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Bøker av Jean Baudrillard

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  • av Jean Baudrillard

    A tour de force of the materialist semiotics of the early Baudrillard

  • av Jean Baudrillard

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    193 - 699,-

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    193 - 1 018,-

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    1 185,-

    Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) was a controversial social and cultural theorist known for his trenchant analyses of media and technological communication. Belonging to the generation of French thinkers that included Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan, Baudrillard has at times been vilified by his detractors, but the influence of his work on critical thought and pop culture is impossible to deny (many might recognize his name from The Matrix movies, which claimed to be based on the French theorist's ideas). Steve Redhead takes a fresh look at Baudrillard in relation to the intellectual and political climates in which he wrote. Baudrillard sought to produce a theory of modernity, but the modern world of the 1950s was radically different from the reality of the early twenty-first century. Beginning with Baudrillard's initial publications in the 1960s and concluding with his writings on 9/11 and Abu Ghraib, Redhead guides the reader through Baudrillard's difficult texts and unorthodox views on current issues. He also proposes an original theory of Baudrillard's relation to postmodernism, presenting the theorist's work as "non-postmodernist," after Bruno Latour's concept of "non-modernity." Each section of the Reader includes an extract from one of Baudrillard's writings, prefaced by a short bibliographical introduction that places the piece in context and puts the debate surrounding the theorist into sharp perspective. The conflict over Baudrillard's legacy stems largely from the fact that a comprehensive selection of his writings has yet to be translated and collected into one volume. The Jean Baudrillard Reader provides an expansive and much-needed portrait of the critic's resonant work.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

    Big Brother gir inntrykk av å vise sannheten om mennesket som sosialt vesen. TV-serien fremstår som et slags frivillig laboratorieforsøk som skal avdekke hvordan mennesker samhandler når de isoleres fra omverdenen. Men serien viser fremfor alt tomhet. Likevel har den skyhøye seertall.Omtrent slik betrakter Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) realityfenomenet i denne boken. Samtidig setter han også pornografien under lupen. Både reality og porno er like lite virkelige og sier like lite om virkeligheten, hevder Baudrillard. De illustrerer tvert om at virkeligheten ikke lenger finnes i vår mediedominerte verden: Virkeligheten er blitt hyperreell, den er selv blitt en del av illusjonen.De to essayene i denne boken, Telemorfose og Den radikale tenkning, viser at Baudrillard var mer opptatt av vår aktuelle samfunnsvirkelighet enn av abstrakte begreper og resonnementer. Han får godt frem at to tilsynelatende banale og trivielle fenomener, realityserier og pornografi, forteller mer om vår kulturtilstand enn de fleste av oss liker å tenke på.Oversettelse, noter og etterord er ved Per Buvik, professor i allmenn litteraturvitenskap ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har tidligere også oversatt Baudrillards I skyggen av de tause majoriteter i serien Cappelens upopulære skrifter.Nr. 56 i Cappelens upopulære skrifter.

  • - den sosiale ordens endelikt
    av Jean Baudrillard

    Baudrillard fremhever det destruktive ved massenes taushet og paniske konformisme. Massene karakteriseres ved deres anonymitet, terrorismen ved dens angrep på den anonyme - sammen danner de en felles benektelse av den sosiale orden Oversatt av Per BuvikBaudrillard fremhever det destruktive ved massenes taushet og paniske konformisme. Massene har ingen historie å skrive, ingen kraft å forløse, ingen begjær å innfri; deres kraft er aktuell, den er fullstendig til stede, den er deres taushet. Massene karakteriseres ved deres anonymitet, terrorismen ved dens angrep på den anonyme - sammen danner de en felles benektelse av den sosiale orden.Oversatt av Per Buvik.Nr. 2 i Cappelens upopulære skrifter.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

    A material analysis of the sign which deepens Marx's critique of political economy for spectacular times.

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    262 - 980,-

  • - Myths and Structures
    av Jean Baudrillard
    627 - 1 800,-

    Includes most organized discussion of mass media culture, the meaning of leisure, and anomie in affluent society.

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    711 - 1 926,-

    Examines humanities and social sciences around the idea of postmodernism. This book leads the reader on an exhilarating tour encompassing the end of Marxism, the enchantment of fashion, symbolism about sex and the body, and the relations between economic exchange and death.

  • - 1987 - 1990
    av Jean Baudrillard
    216 - 630,-

    Jean Baudrillard is widely recognized as one of the most important and provocative writers of our age. This book is the third (after "America and Cool Memories") in a series of personal records in hyper-reality. It is suitable for those concerned with the debates about postmodernism and the state of theory on the social sciences and humanities.

  • av Jean Baudrillard & Enrique Valiente Noailles
    229 - 700,-

    Not long ago, two friends Jean Baudrillard and Enrique Valiente Noailles the one having come from Buenos Aires, the other from nowhere, met in Paris. They had a long discussion without any precise aim. It was, rather, a way of rubbing up against metaphysics without risk of contagion.

  • - 2000 - 2004
    av Jean Baudrillard
    238 - 630,-

    Prophet of the apocalypse, hysterical lyric poet, obsessive recounter of the desolation of the postmodern scene and currently the hottest property on the New York intellectual circuit. The Guardian A sharp-shooting lone-ranger from the post-Marxist left. New York Times The most important French thinker of the past twenty years. J.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

    Aren't we actually sick of sex, of difference, of emancipation, of culture? With this provocative taunt, the indomitable sociologist Jean Baudrillard challenges us to face up to our deadly, technologically empowered renunciation of mortality and subjectivity as he grapples with the complex issues that define our postmillennial world. What does the advent and proliferation of cloning mean for our sense of ourselves as human beings? What does the turn of the millennium say about our relation to time and history? What does the instantaneous, virtual realm of cyberspace do to reality? In The Vital Illusion-as always-Baudrillard leads his readers to some surprising conclusions.Baudrillard considers how human cloning-as well as the "e;cloning"e; of ideas and social identities-heralds an end to sex and death and the divagations of living by instituting a realm of the Same, beyond the struggles of individuation. In this day and age when everything can be cloned, simulated, programmed, and genetically and neurologically managed, humanity shows itself unable to brave its own diversity, preferring instead to regress to the pathological eternity of self-replicating cells. By reverting to our viral origins as sexless immortal beings, we are, ironically, fulfilling a death wish, putting an end to our own species as we know it. Next, Baudrillard explores the "e;nonevent"e; that was and is the turn of the millennium. He provocatively puts forward the thesis that the arrival of the year 2000 could never take place because we could neither resolve nor leave behind our history, nor could we stop counting down toward our future. For Baudrillard, the millennial clock reading to the millionth of a second on its way to zero is the perfect symbol of our time: history decays rather than progresses. In closing, Baudrillard examines what he calls "e;the murder of the real"e; by the virtual. In a world of copies and clones in which everything can be made present in an instant by technology, we can no longer even speak of reality. Beyond Nietzsche's symbolic murder of God, our virtual world free of referents is in the process of exterminating reality, leaving no trace: "e;The corps(e) of the Real-if there is any-has not been recovered, is nowhere to be found."e;Peppered with Baudrillard's signature counterintuitive moves, prophetic visions, and dark humor, The Vital Illusion exposes the contradictions that guide our contemporary culture and rule our lives.

  • - or, The Lucidity Pact
    av Jean Baudrillard

  • av Jean Baudrillard
    1 552,-

    Human cultures are divided into two basic types, two antagonistic forces, one based on symbolic exchange, which is dual and reciprocal, and one based on money and sign exchange, which is totalising. A summation of Baudrillard's work over twenty years, this is an analysis of the fundamental conflict.

  • - A Chronicle of the Years 1977-1984
    av Jean Baudrillard

    An analysis of how Mitterand came to power in France and how political power seduced the French Left and became a simulacrum.First published in French in 1985, The Divine Left is Jean Baudrillard's chronicle of French political life from 1977 to 1984. It offers the closest thing to political analysis to be found from a thinker who has too often been regarded as apolitical. Gathering texts that originally appeared as newspaper commentary on François Mitterand's rise to power as France's first Socialist president and the Socialist Party's fraught alliance with the French Communist Party, The Divine Left in essence presents Baudrillard's theory of the simulacrum as it operates in the political sphere.In France, the Left, and even the ultra-Left, had been seduced by power. This scenario—dissected by Baudrillard with deadpan humor and an almost chilling nonchalance—produced a Socialist Party that devoted itself to rallying the market economy and introducing neoliberalism, and replaced an intellectual class with the media stars and hyper-professionals of the spectacle. Starting from the elections of 1977, Baudrillard analyzes—in "real time,” as it were—how the Left's taking of power had in fact been an enaction of not just its own death throes, but those of power itself. The Divine Left outlines a simulation of politics that offers discomfiting parallels to our political world today, a trajectory that has only grown more apparent in recent years: the desire and intention to fail.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

    Characterizing it as a "mythic discourse," Jean Baudrillard proceeds, in this brilliant essay, to dismantle the powerful, seductive figure of Michel Foucault.In 1976, Jean Baudrillard sent this essay to the French magazine Critique, where Michel Foucault was an editor. Foucault was asked to reply, but remained silent. Forget Foucault (1977) made Baudrillard instantly infamous in France. It was a devastating revisitation of Foucault's recent History of Sexuality—and of his entire oeuvre—and also an attack on those philosophers, like Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, who believed that desire could be revolutionary. In Baudrillard's eyes, desire and power were interchangeable, so desire had no place in Foucault's work. There is no better introduction to Baudrillard's polemical approach to culture than these pages, in which Baudrillard dares Foucault to meet the challenge of his own thought. This Semiotext(e) edition of Forget Foucault is accompanied by a dialogue with Sylvère Lotringer, "Forget Baudrillard," a reevaluation by Baudrillard of his lesser-known early works as a post-Marxian thinker. Lotringer presses Baudrillard to explain how he arrived at his infamous extrapolationist theories from his roots in the nineteenth and early twentieth century social and anthropological works of Karl Marx, Marcel Mauss, and Emil Durkheim.

  • - Writings from Utopie (1967-1978)
    av Jean Baudrillard

    Seminal essays written by Baudrillard for a journal devoted to a radical leftist critique of architecture, urbanism, and everyday life.The Utopie group was born in 1966 at Henri Lefebvre's house in the Pyrenees. The eponymous journal edited by Hubert Tonka brought together sociologists Jean Baudrillard, René Lourau, and Catherine Cot, architects Jean Aubert, Jean-Paul Jungmann, Antoine Stinco, and landscape architect Isabelle Auricoste. Over the next decade, both in theory and in practice, the group articulated a radical ultra-leftist critique of architecture, urbanism, and everyday life. Utopia Deferred collects all of the essays Jean Baudrillard published in Utopie as well as recent interviews with Jean Baudrillard and Hubert Tonka.Utopie served as a workshop for Baudrillard's thought. Many of the essays he first published in Utopie were seminal for some of his most shockingly original books: For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, The Mirror of Production, Simulations, Symbolic Exchange and Death, and In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities. But Utopie was also a topical journal and a political one; the topics of these essays are often torn from the headlines of the tumultuous decade following the uprisings of May 1968.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

    Baudrillard's remarkably prescient meditation on terrorism throws light on post-9/11 delusional fears and political simulations.

  • av Jean Baudrillard

  • - Manifestos, Interviews, Essays
    av Jean Baudrillard

    Cutting-edge theorist Jean Baudrillard on the complicitous dance of art, politics, economics, and media; includes "War Porn," on Abu Ghraib as a new genre of reality TV.The images from Abu Ghraib are as murderous for America as those of the World Trade Center in flames. The whole West is contained in the burst of sadistic laughter of the American soldiers, as it is behind the construction of the Israeli wall. This is where the truth of these images lies. Truth, but not veracity. As virtual as the war itself, their specific violence adds to the specific violence of the war. In The Conspiracy of Art, Baudrillard questions the privilege attached to art by its practitioners. Art has lost all desire for illusion: feeding back endlessly into itself, it has turned its own vanishment into an art unto itself. Far from lamenting the "end of art," Baudrillard celebrates art's new function within the process of insider-trading. Spiraling from aesthetic nullity to commercial frenzy, art has become transaesthetic, like society as a whole. Conceived and edited by life-long Baudrillard collaborator Sylvère Lotringer, The Conspiracy of Art presents Baudrillard's writings on art in a complicitous dance with politics, economics, and media. Culminating with "War Porn," a scathing analysis of the spectacular images from Abu Ghraib prison as a new genre of reality TV, the book folds back on itself to question the very nature of radical thought.

  • av Jean Nouvel

    This exhilarating dialogue between two of the most interesting thinkers working in philosophy and architecture today covers fundamental problems of politics, identity, and aesthetics as their exchange becomes an imaginative exploration of the possibilities of modern architecture and the future of modern life.

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