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Bøker av Karsten Massei

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  • av Karsten Massei

    "When studying honeybees, one will find that they are creatures whose secrets are not easily elicited. A bee colony is an extremely complex entity. It consists of many thousands of individuals who have the ability to respond wisely to a wide variety of circumstances. To this day, it is not clear how they achieve this. In fact, one could say that a bee colony is imbued with an incomprehensible wisdom that encompasses each individual bee and ensures that the colony remains viable despite ever-changing living conditions." -- Karsten MasseiWith Gifts of the Honeybees, Karsten Massei presents the fruits of years of careful intuitive research into the spiritual and elemental reality of honeybees. Karsten's sharing of his ongoing dialogue with the inner being of the bees gifts us with surprising insights, giving us the opportunity to look at the world of bees, and ourselves, with different eyes.There has been a great deal of research and speculation about the reasons why bees are dying. The causes are varied, but there is no doubt that all causes ultimately lead back to human activity. Technical and economic development that began in the nineteenth century has increasingly led to dealing with the beings of nature disrespectfully and in a way that is destructive to life on earth.The spiritual beings that are connected with the life of bees, and whose messages are shared in this book, unequivocally voice that the plight of bees is actually the plight of human beings. They ask us to finally "wake up" to the spiritual reality of our world and the already evident consequences if we do not.Gifts of the Honeybees is a translation from German of Die Gaben die Bienen (Futurum Verlag, 2014). Cover art by Karsten Massei: Honeybees as Messengers of the Spiritual World.

  • av Karsten Massei

  • av Karsten Massei

  • av Karsten Massei

    Is the world around us alive or is it dead?Chorus of the Elemental BeingsIn your hands rests The life of the earth.In your souls Give it the right to live As is fitting for it. Then it cannot fall Which falls so easily, For it is old, But youngIt remains through you.If the widely held belief were true--that matter is the basis of all we know as reality--then life would make no sense. The world would essentially be dead--an absurd notion! What we know as life would be an unexplainable phenomenon, an astounding but accidental miracle. Does this sound familiar? In the undeniable presence of life, this belief can never truly make sense. It demands faith. Thus materialism is superstition. If we dare to entertain the notion--albeit akin to a modern heresy--that life (being), not matter, is the foundation of what we know as reality, then both matter and life make perfect sense.Karsten Massei--who is exceptionally sensitive to the invisible beings of life that surround us always and everywhere--offers a gentle but powerful call, from those beings themselves, to discard superstition and begin to awake to the reality of life.As beings of the living Earth, we have certain responsibilities, too long neglected. The Earth is not an abstraction--a dead "rock" hurtling through space--but a living being. The elemental beings, who are intimately, intrinsically connected to the living Earth and to the living human race, suffer from our indifference, egoism, and ignorance of life, but they have much to teach us and patiently await our attention."Know your environment!" It can begin with this book.

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