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  • av Jacob Michael

    The purpose of this study was to analyse the Executive Summaries of assurance andadvisory reports submitted by Professional Service Firms (PSF) as evidence to the Australian 2018-2019 Royal Commission into the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. The 32 Word and PowerPoint documents in this dataset were reviews by PSFs of large corporations' financial controls, policies and procedures and are often relied on by regulators and stakeholders to ensure the integrity and reliability of financial institutions. Following CGA principles, a variety of research methods were employed to investigate this hard to access but influential discourse community, including genre analysis, multimodal analysis and interviews. Results indicated that the Executive Summaries are a pliable and hybrid genre, made up of mainly optional stages which are sequenced in a variety of patterns to meet the writers' surface and private purposes. Their writers collaborate with their clients to write the reports, although the tenor of the documents is impersonal and objective. Visual semiotics are used, particularly in the PowerPoint documents, howeverlanguage is the main meaning making resource. These results were taken as evidence of thevalue of CGA in helping to investigate the discursive practices of an opaque but essential professional community.

  • av Jacob Michael

    Applying vector autoregression (VAR) techniques, this paper investigates the effects of monetary policy on financial stability in the United Sates, using monthly data for 1990-2014. Alternative indicators of monetary policy are used to assess the dynamic responses of a key set of financial stability variables. By building upon a disaggregation made in the literature, the financial stability transmission channels of monetary policy are also analysed.This study finds that the net effect of monetary policy on financial stability is rather small. Weak evidence is found for the hypothesis that monetary expansions contribute to financial vulnerabilities; or conversely, that monetary contractions reduce vulnerabilities. However, evidence is found that suggests monetary contractions deteriorate financial conditions as well. In addition, the effects of monetary policy on financial stability are found not to be uniform across transmission channels. In particular, little evidence was found for a financial instability channel in asset markets, while the shadow banking sector displayed the most significant evidence. Overall, these results lend support to a policy framework where monetary policy primarily targets price stability and macroprudential policies target financial stability

  • av Jacob Michael

    Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is acomprehensive exploration of the Macquarie Marshes and the phenomenon of avulsion withinthis unique ecological system. This book is an invaluable resource for environmentalscientists, ecologists, geologists, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding thegeomorphological processes that shape wetland environments.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of theMacquarie Marshes and the geomorphological processes that drive avulsion within thisecosystem. It delves into the geological and hydrological factors that contribute to avulsionand how these processes impact the marshes.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on unveiling the naturaldynamics of avulsion and its role in shaping wetland environments. It recognizes theimportance of understanding the ecological and hydrological consequences of avulsion.Additionally, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes" explores the implications of avulsion for wetlandconservation, restoration, and management. It highlights the significance of preserving thenatural processes that sustain wetland ecosystems.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of avulsion for wetland science and conservation. It aims to inspire further research,collaboration, and the development of effective strategies for protecting and restoring wetlandenvironments.Overall, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on the complex¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿geomorphological processes that shape wetlands, offering insights and guidance forscientists and researchers dedicated to the study and preservation of these vitalecosystems.

  • av Jacob Michael

    Redefining Banking Success: A Multi-Dimensional Approach in Bangladesh" is a comprehensive exploration of the banking sector in Bangladesh and the multifaceted dimensions that contribute to redefining success in this industry. This book is a vital resource for banking professionals, policymakers, economists, researchers, and anyone interested in gaining insights into the complexities of banking in Bangladesh.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of the banking sector in Bangladesh, with a focus on redefining success using a multi-dimensional approach. It delves into various aspects of banking, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, social responsibility, and innovation.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on a holistic understanding of banking success. It recognizes that success in the banking industry goes beyond financial metrics and includes broader dimensions such as social impact and customer-centricity.Additionally, "Redefining Banking Success" explores the implications of this multi-dimensional approach for the banking sector in Bangladesh. It highlights the importance of aligning banking practices with the evolving needs and expectations of customers and society.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broader implications of redefining banking success in emerging economies like Bangladesh. It aims to inspire further research, collaboration, and the development of innovative strategies for promoting sustainable and inclusive banking practices.Overall, "Redefining Banking Success: A Multi-Dimensional Approach in Bangladesh" is an informative and forward-thinking resource. It strives to shed light on the transformative potential of redefining success in the banking sector, offering insights and guidance for banking professionals and policymakers dedicated to advancing the industry in Bangladesh and beyond.

  • av Jacob Michael

    Redefining Democracy: The #IAm132 Movement in Mexico" is a comprehensiveexploration of the #IAm132 movement and its impact on redefining democracy inMexico. This book is a vital resource for political scientists, activists, researchers,scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the role of grassroots movementsin shaping political discourse and participation.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey intothe world of the #IAm132 movement and its significance within the Mexicanpolitical landscape. It delves into the historical, social, and political contexts thatgave rise to the movement and its evolution over time.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the role of grassrootsmovements in redefining democracy. It recognizes the importance of citizenactivism, social media, and collective action in challenging traditional powerstructures and advocating for political change.Additionally, "Redefining Democracy" explores the implications of the #IAm132movement for political discourse, civic engagement, and governance in Mexico. Ithighlights the potential for youth-led movements to influence public opinion andpolicy decisions.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of grassroots movements for democracy worldwide. It aims to inspirefurther research, collaboration, and the development of effective strategies forpromoting political participation and accountability.Overall, "Redefining Democracy: The #IAm132 Movement in Mexico" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on thetransformative power of citizen-led movements in shaping the democraticlandscape, offering insights and guidance for individuals and communitiesdedicated to advocating for social and political change.

  • av Jacob Michael

    Skouries Stewards: A Unified Approach in the Anthropocene" is a significant exploration of a unified and collaborative approach to addressing environmental and ecological challenges in the Anthropocene era. This book is a vital resource for environmentalists, activists, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of environmental stewardship in a rapidly changing world.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey into the world of environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene, with a particular focus on the Skouries region. It delves into the ecological, social, and cultural aspects of the region and how they intersect with global environmental concerns.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on a unified and collaborative approach. It recognizes the importance of bringing together various stakeholders, including local communities, activists, scientists, and policymakers, to work collectively toward sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by the Skouries region and beyond.Additionally, "Skouries Stewards" explores the implications of this unified approach for environmental conservation and advocacy. It highlights the potential for grassroots movements and community-led initiatives to drive positive changeand protect precious ecosystems.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broader implications of environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene. It aims to inspire further collaboration, research, and the development of effective strategies foraddressing environmental issues in a rapidly changing world.Overall, "Skouries Stewards: A Unified Approach in the Anthropocene" is an informative and inspiring resource. It strives to shed light on the power of collective action and collaboration in the face of environmental challenges, offering insights and guidance for individuals and communities dedicated to preserving our planetfor future generations.

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