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Bøker av John Kyriazoglou

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  • av John Kyriazoglou

    In today's digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. This book offers a comprehensive roadmap for managing and mitigating the impact of security incidents and data breaches. This essential guide goes beyond the basics, providing expert insights and strategies to help organizations of all sizes navigate the complexities of cybersecurity.With seven in-depth chapters and 10 appendices, this book covers everything from defining information security incidents and data breaches to understanding key privacy regulations such as GDPR and LGPD. You'll learn a practical, step-by-step approach to incident response, including how to assess and improve your organization's security posture.The book contains a well-tested and practical information security incident and breach management approach to manage information security incidents and data privacy breaches in four phases: Security and Breach Obligations and Requirements Comprehension; Security and Privacy Framework Assurance; Security Incident and Data Breach Response Management; and Security and Breach Response Process Evaluation. Knowing how to handle such security and breach issues will avoid compliance and sanctions to organizations of all types and protect the company's reputation and brand name.What You Will Learn Identify and manage information security incidents and data breaches more effectively Understand the importance of incident response in avoiding compliance issues, sanctions, and reputational damage Review case studies and examples that illustrate best practices and common pitfalls in incident response and data breach management Benefit from a well-tested approach that goes beyond the NIST 800-61 standard, aligning with the international information security standard ISO 27001:2022

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    Questo libro (a) descrive le massime della Grecia preclassica e il loro ruolo nello sviluppo della filosofia nel mondo greco antico, (b) descrive il ruolo dell'Oracolo di Delfi ed elenca le sue 147 massime; e (c) presenta le citazioni conosciute e alcuni dati biografici dei sette saggi dell'antica Grecia (Talete, Pittacos, Bias, Solone, Cleovoulos, Periandros e Chilon), prima dell'era della filosofia classica di Socrate, Platone e Aristotele.

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    Este livro (a) descreve os Maxims gregos antigos da Grécia pré-clássica e o seu papel no desenvolvimento da filosofia no mundo grego antigo, (b) descreve o papel do Oráculo de Delfos e enumera as suas 147 máximas, e (c) apresenta as citações conhecidas e alguns dados biográficos dos sete sábios da Grécia antiga (Thales, Pittacos, Bias, Solon, Cleovoulos, Periandros, e Chilon), antes da era da filosofia clássica de Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles.

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    Dieses Buch (a) beschreibt die altgriechischen Maximen des vorklassischen Griechenlands und ihre Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Philosophie in der antiken griechischen Welt, (b) beschreibt die Rolle des Orakels von Delphi und listet seine 147 Maximen auf, und (c) stellt die bekannten Zitate und einige biographische Daten der sieben Weisen des antiken Griechenlands (Thales, Pittakos, Bias, Solon, Kleovoulos, Periandros und Chilon) vor der Ära der klassischen Philosophie von Sokrates, Platon und Aristoteles vor.

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    Jeta kniga (a) opisywaet drewnegrecheskie maximy doklassicheskoj Grecii i ih rol' w razwitii filosofii w drewnegrecheskom mire, (b) opisywaetsq rol' Del'fijskogo orakula i perechislqütsq ego 147 maxim, i (w) predstawleny izwestnye citaty i nekotorye biograficheskie dannye semi mudrecow Drewnej Grecii (Falesa, Pittakosa, Biasa, Solona, Kleowulosa, Periandra i Hilona) do äpohi klassicheskoj filosofii Sokrata, Platona i Aristotelq.

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    Cet ouvrage (a) décrit les maximes de la Grèce préclassique et leur rôle dans le développement de la philosophie dans le monde grec antique, (b) décrit le rôle de l'Oracle de Delphes et énumère ses 147 maximes, et (c) présente les citations connues et quelques données biographiques des sept sages de la Grèce antique (Thalès, Pittacos, Bias, Solon, Cléovoulos, Periandros et Chilon), avant l'ère de la philosophie classique de Socrate, Platon et Aristote.

  • av John Kyriazoglou

    This book (a) describes the Ancient Greek Maxims of pre-classical Greece and their role in the development of philosophy in the ancient Greek world, (b) describes the role of the Oracle of Delphi and lists its 147 maxims, and (c) presents the known quotations and some biographical data of the seven sages of ancient Greece (Thales, Pittacos, Bias, Solon, Cleovoulos, Periandros, and Chilon), before the era of classical philosophy of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

  • - Ancient Greek Wisdom for a better life
    av John Kyriazoglou
    1 280,-

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