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Bøker av Joshua Free

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  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Joshua Free

    Chart Your Flight For Ascension...Then Let Your Spirit Fly!Unlock your ultimate spiritual potential by removing the barriers to your true native state.Learn how to easily attain Self-Actualization and even help actualize others along the way.A greater appreciation and understanding of Spiritual Life and Existence awaits you. Expand your reach to achieve your dreams.Each 'Professional Course' lesson in this volume offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the metahuman philosophy of Systemology, assisting to increase your true Knowingness, improve your capabilities in this life, and even decide what you will do in your next.This collector's edition hardcover includes the first eight (of sixteen) lesson-booklets for the "Pathway to Ascension" Professional Course, including Systemology Processing Levels 0 to 3.At the Mardukite Academy of Systemology, the 'Professional Course' lessons in this series are presented to Seeker's that have already completed the 'Basic Course', previously released as six lesson-booklets, or the six-in-one single volume edition "Fundamentals of Systemology."This professional presentation of the official Systemology 'Pathway-to-Ascension' takes new Seekers (and continuing students) from "Zero" to "Infinity" at lightning-fast speeds!Discover Who You Really Are...Because You Were Never Human!

  • av Joshua Free

    SYSTEMOLOGY is the "New Thought" of the 21st Century.It is the study of how Spiritual Beings with unlimited power became entrapped in the Human Condition.This study is an applied philosophy -- "A Pathway to Ascension" -- that charts our way back out of the traps, freeing the true Spiritual Self to experience higher levels of existence once again.In the simplest terms: Systemology is the true metaphysical science of the "Matrix."After more than a decade of development, the "Fundamentals of Systemology" are concisely explored here in the very first official "Basic Course" on the subject ever given by Joshua Free for the Mardukite Academy."Fundamentals of Systemology: A New Thought for the 21st Century" contains complete materials from all six lesson booklets of the Systemology Basic Course, including: "Being More Than Human", "Realities in Agreement", "Windows To Experience", "Ancient Systemology", "A History of Systemology", and "Systemology Processing."It's time to discover who you really are......because you were never "Human."

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the fifth lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the sixth lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the fourth lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the third lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the second lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free

    This is the first lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • av Joshua Free
    429 - 568,-

  • av Joshua Free
    387 - 512,-

  • av Joshua Free
    290 - 456,-

  • av Joshua Free

    Joshua Free has been paving the way through Elven-Faerie glamour and magick for over 25 years, and now presents the core material of the original "Elvenomicon" as a stand-alone pocket handbook for the first time!

  • av Joshua Free

    Open the door to the ancient elven tradition and explore the Faerie Realm as guided by the accounts of those who have been there and received direct initiation into its mysteries.

  • av Joshua Free

    Open the door to ancient faerie mysteries. Explore the physical, magical and spiritual properties of the Green World of Nature. Invite Nature Spirits into your life, perform herbal alchemy, discover secrets of fertility control and more!

  • av Joshua Free
    345 - 512,-

  • av Joshua Free

    Awaken to the New Dawn of Immortality with the Mardukite Academy Collector's Edition of "The Backtrack Series" lectures by Joshua Free.We are all Spiritual Beings that have known a very long existence. Even before the evolution of Humans or Earth, we existed as other forms, in other times and spaces.We have descended down a very long track of potential Beingness and considerations, a track that parallels the allegory of "Fallen Angels" enticed by mundane bodies; only to be trapped in them and longing to Ascend again.-- What if we could recover the long forgotten Knowingness of our past existences?-- What if we could reclaim our true Spiritual power that we have lost sight of?-- What if we could actually Backtrack our descent and return to the Source?"Systemology: Backtrack" documents the first advanced course given by Joshua Free to the Systemology Society for Mardukite Grade-V. He candidly introduces the new Wizard-Level subject of "Alpha-Defragmentation" to Grade-III and Grade-IV alumni ready to embark on their next phase of the Pathway.Now you too can learn to systematically process residual imprinting from "past-lives" -- and not only expand your knowledge of "between-lives" spiritual implanting and other mental programming, but also know how to handle it-exactly as experienced by advanced students attending a three-day lecture series at the Spring 2023 Systemology Conference at the Mardukite Academy, commemorating the pre-release of the very first complete "Beta-Defragmentation" manual titled "Systemology-180: The Fast-Track To Ascension" (available separately).This premiere collector's edition hardcover publication of "Systemology: Backtrack" includes complete transcripts to all eight lectures (from March 2023) along with a concise glossary for over 200 terms used in these lecture transcripts.Free Your Spirit from the Human Track and Climb Aboard for a Flight Toward Ascension!Mardukite Academy Grade-V; Systemology Wizard Level-1; Liber-4Also available in hardcover and paperback as "Systemology Backtrack: Reclaiming Spiritual Power and Past-Life Memory."

  • av Joshua Free

    Your Ticket Off of a Prison Planet......and The Pathway Leading to Spiritual paperback for the first time!We strongly benefit from the fact that at its basic state, the Alpha Spirit is actually righteous and good -- if not otherwise 'amoral' down here on Earth when serving a higher Ethic -- simply working to get along in the continuation of its own existence.Were this not the case, we would have no chance at rehabilitating Presence and Awareness of the actual Self that is behind the helm -- and restoring it the full control of how we experience this 'physical' or 'material' Beta-Existence, which we each participate in maintaining as Reality.In this much-anticipated and long overdue Liber-Three (or Liber-3E) installment for the Mardukite 'Metahuman Systemology' series, Joshua Free explains how:"The world manifested 'out there' is an agreement of participation by what is going on 'in here' and there really is no distinction between the two when we get right down to it."Accumulated involvement in dangerous situations, states of confusion, unjust destruction and being at the effect end of faulty (or blatantly false) information, all lend to fragmented purposes that may very well be painted to appear "for our own good." Instead, they are actually non-survival (or counter-survival) oriented, leading us away from routes to achieve "greater heights" -- higher more ideal states of Knowingness and Beingness -- including the "Magic Universe" preceding this one.Here then is the next great frontier of the Pathway -- crossed by participants in the "Freedom From" workshops led by Joshua Free at the Mardukite Academy and Systemology Society in 2021 and 2022.Here then is a bridge from Grade-IV to Grade-V, finally available and enhanced for Seekers, Pilots, Ministers and Wizards, in a special premiere paperback edition from the Mardukite Academy of Systemology.Here then is the "Way Out" of the "Matrix" -- an achievement in standardizing the destination for the "Pathway to Self-Honesty" (and beyond!) -- the Way... of the Wizard...BONUS: Includes an integration of electronic biofeedback technology as applied to the basic fundamentals and professional practice of Systemology!

  • av Joshua Free

    The Way Out. Hidden for 6,000 Years. But now we've found the Key.A Grimoire to Summon and Invoke, Command and Control, the Most Powerful Spirit to Ever Exist. YOUR SELF.Ascend Beyond Physical Existence. Fly Free Across All Gateways. Go Back to When it All Began and Reclaim that Personal Universe Where the Spirit once called HOME.A Revised Second Edition of Joshua Free's underground classic IMAGINOMICON in paperback for the first time!Providing the training necessary to recognize the Gateway bridging Physical and Spiritual Universes; and exercises to practice ability to manage freely crossing the threshold between existences, IMAGINOMICON succeeds where other paths have failed to reach beyond the boundaries of their own paradigms of traditional mysticism and conventional spirituality; libraries filled with magical correspondences, obscure symbols and outdated methods -- none of which have actually brought Seekers any closer to truly "breaking free from the Matrix."Joshua Free's masterfully presented IMAGINOMICON demonstrates the steps toward true actualized command of a Mind-System, and control of a Body, as operated from "outside of" those Systems, not from an interior viewpoint. This is an optimum position: not only to better handle the Human Condition in this Physical Universe, but also as a Master Key to unlock realizations that make experience of Higher Universes potentially possible.During this transitional period of Human history, returning an individual's Awareness to its true "Alpha" state is the primary goal. The type of quantum or akashic "Wizardry" of the IMAGINOMICON goes beyond New Age ideas of "astral work" or "mental travel" and any techniques dependent on an "energetic" body. Here, a Seeker gains certainty on conscious abilities to knowingly separate Self (as Spirit) from the Human Condition and Physical Universe and experience existence independent of any Mind-System.Higher Universes condensed into more rigidly solid environments; each time imposing more barriers, reducing freedoms and narrowing considerations for what Self is willing and able to be, know, do and have. IMAGINOMICON brings a Seeker from being an effect and victim of the Physical Universe, up to a point of knowingly creating from within their own Personal Universe. The Spirit never stopped creating in a Home Universe; but it agreed to superimpose other creations and conditions as their own. Fragmentation causes this unknowing continuous and compulsive creation to persist on automatic. After countless lifetimes spent with Awareness scattered in fragmentation, isn't it time someone demonstrated how to clean up the pieces and pull your Self back together in wholeness?Mardukite Academy Grade-IV; Systemology Wizard Level-0; Liber-3D

  • av Joshua Free

    COMMAND YOUR TRUE METAHUMAN DESTINY!Take flight toward your own spiritual evolution. Realize new potentials for Ascension in Self-Honesty. Reclaim true freedom of the Spirit. This newly revised edition of the legendary manual includes revolutionary techniques and teachings so profound that its effectiveness is Crystal Clear!Deep teachings and hidden meanings realized from "Arcane Tablets"-inscribed thousands of years ago-are only now fully applied and actualized for a "futurist spiritual technology." Here are the answers to what has held Humanity back from achieving its ultimate goals and unlocking the true power of the Spirit and the highest state of Knowing and Being. When a Seeker attains actualized Awareness outside of physical existence, therein alone lies the true personality of the Spirit, the individuated "I" that is Self. This is the state of Self free of worldly fragmentation. The Seeker extends their reach of Awareness-the ability and responsibility of Self-direction-from the point of Will, acting as true Cause in the Universe, rising far above planes of Effect and Desire.This handbook teaches a Seeker to free Self from lower levels of personal fragmentation and programming; demonstrating hidden keys to applying Will-Intention to its fullest extent from outside the material "systems"; and how to live without former fragmentation and erroneous programming accumulated during this lifetime. The way out is always the way through; not avoidance, neglect or indifference-which mark a path to ignorance. It's time we redirect our course!Each of the systematic techniques and Self-Processing methods applied within "Crystal Clear" targets personal management of emotion, memory and thought, assisting Seekers to regain Self-control of these systems. This is practiced repeatedly, because we are dealing with conditioning. And we are not using Systemology to condition ourselves into some false sense of grandeur. We are systematically removing fragmentation which undeniably reveals the "Unconditioned Self"-the very Alpha state of our true spiritual Beingness. There is no higher purpose or demonstration of the "Great Work" available.This is real magic at your fingertips!"CRYSTAL CLEAR" IS THE BOOK ABOUT YOU!It demonstrates the power to register your own Destiny on the proverbial Tablets of Life...Virtually every cultural mythology, pantheist tradition and spiritual paradigm has attempted to be the route toward Ascension-and perhaps those methods and ideals did produce some degree of effectiveness in their own way. But, we are in the 21st Century now-beginning a decade of 2020's-and it is time we brought crystal clear 20/20 vision to the "I" that is Self, and actualize a new realization of the Human Condition that unfolds the latent genetic and spiritual potential that is already there and just waiting to advance us toward attaining the state of Homo Novus in this lifetime!This is the most important thing an individual can be doing right now for themselves, for family, for society, for all Life on the planet-to every sphere of influence and existence that we can extend our reach in Self-Honesty... to Infinity.

  • av Joshua Free

    Introducing the Spiritual Technology of Mardukite Zuism and Systemology!We exist at the threshold of a true New Age, standing to witness first rays of a Crystal Dawn on the horizon. Sparks of clear light from the forthcoming Crystal Age peek out to awaken the first seeds and cells of Earth to a new realization. It signals an inception of the Coming Race -- a new era for a new type of Metahuman.Now more than a decade in the making behind-the-scenes -- since "Systemology: The Original Thesis" quietly debuted in 2011 -- Joshua Freeemerges from the underground with a new public inception for Mardukite Zuism and Systemology, with a new Mardukite Esoteric Research Library of concise, practical and effective spiritual technologies; new classics such as The Tablets of Destiny Revelation, Crystal Clear and Imaginomicon."The Power of Zu" documents the first introduction course given by Joshua Free to the Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism and Systemology Society. Candidly presenting the entire subject of Mardukite Systemology from scratch, in a way anyone can understand, now you too can simply approach the lessons and lore of Mardukite Zuism and discover the underlying Systemology of all Existence, exactly as experienced in-person by advanced students and newcomers actually attending the three-day lecture series during December 2019.This Mardukite Academy hardcover edition includes complete transcripts to all nine lectures; an extended introduction by Reed Penn, describing discovery of Spiritual Life Energy in Mardukite Zuism and Systemology and concept of "ZU" in Sumerian cuneiform language; the "Mardukite Zuism: A Brief Introduction" discourse; and a newly revised glossary for easily referencing the specific meaning intended for nearly 200 terms used in these academy transcripts, introducing concise practical fundamentals of Mardukite Zuism and Systemology as applied to everyday life in this Universe and beyond.Also available in a pocket paperback edition (separate listing) as: "What is Mardukite Zuism? The Power of Zu."

  • av Joshua Free

    The first introduction course given by Joshua Free to the Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism and Systemology Society. Candidly presenting the entire subject of Mardukite Systemology from scratch, in a way anyone can understand.

  • av Joshua Free

    A special pocket paperback edition of the Mardukite guide to esoteric archaeological understanding of the Enuma Elis tablet series, which served as the basis for later creation stories and even the "Book of Genesis."

  • av Joshua Free

    Secrets of ancient Mesopotamian magic and Babylonian mythology drawn from cuneiform tablets are revealed to all in this special pocket paperback edition of the original Mardukite guide to esoteric Anunnaki Spirituality of Babylon and Sumer.

  • av Joshua Free

    Awaken the forest to your presence, learn to communicate with trees, discover how they communicate with each other, fashion a staff and collection of wands, and perform rituals fulfilling your role as Guardian of the Grove.

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