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Bøker av James Rollins

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  • av James Rollins

    An alliance embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover the secrets of the distant past and save their world in this captivating, deeply visionary adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling thriller-master James Rollins.A gifted student foretells an apocalypse. Her reward is a sentence of death.Fleeing into the unknown she is drawn into a team of outcasts:A broken soldier, who once again takes up the weapons he's forbidden to wield and carves a trail back home.A drunken prince, who steps out from his beloved brother's shadow and claims a purpose of his own.An imprisoned thief, who escapes the crushing dark and discovers a gleaming artifact - one that will ignite a power struggle across the globe.On the run, hunted by enemies old and new, they must learn to trust each other in order to survive in a world evolved in strange, beautiful, and deadly ways, and uncover ancient secrets that hold the key to their salvation. But with each passing moment, doom draws closer.WHO WILL CLAIM THE STARLESS CROWN?

  • av James Rollins

    The second book in the New York Times bestselling Moonfall series from thriller-master James Rollins, The Cradle of Ice is a page-turning tale of action, adventure, betrayal, ambition, and the struggle for survival in a harsh world that hangs by a thread.To stop the coming apocalypse, a fellowship was formed.A soldier, a thief, a lost prince, and a young girl bonded by fate and looming disaster.Each step along this path has changed the party, forging deep alliances and greater enmities. All the while, hostile forces have hunted them, fearing what they might unleash. Armies wage war around them.For each step has come with a cost-in blood, in loss, in heartbreak.Now, they must split, traveling into a vast region of ice and to a sprawling capital of the world they've only known in stories. Time is running out and only the truth will save them all.The Moonfall Series:The Starless CrownThe Cradle of Ice

  • av James Rollins

    Meet the newest recruits to the expanding SIGMA Force universe - former Army Ranger Tucker Wayne and his stalwart companion, Kane, a military working dog with exceptional abilities.

  • av James Rollins

    The NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author returns with a gripping, high-concept adventure thriller in the Sigma Force series - for fans of Dan Brown and Michael Crichton.

  • av James Rollins

    From the #1 New York Times master of international thrillers comes the story of a global hunt across the top of world, pitting nation against nation, as ancient myths of a lost continent prove all too real.

  • av James Rollins
    132 - 257,-

    In the latest riveting thriller from James Rollins, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sigma Force series, an international research station in the Coral Sea comes under siege during a geological disaster that triggers massive quakes, deadly tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. To stop the world from burning, it's up to Sigma Force to uncover a secret buried at the heart of our planet. The Titan Project?an international research station off the coast of Australia?discovers a thriving zone of life in an otherwise dead sea. The area teems with a strange bioluminescent coral that defies science, yet holds great promise for the future. But the loss of a military submarine in the area triggers a brutal attack and sets in motion a geological disaster that destabilizes an entire region.Massive quakes, volcanic eruptions, and deadly tsunamis herald a greater cataclysm to come?for something is stirring miles under the ocean, a threat hidden for millennia.As seas turn toxic and coastlines burn, can Sigma Force stop what has been let loose?especially as an old adversary returns, hunting them and thwarting their every move? For any hope of success, Commander Gray Pierce must search for a key buried in the past, hidden deep in Aboriginal mythology. But what Sigma could uncover is even more frightening?something that will shake the very foundations of humanity.

  • - A Sigma Force Novel
    av James Rollins

  • - A Sigma Force Novel
    av James Rollins
    128 - 216,-

    A war is coming, a battle that will stretch from the prehistoric forests of the ancient past to the cutting-edge research labs of today, all to reveal a true mystery buried deep within our DNA, a mystery that will leave readers changed forever .

  • av James Rollins

    Could the founding of America be based on a lie? The truth is hidden within the ruins of a cursed lost colony... An exhilarating Sigma Force thriller.

  • - A Novel
    av James Rollins

    “One of the world’s best storytellers.”—Huffington PostFor eons, the city of Troy—whose legendary fall was detailed in Homer’s Iliad—was believed to be myth, until archaeologists in the nineteenth century uncovered its ancient walls buried beneath the sands. If Troy was real, how much of Homer’s twin tales of gods and monsters, curses and miracles—The Iliad and The Odyssey—could also be true and awaiting discovery?In the frozen tundra of Greenland, a group of modern-day researchers stumble on a shocking find: a medieval ship buried a half-mile below the ice. The ship’s hold contains a collection of artifacts—tools of war—dating back to the Bronze Age. Inside the captain’s cabin is a clockwork gold map imbedded with an intricate silver astrolabe. Once activated, the moving map traces the path of Odysseus’s famous ship as it sailed away from Troy. But the route detours as the map opens to reveal a fiery river leading to a hidden realm underneath the Mediterranean Sea—the subterranean world of Tartarus, the Greek name for Hell. When word of Tartarus spreads, the phantasmagoric horrors found in Homer’s tales are all too real—and whoever possesses them can use their awesome power to control the future of humanity.Now, Sigma Force must prevent a tyrant from igniting a global war and cross the very gates of Hell.“[Rollins] is what you might end up with if you tossed Michael Crichton and Dan Brown into a particle accelerator together.”—New York Times Book Review 

  • - A Sigma Force Novel
    av James Rollins

    Now Sigma Force must confront a danger that will unleash a cascading series of plagues, culminating in a scourge that could kill all of the world's children .

  • - A Sigma Force novel
    av James Rollins

    A sinister fire in a Copenhagen bookshop ignites a relentless hunt across four continents...A superb SIGMA FORCE thriller from the bestselling author of MAP OF BONES and THE DOOMSDAY KEY.

  • av James Rollins

    Can the past save the future? asks the latest SIGMA Force thriller from the king of the genre.

  • av James Rollins

  • - A Thriller
    av James Rollins

  • - Découvrez la splendeur alpine et les merveilles culturelles: votre guide ultime pour une aventure italienne mémorable en 2024
    av James Rollins

    Embarquez pour un voyage inoubliable dans la ville pittoresque de Bolzano avec le compagnon de voyage définitif de 2024. Plongez dans la riche tapisserie d'histoire, de culture et de beauté naturelle qui vous attend dans cette destination enchanteresse nichée au milieu des paysages à couper le souffle des Alpes italiennes.Découvrez les secrets des rues pavées de Bolzano, où l'architecture centenaire et le charme médiéval invitent les voyageurs à se promener dans le temps. Du château emblématique de Runkelstein perché au-dessus de la ville aux marchés animés regorgeant de saveurs locales et d'artisanat artisanal, chaque page de ce guide méticuleusement rédigé vous invite à explorer les trésors cachés et les monuments incontournables qui définissent le caractère unique de Bolzano.Que vous recherchiez des délices culinaires dans des trattorias chaleureuses, que vous entrepreniez des randonnées pittoresques à travers les prairies alpines ou que vous perciez les mystères d'Ötzi l'homme des glaces dans le musée de renommée mondiale, le guide de voyage Bolzano 2024 est votre passeport pour des expériences inoubliables et des souvenirs précieux. Rempli de conseils d'initiés, de cartes détaillées et de recommandations d'experts, ce guide complet est votre compagnon de confiance pour parcourir les diverses attractions de la ville, des monuments historiques aux aventures en plein air et tout le reste.Laissez le Guide de voyage Bolzano 2024 être votre porte d'entrée vers les merveilles du Tyrol du Sud, où chaque coin de rue vous réserve une nouvelle aventure et où chaque panorama offre un aperçu à couper le souffle au coeur des Alpes italiennes. Que vous soyez un voyageur chevronné ou que vous embarquiez pour votre premier voyage à Bolzano, laissez ce guide captivant être votre feuille de route pour découvrir la magie de l'une des destinations les plus captivantes d'Italie.

  • - "Entdecken Sie die Pracht der Alpen und kulturelle Wunder: Ihr ultimativer Leitfaden für ein unvergessliches italienisches Abenteuer im Jahr 2024"
    av James Rollins

    Begeben Sie sich mit dem ultimativen Reisebegleiter des Jahres 2024 auf eine unvergessliche Reise in die malerische Stadt Bozen. Tauchen Sie ein in die reiche Geschichte, Kultur und Naturschönheit, die Sie an diesem bezaubernden Reiseziel inmitten der atemberaubenden Landschaften der italienischen Alpen erwartet.Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse der Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen von Bozen, wo jahrhundertealte Architektur und mittelalterlicher Charme Reisende zu einer Reise durch die Zeit einladen. Von der ikonischen Burg Runkelstein hoch über der Stadt bis zu den lebhaften Märkten voller lokaler Aromen und Kunsthandwerk lädt Sie jede Seite dieses sorgfältig zusammengestellten Reiseführers dazu ein, die verborgenen Schätze und sehenswerten Wahrzeichen zu erkunden, die den einzigartigen Charakter Bozens ausmachen.Ob Sie kulinarische Köstlichkeiten in gemütlichen Trattorien suchen, malerische Wanderungen durch Almwiesen unternehmen oder im weltberühmten Museum die Geheimnisse von Ötzi, dem Mann aus dem Eis, lüften, der Bozen Reiseführer 2024 ist Ihr Schlüssel zu unvergesslichen Erlebnissen und wertvollen Erinnerungen. Vollgepackt mit Insidertipps, detaillierten Karten und Expertenempfehlungen ist dieser umfassende Reiseführer Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Begleiter beim Navigieren durch die vielfältigen Attraktionen der Stadt, von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten bis hin zu Outdoor-Abenteuern und allem dazwischen.Lassen Sie den Bozen-Reiseführer 2024 Ihr Tor zu den Wundern Südtirols sein, wo jede Straßenecke ein neues Abenteuer bereithält und jeder Ausblick einen atemberaubenden Einblick in das Herz der italienischen Alpen bietet. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Reisender sind oder zum ersten Mal nach Bozen reisen, dieser fesselnde Reiseführer ist Ihr Wegweiser zur Entdeckung des Zaubers eines der faszinierendsten Reiseziele Italiens.

  • - "Entdecken Sie das Juwel der Ägäis: Ihr ultimativer Begleiter zu Griechenlands Schönheit, Kultur und unvergesslichen Erlebnissen im Jahr 2024"
    av James Rollins

    Befragen . Von den sonnenverwöhnten Stränden bis zu den charmanten Dörfern auf Klippen bietet unser Führer Insider-Einblicke, praktische Tipps und exklusive Empfehlungen, um ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu gewährleisten. Egal, ob Sie ein erstmaliger Reisender oder ein erfahrener Santorini-Enthusiast sind, lassen Sie diesen Leitfaden Ihr Begleiter sein, um die Geheimnisse eines der verlockendsten Ziele der Welt freizuschalten. Erhöhen Sie Ihr Santorini -Abenteuer mit dem endgültigen Reiseführer für 2024! "

  • - Découvrez le joyau de la mer Égée: votre compagnon ultime pour la beauté, la culture et les expériences inoubliables de la Grèce en 2024"
    av James Rollins

    Embarquez pour un voyage captivant à travers les paysages enchanteurs et la riche tapisserie culturelle de Santorin avec notre guide méticuleusement élaboré pour 2024. Plongez dans l'attrait intemporel de ce joyau de la mer Égée en découvrant des trésors cachés, en vous livrant à des délices culinaires et en parcourant les monuments emblématiques de l'île. . Des plages ensoleillées aux charmants villages perchés sur les falaises, notre guide fournit des informations privilégiées, des conseils pratiques et des recommandations exclusives pour garantir une expérience inoubliable. Que vous soyez un voyageur novice ou un passionné chevronné de Santorin, laissez ce guide vous accompagner pour découvrir les secrets de l'une des destinations les plus séduisantes au monde. Élevez votre aventure à Santorin avec le guide définitif pour 2024 !"

  • - Discover the Aegean Gem: Your Ultimate Companion to Greece's Beauty, Culture, and Unforgettable Experiences in 2024
    av James Rollins

    Embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of Santorini with our meticulously curated guide for 2024. Immerse yourself in the timeless allure of this Aegean gem as you discover hidden treasures, indulge in culinary delights, and navigate the island's iconic landmarks. From the sun-kissed beaches to the charming villages perched on cliffs, our guide provides insider insights, practical tips, and exclusive recommendations to ensure an unforgettable experience. Whether you're a first-time traveler or a seasoned Santorini enthusiast, let this guide be your companion in unlocking the secrets of one of the world's most alluring destinations. Elevate your Santorini adventure with the definitive guidebook for 2024!"

  • av James Rollins

    The second book in the New York Times bestselling Moonfall series from thriller-master James Rollins, The Cradle of Ice is a page-turning tale of action, adventure, betrayal, ambition, and the struggle for survival in a harsh world that hangs by a thread.To stop the coming apocalypse, a fellowship was formed.A soldier, a thief, a lost prince, and a young girl bonded by fate and looming disaster.Each step along this path has changed the party, forging deep alliances and greater enmities. All the while, hostile forces have hunted them, fearing what they might unleash. Armies wage war around them.For each step has come with a cost-in blood, in loss, in heartbreak.Now, they must split, traveling into a vast region of ice and to a sprawling capital of the world they've only known in stories. Time is running out and only the truth will save them all.The Moonfall Series:The Starless CrownThe Cradle of Ice

  • av James Rollins

  • - The Order of the Sanguines Series
    av James Rollins & Rebecca Cantrell
    150 - 263,-

    In a masterpiece of supernatural mystery and apocalyptic prophecy, New York Times bestselling authors James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell bring to a thunderous conclusion their epic trilogy of novels set between the worlds of shadow and light, between salvation and damnation, where the very gates of Hell must be shattered to discover the true fate of humankind inBlood InfernalAs an escalating scourge of grisly murders sweeps the globe, archaeologist Erin Granger must decipher the truth behind an immortal prophecy foretold in the Blood Gospel, a tome written by Christ and lost for centuries: The shackles of Lucifer have been loosened, and his Chalice remains lost. It will take the light of all three to forge the Chalice anew and banish him again to his eternal darkness. With the Apocalypse looming, Erin must again join forces with Army Sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza to search for a treasure lost for millennia. But the prize has already fallen into the hands of their enemy, a demon named Legion, before whom even the walls of the Vatican will fall.The search for the key to salvation will take Erin and the others across centuries and around the world, from the dusty shelves of the Vaticans secret archives to lost medieval laboratories, where ancient alchemies were employed to horrific ends. All the while, they are hunted, besieged by creatures of uncanny skill and talent. As clues are dug free from ancient underground chapels and found frozen in icy mountain caverns, one that will destroy not only her, but all she loves. To protect the world, Erin must walk through the very gates of Hell and face the darkest of enemies: Lucifer himself.With The Blood Gospel, the first novel in the Order of the Sanguines series, James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell combined science, myth, and religion to introduce a breathtaking world where miracles hold new meaning and the fight for good over evil is far more complicated than we ever dreamed. And now, in this epic conclusion to the Sanguines trilogy, Blood Infernal, they take us to the very pit of Hell itself, making us peer into the abyss and face our greatest fears, to answer the ultimate question: What price will we pay for true salvation?

  • av James Rollins

    In the race to save one of their own, Sigma Force must wrestle with the deepest spiritual mysteries of mankind in this mind-expanding adventure from the #1 New York Times bestselling author, told with his trademark blend of cutting edge science, historical mystery, and pulse-pounding action.Arriving home on Christmas Eve, Commander Gray Pierce discovers his house ransacked, his pregnant lover missing, and his best friend's wife, Kat, unconscious on the kitchen floor. With no shred of evidence to follow, his one hope to find the woman he loves and his unborn child is Kat, the only witness to what happened. But the injured woman is in a semi-comatose state and cannot speak?until a brilliant neurologist offers a radical approach to ?unlock? her mind long enough to ask a few questions.What Pierce learns from Kat sets Sigma Force on a frantic quest for answers that are connected to mysteries reaching back to the Spanish Inquisition and to one of the most reviled and blood-soaked books in human history?a Medieval text known as the Malleus Maleficarum, the Hammer of Witches. What they uncover hidden deep in the past will reveal a frightening truth in the present and a future on the brink of annihilation, and force them to confront the ultimate question: What does it mean to have a soul?

  • av James Rollins

  • av James Rollins

  • av James Rollins

    #1 New York Times bestselling author James Rollins delivers a masterful epic that combines timeless mystery and ripped-from-the-headlines scientific intrigue.A military research station buried in the remote Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California broadcasts a frantic distress call that ends with a chilling order: ?There's been a breach. Failsafe initiated. No matter the outcome: Kill us . . . kill us all.?When park ranger Jenna Beck arrives with her search-and-rescue dog Nikko to investigate, they discover that all of the scientists in the lab are dead and every living thing for fifty square miles is annihilated: animals, plants, insects, even bacteria. The land is completely sterile?and the blight is spreading.Only one team on earth has the scientific knowledge and military precision to handle this mission: Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma. As Pierce and his team race to decipher millennia-old secrets, they face their greatest challenge yet: stopping the sixth extinction?the end of humankind.

  • av James Rollins

    In a thrilling masterwork that will make you rethink your perceptions of life and death, #1 New York Times bestselling author James Rollins takes you to the edge of medicine, genetics, and technology, revealing the next evolutionary leap forward: immortality . . .Galilee, 1025. A Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure in an ancient citadel?a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power.A millennium later, Commander Gray Pierce of Sigma Force is dispatched to the African jungle, teaming up with former Army Ranger Captain Tucker Wayne and his military war dog, Kane, on a covert mission to rescue the U.S. President's pregnant daughter from Somali pirates. But Pierce fears the kidnapping masks a far more terrible terrorist agenda?a suspicion proven true in a fiery ambush and a deadly act of betrayal . . . and by the firebombing of a South Carolina fertility clinic half a world away.Suddenly Gray Pierce and Sigma Force are in a frantic race to save an innocent unborn baby whose very existence raises questions about the nature of humanity. And behind it all is a deadly cabal that has been manipulating events from the shadows throughout history . . . and a devastating conspiracy rooted in human genetic code that Pierce must expose before it alters humanity forever.

  • av James Rollins

    Ice Hunt will make your toes curl and your free hand clutch the armchair as you speed through the pages.Tampa TribuneA classic adventure from James Rollins, the author of The Doomsday Key, The Last Oracle, The Judas Strain, Black Order, and other pulse-pounding, New York Times bestselling thrillers, Ice Hunt carries readers to the top of the world, where nothing can surviveexcept fear.

  • av James Rollins

    Grippinga first-rate nail biter.Tampa TribuneJames Rollinsthe author of The Doomsday Key, The Last Oracle, The Judas Strain, Black Order, and other pulse-pounding, New York Times bestsellerscarries readers into the heart of darkness in his classic thriller, Amazonia. Lincoln Child, New York Times bestselling co-author (with Douglas Preston) of Cemetery Dance and other Agent Pendergast thrillers, raves, Amazonia grabs you by the throat and refuses to let go until the very last page is turned.

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