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Bøker av Lama Jampa Thaye

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  • av Lama Jampa Thaye

    Lama Jampa Thaye ha recibido innumerables Iniciaciones,transmisiones e instrucciones de todas las escuelastibetanas (Sakya, Kagyu, Nygma y Kadam). Sus MaestrosSakya -S.S Sakya Trizin, Karma Trinley Rimpoché y NgorPhende Rimpoché- le han impartido las enseñanzas másimportantes de esta tradición. Lama Jampa Thaye es unode los pocos Maestros occidentales Sakya que está altamentecualificado para componer una guía definitiva a lasenseñanzas de esta maravillosa tradición.Lluvia de Claridad está basado en la autoridad deMaestros Iluminados Sakya -Sönam Tsemo, Sakya Panditay Gorampa-, así como en comentarios clásicos de la Indiabudista. Explica las etapas del sendero a la Iluminaciónsegún la particular comprensión de la tradición Sakya.Lluvia de Claridad es uno de los primeros tratados escritosen castellano con todas las cualidades de un comentario(shastra) tradicional.También aborda dilemas contemporáneos con losque se enfrentan los practicantes budistas occidentalesde hoy en día. Compuesto con una lucidez remarcable,tal y como reza su título, Lluvia de Claridad es una guíaaccesible y de fiar acerca de todos los aspectos del senderodel Dharma según la gloriosa tradición Sakya.

  • av Lama Jampa Thaye

    El budismo tiene la oportunidad de mezclarse la cultura occidental como nunca antes. Pero realmente necesita adaptarse el budismo a la ciencia o la politica occidental?

  • av Lama Jampa Thaye

    This edition presents teachings on "dependent origination," which is the key to understanding the teachings of the Buddha and transforming disruptive emotions into true wisdom and compassion.

  • - Dharma Chronicles
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    The memories, dreams and reflections of a modern lama born in the West who became heir to the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • - The Early Kagyu Masters in India and Tibet
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    'A Garland of Gold' is a history of the early masters of the great Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Saraha, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa and their spiritual heirs. This history represents the testament of the Kagyu lineage forefathers, showing us how they developed devotion and confidence in their gurus, received the inspiration of the dakini messengers, obtained the precious lineages, attained the vision of mahamudra, and spread the keys to enlightenment. Their songs, also translated here, though incomplete without a master¿s textual transmission, offer a connection with the world of mahamudra. Lama Jampa Thaye's account of the early masters is based on the histories composed by Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa (1504-1566), Go Lotsawa (1392-1481) and Pema Karpo (1527-1592). He received the transmissions and teachings of the Kagyu forefathers from Karma Thinley Rinpoche and his other gurus such as Ato Rinpoche and Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. The Kagyu tradition is one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism alongside the Sakya, Nyingma and Gelug. It rose to prominence in the eleventh and twelfth centuries C.E. some one and a half millenia after the passing of Lord Buddha and remains one of the great spiritual transmission available in the world today. This book offers a remarkable look into the origins of this world.

  • - Buddhism and Modern Times
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    Wisdom in Exile provides a new insight into Buddhism's encounter with Western culture and the Western mind in the early 21st century. Jampa Thaye has trained for over 40 years with some of the foremost lamas of Tibetan Buddhism, yet is a Westerner, living in Britain, teaching Buddhism to students throughout Europe and North America. He draws on that knowledge and experience to explain the space that now exists for Buddhism in the West, and identifies critical conflicts and tensions that must be resolved for modern Westerners to grasp the essence of the Buddhist teachings. The book culminates with detailed instructions in the meditation system of 'The Four Immeasurables', allowing the reader to properly orientate themselves within the world of Buddhism and learn how to practice. "Wisdom in Exile proposes a fresh approach to Buddhism, one in which the fundamental tenets of the Buddha's teachings are rediscovered." His Holiness Sakya Trichen, 41st Head of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism

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