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Bøker av John Irving

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  • av John Irving

    'The reason Homer Wells kept his name was that he came back to St Cloud's so many times, after so many failed foster homes, that the orphanage was forced to acknowledge Homer's intention to make St Cloud's his home.'Homer Wells' odyssey begins among the apple orchards of rural Maine.

  • av John Irving

    If you're lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.' Eleven-year-old Owen Meany, playing in a Little League baseball game in Gravesend, New Hampshire, hits a foul ball and kills his best friend's mother. What happens to Owen after that 1953 foul ball is both extraordinary and terrifying.

  • av John Irving

  • - A Novel
    av John Irving

  • av John Irving

    One of the world’s greatest novelists returns with his first novel in seven years — a ghost story, a love story, and a lifetime of sexual politics.

  • av John Irving

    A masterpiece from one of the great contemporary American writers. Anniversary edition with a new afterword from the author 'BRILLIANT' Cosmpolitan; 'ABSOLUTELY EXTRAORDINARY' L A Times

  • av John Irving

    John Berry is a son of a hapless dreamer, brother to a cadre of eccentric siblings, and chronicler of the lives lived, the loves experienced, the deaths met, and the myriad strange and wonderful times encountered by the family Berry.

  • av John Irving

    On a New England campus, Viennese housewife Utchka and her aspiring writer husband live a rather placid life with their two children.Until, that is, they meet Severin Winter, Professor of German and wrestling coach, and his delicate wife Edith at a faculty party.

  • - A Celtic Knot of Poems
    av John Irving

    A collection of poems depicting an ardent connection with physical, historical and mystical Ireland. Blood feuds, cattle raids, cows, crows, and fearsome goddesses flow through the pages forming themselves into a Celtic lovers' knot of poetry symbolizing the numinous union of past and present, Above and Below.

  • av John Irving
    244 - 404,-

  • av John Irving
    243 - 509,-

  • av John Irving
    254 - 357,-

  • av John Irving

    This book is a detailed and profusely illustrated guide to navigating small yachts, with information on reading tides and tidal streams, navigating at night, correcting bearings, and many other related aspects. ¿The Navigation of Small Yachts¿ has been carefully selected for a modern readership, and will be of considerable utility to novice yachtsmen. Contents include: ¿Position, Direction and Distance¿, ¿The Chart¿, ¿Elementary Chart Work¿, ¿Selecting the Safe Track to Follow¿, ¿The Magnetic Compass¿, ¿Variation, Deviation, and the Correction of Courses and Bearings¿, ¿Leeway and Current¿, ¿The Compass Course to Steer¿, ¿Distance and Speed¿, ¿Windward Work¿, etc. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on sailing.

  • av John Irving

    New Hampshire, 1954. Danny Baciagalupo våkner ei natt og tar feil av den lokale politimannens kjæreste og en bjørn. Dette fører til at Danny og faren må forlate den lille byen Twisted River i all hast. Romanen spenner over fem tiår, og følger far og sønn i deres omflakkende tilværelse på flukt fra politimannen, noe som fører dem til Boston, Vermont og Toronto.

  • av John Irving

    Endelig en ny bok fra mesterforfatter John Irving, og denne gangen tar forfatterskapet en ny vending.Mysterieavenyen er en fargerik fortelling, som gjennom et halvt århundre, på tvers av kontinenter, beretter om en manns dramatiske liv.Juan Diego vokser opp i slummen i Mexico, og etter en turbulent barndom blir han bortadoptert til USA. Der utdanner han seg til lærer og blir etter hvert en suksessrik forfatter.I boken møter vi en aldrende Juan Diego på reise ut i verden. Med seg i bagasjen er drømmene og minnene hans; om de fattige foreldrene og søsteren Lupe.Mysterieavenyen sprudler av John Irvings fortellerglede, med hans skakke og eksentriske persongalleri og skildringer, der han våger å ta velkjente elementer inn i ukjent landskap.John Irving er en av våre mest anerkjente og elskede forfattere, med sterke romaner som Garps bok og I en og samme person bak seg. Med utgivelser i mer en 35 land er han blitt en internasjonal bestselgende forfatter. Mysterieavenyen er hans fjortende roman.

  • av John Irving

    Boken er en kjærlighetsroman som handler om en sammensatt og selvmotsigende kvinneskikkelse, Ruth Cole. Hennes historie er fortalt i tre deler, og hver del tar for seg kritiske perioder av hennes liv. Hun har ikke hatt samme suksess i sitt private liv som med sin litterære karriere. Boka er filmatisert.

  • av John Irving

    A compelling novel of desire, secrecy, and sexual identity, In One Person is a story of unfulfilled love - tormented, funny, and affecting - and an impassioned embrace of our sexual differences.

  • av John Irving
    733 - 2 016,-

    In this study, John Irving brings together the various strands of scholarship surrounding Mozart's concertos. He treats the concertos as a repertoire, rather than as individual works and offers supporting documentation from the period.

  • av John Irving
    836 - 2 331,-

    Mozart's piano sonatas are among the most familiar of his works and stand alongside those of Haydn and Beethoven as staples of the pianist's repertoire. This study looks at a selection of contextual situations for Mozart's sonatas, focusing on the variety of ways in which they assume identities and achieve meanings.

  • av John Irving

    As a teenager, he struggles to keep anything secret - Lupe knows all the worst things that go through his mind. What a terrible burden it is to know - or to think you know - your future, or worse, the future of someone you love.

  • av John Irving

    In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, a twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable's girlfriend for a bear. Both the twelve-year-old and his father become fugitives, pursued by the constable. Their lone protector is a fiercely libertarian logger, once a river driver, who befriends them.

  • av John Irving & Lord Alfred Tennyson

  • av John Irving

    'According to his mother, Jack Burns was an actor before he was an actor, but Jack's most vivid memories of childhood were those moments when he felt compelled to hold his mother's hand.

  • av John Irving

    'Imagine a young man on his way to a less-than-thirty-second event - the loss of his left hand, long before he reached middle age.'While reporting a story from India, a New York television journalist has his left hand eaten by a lion;

  • av John Irving

    In a spirited opening piece, John Irving explains how he became a writer. There follow six scintillating stories written over the past twenty years, inlcuding The Pension Grillparzer, previously only to be found inside The World According to Garp, and now given its first independent airing.

  • av John Irving

    Yet he stubbornly clings to the notion that he'll make something of his life, and is about to commit himself to a second marriage that bears remarkable resemblance to his first. The Water-Method Man is a work of cosummate artistry and comic invention, bizarre imagery and sharp social and psychological observation.

  • av John Irving

    'The brown bears paced, brushing their thick coats against the bars; their heads swayed low to the ground, in rhythm with some ritual of stealth they were born knowing and pointlessly never forgot'It is 1967 and two Viennese university students decide to liberate the Vienna Zoo, as was done after World War II.

  • av John Irving

    Dedicated to the memory of two wrestling coaches and two writer friends, The Imaginary Girlfriend is a lucid portrait of the writers and wrestlers who played a mentor role in John Irving's development as a novelist, a wrestler and a wrestling coach.

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