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Bøker av Johann Hari

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  • - Why You're Depressed and How to Find Hope
    av Johann Hari

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: A radically new way of thinking about depression and anxiety'A book that could actually make us happy' SIMON AMSTELL'This amazing book will change your life' ELTON JOHN'One of the most important texts of recent years' BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE 'Brilliant, stimulating, radical' MATT HAIG'The more people read this book, the better off the world will be' NAOMI KLEIN 'Wonderful' HILLARY CLINTON'Eye-opening' GUARDIAN'Brilliant for anyone wanting a better understanding of mental health' ZOE BALL 'A game-changer' DAVINA MCCALL 'Extraordinary' DR MAX PEMBERTON'Beautiful' RUSSELL BRAND Depression and anxiety are now at epidemic levels. Why? Across the world, scientists have uncovered evidence for nine different causes. Some are in our biology, but most are in the way we are living today. Lost Connections offers a radical new way of thinking about this crisis. It shows that once we understand the real causes, we can begin to turn to pioneering new solutions - ones that offer real hope.

  • av Johann Hari
    182 - 358,-

    Vår evne til å konsentrere oss er i fritt fall. Collegestudenter i USA har klarer nå i gjennomsnitt å holde fokus på én oppgave i 65 sekunder, og kontormedarbeidere kun i tre minutter. I Stjålet fokus legger den internasjonale bestselgerforfatteren Johann Hari ut på en langstrakt reise for å snakke med verdens ledende eksperter og finne ut hvorfor dette skjer med oss - og det han konkluderer med er at alt vi trodde vi visste om dette feltet er feil.Vi tror vår mangle evne til å konsentrere oss er våre egen personlige falitt - en skavank ved hver og en av oss. Det er det ikke. Dette har blitt gjort mot oss - av mektige eksterne krefter - og det har blitt gjort over tid. Vårt fokus har blitt stjålet fra oss.Hari oppdager at det finnes tolv dypereliggende årsaker til denne krisen, og han viser oss hvordan han oppdaget det gjennom en engasjerende reise - en ferd som tar ham fra Silicon Valley-avhoppere, til vegetarianere som diagnostiserer hunder med ADHD, fra en favela i Rio der alle har mistet konsentrasjonen på en spesielt surrealistisk måte, til et kontor på New Zealand som oppdaget en bemerkelsesverdig teknikk som ga deres ansatte konsentrasjonsevnen tilbake.For viktigst av alt er dette en bok som viser oss hvordan vi kan gjenvinne vårt fokus, dersom vi bestemmer oss for å kjempe for det. Svarene vil både overraske og engasjere deg. Dette er en bok om vår pågående oppmerksomhetskrise ulik noen annen du har lest.

  • - The inspiration for the feature film The United States vs Billie Holiday
    av Johann Hari

    Chasing the Scream, a gripping work by Johann Hari, is a book that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Published in 2019 by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, this book delves into the heart of the human condition. It's a book that transcends genre, combining elements of suspense, drama, and profound insight into a compelling narrative. The author, Johann Hari, uses his masterful storytelling skills to draw readers into a world that is both familiar and foreign. Chasing the Scream is not just a book; it's an exploration of what it means to be human. The publication of this book by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC in 2019 marked a significant moment in the literary world. This is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring new perspectives and challenging their preconceptions. Don't miss out on this incredible journey.

  • av Johann Hari

    Den prisvinnende engelske journalisten Johann Hari fikk det ikke til å stemme: Han var 39 år, og for hvert år han hadde levd, hadde omfanget av depresjon og angst økt i Storbritannina og i den vestlige verden. Hvorfor?Han hadde en personlig grunn til å stille dette spørsmålet. Da han var tenåring, hadde han gått til legen med lammende angst og depresjon, og han kunne verken kontrollere det eller forstå det. Noen av løsningene legen foreslo, ga ham noe lindring, men den dype smerten ble han ikke kvitt.Så, som voksen, la han ut på en lang reise verden over for å intervjue ledende eksperter om hva som forårsaker depresjon og angst, og om hva kan løse det. Han lærte at det er vitenskapelige bevis for ni forskjellige årsaker til depresjon og angst - og at denne kunnskapen gir håp om en løsning.

  • av Johann Hari

    'A brilliant synthesis of so much important information. Really important, and very necessary' STEPHEN FRY'Compassionate, wise and mind-expanding . . . A must read' PHILIPPA PERRYThe bestselling author of Lost Connections and Stolen Focus takes a revelatory look at the new drugs transforming weight loss as we know it - sharing his personal experience on Ozempic and examining our ability to heal society's dysfunctional relationship with food, weight and our bodies. In January 2023, Johann Hari started to inject himself once a week with Ozempic, one of the new drugs that produces significant weight loss. He wasn't alone - some predictions suggest that in a few years, one in four of the British population will be taking these drugs. While around 80 per cent of diets fail, someone taking one of the new drugs is likely to lose up to a quarter of their body weight in six months. To the drugs' defenders, this is a moment of liberation from a condition that massively increases your chances of diabetes, cancer and an early death. Still, Hari was wildly conflicted. Can these drugs really be as good as they sound? Are they a magic solution - or a magical illusion? Finding the answer to this high-stakes question led him on a journey from Iceland to Minneapolis to Tokyo, and to interview the leading experts in the world on these issues. He found that along with the drugs' massive benefits come twelve significant potential risks. He also learned that these drugs radically challenge what we think we know about shame, willpower and healing. These drugs are about to change our world, for better and for worse. Everybody needs to understand how they work - scientifically, emotionally and culturally. Magic Pill is an essential guide to the revolution that has already begun - and which one leading expert argues could be as transformative as the invention of the smartphone.

  • av Johann Hari

    The bestselling author of Lost Connections and Stolen Focus offers a revelatory look at the new drugs transforming weight loss as we know it - from his personal experience on Ozempic to our ability to heal our society's dysfunctional relationship with food, weight and our bodies. In January 2023, Johann Hari started to inject himself once a week with Ozempic, one of the new drugs that produces significant weight loss. He wasn't alone - some predictions suggest that in a few years, one in four of the British population will be taking these drugs. While around 80 per cent of diets fail, someone taking one of the new drugs will lose up to a quarter of their body weight in six months. To the drugs' defenders, here is a moment of liberation from a condition that massively increases your chances of diabetes, cancer and an early death. Still, Hari was wildly conflicted. Can these drugs really be as good as they sound? Are they a magic solution - or a magical illusion? Finding the answer to this high-stakes question led him on a journey from Iceland to Minneapolis to Tokyo, and to interview the leading experts in the world on these issues. He found that along with the drug's massive benefits come twelve significant potential risks. He also learned that these drugs radically challenge what we think we know about shame, willpower and healing. These drugs are about to change our world, for better and for worse. Everybody needs to understand how they work - scientifically, emotionally and culturally. Magic Pill is an essential guide to the revolution that has already begun - and which one leading expert argues will be as transformative as the invention of the smartphone.

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