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Bøker av James Allen

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  • av James Allen

    Byways to Blessedness unfolds the curtain on a transformative roadmap to inner satisfaction created by the well-known author, James Allen. In this timeless collection of ideas, James Allen guides readers along lesser-known paths, inviting them to lighten on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awareness. Through a series of essays, he explores essential aspects of life, including gratitude, self-discipline, forgiveness, and the power of positive thought. Drawing upon his own experiences and observations, Allen presents a unique perspective on the human condition, addressing both the challenges and opportunities for growth that lie within everyday life. Through the pages of this remarkable book, readers are invited to transcend limitations, confront negative patterns of thought, and align their actions with their deepest values.

  • av James Allen

    In his timeless masterpiece, 'The Divine Companion,' James Allen takes readers on a transformative journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Departing from the conventional format of spiritual literature, Allen adopts a unique approach that blends profound wisdom with practical guidance, inviting readers to embark on an inner quest for self-discovery. Unlike many other spiritual works, "The Divine Companion" does not seek to impose a rigid set of beliefs or practices. Instead, it serves as a gentle guide, encouraging readers to explore their own spiritual path and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine presence within. The book acts as a compass, illuminating the way toward a harmonious and purposeful life. With each page, readers are encouraged to embrace self-discipline, practice mindfulness, and nurture gratitude for the abundant blessings life offers. The Divine Companion is not just a book; it is a spiritual companion that gently nudges us for self-transformation.

  • av James Allen

    The empowering masterpiece From Poverty to Power written by James Allen unveils a transformative roadmap that leads readers from the depths of scarcity and struggles to the heights of prosperity and inner peace. Through this profound literary work, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. By aligning their thoughts and actions with the principles shared within these pages, individuals can transcend poverty¿both external and internal¿and manifest a life of prosperity, peace, and genuine fulfillment. From Poverty to Power is a testament to the extraordinary capacity of the human spirit to rise above adversity and manifest a life of abundance. It is a book that empowers, enlightens, and serves as a guiding light on the path to personal transformation and the realization of prosperity and peace.

  • av James Allen

    In the timeless literary gem, "All These Things Added," James Allen skillfully unveils the key to unlocking a life of abundance, spiritual enlightenment, and profound fulfillment. Through profound insights and practical guidance, the author illuminates the path toward harmonizing material success with inner growth and spiritual awakening. This remarkable literary work acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path to a life of fulfillment and spiritual growth. It serves as a reminder that true prosperity encompasses not only material wealth but also inner peace, joy, and a deep connection to the divine. By immersing themselves in the wisdom of "All These Things Added," readers can unlock their full potential, embrace abundance in all its forms, and embark on a transformative journey toward spiritual enlightenment. It is a book that empowers, inspires, and invites individuals to realize their inherent capacity to create a life filled with purpose, prosperity, and profound inner fulfillment.

  • av James Allen

    In the world of personal development and spiritual growth, few authors have left as profound an impact as James Allen. His timeless wisdom and eloquent insights have guided countless individuals on their paths to self-realization. The Collected Works of James Allen encapsulates his transformative ideas, presenting a treasure trove of wisdom for readers seeking inner peace, purpose, and success. This unique compilation takes readers on a transformative journey, traversing the depths of the human psyche and exploring the power of thought. What sets Collected Works apart is its ability to transcend time and connect with readers across generations. Allen's prose effortlessly weaves together spirituality and practicality, offering profound insights into the nature of the mind and its influence on our external reality. The book acts as a mirror, reflecting the reader's inner landscape and gently urging them to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Within these pages, readers will discover practical techniques to harness the power of thought and transform their lives.

  • av James Allen

    In 'A Journey Within: Meditations for Every Day in the Year,' James Allen invites readers to embark on a transformative expedition of self-discovery and inner peace. With a unique approach to meditation, Allen presents a collection of daily reflections designed to guide individuals toward a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. What sets this book apart is its ability to resonate with readers from all walks of life. Through "Meditations for Every Day in the Year," readers are encouraged to embark on a daily ritual of self-reflection and introspection. By consistently engaging with Allen's meditations, individuals can cultivate a stronger connection with themselves and develop a sense of inner tranquility that extends beyond the pages of the book. A Journey Within: Meditations for Every Day in the Year is a profound guide that illuminates the path to self-discovery and inner peace.

  • av James Allen

    In the enchanting realm of literature, where wisdom and insight intertwine, a gem shines forth with resplendent brilliance. "Light on Life's Difficulties," penned by the luminary wordsmith James Allen, dances gracefully upon the pages, offering a unique beacon of enlightenment amidst the swirling chaos of existence. In this literary opus, Allen, akin to an eloquent maestro, conducts a symphony of profound contemplation, resonating with the human spirit. He unfurls his profound insights with a melodic cadence, inviting readers to embark upon a transformative journey of self-discovery and resilience. With graceful strokes of the pen, Allen paints vivid portraits of life's trials and tribulations, deftly guiding us toward a world of profound understanding. Through his luminous prose, he imparts timeless wisdom, encouraging us to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of our struggles with unwavering grace and fortitude. In this remarkable literary creation, James Allen's words transcend the boundaries of mere text, evoking an ethereal symphony within the reader's soul.

  • av James Allen

    James Allen was born in Leicester, Central England, November 28, 1864. The family business failed within a few years, and in 1879 his father left for America in an effort to recoup his losses. The elder Allen had hoped to settle in the United States, but was robbed and murdered before he could send for his family.James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown...... None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence - Ilfracombe, England. His name cannot be found in a major reference work. Not even the Library of Congress or the British Museum has much to say about him.Who was this man who believed in the power of thought to bring fame, fortune and happiness? Or did he, as Henry David Thoreau says, hear a different drummer?...... James Allen never gained fame or fortune. That much is true. His was a quiet, unrewarded genius. He seldom made enough money from his writings to cover expenses.As A Man Thinketh was Allen's second book. Despite its subsequent popularity he was dissatisfied with it. Even though it was his most concise and eloquent work, the book that best embodied his thought, he somehow failed to recognize its value. His wife Lily had to persuade him to publish it.The financial crisis that resulted forced James to leave school at fifteen. He eventually became a private secretary, a position that would be called administrative assistant today. He worked in this capacity for several British manufacturers until 1902, when he decided to devote all his time to writing.Unfortunately, Allen's literary career was short, lasting only nine years, until his death in 1912. During that period he wrote nineteen books, a rich outpouring of ideas that have lived on to inspire later generations.Soon after finishing his first book, From Poverty To Power, Allen moved to Ilfracombe, on England's southwest coast. The little resort town with its seafront Victorian hotels and its rolling hills and winding lanes offered him the quiet atmosphere he needed to pursue his philosophical studies.James Allen strove to live the ideal life described by Russia's great novelist and mystic Count Leo Tolstoy - the life of voluntary poverty, manual labor and ascetic self-discipline. Like Tolstoy, Allen sought to improve himself, be happy, and master all of the virtues. His search for felicity for man on earth was typically Tolstoyan.The works of James Allen are eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing, or to add another to the existing books. According to his wife, Allen wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice.

  • av James Allen

    Scared by vampires, werewolves or the spider in the bath? Then prepare to be spookified by SPOOKASAURUS; a charming, funny and most spooky tale, about the scariest dinosaur to ever walk the earth... James & Amy are an award-winning advertising duo and Spookasaurus is their first book to go into bookshops.

  • av James Allen

    "James Allen: Leven en Werk" is een diepgaande verkenning van het leven, de filosofie en de blijvende impact van de Britse schrijver en filosoof James Allen. Dit boek werpt een helder licht op zijn reis van persoonlijke tegenslagen naar spirituele ontwaking en zijn evolutionaire bijdragen aan het veld van persoonlijke ontwikkeling en zelfverbetering.Het boek begint met een gedetailleerde blik op Allen's vroege leven en achtergrond, inclusief zijn jeugdervaringen en de uitdagingen die hij heeft overwonnen. Het legt de nadruk op zijn zoektocht naar diepere betekenis en de invloeden die hebben bijgedragen aan zijn ontwikkeling als schrijver en filosoof.

  • av James Allen

    A long-standing classic, this book is a must read for anyone interested in bettering themselves. The human mind is more powerful than most people know and this book provides readers with a major key in teaching us how to use it properly. Thoughts are what truly control your life, and this can well be considered a kind of owners manual for the mind. Achieve your best self with this book that comprises of techniques that are simple but powerful. And once you master these techniques there is no stopping you.

  • av James Allen
    178 - 479,-

  • av James Allen

    Miré al mundo alrededor, y vi que estaba ensombrecido por pena y devastado por los fieros fuegos del sufrimiento. Y busqué la causa. Miré alrededor, sin hallarla; la busqué en libros, sin hallarla; la busqué dentro de mí y encontré tanto la causa como la autocreada naturaleza de esta causa. Miré de nuevo, ahora más profundamente, y hallé el remedio. Hallé una Ley, la Ley del Amor; una Vida, la Vida de adaptación a esa Ley; una Verdad, la verdad de una mente conquistada y un corazón callado y obediente. Y soñé con escribir un libro que ayudara a hombres y mujeres, ya fueran ricos o pobres, educados o ignorantes, materialistas o espirituales, a encontrar dentro de ellos mismos la fuente de todo el éxito, toda la felicidad, todos los logros, toda la verdad. Y este sueño permaneció conmigo, y por fin tomó forma, y ahora lo envío hacia el mundo en su misión de sanar y bendecir, sabiendo que no puede fallar, sino llegar a los hogares y corazones de aquellos que están listos para recibirlo.

  • - James Allen
    av James Allen

    Este libro es una de las obras más reconocida del gran escritor James Allen, uno de los autores de superación personal más leídos y reconocidos de todos los tiempos. Esta obra ha sido traducida a más de cincuenta idiomas y ha cambiado la vida de millones de lectores. En ella, el autor plantea la idea de que nuestros pensamientos son las semillas de aquello que más tarde fructificará en nuestras vidas. Este libro, -convertido ahora ya en un clásico-, ha influenciado e inspirado poderosamente a un sinúmero de escritores y motivadores famosos, entre ellos: Norman Vincent Peale, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Denis Waitley, Anthony Robbins y Og Mandino. Muchas de las obras de estos reconocidos autores contienen en su base más fundamental, los principios e ideas de James Allen. Este libro es una joya de ética, virtud y responsabilidad personal.

  • av James Allen

    You are what you think. This simple, insightful and profound statement encapsulates James Allen's book As a Man Thinketh. Who was this inspiration and spiritual thought leader and just how did he devise such profound wisdom that has withstood the test of time?

  • av James Allen

    Embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation with James Allen's groundbreaking masterpiece, All These Things Added. Delving deep into the intricate workings of the human mind, Allen unveils the secrets to unlocking your true potential.Through profound insights and timeless wisdom, Allen reveals the remarkable power of thoughts, beliefs, and desires in shaping our reality. Practical techniques and exercises empower you to harness this power, manifest your deepest aspirations, and create a life of unbridled success and fulfilment.From the art of visualization to the cultivation of gratitude, All These Things Added presents transformative tools that revolutionize how you perceive yourself and the world. Gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between your thoughts, actions, and outcomes, empowering you to overcome challenges, attract abundance, and live a purpose-driven life.This remarkable book serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path to self-realization, personal growth, and extraordinary achievement. All These Things Added is an essential companion for those seeking to unlock their inner potential and embrace a life of limitless possibilities.

  • av James Allen

    Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom and profound insights of James Allen's Collected Works. This captivating anthology brings together the transformative writings of a visionary philosopher, an inspirational voice, and a spiritual guide.In these pages, you will discover a treasure trove of philosophical musings that delve into the depths of human existence and contemplate the nature of truth, purpose, and the meaning of life. Allen's words resonate with profound clarity, urging readers to embark on a journey of self-reflection and introspection.With his eloquent prose and thought-provoking ideas, Allen inspires and uplifts, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges, cultivate inner peace, and tap into the boundless potential within. Through his powerful insights, he illuminates the path to personal transformation, guiding readers towards a life of purpose, fulfilment, and spiritual awakening.Collected Works is a testament to James Allen's enduring legacy as a philosopher, thinker, and sage. This anthology is a source of inspiration and enlightenment, inviting readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and embrace the profound truths that lie within.

  • av James Allen

    Dive into the transformative teachings of James Allen's Eight Pillars of Prosperity. In this captivating work, Allen explores the essential principles that lead to lasting success and abundance in all areas of life.Drawing upon timeless wisdom, Allen reveals the key pillars that form the foundation of prosperity, such as energy, economy, integrity, system, sincerity, sympathy, self-reliance, and selflessness. Through profound insights and practical guidance, he illuminates how these pillars can be cultivated and integrated into daily life to achieve true prosperity.Whether you seek financial abundance, personal fulfilment, or spiritual growth, Eight Pillars of Prosperity serves as a comprehensive guide. Allen's words inspire readers to align their thoughts, actions, and values with these pillars, unlocking their full potential and experiencing a life of purpose, harmony, and prosperity.With clarity and eloquence, Allen imparts invaluable lessons that transcend time, making this book a timeless resource for those seeking to create lasting success and prosperity in an ever-changing world. Embrace the wisdom of the Eight Pillars of Prosperity and embark on a journey of holistic abundance that will transform your life in profound ways.

  • av James Allen

    Hebrews. Thought by many to have been authored by the Apostle Paul. The theme of the book? The superiority and sufficiency of Jesus Christ.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen


  • av James Allen

    "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen is a timeless classic that offers practical and inspirational advice on how to transform one's life by harnessing the power of thoughts. In this updated version, the book is accompanied by simple illustrations and activity sessions that vividly depict the key messages of each chapter. The illustrations and workbook bring to life the book's central idea that a person's thoughts create their reality, and that by changing their thoughts, they can change their life. Each chapter is accompanied by an illustration that captures the essence of the message, making it easy to understand and apply to one's life. Whether you're looking to improve your health, achieve your goals, or find inner peace, "As a Man Thinketh" offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you transform your life. With its simple yet powerful illustrations, this updated version is a must-read for anyone seeking to unleash the power of their thoughts and create the life they desire. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life with "As a Man Thinketh." Buy your copy today and start harnessing the power of your thoughts to create the life you've always dreamed of.

  • av James Allen

    James Allen was born in Leicester, Central England, November 28, 1864. The family business failed within a few years, and in 1879 his father left for America in an effort to recoup his losses. The elder Allen had hoped to settle in the United States, but was robbed and murdered before he could send for his family.James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown...... None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence - Ilfracombe, England. His name cannot be found in a major reference work. Not even the Library of Congress or the British Museum has much to say about him.Who was this man who believed in the power of thought to bring fame, fortune and happiness? Or did he, as Henry David Thoreau says, hear a different drummer?...... James Allen never gained fame or fortune. That much is true. His was a quiet, unrewarded genius. He seldom made enough money from his writings to cover expenses.As A Man Thinketh was Allen's second book. Despite its subsequent popularity he was dissatisfied with it. Even though it was his most concise and eloquent work, the book that best embodied his thought, he somehow failed to recognize its value. His wife Lily had to persuade him to publish it.The financial crisis that resulted forced James to leave school at fifteen. He eventually became a private secretary, a position that would be called administrative assistant today. He worked in this capacity for several British manufacturers until 1902, when he decided to devote all his time to writing.Unfortunately, Allen's literary career was short, lasting only nine years, until his death in 1912. During that period he wrote nineteen books, a rich outpouring of ideas that have lived on to inspire later generations.Soon after finishing his first book, From Poverty To Power, Allen moved to Ilfracombe, on England's southwest coast. The little resort town with its seafront Victorian hotels and its rolling hills and winding lanes offered him the quiet atmosphere he needed to pursue his philosophical studies.James Allen strove to live the ideal life described by Russia's great novelist and mystic Count Leo Tolstoy - the life of voluntary poverty, manual labor and ascetic self-discipline. Like Tolstoy, Allen sought to improve himself, be happy, and master all of the virtues. His search for felicity for man on earth was typically Tolstoyan.The works of James Allen are eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing, or to add another to the existing books. According to his wife, Allen wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice.

  • av James Allen

    With the current abundance of motivational coaches, talk shows, self-help books, and "positivity" seminars, it s easy to think you've heard it all. You haven't. Before "affirmations" and "visualization" became a part of our everyday language, a man by the name of James Allen blazed the trail you now see others following. Allen is most widely known for his seminal book, As a Man Thinketh, which teaches readers the immense power of the conscious mind. From Poverty to Power, his first book, explores the same concepts, but focuses on recovering from adversity. Considering our society's present conditions, the message of this book is especially relevant. Allen takes readers on another journey of self discovery in this empowering text. Allen explores the power of the conscious mind in transforming the conditions of one's life and how one can harness all of their innate powers. This edition is further enhanced with an introduction by C'BS ALife that firmly sets the context of this writing by James Allen in time and space. Readers will understand how and why the message of James Allen arose when it did, how this message remains unique even in today's atmosphere of positive thinking," and - most importantly - how we can put them into practice now.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

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