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Bøker av Joshua King

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  • - Retire & Write
    av Joshua King

    The FIRE movement requires you to have a lot of money before leaving the workforce. What if there is a way to reduce your time before retiring?How about starting a writing platform that you can leverage until the end? You can receive royalties and have something to do during your retirement.However, writing is not an accessible space to gain a following. It takes a lot of words before you can build an audience.For this reason, you'll need to build your writing platform ten years before retiring. This goal will give you ample time to retire comfortably, while allowing your work to compound. Good Luck!

  • - Set Them on the Path to Financial Freedom
    av Joshua King

    As you send your kids off into the workforce, do they have a plan? Or they could just figure it out as we did. How did that work out for us?Did we get ahead of our bills and create massive investment accounts? For most of us, the answer is no. So, why would we present the same life choices to our children?If your kids plan to live on earned income, they will suffer the same fate as us. They will wield zero leverage and work for every penny they earn-exchanging time for money.There is a different way; they can exchange time for assets. They can convert their earned income into passive income by purchasing dividend-paying stocks, real estate, and business.Once they have a nice nest egg of passive income, say $5,000/month, they will be free to pursue their true passions. Financial freedom is available to all, as long as you and your kids both believe. Good Luck!

  • - If You Want it You'll Need it Become It All
    av Joshua King

    Are you satisfied with your life? Do you wish you were in better shape, had more money, and had a partner?Well, you can have everything you want, but it takes work. You'll have to instill discipline in yourself to wake up early, exercise, read, write, and budget.You'll also need to be a good human towards others. Building relationships is vital to your long-term success and happiness.You will study all these topics constantly for the rest of your life. You can always consume more information and content.Once you become a lifelong learner, you'll be on the fast track to earning the title of Renaissance Person! Good Luck!

  • - By Acting Rich
    av Joshua King

    Have you ever seen a movie where the family in the suburb has it all? They have a big house, nice furniture, well-behaved kids, amazing cars, and great careers.Sorry to say, this isn't real life for most of us. We cannot afford to have these things while maintaining our family.However, many people aim to obtain these things before they can afford them, which leads to debt.To write a movie where we can be rich, we must strive to help others and add value. The only way to obtain wealth is by serving others, which we can all achieve. Good Luck!

  • - Until You Are Wealthy
    av Joshua King

    The new "anti-grind" casual culture will keep you poor. Eventually, you must put in the hours, repetitions, and sweat to get ahead.I've noticed successful people telling up-and-comers to slow down, take their time, enjoy their lives, and exercise work-life balance.That's fine, but don't expect to become rich. Expect to stay on the hampster wheel from now until you are 80 years old.A better way is to find your financial freedom number, which is the monthly income you need to free yourself from work.The smaller the number (say $5,000/month), the faster you can build your escape. Working toward your number (along with your family) is your proper work-life balance.There are many ways to reach your number, and combining new tactics and streams will produce amazing results.Once you achieve your number, you can leave your job and focus on becoming rich as a family. How's that for work-life balance?

  • - Budgeting to Financial Freedom
    av Joshua King

    Budgeting is a proven way to achieve financial freedom. So why do most people avoid this terrific method of building wealth?I feel much freer when I live on a tight budget. I know what I can afford at any given time and can save for things I love.Determining your right and left limits is the most challenging part of getting on a budget. That's why the 50/30/20 budget is a great starting place.Yes, I understand that housing prices have taken up more resources in our daily lives, but it's no excuse. You must do something drastic to get your housing under 30% of your budget. Welcome to Investing in the Middle Class!

  • - Move Past the Middle Class
    av Joshua King

    The danger of the middle-class mindset is settling at your current income level. As we all learned recently, inflation can wreak havoc on a fixed-income lifestyle.But how should you go about making more money? Do you need more skill sets or multiple jobs?These are good questions that you will need to explore. To build a better lifestyle, you must diversify your education across multiple fields.Passive income is the best long-term plan to beat inflation. However, building an income stream will require a different mindset than the middle class. Are you ready to chage? Good Luck!

  • - Create Royalties While Working a Full-Time Job
    av Joshua King

    Do you hate waiting for a pay raise or asking for a promotion? Why not create your own source of passive income?Royalties come from your creative works like music, books, and audiobooks. If you continue to create media, you'll build a following.Your audience will produce raving fans, who will spend additional money to support your channel. The bigger the audience, the more "Superfans" will have.Adding extra revenue streams to your source of royalties is the key to generating great income from royalties. This can be a link to an online course you place inside your books.It may take some time, but you'll generate much higher returns on your time by creating royalties than by working a job. However, be prepared to work for 3-6 years to reach this point. Good Luck!

  • - You Control Your Destiny with Habits
    av Joshua King

    We used to believe in discipline, hard work, and consistency. Those words have turned into independence, freedom, and individualism.However, the only way to create an extraordinary life is to build it from the ground up. This requires you to stay on a routine.Yes, routines are boring, as they are the opposite of spontaneous. But, through a regimented lifestyle, you can make small daily wins.These wins can compound into a beautiful life you cannot envision. Each day you should make strides to improve your dieting, fitness, budgeting, investing, and relationship.If you can stay the course, you will win the battle for your life. Nothing can stop someone with determination and follow-through. Good Luck!

  • - Only For Hardcore Writers
    av Joshua King

    Are you a prolific writer? Do you love to self-publish an ungodly amount of books? Good, because I am the same.After visiting two bookstores this week, I had an epiphany. Bookstores have too many types of material to bring people together.Yes, there were lots of people inside these stores, but they were all on individual missions-it was like a carnival. What if the books were of the same type?If I opened "Financial Freedom Bookstores," everyone inside would be interested in financial independence.My bookstore's unique quality would be bringing like-minded folks together to share their financial independence journey.Bookstores carry a lot of overhead costs, so I need a gimmick or two. Of course, I will add a coffee shop, but I would need more.Ultimately, my bookstore would be about the people and not me. My wife and I have already achieved financial freedom, so it is time to give back. That's the light at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck!

  • - The Current Economy is Scarier than Halloween
    av Joshua King

    What are you doing to combat high prices, inflation, and an impending recession? I am taking this economy very seriously.Today, I lay out my Recession Investing Plan (RIP) for the next 8-12 months. Living in California made me adjust some of my habits.I also have to focus more on checking, saving, and home maintenance accounts with the recession in focus.We don't know how layoffs and other stressful things affect our spending priorities. It's best to save more while still taking advantage of high-yield bonds and stocks. Good Luck!

  • - Can Friends Share Living Spaces Successfully?
    av Joshua King

    Having friends is essential to leading a healthy lifestyle. But is there a way for you and your friends to help each other by sharing costs?That's right, renting rooms to a friend can be a match made in heaven. Or it can be the worse thing on Earth.It depends if you both can treat each other with respect. If you agree to common rules and live by those rules, there shouldn't be any issues.As a landlord, it's tough to find good tenants. Your friend maybe your best option, so give them a chance to shine. Plus, you can both get rich. Good Luck!

  • - Design Your Own Book Covers
    av Joshua King

    People say you can't design your own book covers. In most cases, they are correct because it takes lots of work to create covers that sell.However, if you are serious about learning, you can create great covers for your books.You'll save thousands of dollars in production costs by designing your own cover. These savings will allow you to publish even more books to grow your audience faster.After learning the four principles of design, you'll just need to practice repeatedly until you start to feel your skills improve.If I can go from zero to creating pretty decent covers in about a year, you can do the same. Just realize it'll take 10,000 hours to become an award-winning cover artist. Do you have what it takes?

  • - For Families
    av Joshua King

    Having a family is expensive, so how can you possibly free yourself from the workforce in 10 years?The most difficult challenge is overcoming the belief we must over-provide for our kids.Kids just want us to spend time with them. However, we feel the guilt of being at work every day.So we over-indulge on weekends to compensate-spending all kinds of money on clothes, trips, and games.If we can control these urges and make some big sacrifices, we can build enough passive income streams to escape the workforce in 10 years. I did it with a family of four. Good Luck!

  • - Homesteading & Dividends
    av Joshua King

    Do you yearn to escape city life and move back to your roots? Good, I do too. However, the real trick is to get away from work as well.To have complete freedom, you need passive income. Homesteading gives us control over our lifestyle, while dividends provide us with control over our life.But you must plan your escape early. Building a homestead and dividend income may take years.The most challenging part is creating your dream life and generating an actionable plan to succeed. Luckily, reading is step one on all paths to freedom. Good Luck!

  • - You're Doing Something Right part 2
    av Joshua King

    When we are young, we all have friends. Life is fun because we have a group that can spend time together.As you grow older, things will change. The people who desire to remain average will continue to have friends.If you strive to be above average or excellent, you'll begin to lose friends. You'll take your life seriously, but your friends want to remain in a high school mindset.Only three percent of people will become wealthy; therefore, you can't take most of your friends with you. You have to decide to build a great life in the future by having fun today. Good Luck!

  • - Don't Let Anyone Slow You Down
    av Joshua King

    The "Quiet Quitting" and "Great Resignation" movements are all about caring for yourself and your mental health.However, the only way to achieve what you want in life is to be obsessed toward your passions, dreams, and goals.Your job was never intended to be your passion; it's a means to an end. You go to work to pay the bills, feed yourself, and ensure your family has resources.Your passion is what keeps you reading late at night. It's what you would do even if you won the lottery. If you want to find your dream, begin creating content daily, and your passion will unfold via your work.Don't let anyone or anything slow you down. There is no work-life balance if you don't have an actual life. Beware of false programming, and continue to grind toward your passion. Good Luck!

  • - Intermediates Growing Their Lives
    av Joshua King

    The most expensive time of your life is between ages 25-45. During this timeframe, most people accumulate an unimaginable amount of credit card debt.My recommendation is to avoid credit cards at all costs at this point. However, as someone who passed this phase (I'm 41), I am a realist.You will get out unscathed if you can keep a total limit of $10,000 for your household. If you find yourself near this limit, you may need to take a personal loan.Banks design credit cards to accumulate interest using compounding-all working against you and your family.Don't fall for the lie of more earned income via pay raises. Your expenses are rising faster than your paycheck.You must live below your means, budget religiously, and celebrate small victories. Once you get past this explosion of expenses, life (and finances) becomes much more manageable. Trust me!

  • - How Much Stuff Do You Actually Need?
    av Joshua King

    How much stuff do you actually need? Do you have a ton of things in storage? Do you want to pay rent or collect rent?How do you plan to increase your income as we enter the economic downturn? That's right; if you stay stagnant, you will lose.The government will destroy inflation at all costs-including your job, budget, and 401K. So we must start sacrificing now to increase our income today.Not only can we stop paying self-storage rent by removing our things, but we can even charge people rent by leveraging the sharing economy. There is a lot to learn, so let's begin. Good Luck!

  • - The Early Bird Gets the Dollar
    av Joshua King

    The mainstream media tells you that you can sleep in late AND find success. Well, I beg to differ.Waking up early is a hallmark of successful people. How else can you beat your competition?There is so much you can achieve in the early mornings. Plus, you'll have much less resistance first thing in the day.Accomplish your most formidable task first thing in the morning; the rest of your day is downhill. You must keep the media's guidance at arm's length, or they'll set you up for failure. Good Luck!

  • - The Difference Between Rich and Poor
    av Joshua King

    How do you view the world? Are there enough resources and money for everyone to be happy and content?Or can only a select few people access these resources? If you choose the latter, you may have a scarcity mindset.A scarcity mindset states that there is a finite amount of resources, and we must all fight for them.An abundance mindset states that there is enough wealth and happiness for everyone; we must only learn how to tap into them.An abundance mindset will get you much further in life and relationships. However, the conversion can take some time. You can do it!

  • - The Fastest Way to Financial Security
    av Joshua King

    The days of a single-family living in a single-family home are over. It's simply too expensive to have a 2,000-square-foot home all day yourself.Renting rooms is the solution to the current (and future) economic situations. We must get our housing costs under 20% of our take-home income.Luckily, family members can make great roommates. You can hand-pick a family member and pitch them the idea of financial independence.I am not saying it will be easy; you'll have some hair-pulling moments. However, when you have $100,000 in your bank account, you'll understand the value of roommates. Good Luck!

  • - Get Rich While Living in a Big City
    av Joshua King

    Do you want to live in a big city with a big-city lifestyle? This consists of fancy houses, expensive late-model cars, and costly meals.I live in San Diego and see people living this lifestyle daily. However, most people cannot afford to live like this.They are going broke trying to act rich. Very few people can actually afford to sustain this life.But, you can get ahead in a big city, if you are willing to sacrifice for 5-10 years. Can you skip going downtown for a few months? Can you take on a roommate?Living below your means can teach you how to thrive in a big city. Otherwise, the big city will consume you and your paycheck. Good Luck!

  • - The Magic of Evergreen Content
    av Joshua King

    Becoming a content creator is the "long game" of passive income. If you do it correctly, you can capitalize on royalties for your entire life.However, your content needs to remain relevant for it to survive in the future. You must take a step back to understand the value of evergreen content.For example, let's say you want to create a guide on a particular software program. Creating content on the value this software brings to your workflow may be a good idea.The user still must solve the same problem set if the software changes. People will continue to flock to your content because the concept or theory remains relevant.Even better, you can create deep content using current headlines and long-lasting evergreen content together. Using this method will get you the best results over time. Good Luck!

  • - Things Have Changed Since 2020
    av Joshua King

    Have you noticed how fast we move now? After 2020, everything is moving in fast forward.This new speed is a product of many things, including a lack of employees, the addition of remote work, and the over-consumption of social media.Together, they make people feel like everything should happen in an instant. We want to climb the corporate ladder in one week, find our dream soulmate on one date, and retire after working for five years.In reality, hard work and determination are still the keys to success in work, finances, and relationships. More importantly, we must instill these values in our children. Good Luck!

  • - Capture the Magic of Compounding Creativity
    av Joshua King

    Half of our brain wants us to create; however, most of us don't give it the opportunity.It's hard to create when we need to pay the bills. So the first challenge to start creating is finding the time.Creation is a part of our souls and allows us to view the world much differently. We don't just see and feel things; we consume them.Then we must process what we see and feel into something someone else can understand. It's all quite magical.If you want to capture the magic of creation, there has never been a better time. So jump in headfirst, and I'll see you on the other side. Good Luck!

  • - Relationships
    av Joshua King

    Most people confuse an Instagram picture with real life. Life in the real world takes work to build and work to maintain.You can have everything you want in life if you put in the work. In aviation, they say it takes ten maintenance hours per flight hour.The same happens in life. You'll need to maintain healthy relationships if you want terrific vacations and extraordinary celebrations.You and everyone will change along the way; you'll have to decide if it's for good or bad. Be yourself and surround yourself with amazing, trustworthy people, and you'll fulfill your mission in life. Good Luck!

  • - Start Building Toward Your Dream
    av Joshua King

    Society tells you to go "be happy." They tell you to find the perfect job where everyone loves you, and rainbows and butterflies come from the ceiling.But this dream job is all rubbish. We create our reality and our own happiness. The true path to happiness is through family and success.A job is just one pit stop on a cross-country journey. Once you find your true path, the significance of your job will diminish.But you will need to keep the lights on while you build passive income and find your true purpose. So go get a job, save, invest, and produce; you won't regret it. Good Luck!

  • - Start Here If You Love The Grind
    av Joshua King

    Do you love the idea of being a writer? Well, life as a writer is much less sexy than you imagine.However, it is much more rewarding than your dreams. Writing is the Grinder.The only way to stay revalent as a writer is to keep writing. You can reach the point where your past works do most of the work for you. Writing is a great way to create passive income from your mind. It is a lifelong mission to help others while building your cash flow. It's a win-win for everyone.If this sounds interesting, consider writing a try. You can work for others, but I recommend starting your own platform. You'll reap more rewards on your own. Good Luck!

  • - And How Do You Exploit It?
    av Joshua King

    Did you know that you are a creative soul? You may have stopped creating, but your abilities still exist beneath the surface.However, being creative isn't about quitting your job, grabbing an easel, and becoming a starving artist.Being creative is about starting a daily routine that allows you to reach a "flow state" as soon as possible.You can find and exploit your creative abilities by creating something daily, exploring ideas, and leveraging compounding education. If this sounds fun, start your journey today. Good Luck!

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