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Bøker av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

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  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Feel awful from morning sickness? Discover simple solutions for nausea relief without medication in this holistic pregnancy handbook. Food & lifestyle tips, along with relaxation rituals and gentle exercise plans empower you to take charge of symptoms and start thriving again.Are you tired of feeling out of control? Within these pages, discover the hidden power of self-care. Learn how small adjustments to diet, routine and mindset can lift your spirit and ease your greatest challenges from morning sickness and beyond.Through immersive stories and evidence-backed solutions, find your way back to the vibrant woman within. Nourish your wellness from the inside out with mindfulness routines you can truly do anywhere, appetite-saving recipes customized just for you and community secrets from those who've been where you are now. No matter your symptoms, gain access to an arsenal of customized tips created with your unique experience in mind. Feel empowered to take back ownership of even your toughest days. It's time to reconnect with what makes you, YOU. Your amazing journey is waiting - will you finally feel ready to reclaim it?

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Únete a Cade, un niño curioso, en un encantador viaje para descubrir el mundo de los ángeles. La insaciable curiosidad de Cade por los ángeles lo lleva a preguntarle a su mamá qué son y cómo nos mantienen a salvo. En respuesta, su madre comparte una hermosa historia que devela los misterios de estos seres celestiales."¿Qué son los Ángeles?" es un cuento conmovedor que introduce a los niños al fascinante reino de los ángeles. A través del viaje de Cade, los jóvenes lectores obtendrán una comprensión más profunda de estos seres celestiales y su papel como mensajeros, protectores y guardianes. Esta encantadora historia inspirará a los niños a abrazar el amor de Dios y encontrar consuelo al saber que los ángeles siempre están cuidándolos, listos para echarles una mano.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    En la encantadora historia de "¿Todo lo que Dios hace es bueno?", los hermanos Aurora y Cade se embarcan en una emocionante aventura con su curioso primo, Conor. Mientras viajan a través de las maravillas de la naturaleza, descubren la belleza y la bondad de todo lo que Dios ha creado. Desde las flores vibrantes hasta los refrescantes arroyos, cada elemento del mundo natural tiene un propósito y un recordatorio del poder y el amor de Dios. Con cada paso, los niños aprenden a apreciar y cuidar las diversas criaturas y paisajes que los rodean, entendiendo que incluso el insecto o vegetal más pequeño tiene su papel en el gran diseño. Guiados por un versículo eterno de 1 Timoteo 4:4, abrazan la gratitud y el respeto por la increíble variedad de las creaciones de Dios. A medida que crecen, Aurora, Cade y Conor continúan explorando y maravillándose de las maravillas del mundo, siempre agradecidos por la bondad que los rodea. "¿Es bueno todo lo que Dios hace?" es un conmovedor libro para niños que inspira a los lectores jóvenes a valorar y respetar la belleza de las creaciones de Dios, fomentando un profundo aprecio por el mundo natural.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "¿Dios miente?" es una historia cautivadora y encantadora que explora la profunda cuestión de la veracidad de Dios. Únase a los hermanos Aurora y Cade mientras se embarcan en un viaje de descubrimiento y fe, topándose con un libro misterioso que revela la naturaleza inquebrantable de las promesas de Dios.En un pequeño y pintoresco pueblo, la inocente curiosidad de Aurora y Cade los lleva a una profunda revelación: que Dios nunca miente ni rompe sus promesas. Llenos de asombro y ansiosos por explorar esta increíble verdad, buscan la guía de su sabia vecina, la Sra. Johnson.Mientras la Sra. Johnson comparte su sabiduría e historias, enseña a los hermanos pequeños a ver las promesas de Dios como constantes y verdaderas, como la salida y la puesta del sol. Aprenden que las promesas de Dios brindan amor, protección y guía, y sirven como un faro firme en medio de las tormentas de la vida."¿Dios miente?" invita a lectores de todas las edades a abrazar el cofre del tesoro de las promesas de Dios: una colección llena de amor, paz y esperanza. Sirve como un recordatorio para abrir nuestros corazones y confiar en Él, porque Dios siempre es fiel y Sus promesas brindan una base sólida sobre la cual podemos construir nuestras vidas.Únase a Aurora y Cade en un inspirador viaje de fe, descubrimiento y verdad inquebrantable. Adéntrate en las infinitas maravillas que aguardan a quienes creen en la seguridad inquebrantable de que Dios nunca miente.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Después de esto, "¿Dónde está Dios?" lleva a los jóvenes lectores a un viaje de descubrimiento, destacando la belleza de la presencia de Dios en la vida cotidiana. Lady Kimberly Motes Doty les recuerda a los niños que, aunque es posible que Dios no sea visto con ojos físicos, su amor y guía siempre están ahí, esperando ser descubiertos en las maravillas del mundo y la bondad de los demás. Esta conmovedora historia inspira a los niños a explorar su propia conexión con Dios, fomentando un sentido de asombro y gratitud.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Aurora sabía que Dios era diferente a nosotros pero ella hizo entiendo muy bien cómo.El primer libro de la serie, "¿Qué o quién es Dios?", aborda la antigua pregunta que ha desconcertado a las mentes a lo largo de la historia. Lady Kimberly Motes Doty presenta a los niños el concepto de Dios de una manera gentil y cercana, animándolos a hacer preguntas y explorar su curiosidad. A través de este libro, los niños desarrollarán una conexión personal con Dios, lo que les permitirá comprender Su presencia en sus vidas.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "What Are Angels?" is a heartwarming children's book that explores the concept of angels and their role in our lives. Through the eyes of a curious little boy named Cade, author Lady Kimberly Motes Doty takes young readers on a journey of discovery and understanding.Cade's fascination with angels leads him to ask his mother about their purpose and how they keep us safe. In response, his loving mother imparts wisdom and shares stories from the Bible. She explains that angels, although invisible to the human eye, are like invisible superheroes sent by God to watch over and protect us.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty
    180 - 483,-

    Introducing a captivating new children's book series by the talented author, Lady Kimberly Motes Doty. "Discovering God's Love" is an exploration of God's love and teachings through enchanting and relatable stories that conveys the sense of curiosity and discovery that young readers will experience as they delve into each book. "Discovering God's Love" emphasizes the spiritual growth and lifelong connection with God. The first five books in the series have been released with the full series to include short stories about the commandments, how to treat others, how to treat animals, and our own personal growth with God.This extraordinary collection aims to teach children about God's boundless love and His teachings from the Bible through enchanting short stories. Lady Doty has masterfully crafted these tales to speak directly to children in a language they can easily understand, making each book both Biblically based and effortlessly relatable. "What or Who is God?" Is a captivating book that follows the curious and kind hearted Aurora on a quest to uncover the answer to a timeless question - What or who is God? Aurora embarks on a journey of exploration eager to learn more about God and his boundless love to humanity. Join Aurora on this enchanting adventure and discover for yourself the joy of connecting with God, the ever present invisible friend who watches over us listening to our hearts.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    In the charming children's book, "Is Anger Bad?", three cousins named Aurora, Cade, and Conor embark on an unforgettable summer adventure in the idyllic town of Harmonyville. As they explore the beach together, they encounter a small crab and marvel at its beauty. But when they witness a child's angry outburst, their sunny day takes a surprising turn.Guided by Aurora, the oldest and wisest cousin, the trio delves into the complexities of anger. Aurora explains that anger is a natural emotion, just like happiness or sadness, and it can be both good and bad. Drawing inspiration from a story about Jesus, she teaches her cousins how to use their anger in positive ways.With newfound knowledge, the cousins navigate their journey with empathy and understanding. They learn to express their feelings calmly, seek solutions, and make a difference in the world. Hand in hand, they face challenges with love and compassion, ready to spread kindness wherever they go."Is Anger Bad?" is a charming tale that teaches children about the power of anger and how to handle it wisely. Through relatable characters and captivating storytelling, this book empowers young readers to embrace their emotions and make a positive impact on the world

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Get ready for an enchanting adventure with Conor and his wise grandmother, Mimi, in this heartwarming tale of love, discovery, and the magic of the sea. The conch shell has become an endangered animal! Now Conor and Mimi can only find them on the beach if they happen to wash up on shore. Join them as they set off on a treasure hunt to find the perfect Conch shell, rumored to possess a magical sound. As they explore the sandy shore, encountering playful dolphins and curious seagulls, their bond grows stronger. Along the way, they collect fascinating seashells of all colors and patterns, but none compare to the beauty and magic of the Conch shell they seek. Conor and Mimi's treasure hunt is a story passed down through generations, inspiring children to embark on their own adventures and reminding us all of the power of perseverance, love, and the magic found in the simplest moments. Dive into this captivating tale and discover the greatest treasures are often found in the company of loved ones.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    This delightful book will leave young readers feeling safe, loved, and eager to explore their spiritual connection with God and Angels.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "Where is God?" is a heartwarming children's book that follows the journey of Aurora, a curious young girl, as she seeks to understand the presence of God.Wondering where God is, Aurora embarks on a quest to discover His whereabouts.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "What is God's Greatest Commandment?" is a captivating children's book that invites young readers on an enchanting adventure with three cousins: Aurora, Conor, and Cade. In their beautiful village, these playful children stumble upon a remarkable discovery - a special book called the Bible.As they delve into its pages, they uncover the concept of commandments - guidelines bestowed upon us by God to live a righteous and fair life. With over six hundred verses in Bible full of commandments to explore, the children learn that two commandments hold the utmost significance.The first commandment is to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind. This encompasses loving God with their thoughts, feelings, and entire being. They realize that loving God means communicating with Him, expressing gratitude for the wonders of the world, and showing kindness to others.The second vital commandment is to love their neighbors as themselves. This means treating others with kindness and love, just as they would wish to be treated. The children grasp the importance of being good neighbors - helping others, sharing, and fostering friendships.Inspired by a story they read in the Bible about Jesus, who emphasized the significance of these commandments, Aurora, Conor, and Cade embark on a mission to live by these principles each day. They start by saying daily prayers, expressing gratitude for God's love and seeking guidance. Additionally, they demonstrate kindness to their neighbors, lending a helping hand, sharing their toys, and becoming true friends.As the children follow these commandments, something magical happens. Their village becomes a happier and more loving place. The kindness and love exhibited by Aurora, Conor, and Cade inspire others to embrace these commandments as well.Through their journey, the children learn that by loving God and loving others, they have the power to make a positive difference in the world. They come to understand that these commandments are not mere rules, but a pathway to a meaningful and fulfilling life.From that day forward, Aurora, Conor, and Cade continue to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind, while treating others with kindness and love. They become shining examples of how following the commandments can bring joy and harmony to their village.In this heartwarming tale, readers of "What is God's Greatest Commandment?" are reminded of the transformative power of love and the significance of living by the two greatest commandments from the Bible. The story serves as an inspiring reminder for children of all ages to embrace love, kindness, and compassion in their own lives, spreading these virtues wherever they go.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "Does God Lie?" is a heartwarming tale that follows the journey of two siblings, Aurora and Cade, as they find a mysterious old book about God's promises. Intrigued by the idea of unwavering faithfulness, they embark on a quest to learn more about the reliability of God's word.Guided by their wise neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, Aurora and Cade uncover the beauty and truth behind God's promises. Through engaging conversations and captivating stories, they discover that God's promises are like the sun rising and setting every day - constant and unwavering. As they explore the wonders of nature, Aurora and Cade witness firsthand the evidence of God's faithfulness. They learn that His promises serve as a solid foundation in times of doubt and fear, offering love, protection, and guidance throughout their lives.Through the pages of "Does God Lie?" readers are invited to embrace the truth that God's promises are like a treasure chest filled with love, peace, and hope. This heartwarming story reminds us that in a world filled with uncertainties, we can find solace and strength in the unwavering faithfulness of God.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Join Aurora, Cade, and Conor on a thrilling treasure hunt that takes them on a journey through the wonders of God's creation. As they follow a map, they encounter breathtaking flowers, refreshing streams, majestic waterfalls, and magnificent trees. Along the way, the children learn that everything God creates is good and meant to be cherished. Filled with awe and gratitude, they vow to appreciate and care for the world around them. This heartwarming story reminds young readers of the beauty and love found in God's creations and the importance of being good stewards of the natural world. "Is Everything God Does Good?" is a delightful tale that encourages children to explore, appreciate, and respect the wonders of the world.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty
    180 - 343,-

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Get ready to take your organizational skills to the next level with the ultimate planner designed to revolutionize your life! Introducing the all-in-one organizational planner, a game-changer for life coaching, universities, teachers, and students.This incredible planner will transform the way you plan, organize, and achieve your goals. With a yearly, monthly, and weekly layout, it offers the perfect balance between long-term vision and day-to-day tasks. Say goodbye to juggling multiple planners, as everything you need can now be found in one convenient place.With its sleek design, durable construction, and user-friendly layout, this organizational planner is a must-have for anyone seeking to maximize their productivity and achieve their goals. It's time to take control of your life, eliminate stress, and unlock your full potential.So, whether you're a life coach looking to empower your clients, a university student striving for academic excellence, or a teacher seeking to organize your classes seamlessly, this organizational planner is your ultimate companion. Get ready to conquer your goals, one perfectly planned day at a time!

  • - The Sea Whispers To Me
    av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Step into a world where the ocean's allure holds the power to captivate your heart and set your spirit free. Prepare to be swept away by the enchanting tale of love and longing in "The Sea and The Princess." In this mesmerizing novel, the sea takes on a life of its own, whispering secrets and beckoning us to explore its depths. It calls to our souls, urging us to escape the mundane and embrace the magic that lies within its endless waves. Can you resist the siren song of the sea? "The Sea and The Princess" is a love story that transcends time and space, weaving together the bonds forged between humanity and the majestic sea. It reminds us of the power of love, not only for the ocean but also for those who surround us. Dive into a world where love knows no boundaries, where the sea becomes an integral part of our identity. Immerse yourself in the pages of this extraordinary tale and let your imagination soar. Lose yourself in the dance of the dunes, the melody of crashing waves, and the tender embrace of a love that defies all odds. Feel the sea's presence as it whispers its secrets to you, inviting you to surrender to its irresistible allure. "The Sea and The Princess, The Sea Whispers to Me" is more than just a book - it's an experience that will leave you yearning for more. So, surrender yourself to the call of the sea, and let this captivating love story wash over you. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you view the world around you.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "If The Alphabet Grew Out of The Sea" is a Children's adventure alphabet learning workbook about sea animals through the eyes of cousins Mermaid Ninja Princess Aurora, Merman Ninja Prince Braden, Merman Prince Conor and Merman Prince Cade as they discover which sea animals begin with the letters of the alphabet. As they traverse the sea they are also looking for their favorite sea animal to train and ride as their very own. Come on this magical factual journey through the sea of real sea animals turned into cartoons with Princess Mermaid Ninja Aurora, Prince Merman Ninja Braden, Prince Merman Ninja Conor and Prince Merman Ninja Cade and discover your favorite sea animals. Maybe you too will find your magical sea animal to train and ride of your very own! "If The Alphabet Grew Out of The Sea" is the first book in the series of adventures for the Princess / Princes Mermaid / Mermen Ninja cousins. The next book slated in the series is the Crazy Fat Tail Cats Adventures with their silly southern kittens night craziness exploring flying off the ceiling fans and other such kitten nonsense!

  • - Learning to Manage Life So Life Doesn't Manage You
    av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "Life As Cake" is a captivating journey through the various ways we can experience life. With its vibrant and enticing cover, this book invites you to explore the sweet and delectable moments that make up our existence. The image on the cover depicts a mouthwatering slice of cake, beautifully decorated with layers of rich frosting and adorned with colorful sprinkles. It captures the essence of life's abundance and joy.Inside these pages, you will discover the power of choice and the impact it has on our daily experiences. Just like savoring a piece of cake, the author encourages you to approach life with intention and mindfulness. Whether you choose to savor each bite, take quick and efficient nibbles, or indulge in messy and delightful moments, every decision shapes your unique journey.Through heartfelt stories, insightful reflections, and practical advice, "Life As Cake" invites you to embrace the fullness of life. It encourages you to embrace both the ups and downs, the sweetness and the challenges, and to find meaning and fulfillment in every moment.So, grab a fork and prepare to embark on a delightful adventure. "Life As Cake" will inspire you to savor every experience, to celebrate the deliciousness of existence, and to create a life that is as fulfilling as your favorite slice of cake.

  • - A Pregnancy Nausea and Vomiting Basics Handbook
    av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Experience the miracle of pregnancy with confidence and support! At each stage of pregnancy, your body goes through incredible changes that can be overwhelming and unpredictable. But fret not, because we have a solution to help you navigate through it all.Introducing "Pregnancy, Nausea & Vomiting: A Pregnancy Nausea Basics Handbook" - your ultimate guide to understanding and managing the common challenges of pregnancy. This handbook is here to provide you with the knowledge, tips, and support you need to embrace this life-changing event with ease and joy.Written with the latest research and development innovations, this book is your go-to resource for everything related to pregnancy nausea. From understanding when and why it occurs to discovering effective remedies, we have got you covered. We also delve into the importance of vitamins and nutrients, ensuring you and your baby's health during this critical stage of your pregnancy journey.But what sets this book apart is its emphasis on community and support. We believe that together, we can make this journey smoother and more enjoyable. By sharing experiences and providing practical advice, we create a network of support for you to lean on.So, why wait? Take the first step towards a healthier and happier pregnancy by grabbing your copy of "Pregnancy, Nausea & Vomiting: A Pregnancy Nausea Basics Handbook" today. Let us be your trusted companion as you embark on this incredible journey of motherhood.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Embark on an exhilarating journey that will ignite the flames of curiosity in the hearts of children everywhere! Dive into the spiritual realms of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, where secrets are unveiled and fascinating tales come to life. But that's not all - prepare to be enchanted by the captivating world of angels and discover the profound wisdom Jesus shared about the incredible creatures that roam our planet. "A Children's Guide to a Godly Way of Life" is not just another ordinary book. It is a treasure trove of knowledge and wonder, carefully crafted to quench the thirst for understanding that resides within every child's soul. With each turn of the page, their imagination will ignite, propelling them on a lifelong voyage of love and devotion to God, and an insatiable hunger for unraveling the mysteries of the divine. Join us on this unforgettable expedition, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary and awe-inspiring revelations await. Brace yourself for a delightful adventure that will leave children yearning to explore the depths of their faith, as they uncover the awe-inspiring truths about God, Jesus, and the captivating teachings that hold the key to a truly godly way of life.Introducing children to the wonders of God and the teachings of the Bible is a vital aspect of their spiritual development. That's why "A Children's Guide to A Godly Way of Life" is the ideal resource to nurture their curiosity and guide them towards a deeper understanding of faith.In today's world, children are increasingly inquisitive about God and the meaning behind creation. They long to comprehend the principles outlined in the Bible and strive to make righteous choices. By introducing them to the commandments and the valuable lessons Jesus taught us about living a godly life, we can provide them with a solid foundation in their spiritual journey.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    Just as the sun comes up every day as a signal of a new day dawning, a new beginning for the earth, we can reinvent ourselves as a new self, a new creation each new day as a gift from God, this is your new day dawning.

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty

    "If The Alphabet Grew Out of The Sea" is a Children's adventure alphabet learning workbook about sea animals through the eyes of cousins Mermaid Ninja Princess Aurora, Merman Ninja Prince Braden, Merman Prince Conor and Merman Prince Cade as they discover which sea animals begin with the letters of the alphabet. As they traverse the sea they are also looking for their favorite sea animal to train and ride as their very own.Come on this magical factual journey through the sea of real sea animals turned into cartoons with Princess Mermaid Ninja Aurora, Prince Merman Ninja Braden, Prince Merman Ninja Conor and Prince Merman Ninja Cade and discover your favorite sea animals. Maybe you too will find your magical sea animal to train and ride of your very own!

  • av Lady Kimberly Motes Doty
    355 - 533,-

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