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Bøker av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

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  • - Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on years of player feedback, a revised spell list, new soldier types, and a host of brand-new scenarios. Choose a wizard from one of ten schools of magic, and select from a list of eighty spells. Hire a warband filled with soldiers, from lowly thugs and thieves to mighty knights and barbarians, then lead your men into the frozen ruins of the magic city of Frostgrave on the hunt for ancient treasures and the secrets of lost magic. Be warned -- it is a deadly place, filled with rival wizards, wandering monsters, animated constructs, and demonic entities. Do you dare enter the Frozen City one more time?

  • - Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    In a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, vast pirate fleets roam from system to system, robbing, extorting, and enslaving. Amidst this chaos, thousands of independent operators - smugglers, relic hunters, freedom fighters, and mercenaries - roam the dead stars in small ships, scratching out a living any way they can.In Stargrave, players take on the role of one of these independent operators, choosing from a range of backgrounds each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and associated powers. Next, players must hire a crew for their ship, recruiting a lieutenant with a unique skill-set and a handful of soldiers, mechanics, hackers, and other specialists. Some captains may even recruit strange alien lifeforms with abilities no humanoid could ever possess. Once the players' crews are assembled, they are ready to dive into a campaign. Over a series of games, their crews will have the chance to carry out a variety of missions - recovering lost technology, stealing data, freeing slaves, and fighting back against the pirate fleets. In time, as the crews gain experience, they will become more powerful and hire more talented specialists. The more they grow, however, the more likely it is that a pirate fleet will take note of their activities and come after them!

  • - A Wargame of Napoleonic Gothic Horror
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    As the wars of Napoleon ravage Europe, chaos and fear reign and the darkness that once clung to the shadows has been emboldened. Supernatural creatures - vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and worse take advantage of the havoc, striking out at isolated farms, villages, and even military units. Whether they are pursuing some master plan or simply revelling in their newfound freedom is unknown. Most people dismiss reports of these slaughters as the rantings of madmen or the lies of deserters, but a few know better. The Silver Bayonet is a skirmish wargame of gothic horror set during the Napoleonic Wars. Each player forms an elite band of monster hunters drawn from the ranks of one of the great powers. Riflemen, swordsmen, and engineers fight side-by-side with mystics, occultists, and even those few supernatural creatures that can be controlled or reasoned with enough to make common cause. The game can be played solo, co-operatively, or competitively, with players progressing through a series of interlinked adventures with their soldiers gaining experience and suffering grievous wounds, and their units triumphing. or falling in the face of the shadows. It is a game of action and adventure, where musket and sabre meet tooth and claw.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    The Frostgrave Folio is the complete collection of all previously released Frostgrave mini-ebook supplements in one printed volume. This includes Hunt for the Golem, a three-scenario campaign in which the warbands hunt down a rogue golem; Sellsword, which introduces rules for experience-gaining captains to help lead warbands; Dark Alchemy, which expands the rules for potions and potion brewing, and Arcane Locations which gives additional options for bases and base upgrades. The book also includes a completely new mini-supplement, The Ravages of Time.

  • - Battles of the Lost Age
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    A mass-battle fantasy game in which players can field combined armies of humans, elves, goblins, dwarves, and more, and develop that army over the course of a campaign. Empires have fallen, and the land is broken. The great oathmarks that once stood as testaments to the allegiances and might of nations have crumbled into ruin. In this lost age, fealty and loyalty are as valuable as gold and as deadly as cold iron, and war is ever-present. Created by Joseph A. McCullough, designer of Frostgrave and Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, Oathmark is a mass-battle fantasy wargame that puts you in command of the fantasy army you've always wanted, whether a company of stalwart dwarves or a mixed force with proud elves, noble men and wild goblins standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the battle-line. Fight through an integrated campaign system and develop your realms from battle to battle, adding new territories, recruiting new troop types and growing to eclipse your rivals... or lose what you fought so hard to gain and fall as so many would-be emperors before you.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    In this supplement for Frostgrave, players lead their warbands into the northern reaches of the city, exploring the ruined temples of the Frozen City to search for the lost secrets of evocation--the art of summoning demons. While the lure of such knowledge is great, few wizards have ventured into this region as it is overrun by barbaric northern tribesmen, who have descended from the hills in their own search for treasure. Marking themselves with demonic sigils, many of these barbarians have aligned with ancient powers discovered among the temples. Along with a host of new scenarios focusing on the exploration of the temples, the book also contains new treasures, spells, soldiers, and creatures that can be found in and around the ruins.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Part magical university, part museum, part tourist attraction, the great Collegium of Artistry had flourished in Felstad''s final days. Under the leadership of the seemingly immortal Malcor the Mad, the vast complex expanded, with new wings being built wherever they would fit, including up and down the rock face, and even buried within the mountain itself. Visitors called it one of the architectural wonders of the world; the students, who often got lost in its endless tunnels, simply called it "The Maze."With a titanic crash, an immense ice shelf tears free from the mountains that that loom above Frostgrave, revealing the lost Collegium, and the race for its secrets begins. The Maze is known to have contained many rare and unique treasures, and who knows what may have survived . . .This new, bumper-sized supplement for Frostgrave contains a host of new adventures, treasures, and creatures to challenge players. It also includes its own unique campaign and experience system, as well as information about several of the mythical lost schools of magic.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Features a complete campaign for Frostgrave that will challenge both new and veteran players. In this volume, players discover the existence of a power in the Frozen City, one who was old when the great city was still young, and who saw both its rise and its disastrous fall.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    A new supplement for Frostgrave with expanded rules for vampires and giants, a new soldier type in the huge giant-blooded and guidelines and scenarios for playing Frostgrave with high-level wizards.In the days of ancient Felstad, vampires kept to the shadows, their small numbers no match for the power of the city''s wizards. But when the cataclysm struck the wizards were destroyed, while the deathless vampires went into a frozen hibernation. Now, as the city thaws, so to do its undead inhabitants. The masters of the night are rising again: reoccupying their hidden strongholds, reforming their old cabals and finding new victims to serve as their thralls. The destruction of the old city has brought one other boon to the vampires--giant''s blood. While giants used to live out of reach to the far north, in the intervening millennium, they have descended on the city in large numbers. Their blood is like an elixir to the vampires, filling them with strength and magical power. A new war is forming between these two ancient races, and once again, the wizards of Frostgrave are caught in the middle. This supplement for Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City presents greatly expanded information about the vampires and the giants that occupy the frozen ruins, including rules for vampiric magic and a breakdown of the different tribes of giants. Also included are rules for a new type of soldier, the giant-blooded. These huge men and women have the blood of giants running through their veins, granting them great strength unseen in normal men. Finally, the book contains a section on playing Frostgrave with high-level wizards and includes two mini-campaigns to challenge these experienced spellcasters.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Fires rage throughout the Frozen City as an inhuman army pours out of the cracks between realities. In the distant past, a cabal of city elders sought to save their lives by making a pact with a demon prince. and now the Red King has come to collect what he is owed, claiming Frostgrave as his own. Many have already fled before the Red King's demonic hordes, while others seek to weather the storm, turning their bases into makeshift fortresses. The wizards of Frostgrave must choose - do they stand and fight, or do they abandon this great repository of mystical knowledge to the ravages of unearthly fire?The Red King is the first supplement designed for Frostgrave: Second Edition. In this sprawling, epic campaign, wizards will be pushed to their limits, fighting not only against one another and the perils of the Frozen City, but also against an invading army. As the Red King's power grows, the laws of magic and nature will start to bend. Can the wizards put aside their differences long enough to oppose this common foe, or will greed and mistrust doom them all?

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    A supplement for Frostgrave, in which, players can lead their warbands into the vast network of catacombs, sewers, and dungeons that run underneath the Frozen City.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Face dangerous new foes, recruit new soldiers, and uncover the mysterious treasures of Ancient Egypt in two new campaigns, one competitive and one for solo or cooperative play.Somewhere beneath the shifting sands lies the forgotten knowledge of the pharaohs - magic granting power over wind and rain, life and death, and even time itself. Napoleon didn't cross the Mediterranean simply to conquer Egypt, he sought these ancient secrets. No one knows what he found, but his military victories since then speak for themselves. Now, as Bonaparte continues to burn his way through Europe, desperate nations have sent their own special units across the sea to search for a counter and end his rampage.Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx is a supplement for The Silver Bayonet, in which the players' special units explore the mysteries of this great land, venturing into lost cities, forbidden ruins, and even beneath the Pyramids themselves. Contained within are two campaigns, one competitive and one for solo or cooperative play. New soldiers, and equipment might give them an edge, but they will still face an array of terrifying foes, including mummies, werejackals, and serpopards, many not known to the living for more than 3,000 years...

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    A Stargrave supplement devoted to generating and running solo scenarios in which players hunt bounties across the Ravaged Galaxy... or perhaps become hunted themselves!

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Enhance your Frostgrave campaigns with recurring villains that grow more powerful over time and give your wizards somewhere to hide with expanded rules for bases.On the violent and deadly streets of the Frozen City, feuds and vendettas are commonplace. Wizards may start out focused on discovery and exploration, fighting when necessary for survival or to win possession of some long-lost artefact or grimoire, but such battles can swiftly become intensely personal. Competitors become adversaries and, as the cycle of violence continues, some wizards lose sight of their original goals and focus their efforts on the elimination of their hated foes - their mortal enemies.This supplement for Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City presents rules for creating recurring villains in both competitive and solo campaigns. These characters are unique individuals who return over the course of a campaign to plague the players' wizards, gaining experience, recruiting allies, and becoming more deadly with each appearance. Against such threats, a wizard's base becomes as much hideout as headquarters, and an expanded range of options for enhancing bases is provided, as are rules for defending your own... and attacking those of your rivals!

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Even before the original Frostgrave rulebook landed in players' hands, its artwork, previewed in the run-up to release, attracted widespread attention and acclaim. Today, some eight volumes, two novels, and multiple boxed sets of plastic miniatures later, Dmitry and Kate Burmak have produced more than 85 illustrations, guided by the concepts developed by Frostgrave creator Joseph A. McCullough. Together, these three have breathed life into the Frozen City, depicting the wizards, warriors, and creatures that call it home.With behind-the-scenes content, including concepts, sketches, work-in-progress shots, and commentary from the creators, this lavish volume features all the artwork produced for Frostgrave - from the rulebook that started it all to the Perilous Dark supplement.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    In this new supplement for Frostgrave, some of the biggest names in gaming turn their creative powers towards the Frozen City, each contributing a scenario and adding their own flair to the game. Featuring scenarios by Alessio Cavatore, Alex Buchel, Andy Chambers, Gav Thorpe, Chris Pramas, Daniel Mersey, Andrea Sfiligoi, and many more. This tome provides a collection of adventures that will pit players against unimaginable foes and challenges, pushing their wizards and warbands to new limits.Wizards tend to be solitary, keeping to themselves and associating with a select few apprentices, followers, and henchmen. It is rare that they spend time in the company of other spellcasters, and rarer still that they work together. Now, however, something is about to take place that has not occurred since the great days of Felstad -- a gathering of wizards.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    In the shifting labyrinth of the Ghost Archipelago, there is one group of islands that can almost always be found; the Islands of Fire. Surrounded by a grey haze of sooty smoke, the islands contain numerous active volcanoes. Despite the constant threat of annihilation, many tribal groups call these islands home, building their villages on the rocky slopes or in the black jungles of gnarled and stunted trees that surround the mountains. In this supplement for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, the Heritors lead their crew to these blighted isles in search of clues to the location of the Crystal Pool. Containing a host of new scenarios, crewmen types, creatures, and treasure, this volume also includes guidelines for building unique tribes to use as adversaries in scenarios or as allies to the Heritors in their quest.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Long ago, the great Colossus of Argantheon stood upon one of the outer islands, its vast, outstretched arm pointing the way to the Crystal Pool, or so the ancient texts claim. Then, during some forgotten war, the Colossus was shattered, and its parts flung across the Archipelago, to lie in forgotten ruin. In this expansion for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, players lead their warbands through a series of interlinked scenarios in a race to discover the secrets of the Colossus. Along the way, they will encounter new monsters, discover new treasures, and even recruit a few new specialist warriors to their cause. Perhaps, if they are successful, the knowledge they obtain will help point them towards the ultimate treasure!

  • - Fantasy Wargames in the Lost Isles
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    The Ghost Archipelago has returned. A vast island chain, covered in the ruins of ancient civilizations, the Archipelago appears every few centuries, far out in the southern ocean. At such times, pirates, adventurers, wizards, and legendary heroes all descend upon the islands in the hopes of finding lost treasures and powerful artefacts. A few, drawn by the blood of their ancestors, search for the fabled Crystal Pool, whose waters grant abilities far beyond those of normal men. It is only the bravest, however, who venture into the islands, for they are filled with numerous deadly threats. Cannibal tribes, sorcerous snake-men, and poisonous water-beasts all inhabit the island ruins, guarding their treasure hordes and setting traps for the unwary. In this new wargame, set in the world of Frostgrave, players take on the role of Heritors, mighty warriors whose ancestors drank from the Crystal Pool. These Heritors lead their small, handpicked teams of spellcasters, rogues, and treasure hunters into the ever-shifting labyrinth of the Ghost Archipelago. Using the same rules system as Frostgrave, this standalone wargame focuses on heroes who draw on the power in their blood to perform nigh-impossible feats of strength and agility. This game also includes 30 spells drawn from five schools of magic, a host of soldier types, challenging scenarios, treasure tables, and a full bestiary of the most common creatures that inhabit the Lost Isles.

  • av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    Complete with questions ranging from easy to mind-bogglingly hard and including true or false, multiple choice, short answer, and match-up sections, this book is suitable for all lovers of science fiction and fantasy.

  • - From Beowulf to St. George
    av Joseph A. (Author) McCullough

    With its fiery breath, scaly armour, and baleful, malevolent stare, the dragon became the ultimate symbol of evil and corruption in European folklore and mythology. This title retells the greatest legends of this select group of warriors, while examining the myth of the dragonslayer in a historical, mythological, and even theological context.

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