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Bøker av Jan Guillou

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  • av Jan Guillou

    The second volume of the crusades trilogy from bestelling Swedish author Jan Guillou.THE KNIGHT TEMPLAR follows Arn's adventures in the Holy Land, where he discovers that the infidel Saracens aren't as brutish and uncivilised as he had been led to believe, and that in fact there is another, darker side to the teaching of the Cistercians.

  • av Jan Guillou
    229 - 449,-

    Journalistveteran Erik Ponti og hans gamle venn, etterretningsoffiser Carl Hamilton, er ikke hvilke som helst pensjonister.Nærmest som en hobby har de startet et prosjekt som går ut på å sabotere telefonene og datamaskinene til alle landets telefonsvindlere.Men når Putins Russland angriper Ukraina, endres forholdene radikalt. Carl Hamilton kalles tilbake til tjeneste og plutselig har de to vennene tilgang til fantastiske militærressurser. Innen kort tid har de utviklet en form for elektronisk krigføring som skal kunne utslette all organisert kriminalitet.Men så står de overfor et avgjørende dilemma: Rettferdiggjør målet hvilke som helst midler?

  • av Jan Guillou
    224 - 394,-

    Det er ikke hvilke som helst pensjonister som havner i kampen mot ekstrem og velorganisert kriminalitet. Den ene er veteranjournalisten Erik Ponti, den andre hans gamle venn, den tidligere etterretningsoffiseren Carl Hamilton. Tilsynelatende et veldig umake par, men som det ville være uklokt å undervurdere. De havner snart i et svært begivenhetsrikt eventyr hvor ikke bare livet står på spill. "Jeg-formen har gjort Jan Guillou godt. Riktig godt. ... Guillous alltid skarpe miljøobservasjoner grenser mot ren skjønnhet, og fremstår overraskende ydmyk når han plasserer seg selv i hendelsene. ... Jan Guillou har hatt det uvanlig gøy denne gangen [...] En ny vitalitet." Niklas Wahllöf, Dagens Nyheter "Nå kommer den nye romanen Den som dödade helvetets änglar, og den er bra. Bedre enn bra til og med. ... Aldri tidligere har Guillou benyttet seg av en så interessant fortellerteknikk." Victor Malm, Expressen "... det er i betraktningene rundt verden at Guillou er på sitt beste. ... Guillou beskriver aldri med lett hånd, og viser en aldri synkende interesse for omverdenen." Essy Klingberg, Aftonbladet

  • av Jan Guillou

    A knight in the Holy Land. A woman in the frozen north. A war that kept them apart... Among the last bastion of God's holy warriors determined to save Jerusalem from the Muslims, Arn Magnusson of the Knights Templar is renowned as a man of compassion, strength, and faith, even among the enemy Saracens?Saladin and his Muslim followers. Yet, neither time nor distance can lessen Arn's pain of separation from his beloved Cecilia; confined to a cloister back home in western Götaland, his betrothed, the mother of their newborn son, is a pawn in a war between clans vying for control of the crown.And when an accident of fate brings together Arn and Saladin, an unlikely friendship is forged that will alter the course of the Templar knight's life, and the history of Jerusalem itself.

  • av Jan Guillou

    For power. For passion. For glory. The epic story of the Knights Templar. Born in 1150 to a noble Swedish family and coming of age at a monastery under the tutelage of a Cistercian monk and a former Knight Templar, young Arn Magnusson is sent to fulfill his destiny beyond the cloister walls. But the world awaiting him is a place at odds with his monastic ways. And when the murder of a king engulfs Western Götaland into a whirlwind of intrigue and ruthless power plays, headstrong and naive Arn is forced to leave the woman he loves behind and take up arms to battle infidels in the Holy Land.The first book in the international bestselling Crusades Trilogy, this thrilling epic of betrayal, faith, blood, and love sets "a Shakespearian quest for power" (Corriere della Sera, Italy) against the backdrop of the Holy Wars, witnessed through a vibrant, unorthodox lens.

  • av Jan Guillou

    One of the fiercest and most feared warriors of the Knights Templar, Arn de Gotha can finally return home to his beloved Sweden, now that Jerusalem has been lost to Saladin. But during his twenty years of exile, Arn's homeland has been torn apart by warring clans?and the brave nobleman soldier is determined to reunite it and establish lasting peace.Waiting for him is his beloved Cecilia, emerging from a convent to join him after their unfathomably long separation, against the stern demands of her clan. Their reunion could incite a war unless they can convince the clan that love ranks higher than politics, and that it can sustain a new quest: to create a new people, a new society, with Arn at its helm.

  • av Jan Guillou

    The third volume of the crusades trilogy from bestselling Swedish author Jan Guillou.Arn de Gotha has become one of the most feared warriors of the Knights Templar fighting to liberate Palestine with the Crusaders.At the great battle for Jerusalem, a mammoth and bloody struggle where the Christians were finally defeated, Arn is saved from certain death by Saladin, his longtime enemy and trusted friend. Ravaged by wounds and sickness, Arn is at last granted his wish: to return at last to his homeland, it plagued by endless wars.Arn is determined to find her - the woman for whom he was exiled. He must discover if their love could endure so long a separation, and if it can sustain his new quest: the create a new people, a new society, both Christian and Muslim, both craftsmen and warriors, with Arn at its helm, fighting for peace in a savage land.A fitting conclusion to a great trilogy, a bestseller all over Europe, and now the basis for a major film.

  • av Jan Guillou

    The epic story of one man's fight for his love, his God and his CountryThe Road to Jerusalem - Book 1 in the Crusades Trilogy.Arn Magnusson, born into an aristocratic Swedish family, is raised in an old monastery because of an old promise made by his mother. From the start he shows the natural skill and aptitude of a born fighter, yet despite his strength he is innocent in the ways of the world. He is sent from the sheltered walls of the convent to experience something of real life. On his journeys Arn falls foul of various fighting groups, but is also delighted with the women he encounters. Seduced by one sister, he falls in love with the other and ends up sleeping with them both - a mortal sin in the medieval church. While his love is sent to a convent, Arn's sentence is commuted to forced commitment to the cause of the Crusades, where he becomes a notable soldier and eventually a high ranking commander of the Knights Templar and both friend and enemy to the charismatic Saladin.Arn's Story continues in the next two books: The Knight Templar and Kingdom at the End of the Road.

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