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Bøker av Iva Kenaz

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  • av Iva Kenaz

    Vílí říse má dva nové detektivy: Lesní vílu Líví a jednorozce Maxe. Detektivní spolek je pověří případy v Pozemské řísi, a tak na sebe vezmou podobu lidské dívky a psa, aby prozkoumali záhady zahrnující draky, obry, vodníky, lesije i trolí čarodějnice. Líví má sice k dispozici svou magickou hůl a Max zase kouzelný roh jednorozce, jejich síly by vsak nebyly tak účinné bez pomoci elementálů, elfů a kočkoobrů, ale také chlapce, jenz se stane jejich lidským spojencem. Postupem času se Líví a Max stávají uznávanými detektivy, kteří se specializují na to, čemu lidé říkají "nadpřirozené jevy".Kniha byla inspirována českými, keltskými i severskými pohádkami, které nás učí o síle přátelství, lásky a laskavosti vůči přírodě. Ilustrace Ivany Axmanové navíc příběhu dodávají jestě více magie. Vydejte se tedy s námi za tímto jedinečným dobrodruzstvím!

  • - The Path of Druids, Shamans, and Mystics
    av Iva Kenaz

    A must-have for modern-day Druids, shamans, hedge witches, and anyone who loves trees, earth magic, and the mystical side of this world. What connects the World Tree, the Tree of Life, the axis mundi, and the interdimensional portals into other realms of existence? How do we work with our own Tree of Life in the complexity of the World Tree of Life? And how do magic staffs relate to all of this? This book not only explores the mythological and philosophical background of tree magic but also offers new, intriguing insights into this fascinating topic. In the first part of the book, we learn about the mystery behind the World Tree of Life, tree deities, magical tree animals, the importance of trees in natural cycles, and even our tree ancestry. The answer may lie in the electromagnetic field - the self-sustaining and self-rejuvenating divine quality we were all born with. In the second part, the practical side of tree magic is addressed. We learn more about our Tree of Life, tree symbols, tree staffs, and shamanic journeying. The author, who herself practices tree magic, bases her findings on copious research but also draws from her own experiences. The third part is a practical guide to individual tree species and their magical lore.

  • av Iva Kenaz

    They called him many names: outcast, rebel, thief, murderer, but François Villon was mainly a genius of medieval poetry. He was a modern man born in the wrong time and his unique wit keeps on charming people to this day. Set in fifteenth-century Paris, this novel centers around Villon's life from his wild student years until his mysterious disappearance at the age of thirty-two.

  • av Iva Kenaz

    This book is a simple guide to understanding magical symbols by taking in account their original geometric patterns. It also focuses on how to work with these powerful shapes and symbols in our everyday lives. All symbols originate in geometric figures which give form to the observed world as well as the microcosm and macrocosm. Sacred geometry is a teaching that focuses on these geometric figures, proportions, and patterns. It was revered and preserved by many ancient civilisations including those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and Greece. Symbols and geometry work together as keys to understanding nature and the philosophical meaning of existence. Each chapter of this book addresses a different geometric figure and its derived magical symbols. It's a journey from the source shape of the circle, the well from which the other shapes arise, to the Tree of Life where they all connect.

  • av Iva Kenaz

    Tato kniha je jednoduchou p¿íru¿kou k poznání skryté ¿e¿i magických symbol¿ skrze jejich základní geometrické tvary a díky hlub¿ím mytologickým souvislostem. V¿echny symboly vze¿ly ze základních geometrických t¿les, které dávají tvar näemu sv¿tu, mikro i makro kosmu. Posvátná geometrie je pradávné u¿ení, které se soust¿e¿uje na geometrické proporce a vzorce p¿írody. Její znalost, stejn¿ jako význam magických symbol¿, byla uchovávána a ct¿na mnoha starov¿kými civilizacemi v¿etn¿ Mezopotámie, Egypta, Indie ¿i antického ¿ecka. Práce s magickými symboly a Posvátnou geometrií byla od pradávna klí¿em k pochopení p¿írody a filozofické podstaty existence. Kädá kapitola se soust¿edí na jednu ze základních geometrických figur a od ní odvozené magické symboly. Je to cesta od zdroje jím¿ je kruh z n¿ho¿ v¿echny tvary vznikly ä po Strom ¿ivota, kde se op¿tovn¿ setkávají.

  • av Iva Kenaz

  • av Iva Kenaz

    Join the fairy and animal detectives in solving magical and spooky mysteries!The Fairy realm has two new detectives: a forest fairy, Lindee, and a unicorn, Max. The Detective Council gives them cases in the challenging Earth realm, so they disguise themselves as a human girl and a dog to investigate mysteries involving dragons, goblins, giants, trolls, and witches. Even though Lindee has an enchanted tree staff and Max a magical crystal horn, their powers wouldn't be as effective without the help of the elementals, elves, and cat giants, as well as a boy who becomes their human ally. With time, Lindee and Max become acclaimed detectives who specialize in what humans call "supernatural cases."This collection of seven mysteries was written for children and their parents. They were inspired by Celtic, Slavic, and Norse folk tales that teach us about the power of friendship, love, and kindness toward nature.The book is provided with old-style pencil drawings by Ivana Axman.

  • - Magical Codes of Nature
    av Iva Kenaz

  • av Iva Kenaz
    193 - 263,-

    A second, enriched edition of the original work "Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols" first published in 2018.This book is a simple guide to understanding magical symbols by taking in account their original geometric patterns. It also focuses on how to work with these powerful shapes and symbols in our everyday lives. All symbols originate in geometric figures which give form to the observed world as well as the microcosm and macrocosm. Sacred geometry is a teaching that focuses on these geometric figures, proportions, and patterns. It was revered and preserved by many ancient civilisations including those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and Greece. Symbols and geometry work together as keys to understanding nature and the philosophical meaning of existence. Each chapter of this book addresses a different geometric figure and its derived magical symbols. It's a journey from the source shape of the circle, the well from which the other shapes arise, to the Tree of Life where they all connect.

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