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Bøker av Jan Sverre Amundsen

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  • av Jan Sverre Amundsen

    Erfaring fra mer enn tre tiår innen ledelse av endring og transformasjon, i flere selskaper på tvers av bransjer og nasjonale kulturer, har lært meg noen viktige ting. Denne læringen har overbevist meg om det fantastiske potensialet de fleste organisasjoner har, knyttet til forbedring av måten endring planlegges og gjennomføres på. Min viktigste læring kan kort oppsummeres slik. Endring er en kontinuerlig innsats og organisasjoner som mestrer endring i den daglige driften, på den mest profesjonelle og inkluderende måten, er de mest bærekraftige. Verdien av endringen hviler på i hvilken grad den blir adoptert av organisasjonen og denne delen mangler for ofte. Derfor kreves det aktiv endringsledelse for å høste gevinstene med ethvert endringsinitiativ. Vellykket endring kan bare skje hvis den drives av lederne i organisasjonen. En prosjektleder eller en endringsleder kan bare legge til rette for prosessen og gjøre det mulig for lederne å mobilisere for endringen.

  • av Jan Sverre Amundsen

    Experience from more than three decades of working with organisational change and business transformation, in multiple companies across industries and national cultures, has taught me some important lessons. These lessons have convinced me of the fantastic potential most organisations can unlock by developing the way change is planned and executed. The most important elements can be briefly summarised as follows: Change is a continuous effort. Organisations integrating change into their day to day operations, using the most professional and inclusive methods, are the most sustainable. The value of change rests with its adoption, and adoption is too often lacking. Active organisational change management is required to capture the benefits of any change initiative. Successful change can only happen when it is driven by leaders within the organisation. A project manager or a change manager can only facilitate the process. The leaders must mobilise for change. Sponsorship by all leaders, from the CEO to first line management, is crucial to realising change. The roles might differ, but are equally important. Sponsorship is the single most important element for success, and when absent the most frequent reason for failure. Sponsorship and leadership are intricately connected to organisational values. The individual perception of purpose or sense of belonging, autonomy and mastery are important contributing elements in successful change. This book emphasizes the requirements to leadership in change processes and provides a model that sets the course towards lasting and sustainable change.

  • av Jan Sverre Amundsen

    Experience from more than three decades of working with organisational change and business transformation, in multiple companies across industries and national cultures, has taught me some important lessons. These lessons have convinced me of the fantastic potential most organisations can unlock by developing the way change is planned and executed. The most important elements can be briefly summarised as follows. Change is a continuous effort. Organisations integrating change into their day-to-day operations, using the most professional and inclusive methods, are the most sustainable. The value of the change rests with its adoption and adoption is too often lacking. Active organisational change management is required to capture the benefits of any change initiative. Successful change can only happen when it is driven by leaders within the organisation. A project manager or change manager can only facilitate the process. The leaders must mobilise for change.

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