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Bøker av Kristin Harmel

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  • - An internationally bestselling story of love, courage and forgiveness
    av Kristin Harmel

    The Winemaker's Wife, a captivating novel by Kristin Harmel, is a tale that will transport you to the vineyards of France. Published in 2021 by the renowned Welbeck Publishing Group, this book is a delightful addition to the historical fiction genre. It weaves a story of love, betrayal, and resilience set against the backdrop of the tumultuous times of World War II. The narrative is as intoxicating as the finest wine, drawing readers into a world of deep emotions and vivid imagery. Kristin Harmel's storytelling prowess is on full display, making 'The Winemaker's Wife' a must-read for anyone seeking a literary escape. Don't miss out on this exceptional work of fiction from Welbeck Publishing Group.

  • av Kristin Harmel
    203 - 358,-

    Boken med glemte navn handler om en ung kvinne hjelper hundrevis av barn å rømme fra nazistene. Boken er basert på en sann historie fra andre verdenskrig.Paris, våren 1942. Den unge studenten Eva må flykte fra Paris sammen med sin mor fordi faren, en polsk jøde, blir arrestert. Flukten fører dem til en liten landsby i den såkalte frisonen, hvor Eva kommer med i en motstandsgruppe som smuglet jødiske barn over grensen til Sveits. Mange av barna er foreldreløse, og for at deres opprinnelige navn aldri skal bli glemt, fører Eva og hennes venn Remy dem inn med en hemmelig kode i en gammel bok med religiøse tekster.Mange år senere arbeider Eva som bibliotekar i Florida. En morgen faller blikket hennes på et fotografi i et magasin. Hun stivner; det er et bilde av en bok hun ikke har sett på sekstifem år - en bok hun bare husker som Boken med glemte navn.Boken er nå trygt plassert på et bibliotek i Berlin. Den ser ut til å inneholde noen hemmelige koder, men forskere vet ikke hvor den kommer fra eller hva kodene betyr. Bare Eva har svaret på gåten, men har hun krefter nok til å oppsøke gamle minner og krigens grusomheter?

  • av Kristin Harmel
    176 - 385,-

    Skogens usynlige stjerner er en ny, gripende roman av Kristin Harmel, med handling fra andre verdenskrig. Boken er basert på virkelige hendelser.Yona er bare to år gammel da hun kidnappes fra sine foreldre i Berlin. Hun vokser opp dypt inne i Øst-Europas skoger og lærer seg å finne mat, bygge hytter og overleve gjennom kalde vintre.Da kidnapperen hennes dør, har Yona blitt en voksen kvinne, og nå er hun helt alene. Samtidig har andre verdenskrig brutt ut, og Yona møter en gruppe jøder som har bosatt seg i skogen for å unngå nazistene. For Yona er det et sjokk å få høre om alt som skjer ute i verden, og hun lærer dem alt hun kan om å overleve i skogen.Gruppen får snart et tett bånd, men når en av Yonas nye venner svikter henne på en fryktelig måte, flykter hun og havner i en by som er okkupert av tyskerne. Og så står hun plutselig ansikt til ansikt med en person hun aldri trodde hun skulle få se igjen.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Parade "Best Books of Summer" pick * Real Simple pick * She Reads "Best WWII Fiction of Summer 2021" pick The New York Times bestselling author of the "heart-stopping tale of survival and heroism" (People) The Book of Lost Names returns with an evocative coming-of-age World War II story about a young woman who uses her knowledge of the wilderness to help Jewish refugees escape the Nazis?until a secret from her past threatens everything.After being stolen from her wealthy German parents and raised in the unforgiving wilderness of eastern Europe, a young woman finds herself alone in 1941 after her kidnapper dies. Her solitary existence is interrupted, however, when she happens upon a group of Jews fleeing the Nazi terror. Stunned to learn what's happening in the outside world, she vows to teach the group all she can about surviving in the forest?and in turn, they teach her some surprising lessons about opening her heart after years of isolation. But when she is betrayed and escapes into a German-occupied village, her past and present come together in a shocking collision that could change everything. Inspired by incredible true stories of survival against staggering odds, and suffused with the journey-from-the-wilderness elements that made Where the Crawdads Sing a worldwide phenomenon, The Forest of Vanishing Stars is a heart-wrenching and suspenseful novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author whose writing has been hailed as "sweeping and magnificent" (Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author), "immersive and evocative" (Publishers Weekly), and "gripping" (Tampa Bay Times).

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Yona has used her knowledge of the wilderness to help hundreds of Jews escape the Nazis. But what happens when a secret from her past emerges and threatens everything?

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Forfatteren bak den internasjonale bestselgeren Der valmuene vokser er tilbake med en dypt rørende fortelling med handling fra champagnedistriktene i Nord-Frankrike under andre verdenskrig. Champagne, 1940: Inès har nettopp giftet seg med Michel, eier av et velrennomert champagnehus, da tyskerne invaderer Frankrike. Michel begynner å skjule våpen for motstandsbevegelsen, og Inès går i konstant frykt for at de skal bli avslørt. For Céline, den halvt jødiske hustruen til vingårdens chef de cave, er risikoen enda større - det går allerede rykter om at jøder blir transportert østover til en ubeskrivelig skjebne. New York, 2019: Liv Kent har akkurat mistet alt hun eier da hennes franske bestemor uanmeldt dukker opp. Hun inviterer Liv med seg til Frankrike, nærmere bestemt vingården Maison Chauveau, og tar ikke nei for et svar. Liv er skeptisk, men oppdager snart at hennes egen redning kan ligge i nettopp denne vingården.

  • av Kristin Harmel
    182 - 358,-

    Når amerikanske Ruby kommer til Paris i 1939 sammen med sin franske ektemann, ser hun for seg at de skal spasere arm i arm langs de store bulevardene. Men krigen lurer i horisonten, og snart inntar nazistene Frankrike.Charlotte er elleve år når tyskerne kommer til den franske hovedstaden. Etter at jødene har fått ordre om å gå med den gule stjernen, kan ikke Charlotte forestille seg at det kan bli verre, men så begynner massedeportasjonene.Thomas går inn i British Royal Air Force for å forsvare landet sitt, men da moren dør i et tysk bombeangrep, begynner han å lure på om han kan gjøre noen forskjell. Men når han havner i Paris, oppdager han en ny grunn til å slåss.Når skjebnen bringer dem sammen, må Ruby, Charlotte og Thomas finne mot til å trosse nazistene - og åpne sine egne hjerter - samtidig som de kjemper for å overleve.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Parade ';Best Books of Summer' pick * Real Simple summer reading pick * SheReads ';Best WWII Fiction of Summer 2021' pick The New York Times bestselling author of the ';heart-stopping tale of survival and heroism' (People) The Book of Lost Names returns with an evocative coming-of-age World War II story about a young woman who uses her knowledge of the wilderness to help Jewish refugees escape the Nazisuntil a secret from her past threatens everything.After being stolen from her wealthy German parents and raised in the unforgiving wilderness of eastern Europe, a young woman finds herself alone in 1941 after her kidnapper dies. Her solitary existence is interrupted, however, when she happens upon a group of Jews fleeing the Nazi terror. Stunned to learn what's happening in the outside world, she vows to teach the group all she can about surviving in the forestand in turn, they teach her some surprising lessons about opening her heart after years of isolation. But when she is betrayed and escapes into a German-occupied village, her past and present come together in a shocking collision that could change everything. Inspired by incredible true stories of survival against staggering odds, and suffused with the journey-from-the-wilderness elements that made Where the Crawdads Sing a worldwide phenomenon, The Forest of Vanishing Stars is a heart-wrenching and suspenseful novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author whose writing has been hailed as ';sweeping and magnificent' (Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author), ';immersive and evocative' (Publishers Weekly), and ';gripping' (Tampa Bay Times).

  • av Kristin Harmel

    A moving and entrancing novel set in Paris during World War II about an American woman, a dashing pilot, and a young Jewish girl whose fates unexpectedly entwineperfect for the fans of Kristen Hannah's The Nightingale and Martha Hall Kelly's Lilac Girls, this is ';an emotional, heart-breaking, inspiring tribute to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of love' (Mariah Stewart, New York Times bestselling author).When Ruby first marries the dashing Frenchman she meets in a coffee shop, she pictures a life strolling arm in arm along French boulevards, awash in the golden afternoon light. But it's 1938, and war is looming on the horizon. Unfortunately, her marriage soon grows cold and bitter, her husband Marcel, distant and secretiveall while the Germans flood into Paris, their sinister swastika flags waving in the breeze. When Marcel is killed, Ruby discovers the secret he'd been hidinghe was a member of the French resistanceand now she is determined to take his place. She becomes involved in hiding Allied soldiersincluding a charming RAF pilotwho have landed in enemy territory. But her skills are ultimately put to the test when she begins concealing her twelve-year-old Jewish neighbor, Charlotte, whose family was rounded up by the Gestapo. Ruby and Charlotte become a little family, but as the German net grows tighter around Paris, and the Americans debate entering the combat, the danger increases. No one is safe. ';Set against all the danger and drama of WWII Paris, this heartfelt novel will keep you turning the pages until the very last word' (Mary Alice Monroe, New York Times bestselling author).

  • av Kristin Harmel

    A tale of baking, love, hope and faith across generations - with recipes!

  • av Kristin Harmel

    From the author of the international bestseller The Sweetness of Forgetting comes a captivating novel about the struggle to overcome the past when our memories refuse to be forgotten.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    A sweeping and heart-breaking WW2 novel that takes the reader from Munich to POW camps in 1940s Florida. A revised and updated edition from a New York Times bestselling author.

  • av Kristin Harmel

  • av Kristin Harmel
    229 - 379,-

    To mødre må ta hjerteskjærende valg når de står ansikt til ansikt med nazistene. Disse valgene får konsekvenser i flere generasjoner fremover.Elise og Juliette møtes i Paris i 1939 og blir raskt nære venner. Begge venter barn, og med kort mellomrom føder de hver sin pike. De tror ikke noe kan skille dem, men ingen av dem kan vite hvordan krigen skal endre livene deres.Da Elise må flykte fra nazistene, overlater hun sin lille datter, det mest dyrebare hun har, til Juliette. Jenta vokser opp sammen med Juliettes egen lille jente. Men ingen er trygge i krig, ei heller i en bortgjemt liten bokhandel som La Librairie des Rêves ... og da en bombe treffer nabolaget, faller Juliettes verden i grus.Så fort krigen er over, reiser Elise tilbake til Paris for å finne datteren sin. Juliette har overlevd, det samme har én av jentene. Men er det Elises eller Juliettes datter som lever? Elises desperate jakt på sannheten leder henne til slutt til New York, og til et siste, skjebnesvangert møte med Juliette.

  • av Kristin Harmel

  • av Kristin Harmel
    164 - 214,-

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Hope, skilt og mor til en datter på tolv, driver det gamle familiebakeriet på Cape Cod. Bestemoren Rose er på vei inn i glemselen, men i et glimt av klarsyn gir hun Hope en liste med navn og ber henne reise til Paris for å finne ut hva som skjedde med familien under krigen. Det blir en reise tilbake i tid, og vi får en sterk historie om hvordan muslimene hjalp jødene med å flykte fra nazistene.Les intervju med forfatteren her.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Kate er musikkterapeut i New York og skal snart gifte seg med en kjekk og vellykket mann. Alt er perfekt, bortsett fra at Kate plutselig begynner å ha merkelige, livaktige drømmer om sin første ektemann. I drømmene dør ikke Patrick den gangen for tolv år siden, og han og Kate har en datter, Hannah.Følelsene og bildene er så levende og føles så riktige at Kate ikke vet hva hun skal tro. Forsøker Patrick å fortelle henne noe, eller er det bare hennes egen redsel for å gripe denne nye sjansen til å bli lykkelig som gir seg sånne merkelige utslag?Gjennom drømmene får Kate en rekke spor, og når hun setter dem sammen, skjønner hun at selv om hun har opplevd stor sorg, blir kjærligheten aldri borte.En gripende roman fra forfatteren av den internasjonale bestselgeren Så lenge det er stjerner på himmelen.

  • av Kristin Harmel
    182 - 358,-

    En ny, stor roman fra forfatteren av Så lenge det er stjerner på himmelenEn dag mottar Emily, som nettopp har mistet bestemoren sin, et vakkert maleri som viser en ung kvinne som står midt i en åker under en lilla himmel. Kvinnen ligner på Emilys bestemor, men det fulgte ikke noe annet med bildet enn en håndskrevet lapp: «Han elsket henne hele tiden».Når Emily begynner å nøste i dette mysteriet, leder sporene henne til en fangeleir i Florida, der tyske krigsfanger jobbet for amerikanske bønder. Men hva har alt dette med maleriet å gjøre? For å finne svar på det spørsmålet, må Emily legge ut på en reise som tar henne til München og tilbake til Atlanta og kunstnermiljøet der.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Inspired by an astonishing true story from World War II, a young woman with a talent for forgery helps hundreds of Jewish children flee the Nazis in this unforgettable historical novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the ';epic and heart-wrenching World War II tale' (Alyson Noel, #1 New York Times bestselling author) The Winemaker's Wife.Eva Traube Abrams, a semi-retired librarian in Florida, is shelving books one morning when her eyes lock on a photograph in a magazine lying open nearby. She freezes; it's an image of a book she hasn't seen in sixty-five yearsa book she recognizes as The Book of Lost Names. The accompanying article discusses the looting of libraries by the Nazis across Europe during World War IIan experience Eva remembers welland the search to reunite people with the texts taken from them so long ago. The book in the photograph, an eighteenth-century religious text thought to have been taken from France in the waning days of the war, is one of the most fascinating cases. Now housed in Berlin's Zentral- und Landesbibliothek library, it appears to contain some sort of code, but researchers don't know where it came fromor what the code means. Only Eva holds the answerbut will she have the strength to revisit old memories and help reunite those lost during the war? As a graduate student in 1942, Eva was forced to flee Paris after the arrest of her father, a Polish Jew. Finding refuge in a small mountain town in the Free Zone, she begins forging identity documents for Jewish children fleeing to neutral Switzerland. But erasing people comes with a price, and along with a mysterious, handsome forger named Rmy, Eva decides she must find a way to preserve the real names of the children who are too young to remember who they really are. The records they keep in The Book of Lost Names will become even more vital when the resistance cell they work for is betrayed and Rmy disappears. An engaging and evocative novel reminiscent of The Lost Girls of Paris and The Alice Network, The Book of Lost Names is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of bravery and love in the face of evil.

  • - The novel Heather Morris calls 'a truly beautiful story'
    av Kristin Harmel

    The Book of Lost Names is a gripping novel by Kristin Harmel. Published in 2021 by the Welbeck Publishing Group, this book is a must-read for any fan of the genre. The Book of Lost Names takes you on a journey of suspense and intrigue, as the author masterfully weaves a tale that captivates the reader from the very first page. Kristin Harmel, known for her compelling storytelling, does not disappoint in this 2021 publication. The Welbeck Publishing Group, a publisher renowned for their selection of thought-provoking books, adds another gem to their collection with The Book of Lost Names. This book is not just a story, it's an experience. So, if you're looking for a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat, look no further than The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Instant #1 bestseller from The Globe and Mail (Toronto) and The Toronto Star ';Love and betrayal, forgiveness and redemption combine in a heady tale of the ever-present pastfantastic!' Pam Jenoff, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost Girls of Paris The author of the ';engrossing' (People) international bestseller The Room on Rue Amlie returns with a moving story set amid the champagne vineyards of northern France during the darkest days of World War II, perfect for fans of Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale.Champagne, 1940: Ins has just married Michel, the owner of storied champagne house Maison Chauveau, when the Germans invade. As the danger mounts, Michel turns his back on his marriage to begin hiding munitions for the Rsistance. Ins fears they'll be exposed, but for Cline, half-Jewish wife of Chauveau's chef de cave, the risk is even greaterrumors abound of Jews being shipped east to an unspeakable fate. When Cline recklessly follows her heart in one desperate bid for happiness, and Ins makes a dangerous mistake with a Nazi collaborator, they risk the lives of those they loveand the champagne house that ties them together. New York, 2019: Liv Kent has just lost everything when her eccentric French grandmother shows up unannounced, insisting on a trip to France. But the older woman has an ulterior motiveand a tragic, decades-old story to share. When past and present finally collide, Liv finds herself on a road to salvation that leads right to the caves of the Maison Chauveau.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Thirty-four-year-old Manhattan accountant Cat Connelly has always lived life on the safe side. But after her little sister gets married, Cat wonders if she has condemned herself to a life of boredom by playing by the rules. She decides to take a chance for once, accepting an invitation to spend a month with an old flame in Italy. But her reunion with the slick and gorgeous Francesco is short-lived, and she finds herself suddenly alone in Rome. Now, she must see if she has the courage to live outside the lines for the first time - and to face a past she never understood. It will take an unexpected friendship with a fiery Italian waitress, a whirlwind Vespa tour of the Eternal City with a handsome stranger, and a surprise encounter with an old acquaintance to show Cat that life doesn't always work out the way you expect, but sometimes you have to have fall in order to fly.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    26-year-old Claire Reilly is on top of her game as one of the youngest celebrity reporters and editors in the business. At Mod magazine, she is a consummate professional, interviewing dreamy Hollywood hunks and staying on top of every story. Unfortunately, her live-in boyfriend seems intent on setting the worlds record for celibacy, yet she finds herself penning articles like Ten Reasons You Should Have a One-Night Stand. When Claire lands the plum assignment of interviewing Cole Brannon, Hollywoods #1 hottie, she knows better than to mix business with pleasure, but the next morning, she finds herself in Coles bed....without her clothes. After the tabloids pick up the story, Claires life is turned upside down. In struggling to regain her reputation, shell learn a great deal about herself....and that you shouldnt always believe everything you read.

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Another gorgeous frothy, fun read from one of our most popular and talented authors

  • av Kristin Harmel

    Legally Blonde meets The Rules in this novel about a cerebral lawyer who can't get a date and tries seeing if being a 'dumb blonde' for a month will improve her love life

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