quite like this. But when she steps up in a big way for the five-year-old twins, she risks her heart as much as her career. While she and her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, go to battle in more ways than one for her tiny witnesses, her colleague Sergeant Tommy "Gonzo" Gonzales battles his own demons. Months of unbearable grief and despair come to a head in an unimaginable way that threatens Gonzo's status with the department and his relationship with his fiancée, Christina. With trouble both at the precinct and on the case, Sam struggles to keep her priorities straight at home and at work while trying not to lose her heart to her latest crime victims.

  • av Marie Force

    Back from their honeymoon, Senator Nick Cappuano and D.C. Police Lieutenant Sam Holland are ready for some normalcy after the whirlwind of their wedding, but someone has other plans for them. When Sam discovers wedding cards containing thinly veiled death threats, she's not sure if she or Nick is the target. Already on edge, Sam and her team start investigating a series of baffling murders. The victims are well-liked with no known enemies, and the murders are carried out in a clean and efficient manner. Unable to find a clear motive for the deaths, she feels like she's chasing her tail. With no obvious connection between the victims, Sam soon suspects that she may be the ultimate prize in the killer's clever game. When the danger starts to hit a little too close to home, she has two goals: find the elusive murderer and live long enough to enjoy her happily ever after.

  • av Marie Force

    Washington, D.C., Metro Police Detective Sergeant Sam Holland needs a big win to salvage her career--and her confidence--after a disastrous investigation. The perfect opportunity arises when Senator John O'Connor is found brutally murdered in his bed, and she's assigned to the case. Things get complicated when she has to team up with Nick Cappuano, O'Connor's friend and chief of staff...and the man she had a memorable one-night stand with years earlier. Their sexual chemistry still sizzles, and Sam has to fight to stay focused on the case. Sleeping with a material witness is another mistake she can't afford--especially when the bodies keep piling up.

  • av Marie Force

    Standing over the body of a Supreme Court nominee, Lieutenant Sam Holland is hip-deep in another high-profile murder case. That she was one of the last people to see Julian Sinclair alive only complicates things even more. With her relationship with Senator Nick Cappuano heating up, they're attracting a lot of unwanted media attention and blinding flashbulbs. The pressure is on for Sam to find Sinclair's killer, but a new lead in her father's unsolved shooting puts her in unexpected danger. When long-buried secrets threaten to derail her relationship with Nick, Sam realizes that, while justice can be blind, mixing romance with politics has the potential to be fatal.

  • av Marie Force

    D.C. is recovering from angry riots after one player's mistake blew the D.C. Federals' chance at the World Series, and Lt. Sam Holland is determined to unravel the twisted web of motives behind the star center fielder's death. Was it a disgruntled fan, a spurned lover, or a furious teammate? While Sam digs through clues, her husband, U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano, fights for his political life in the final days of his reelection campaign as financial irregularities threaten his future. It's a distraction Nick can ill afford with Sam in the midst of another high-profile murder investigation and both of them trying to help their adopted son, Scotty, cope with the murder of a ball player he admired. Determined to bring the killer to justice, Sam must root out the truth before another mistake proves fatal.

  • av Marie Force

    This is the one you've been waiting for... Max Abbott takes center stage in the Butler, Vermont Series finale when the timeline jumps forward five years and finds Max staring down his ten-year high school reunion, with no desire whatsoever to attend. Under pressure from his family to go, he ends up glad to be there when he connects with the only person from high school he wanted to see--his ex-girlfriend, Lexi, who's been "missing" the last ten years. When Max finds out where Lexi has been--and why--and realizes all the old familiar feelings are still there, he'll have to decide if he can risk taking a chance on an uncertain situation with her or if he'd rather continue to be alone with his son, Caden. Find out where all the Abbotts and Colemans are and what Fred and Dexter are up to five years later as this beloved series comes to an exciting and heartfelt conclusion.

  • av Marie Force

    Grief brought them together. Will it also tear them apart? Eighteen months after suddenly losing the love of my life, I'm coming out of the fog of early grief and taking a hard look at the rest of my life. With three young children to care for on my own while also managing their grief, I haven't had a lot of time to ponder what's next for me. When I think about what I really want, I keep coming back to one thing. Or I should say one person--someone who understands what I've been through because he's been there too, only his losses were far worse than mine. I find myself thinking about him all the time, but is he ready for the things I want? I have no idea, but I'm determined to find out.

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