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Bøker av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

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  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    O ano de 2023 foi o mais quente de que há registo, de acordo com o Serviço de Alterações Climáticas do Copernicus. A temperatura média global foi de 1,48 °C. Este aumento deveu-se às emissões de gases com efeito de estufa e à desflorestação, que fizeram subir a temperatura dos oceanos e da atmosfera. O ano de 2023 foi marcado por ondas de calor extremas, secas, incêndios, inundações e tempestades. Esta investigação efectuou uma caraterização da variável variação da temperatura média global, foi aplicado um teste de normalidade aos dados utilizando a análise de Shapiro Wilk, verificou-se que a variação da temperatura média global se desvia da média, a projeção futura utilizando o modelo de previsão de regressão linear, ano a ano a partir de 2024 indica que irá aumentar até 2030, resultando numa temperatura global de 1,5 °C em 2026; Esta situação afectará gravemente a saúde de cerca de 350 milhões de pessoas que ficarão sem acesso a água potável, expostas a temperaturas extremas de calor ou de frio intenso e em risco de morte.

  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    The year 2023 was the warmest year in history since records have been kept, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The global average temperature was 1.48 °C. This increase was due to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation that raised ocean and atmospheric temperatures. The year 2023 was marked by extreme heat waves, droughts, fires, floods and storms. This research performed a characterization of the global average temperature change variable, a normality test was applied to the data through the Shapiro Wilk analysis, it was found that the global average temperature change deviates from the average, the future projection through the linear regression forecast model, year by year since 2024 indicates that it will increase until 2030, resulting in the year 2026 the temperature of the planet will be 1.5°C; This will seriously affect the health of some 350 million inhabitants who will be left without access to drinking water, exposed to extreme heat or freezing temperatures, and will be at risk of death.

  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    Il 2023 è stato l'anno più caldo mai registrato, secondo il Copernicus Climate Change Service. La temperatura media globale è stata di 1,48 °C. Questo aumento è dovuto alle emissioni di gas serra e alla deforestazione che hanno innalzato le temperature degli oceani e dell'atmosfera. L'anno 2023 è stato caratterizzato da ondate di calore estreme, siccità, incendi, inondazioni e tempeste. Questa ricerca ha effettuato una caratterizzazione della variabile variazione della temperatura media globale, è stato applicato un test di normalità ai dati utilizzando l'analisi di Shapiro Wilk, è emerso che la variazione della temperatura media globale si discosta dalla media, la proiezione futura utilizzando il modello di previsione di regressione lineare, anno per anno a partire dal 2024, indica che aumenterà fino al 2030, portando a una temperatura globale di 1,5 °C nel 2026; Ciò avrà gravi ripercussioni sulla salute di circa 350 milioni di persone che non avranno accesso all'acqua potabile, saranno esposte a temperature estreme e al gelo e rischieranno di morire.

  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    L'année 2023 a été l'année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée, selon le Copernicus Climate Change Service. La température moyenne mondiale était de 1,48 °C. Cette augmentation est due aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre, à la déforestation qui a fait monter les températures des océans et de l'atmosphère. L'année 2023 a été marquée par des vagues de chaleur extrêmes, des sécheresses, des incendies, des inondations et des tempêtes. Cette recherche a permis de caractériser la variable du changement de la température moyenne mondiale, un test de normalité a été appliqué aux données en utilisant l'analyse de Shapiro Wilk, il a été constaté que le changement de la température moyenne mondiale s'écarte de la moyenne, la projection future en utilisant le modèle de prévision de régression linéaire, année par année à partir de 2024 indique qu'elle augmentera jusqu'en 2030, ce qui aboutira à une température mondiale de 1,5 ° C en 2026 ; Cela affectera gravement la santé de quelque 350 millions de personnes qui n'auront plus accès à l'eau potable, seront exposées à des chaleurs extrêmes ou à des températures glaciales et risqueront de mourir.

  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    Nach Angaben des Copernicus Climate Change Service war das Jahr 2023 das wärmste Jahr seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen. Die globale Durchschnittstemperatur lag bei 1,48 °C. Dieser Anstieg war auf Treibhausgasemissionen und die Abholzung von Wäldern zurückzuführen, die die Temperaturen der Ozeane und der Atmosphäre erhöhten. Das Jahr 2023 war durch extreme Hitzewellen, Dürren, Brände, Überschwemmungen und Stürme gekennzeichnet. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung wurde eine Charakterisierung der Variablen für die Veränderung der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur vorgenommen. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe der Shapiro-Wilk-Analyse auf ihre Normalität hin überprüft, und es wurde festgestellt, dass die globale Durchschnittstemperatur vom Durchschnitt abweicht; die Zukunftsprojektion mit Hilfe des linearen Regressionsprognosemodells zeigt, dass die Temperatur ab 2024 Jahr für Jahr bis 2030 ansteigen wird, was zu einer globalen Temperatur von 1,5 °C im Jahr 2026 führt; Dies wird schwerwiegende Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit von etwa 350 Millionen Menschen haben, die keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser haben werden, extremer Hitze oder eisiger Kälte ausgesetzt sind und in Lebensgefahr schweben.

  • av Juan Carlos Gómez Méndez

    Within the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation at its headquarters in the city of Monteria, there have been complaints and comments about the quality of service provided by officials who work there. In the opinion of the employees, the atmosphere within the entity is tense and stressful for them. For this reason, this research aims to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and the quality of the service provided by the employees of the organization. In order to develop it, a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional correlational study was carried out. The study population consisted of 52 employees of the entity to whom the organizational climate questionnaire of Litwin and Stringer was applied and 52 users of the services provided by the office to whom the SERVPERF questionnaire was applied. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 27 software, using Spearman's correlation formula, since the variables showed non-normal behavior. As a result of the analysis it was found that there was a correlation of -0.002 between the study variables.

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