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  • - Denboraren Jainkosa
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Kali jainkosa unibertsoko elementu ilun eta kontraesankorrak sinbolizatzen dituen jainko hindua da. Hindu panteoiaren jainkosa ezohiko eta ezagunenetako bat da. Bere itxura biluziak, baita indarkeriarekin, odolarekin eta gorearekin duen asoziazioek jainkotasunaren nozio osoa zalantzan jartzen dute. Hala ere, irudi-sorta zabala sinbolizatzen joan da urteetan zehar, ogres hiltzailetik jainkosa leunetaraino. Beraz, Chamunda bezala errespetatzen den arren, izugarria eta ikaragarria den, familiako santutegietan ere maite da Dakshina-Kali, bere forma leunetako bat. Lan honek Kali-ren jatorria eskrituretan eta tradizioetan, Kali gurtzaren erritu, errito eta ohiko praktiken bilakaerak eta Jainkosa tantriko gisa bere hastapenak aztertzea du helburu hindu erlijio nagusiko jainko bihurtzeko.

  • - Godin van Tyd
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Godin Kali is 'n Hindoe-god wat die donker en teenstrydige elemente van die heelal simboliseer. Sy is een van die mees ongewone en gewildste godinne in die Hindoe-pantheon. Haar naakte voorkoms, sowel as haar assosiasies met geweld, bloed en bloed, bevraagteken die hele idee van goddelikheid. Ten spyte hiervan het sy gegroei om 'n wye reeks beelde deur die jare te simboliseer, van moorddadige boewer tot sagte godin. Dus, hoewel sy vereer word as Chamunda, wat grusaam en monsteragtig is, is sy ook geliefd in familie-heiligdomme as Dakshina-Kali, een van haar sagter vorms. Hierdie werk het ten doel om die oorsprong van Kali in die geskrifte en oorlewering, die ontwikkelende rituele, rites en gebruiklike praktyke van Kali-aanbidding, en Haar begin as 'n Tantriese Godin na Haar transformasie in 'n godheid in hoofstroom Hindoe-godsdiens te ondersoek.

  • - Der Selbstgeborene
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Haben Sie den vergessenen Schöpfergott des Hinduismus entdeckt?Brahma, der Schöpfergott, steht oft im Schatten von Vishnu und Shiva. Er soll im Hinduismus die Welt erschaffen haben. Aber warum wissen so wenige über ihn Bescheid? Dieses Buch lüftet das Geheimnis um Brahma und nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise in die Welt der Mythen, Legenden und Symbole. Entdecken Sie: Die fesselnden Geschichten um Brahmas Geburt, Erschaffung und Rolle im Universum.Die Bedeutung hinter seinen vier Köpfen, dem Schwanen-Reittier und dem Lotossitz.Die philosophischen Hintergründe und die spirituelle Bedeutung von Brahma.Egal, ob Sie sich für Hinduismus, Mythologie oder Spiritualität interessieren, dieses Buch bietet Ihnen spannende Einblicke in die Welt des vergessenen Schöpfergottes. Entdecken Sie die Kraft der Kreativität und Inspiration und verstehen Sie, wie die Welt entstanden sein könnte. Bestellen Sie Ihr Exemplar noch heute und begeben Sie sich auf eine einzigartige Reise in die Welt des Hinduismus!

  • - Zehn heilige Göttinnen, Kräfte und Facetten des Göttlichen Weiblichen
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Die mächtigen Mahavidyas: Entdecke deine innere Stärke mit den Mahavidyas im HinduismusMystik lockt dich, alte Weisheit ruft dich? Du suchst mehr als oberflächliche Spiritualität, eine Reise zu wahrer Macht und Transformation? Begib dich mit diesem Buch zu den Mahavidyas, den 10 dunklen Göttinnen des Hinduismus! Stell dir vor: Du sprengst starre Muster und limitierende Überzeugungen.Du entdeckst ungeahnte Kraft und innere Entschlossenheit.Du verstehst und meisterst die Schattenseiten deiner Persönlichkeit.Du verbindest dich mit der wilden, transformierenden Energie des Weiblichen."Die mächtigen Mahavidyas" enthüllt die Geheimnisse: Tauche ein in die Geschichten und Symbole der 10 Mahavidyas.Ergründe die Dualität von Schöpfung und Zerstörung jeder Göttin.Entdecke tantrische Rituale und Mantren, um mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten.Nutze ihre Kraft für deine persönliche Transformation und spirituelle Entwicklung.Mehr als Wissen - dein Wegweiser: Vertiefe dein Verständnis von Hinduismus und tantrischen Traditionen.Lass dich als Frau von den Mahavidyas als Archetypen deiner inneren Stärke inspirieren.Finde Mut und Transformation mit den dunklen Göttinnen, bereit zur Veränderung?Wage den Schritt ins Unbekannte: "Die 10 dunklen Göttinnen" warten auf dich! Starte deine Reise zu wahrer Macht und Befreiung!

  • - Eine Einführung in das älteste heilige Buch im Hinduismus
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Sind Sie bereit für eine spirituelle Reise ins Herz Indiens? Tauchen Sie ein in die uralte Welt des Rig Veda, dem ältesten Text der Menschheit. Hymnen, Mantras und Gebete offenbaren Ihnen verborgene Weisheiten, die seit Jahrtausenden nach Sinn und Erfüllung suchen. Aber dieses Buch bietet mehr als nur Geschichte: Suchen Sie Ruhe und Erfüllung im hektischen Alltag? Der Rig Veda zeigt Ihnen Wege, aus dem Hamsterrad auszubrechen und innere Balance zu finden.Stellen Sie sich große Fragen über den Sinn des Lebens? Entdecken Sie die Philosophie der vedischen Seher und ihre Antworten auf die Suche nach Bestimmung.Fühlen Sie sich von Stress und Hektik überwältigt? Lernen Sie mit kraftvollen Mantren, Geist und Seele zu reinigen und neue Energie zu schöpfen.Dieses Buch ist Ihr persönlicher Reiseführer durch die Welt des Rig Veda: Entdecken Sie die faszinierenden Götter und Göttinnen und ihre Bedeutung für Ihr Leben.Ergründen Sie die Sprache der Mantras und nutzen Sie ihre kraftvolle Wirkung für Ihr persönliches Wachstum.Ob Neuling oder erfahrener Sucher, der Rig Veda hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise zum inneren Frieden: Bestellen Sie Ihr Exemplar jetzt! Keywords: Rig Veda, Sanskrit, Indien, Spiritualität, Meditation, Yoga, Götter, Göttinnen, Mantras, Weisheit, Lebensberatung, uraltes Wissen, Selbstfindung, Sinn des Lebens.

  • - Diosa del Tiempo
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    La diosa Kali es una deidad hindú que simboliza los elementos oscuros y contradictorios del universo. Es una de las diosas más inusuales y populares del panteón hindú. Su aspecto desnudo y su asociación con la violencia, la sangre y la sangre sangrienta cuestionan la noción de divinidad. A pesar de ello, a lo largo de los años ha simbolizado una amplia gama de imágenes, desde una ogresa asesina hasta una diosa gentil. Así, aunque es venerada como Chamunda, horripilante y monstruosa, también es amada en los santuarios familiares como Dakshina-Kali, una de sus formas más apacibles. Esta obra pretende examinar los orígenes de Kali en las escrituras y la tradición, la evolución de los rituales, ritos y prácticas habituales del culto a Kali, y sus inicios como diosa tántrica hasta su transformación en deidad de la religión hindú dominante.

  • - Das Tibetische Neujahr
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Losar - Das tibetische Neujahr: Entdecken Sie die Traditionen und Bräuche des tibetischen Neujahrsfestes Losar ist mehr als nur ein Fest - es ist ein tief verwurzelter Teil der tibetischen Kultur und Identität. Dieses Buch führt Sie ein in die Geschichte, die Bedeutung und die vielfältigen Traditionen dieses einzigartigen Festes. Erfahren Sie mehr über: Die Ursprünge von Losar: Tauchen Sie ein in die mythologische und historische Vergangenheit des tibetischen Neujahrs.Bräuche und Rituale: Entdecken Sie die vielfältigen Traditionen, die Losar so besonders machen, von der Reinigung des Hauses bis hin zum Verbrennen von Opfergaben.Festtagsgerichte: Lassen Sie sich von den köstlichen Speisen inspirieren, die während Losar zubereitet und genossen werden.Losar - Das tibetische Neujahr ist sowohl für Tibet-Liebhaber als auch für alle, die sich für andere Kulturen und Bräuche interessieren, eine informative und faszinierende Lektüre.Weitere Informationen: Einführung: In diesem Kapitel wird das Fest Losar im Kontext der tibetischen Kultur und Geschichte vorgestellt.Ursprünge: Die mythologischen und historischen Wurzeln des tibetischen Neujahrs werden erforscht.Zollbehörden: Die verschiedenen Bräuche und Rituale, die während Losar praktiziert werden, werden detailliert beschrieben.Festtagsgerichte: Die köstlichen Speisen, die zum Festessen serviert werden, werden vorgestellt, inklusive Rezepten.Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, die Faszination von Losar zu entdecken und die tibetische Kultur auf neue Weise zu erleben. Hinweis: Dieses Buch wurde ursprünglich am 13. Februar 2021 auf Englisch veröffentlicht. Die erste deutsche Ausgabe wurde am 4. August 2023 veröffentlicht. Aufgrund von Rückmeldungen habe ich versucht, die Fehler im Text und in der Übersetzung in dieser Überarbeitung 2024 zu beheben. Da ich die anderen tibetischen Feste recherchiere, die in diese Reihe aufgenommen werden sollen, hoffe ich, Losar in weiteren überarbeiteten Ausgaben, die in diesem Jahr (2024) erscheinen werden, umfassender und detaillierter behandeln zu können. Alle Rückmeldungen sind willkommen. Ich danke den Lesern, schätze sie und nehme ihre Beiträge zur Kenntnis.

  • - A Guide to Spiritual Transformation
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Tantra is a vast and complex spiritual tradition that has been practiced for centuries in India and other parts of Asia. It is a path of transformation that seeks to unite the individual with the divine. In this book, you will learn about the different forms of tantric practice, from the gentle Pasvacara Sadhana to the more advanced Kapalika Sadhana. You will also learn about the importance of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Samadhi in tantric practice. If you are seeking spiritual transformation, then this book is for you. It will teach you how to unite the body, mind, and spirit, and it will show you the tantric path to samadhi, the highest state of consciousness. Why you should read this book: Learn about the different forms of tantric practice Discover the importance of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Samadhi in tantric practice Find out how to unite the body, mind, and spirit Embark on your journey to spiritual enlightenmentHow this book will benefit you: You will gain a deeper understanding of tantra and its many forms You will learn how to use tantric practices to transform your life You will experience greater peace, joy, and well-being You will eventually connect with the divine and find your true purpose in lifeOrder your copy today and begin your journey to spiritual enlightenment!

  • - Göttin der Zeit
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Kali: Die dunkle Kraft, die dich zur wahren Stärke führt Bist du bereit, in die Tiefen der Spiritualität einzutauchen? Lockt dich das Mystische und Geheimnisvolle? Kali, die hinduistische Göttin der Zerstörung und Transformation, ist mehr als nur eine furchterregende Figur. Hinter ihrer nackten Erscheinung, ihrem Totenschmuck und ihrer Verbindung zu Blut verbirgt sich eine transformative Kraft, die dich zu deinem wahren Potenzial führen kann. Stell dir vor: Du sprengst festgefahrene Muster und befreist dich von Blockaden.Du lässt Ängste und negative Energien hinter dir.Du entdeckst ungeahnte Stärke und innere Transformation."Kali: Göttin der Zerstörung und Transformation" enthüllt ihre Geheimnisse: Tauche ein in Kalis faszinierende Geschichte und lerne ihre Symbole verstehen.Entdecke die Dualität von Zerstörung und Erneuerung, die Kali verkörpert.Erfahre von Praxisritualen und Mantren, um mit Kali in Kontakt zu treten.Nutze ihre Kraft für deine spirituelle Entwicklung und Heilung.Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur Wissen, es ist ein persönlicher Wegweiser: Für spirituell Suchende: Vertiefe dein Verständnis von Hinduismus und tantrischen Traditionen.Für Frauen auf der Suche nach ihrer inneren Stärke: Lass dich von Kalis feministischer Energie inspirieren.Für alle, die bereit sind, sich zu verändern: Finde Mut und Transformation in der Göttin der Zerstörung.Wage den Schritt ins Unbekannte und entdecke mit "Kali: Göttin der Zerstörung und Transformation" deine innere Stärke und Befreiung.Bestellen jetzt und starte deine Reise.

  • - The Rig Vedic Sun God
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Surya, the Sun God, is one of the most important deities in Hinduism. He is the giver of life, the source of all light and heat, and the protector of the world. Worship of Surya dates back to the Rig Veda, the oldest surviving text of Hinduism. This book explores the many aspects of Surya as he is portrayed in the Rig Veda. You will learn about his origins, his mythology, his symbolism, and his role in Hindu cosmology, astrology, and yoga. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced student of Hinduism, this book will deepen your understanding of this fascinating deity. Learn more about Surya's role in the Hindu pantheon, his relationship with other deities, and his importance to Hindu culture. Order your copy of Surya: The Rig Vedic Sun God today and begin your journey to a deeper understanding of this powerful and benevolent deity.

  • - An Introduction to the Prescribed Way of Life in a Hindu Society
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Hindu religious complex may be summed up in one word: Dharma. It alludes to that continuous entity at the heart of the world's revolutions, keeping it in place; the thing that governs the path of change by not participating in it-by being constant. This book introduces the reader to the notion of dharma, its practical expression in a Hindu society, and provides a brief examination of the numerous types of dharma that are vital to Hindu thinking and practice.

  • - An Overview of the Aspects and Anatomy of Wiccan Rituals
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Contemporary Paganism is a tradition that may be dated back to the mid-twentieth century in England; however, the origins of the movement and its rites, as pointed out by English historian Ronald Hutton, reach considerably farther back to Europe between 1800 and 1940. Between the beginning of the nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century, when modern Paganism "officially" emerged, aspects started to emerge that would grow and become important in Neo-Paganism and Wicca, notably in the field of ritual. Rituals in many ways continue to serve as a cornerstone in both experiential faith and practice. Here we introduce the reader to the fundamental aspects of rituals and how to incorporate them into their personal practice and path.

  • - An Introduction to the Vedic Goddess of Prosperity and Fortune
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The goddess Sri, also known as Lakshmi, has been worshiped in Hindu religion from pre-Buddhist times. One among the Tri-Devis or three principal Goddesses of Hinduism, She is one of the most well-known deities in Hindu mythology. She has a large body of mythology and is still extensively adored by Hindus of all castes across India. Here we introduce the reader to the origins, history, mythology and theology associated with Sri Lakshmi.

  • - Vedic Chants to the Celestial and Earthly Realms
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    We briefly examine the theological conceptions of Father, Mother, son, and daughter in the Vedas. We expand upon the translations of select Rig Vedic verses. These showcase the anthropomorphic relation and reverence for divinity within the conceived context of ancient Vedic civilization. Beyond the bounds of time, these Hymns call out to remind us of the ultimate purpose of existence and Human existence.

  • - Vedic Guidance for Feeding the Body, Mind, and Soul
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    In modern Hindu societies, practices like nonviolence, cow protection, vegetarianism, and giving food to God are quite prevalent. These are vital to the Hindu worldview and are connected to one another. Intriguingly, Hindu vegetarianism has certain philosophical roots. After all, if the soul travels through many species of life and we are not our physical bodies and animals are not theirs, then who is to argue that a slain animal is not a past loved one or a relative? Or that a human who consumes animal byproducts won't pass through the afterlife as a sacrificial creature? Consequently, greater focus is placed on the living individual within when physical identity is questioned. Vegetarianism is not universally accepted among Hindus. This book briefly examines and introduces the reader to the rationale and varying prevalence of these Hindu dietary practices and corresponding beliefs.

  • - An Introduction to Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smarthism
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Vedas include the foundational texts of theistic Hinduism, which are reflected in Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and other minor religious traditions. In the intractable pages of the Epics, Hindu beliefs started to really take root, and in the Puranas, their roots became more pronounced. With the works of the great early Hindu sages, they at last reached their apogee. The benefits of Hindu practice were developed on the foundation of this cumulative heritage. The most revered instructors of the tradition maintain that the truths contained in the "latter" texts are inherent in the earlier ones, and it is obvious why this is the case if one follows any of the traditional lineages. Nonetheless, the conclusions of scholarly research into Hinduism often disagree. This book briefly reviews the earlier books for the benefit of people not studying according to established traditions in order to understand what clues or predictions they provide on the Hinduism we know today.

  • - An Introduction to Ancient India's Defining Masterpieces.
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Mahabharata and the Ramayana, two of India's greatest epics and foundational texts for modern Hinduism, both center on the supreme deity Vishnu and his two most adored incarnations, Krishna and Rama. These Epic books include a richness of philosophy and religion, as well as instructions for living a moral and upright life, all of which are woven throughout the tales that make up its heart. This book provides the reader with an understanding of the main events that shape the narratives, and further analyzes the characters, messages, and lessons that may be inferred.

  • - The Life and Lessons of Lord Krishna
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Gita is one of the most thorough and understandable presentations of the Perennial Philosophy ever written. Thus, it has lasting importance for all people, not only Indians. The Bhagavad-Gita is perhaps the Perennial Philosophy's greatest systematic spiritual expression. This book briefly introduces the reader to the theological, philosophical, and spiritual significance of the Gita, as it analyzes and explores its core teachings, and the mystical eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead incarnate in His original form as Lord Krishna.

  • - Goddess of the Stars, the Sky, and Twilight
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Goddess Tara is one of the most powerful and beloved deities in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions. She is known as the "Mother of Liberation," and she is said to help her devotees overcome obstacles and achieve enlightenment. In this book, we will explore the unique attributes of Tara, the Buddhist and Hindu traditions that have evolved around her, and the many ways in which she is worshiped. We will also discuss her symbolism, her mythology, and her temples. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this book will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the Goddess Tara. You will learn about her origins, her attributes, her symbolism, and her many manifestations. You will also learn about the ways in which she is worshiped in Buddhism and Hinduism. Who is this book for?This book is for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Goddess Tara. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you will find this book to be a valuable resource.If you are interested in Buddhism or Hinduism, this book will give you a deeper understanding of these two traditions. You will learn about the role of the Goddess Tara in these traditions, and you will gain a new appreciation for her power and wisdom.If you are interested in women's spirituality, this book will be a valuable resource for you. Tara is a powerful symbol of the divine feminine, and she can help you to connect with your own inner strength and wisdom.Why should you read this book?You will learn about the origins, attributes, symbolism, and worship of the Goddess Tara.You will gain a deeper understanding of Buddhism and Hinduism.You will connect with your own inner strength and wisdom.You will be inspired by the story of Tara and her many devotees.Order your copy today and begin your journey to enlightenment with the Goddess Tara!

  • - An Introduction to the Power of Sounds, Words, Vibrations, and Recitations
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Calling on the name of God is fundamental to the numerous existent kinds of Hindu practice, especially in the present time of global history. This book will go through the fundamental philosophy, culture, and ramifications of chanting.

  • - An Introduction to Texts Related to the Vedas
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The four Vedic Samhitas and the accompanying works comprise the great majority of Vedic literature. This book introduces the reader to the other texts that round out the Vedic canon, such as the Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads. Aside from these, there are three types of Kalpa Sutra texts. There are also comments, anukramanis or indices, and related writings, known as the Vedangas. Although all early writings and comments were written in Sanskrit, subsequent interpretations used a variety of languages.

  • - The Tantric Lotus Goddess and Mahavidya
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Often confused with Lakshmi in Hinduism, Kamala, or Kamalatmika, the lotus Goddess, is one among the ten Mahavidyas or Tantric Goddess that form a part of the Shakta pantheon. She is also known as Kamalalaya or the one who dwells in lotuses. She is considered to be the Tantric characterization of the goddess of prosperity, Lakshmi. In Shaktism, she is represented as the Devi in the fullness of her graceful aspect. She is believed to be the tenth and the last Mahavidya. She is also considered to be the last form of the goddess Adi Parashakti. The aim of this short book is to introduce the reader to this rare and unique deity among Hindu Goddesses and explore her popular worship among contemporary Hindus.

  • - The Identifiers of Hindu, Hinduism, Hindu Religions, Hindu Monotheism and Polytheism
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    It is widely acknowledged that Hinduism is one of the world's major religious traditions. Yet, this is only partially true. Although while it is one of the most widespread religions, Hinduism really encompasses a wide range of traditions that all have origins in the Indian sub-continent. Hinduism requires a disclaimer because, although being a single worldwide religion, it is really a conglomeration of several systems that share certain characteristics. These religions also go by the identities Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism among others. This book seeks to re-examine the evolving meanings of commonly used identifiers associated with Hindu believers, followers, and practitioners while defining exactly what a Hindu religion encompasses.

  • - The Awakened Lord of the Cosmic Dance of Life, Death, and Rebirth.
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Power of Shiva: The God of Destruction, Regeneration, and Transformation A Journey into the Heart of the Mystical and Paradoxical Hindu DeityShiva is one of the most complex and fascinating deities in the Hindu pantheon. He is the god of destruction, regeneration, and transformation, and he is often depicted in a variety of forms, each with its own unique symbolism. In this book, you will explore the origins and forms of Shiva, from his humble beginnings as the Vedic deity Rudra, to his later development into the supreme deity of Hindu Shaivism. You will also examine a few myths and legends that surround Shiva, and you will see how these stories have shaped his image and worship over the centuries. Along the way, you will come to understand the many different aspects of Shiva's personality, from his fearsome power to his gentle compassion. You will also examine the deeper meaning, philosophical essence, and spirituality associated with Lord Shiva. This book is not meant as an academic study of Shiva. It is a continuing journey of curiosity into the heart of this mystical and paradoxical Hindu deity, and it hopes to provide you with a glimpse of the power and beauty of this ancient Hindu God, an indispensable keystone of the Hindu Pantheon. Why You Should Read This Book: Discover the true meaning of Shiva's many forms and symbols. Learn about the myths and legends that have shaped Shiva's image and worship. Understand the deeper meaning, philosophical essence, and spirituality associated with Lord Shiva. Embrace the power and beauty of this ancient Hindu God.Order your copy today and start your journey into the heart of Shiva!

  • - An Introduction to Hinduism's Ancient Scriptures
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The Vedas are a large body of religious literature that dates back to ancient India. Written in Vedic Sanskrit, the writings form the earliest stratum of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda are the four main Vedas. This book guides and offers the reader with a grasp of the theological place, purpose, and spiritual essence of the Vedas as well as other additional texts that constitute a whole.

  • - Your Journey to Divine Union
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    This brief book on tantra and tantric practice describes the Yoga of Shiva and Shakti in relation to our internal energy centers. It is especially significant for tantric practitioners because of its yogic techniques, but the ways described herein may benefit any individual who aspires to experience inner light.

  • - Understanding the Efficacy and Potency of Mantras
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Much of today's uncertainty over mantras stems from the debate about their intrinsic meaningfulness or meaninglessness. The source of the issue is our prevalent modern conception of language. Language is regarded to be really and most completely experienced in its oral form in Indian tradition, but the modern approach tends to limit language to the recorded word and then examine it for a one-to-one connection with objective reality. In this book, we review instances of ancient Hindu philosophy of language that was used to investigate the nature of ceremonial utterances against the backdrop of the lengthy dispute over the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of mantras, and a language theory that helps modern minds grasp how mantras in Vedic and Tantric ritual may be regarded as meaningful, powerful, and teleological.

  • - The Great Poet and Playwright of Ancient India
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Kalidasa: The Great Poet and Playwright of Ancient India is a concise non-fiction book that explores the life and work of one of the most celebrated poets and playwrights in Indian history. Kalidasa's work is known for its beauty, insight, and enduring relevance. His plays and poems are still performed and studied today, and his influence can be seen in a wide range of fields, from literature and art to philosophy and religion. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Kalidasa's body of work, including his famous plays Abhijnanashakuntalam and Vikramōrvaśīyam, as well as his epic poems Raghuvamsha and Kumarasambhava. It also examines Kalidasa's enduring influence on Indian culture and beyond. Whether you are a student of Indian literature, a lover of poetry and drama, or simply interested in learning more about one of the greatest writers of all time, Kalidasa: The Great Poet and Playwright of Ancient India is the perfect book for you. Order your copy today and begin your journey into the world of Kalidasa!

  • - The Divine Feminine Deities of the Rig Veda
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    The fundamental sense of the Goddess is behind all the major mantras of the Vedic seers. The mantras are her changes that bring the Gods to life. Her rhythms are mystical mantras and chants that unveil the names and natures of the Divine. She dances, and the Gods appear, as the narrative of her dance evolves. She is their hidden power, the actual inner force that operates without external display or personal attribution. This tribute to the Goddess is the foundation of all creative growth. In this book, we summon the seeds of Her infinite knowledge like the first rays of Dawn which illuminate the darkness. We will look at her various manifestations as well as the spiritual essence of the Goddess as described by the ancient seers in the hymns of the Rig Veda.

  • - Goddess of Knowledge, Speech, Art, Music, and Learning
    av Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of learning, music, art, speech, wisdom, and knowledge. She is one of the Tridevi, or Triple Goddesses, with Lakshmi and Parvati. In the Rigveda, the name Saraswati refers to both a river and a prominent god. From the Vedic era to the present time of Hindu religions, she has remained prominent as a Goddess. Sarasvati evolves from "waters that purify" to "that which purifies", "vach or speech that purifies", "knowledge that purifies", and finally into a spiritual concept of a goddess that embodies knowledge, arts, music, melody, muse, language, rhetoric, eloquence, creative work, and anything whose flow purifies a person's essence and self. This work aims to examine the origins of Sarasvati in the scriptures and lore, the evolving rituals, rites, and customary practices of Sarasvati worship, and Her beginnings as a Vedic River Goddess to Her transformation into a deity in mainstream Hindu religion.

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