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Bøker av James Allen

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  • - How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth
    av James Allen & Chris Zook

    A Washington Post BestsellerThree Principles for Managingand Avoidingthe Problems of GrowthWhy is profitable growth so hard to achieve and sustain? Most executives manage their companies as if the solution to that problem lies in the external environment: find an attractive market, formulate the right strategy, win new customers. But when Bain & Company’s Chris Zook and James Allen, authors of the bestselling Profit from the Core, researched this question, they found that when companies fail to achieve their growth targets, 90 percent of the time the root causes are internal, not externalincreasing distance from the front lines, loss of accountability, proliferating processes and bureaucracy, to name only a few. What’s more, companies experience a set of predictable internal crises, at predictable stages, as they grow. Even for healthy companies, these crises, if not managed properly, stifle the ability to grow furtherand can actively lead to decline.The key insight from Zook and Allen’s research is that managing these choke points requires a “founder’s mentality”behaviors typically embodied by a bold, ambitious founderto restore speed, focus, and connection to customers:• An insurgent’s clear mission and purpose• An unambiguous owner mindset• A relentless obsession with the front lineBased on the authors’ decade-long study of companies in more than forty countries, The Founder’s Mentality demonstrates the strong relationship between these three traits in companies of all kindsnot just start-upsand their ability to sustain performance. Through rich analysis and inspiring examples, this book shows how any leadernot only a foundercan instill and leverage a founder’s mentality throughout their organization and find lasting, profitable growth.

  • - A Return to Growth in Turbulent Times
    av James Allen & Chris Zook

    When Profit from the Core was published in 2001, it became an international bestseller, helping hundreds of companies find their way back to profitable growth after the bursting of the Internet bubble. The 2007 global financial meltdown reaffirmed the perils of pursuing heady growth through untested strategies, as firms in industries from finance to retailing to automobiles strayed too far from their core businesses and suffered the consequences.In this updated edition of Profit from the Core, authors Chris Zook and James Allen show that a renewed focus on the core is more critical than ever as firms seek to rebuild their competitive advantage coming out of the downturnand that a strong core will be the foundation for successful expansion as the economy recovers. Based on more than ten years of Bain & Company research and analysis and fresh examples from firms responding to the current downturn, the book outlines what today’s executives and managers need to do now to revitalize their core, identify the next wave of profitable growth, and build on it successfully.Zook and Allen explain how companies can:• Develop a strong, well-defined core and use it to establish a leadership position• Follow the golden rule of strategy: discourage competitors from investing in your core• Assess whether your core is operating at its full potential• Uncover hidden assets in your core that provide the seeds for new growth• Find a repeatable formula to apply core business strengths in adjacent marketsBuilding on powerful and proven ideas to meet today’s formidable business challenges, Profit from the Core is the back-to-basics strategy field guide no manager should be without.

  • av James Allen

    THIS little self-help volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that-- "They themselves are makers of themselves." By virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen

  • - Classic Edition (2018)
    av James Allen
    145 - 250,-

  • av James Allen
    124 - 288,-

  • av James Allen

    Before there was The Secret, there was As a Man Thinketh. For more than a century, James Allen's landmark 1903 essay on the power of thought has inspired people in all walks of life. Allen endeavored to write with simple clarity, to make his teachings universally accessible. He examines the ways in which thought shapes behavior, and through it, our relationships with others and with the world around us. Chapter by chapter, Allen explores the long-term effect of focused, positive thought in every area of life, and on identity itself. "Thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes creative force: he who knows this is ready to become something higher and stronger than a mere bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations; he who does this has become the conscious and intelligent wielder of his mental powers." -James Allen

  • av James Allen

    James Allen's 1903 As a Man Thinketh is an exquisite product of the New Thought Movement. Allen discusses how humans a product of their thoughts.

  • av James Allen

  • av James Allen & Henry Thomas Hamblin

    "The Mastery of Destiny" is a 1909 self-help book by British writer James Allen. Self-help books aim to help the reader with problems, offering them clear and effective guidance on how obstacles can be passed and solutions found, especially with regard to common issues and day-to-day life. Such books take their name from the 1859 best-selling "Self-Help" by Samuel Smiles, and are often also referred to as "self-improvement" books. Contents include: "Deeds, Characters, and Destiny", "The Science of Self-control", "Cause and Effect in Human Conduct", "Training of the Will", "Thoroughness", "Mind-building and Life-building", "Cultivation of Concentration", "Practice of Meditation", "The Power of Purpose", "The Joy of Accomplishment", etc. James Allen (1864-1912) was a British writer most famous for his inspirational poetry and being an early leader of the self-help movement. "As a Man Thinketh" (1903), his best known work, has been a significant source of inspiration for many self-help authors. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with an Essay from Within You is the Power by Henry Thomas Hamblin.

  • av James Allen

    Acclaimed analysis of the life and career of Formula 1's most successful driver - Michael Schumacher

  • av James Allen
    197 - 366,-

  • av James Allen
    342 - 551,-

  • av James Allen
    266 - 374,-

  • av James Allen
    408 - 680,-

  • av James Allen
    276 - 533,-

  • av James Allen
    229 - 366,-

  • av James Allen
    229 - 366,-

  • av James Allen
    197 - 366,-

  • av James Allen

    A journey through a series of 24 poems of nature that encounter deep emotions from melancholy, loneliness, anxiety, frustration, and ambition, to joy, love, amusement, contentment, and empathy.

  • av James Allen

    As a Man Thinketh is a self-help book by James Allen (24th November 1864 24th January 1912). When Allen was just 15 years, there happened a tragedy, his businessman father was robbed and murdered. Due to this, his family suffered huge financial crises. That compelled Allen to do some job so that he could support his family. Allen was highly inspired by the writings of Leo Tolstoy. After that, along with his wife and daughter, he shifted to Devon, England. There he led a simple life and he wrote for 9 years, resulted in 19 works. It was published in 1903. He was a British philosophical writer and poet, known for his inspirational and self-help books. He was one of the most popular writers on spirituality. As a Man Thinketh is an essay and self-help classic book.As a Man Thinketh is an essay and self-help classic book. It narrates how one could make life better by harnessing his thoughts which further cultivates the philosophy and best attitude of a successful person. The author has kept this book very lucid, simple and easy to understand language. The main focus is on giving power to your thoughts and thus making your life powerful. The book narrates how actions matter a lot? How thoughts help you act faster?So, man is the master of thought, the moulder of character and the maker of destiny. Mind is our master of inner and outer world. Our thoughts are the fountain of our life. Good thought always bring good in your life. Bad thoughts and actions never produce good & positive results. The author has nicely narrated how our mind is like a garden; as good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts always a bad fruit.The aphorism As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he is well suited to humans life. Also man holds the key to every situation. Let this book show you how the way you think affects your daily life. Youll learn how to be happier, wealthier, and lead a peaceful and stress free life. Also, the book will surely help you to do self-analysis of your life. A must read book for everyone.

  • av James Allen

    What a man in his heart is what happens. It only covers the whole life of man, but is so extensive that every aspect of his life, every condition retains its mark. Man literally becomes what he thinks, his character is the sum of all his thoughts.

  • av James Allen

    Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is the mystic ladder which reaches from earth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to peace. Every saint has climbed it; every sinner must sooner or later come to it, and every weary pilgrim that turns his back upon self and the world, and sets his face resolutely toward the Father's Home, must plant his feet upon its golden rounds. Without its aid you cannot grow into the divine state, the divine likeness, the divine peace, and the fadeless glories and unpolluting joys of Truth will remain hidden from you. Meditation is the intense dwelling, in thought, upon an idea or theme, with the object of thoroughly comprehending it, and whatsoever you constantly meditate upon you will not only come to understand, but will grow more and more into its likeness, for it will become incorporated into your very being, will become, in fact, your very self. If, therefore, you constantly dwell upon that which is selfish and debasing, you will ultimately become selfish and debased; if you ceaselessly think upon that which is pure and unselfish you will surely become pure and unselfish. Tell me what that is upon which you most frequently and intensely think, that to which, in your silent hours, your soul most naturally turns, and I will tell you to what place of pain or peace you are traveling, and whether you are growing into the likeness of the divine or the bestial.There is an unavoidable tendency to become literally the embodiment of that quality upon which one most constantly thinks. Let, therefore, the object of your meditation be above and not below, so that every time you revert to it in thought you will be lifted up; let it be pure and unmixed with any selfish element; so shall your heart become purified and drawn nearer to Truth, and not defiled and dragged more hopelessly into error.

  • av James Allen

    Sumérgete en las reveladoras páginas de "El Camino de la Prosperidad" de James Allen y descubre el poder transformador que yace dentro de ti. El autor nos invita a realizar un viaje introspectivo para hallar la raíz de nuestro éxito y felicidad.Imagina un camino hacia la prosperidad que te lleve más allá de las dificultades, donde cada desafío se convierte en una oportunidad y cada obstáculo se transforma en un escalón hacia el logro. Aprenderás a desentrañar los secretos de tu propio ser, descubriendo así la fuente interna de todo lo que anhelas: éxito, felicidad, logro y verdad.Este libro es una herramienta poderosa para empoderarte y alcanzar tus metas. Independientemente de tu posición en la vida, este manual te guiará hacia una comprensión más profunda de ti mismo, desbloqueando el potencial que te permitirá alcanzar la prosperidad que siempre has deseado.No esperes más. Conviértete en el arquitecto de tu destino y descubre que la verdadera clave del éxito reside dentro de ti. Comienza tu viaje hacia una vida llena de Prosperidad, logros y bienestar!

  • av James Allen

    As a Man Thinketh is a self-help book which deals with the power of thought, and the use of thought to create happiness. The book shows how each person holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into their life.

  • av James Allen

    "As a Man Thinketh" is a classic self-help book written by James Allen, a British author and philosopher. First published in 1903, the book has remained popular for its timeless wisdom and profound insights into the power of thoughts and their influence on one's life. Key features of "As a Man Thinketh" include: Central Theme: The central theme of the book revolves around the idea that a person's thoughts shape their character, actions, and ultimately, their destiny. The title is derived from a verse in the biblical Book of Proverbs: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Power of Thought: Allen emphasizes the immense power of one's thoughts in shaping their reality. He argues that individuals have control over their thoughts and, by extension, their lives. Positive and constructive thinking, according to Allen, leads to positive outcomes, while negative thinking results in detrimental consequences. Mind-Body Connection: The book explores the connection between the mind and the body, suggesting that a healthy and positive mental attitude contributes to overall well-being. Allen encourages readers to cultivate a harmonious and optimistic mindset. Responsibility for Choices: Allen underscores the idea that individuals are responsible for their thoughts and, consequently, their actions. He urges readers to take control of their mental processes and align their thoughts with their desired outcomes. Metaphorical Language: The book employs metaphorical language and imagery to convey its messages. Allen compares the mind to a garden that requires careful cultivation. He emphasizes the importance of weeding out negative thoughts and nurturing positive ones. Short and Concise: "As a Man Thinketh" is a relatively short book, consisting of concise and impactful prose. Its brevity contributes to its accessibility, making it a quick but thought-provoking read. Influence on Self-Help Literature: James Allen's work has had a profound influence on the self-help genre. The ideas presented in "As a Man Thinketh" have been embraced by motivational speakers, life coaches, and individuals seeking personal development. Enduring Relevance: Despite being over a century old, the book's principles remain relevant. The emphasis on the power of positive thinking and the connection between thoughts and outcomes has resonated with generations of readers. "As a Man Thinketh" continues to be recommended as a foundational text in the field of personal development and is often cited for its enduring wisdom on the transformative potential of one's thoughts.

  • av James Allen

    Byways to Blessedness unfolds the curtain on a transformative roadmap to inner satisfaction created by the well-known author, James Allen. In this timeless collection of ideas, James Allen guides readers along lesser-known paths, inviting them to lighten on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awareness. Through a series of essays, he explores essential aspects of life, including gratitude, self-discipline, forgiveness, and the power of positive thought. Drawing upon his own experiences and observations, Allen presents a unique perspective on the human condition, addressing both the challenges and opportunities for growth that lie within everyday life. Through the pages of this remarkable book, readers are invited to transcend limitations, confront negative patterns of thought, and align their actions with their deepest values.

  • av James Allen

    In his timeless masterpiece, 'The Divine Companion,' James Allen takes readers on a transformative journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Departing from the conventional format of spiritual literature, Allen adopts a unique approach that blends profound wisdom with practical guidance, inviting readers to embark on an inner quest for self-discovery. Unlike many other spiritual works, "The Divine Companion" does not seek to impose a rigid set of beliefs or practices. Instead, it serves as a gentle guide, encouraging readers to explore their own spiritual path and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine presence within. The book acts as a compass, illuminating the way toward a harmonious and purposeful life. With each page, readers are encouraged to embrace self-discipline, practice mindfulness, and nurture gratitude for the abundant blessings life offers. The Divine Companion is not just a book; it is a spiritual companion that gently nudges us for self-transformation.

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