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  • av Ingrid Seymour

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    The first book in a new series from Ingrid Seymour. HOUSE OF THE RAVEN is a slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance, set in a new magical world, infused with Spanish culture and the millennia-old secrets that shape the realms' magic .

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Der spektakuläre Abschluss der Reihe ¿Die Gefährtensucherin".Meine beste Freundin wird vermisst und ich werde denjenigen zur Strecke bringen, der sie entführt hat.Ich schrecke vor nichts mehr zurück. Nichts ist mir wichtiger, und das wird sich nicht ändern - bis ich meine beste Freundin nach Hause bringe. Das ist mein einziges Ziel, doch um mich herum passiert noch so viel mehr.Eine sadistische Mitternachtshexe verfolgt eine geheime Fehde gegen eine der mächtigsten Schrägen in St. Louis. Sie produziert massenweise Ungeheuer und schickt sie in alle Ecken der Stadt, um Chaos zu stiften. Als hätte sie damit noch nicht genug zu tun, beginnt sie einen Rachefeldzug gegen mich, nachdem ich ihren Plan durchkreuzt habe.Diese alte Hexe ist absolut verrückt geworden und schwört, als Strafe für mein Eingreifen jeden zu töten, den ich liebe. Sie macht ihr Versprechen wahr, indem sie meine Familie und sogar meine Existenzgrundlage bedroht.Doch als sie sich an dem Mann vergreift, den ich liebe, treibt sie es zu weit. Ihre Magie ist mächtig, doch meine neuen Kräfte sind es auch und ich werde sie zu Fall bringen, selbst, wenn ich mit ihr untergehe.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    In a void suspended in time, I find myself trapped in an abyss of darkness and despair.With every ounce of strength, I fight to free myself from this suffocating sleep, while Kalyll, consumed by a fierce determination, searches tirelessly through the realm. His sole mission: to exact revenge upon those responsible for bringing me to the edge of death. No one shall escape his wrath, for everyone in his path will suffer the consequences.Yet, the fate of his kingdom teeters precariously as his treacherous brother, Cardian, schemes to plunge the realm into all-out war. Cardian's alliance with the heartless and ambitious Unseelie King threatens to shatter the fragile peace that remains.In a cruel twist of fate, Kalyll falls into the clutches of his enemies, leaving the specter of war looming ever closer.As time runs out, can I wake from my dark slumber and restore the light before the darkness consumes us all? The final battle looms, and our love hangs in the balance.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Three sexy dragon shifters and a fierce heroine in a young adult reverse harem full of adventure and romance...Lila McCarty used to see dragons.That was before they killed her mother, before she told everyone what happened and people stamped the "crazy" label on her head. Now, as a senior in high school, she has no time for dragon legends or the tourists who putter around her lighthouse. She just wants to graduate and get the hell out.But when twelve of Lila's classmates, including her best friend, mysteriously vanish during the town's dragon festivities, she tracks down the three mysterious guys who seem to know more than they let on. They're sexy and infuriatingly charming, though that has nothing to do with why she's enlisting their help.It turns out Lila wasn't crazy. Dragons are real. Not only that, the three dragon shifters have answers: her past, her role in their hidden world. It's Lila's duty to save her friends, whether she likes it or not.When her classmates start turning up dead, she's on a race against the clock--find the killer, or lose them all.*** Leap into USA Today bestselling author Ingrid Seymour and Katie French's action-packed adventure, a Young Adult Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Romance with a fierce heroine. Kissing, mild language, and double-meaning.*** First in series. Should be read in order.

  • - Dark Match
    av Ingrid Seymour

    He said he wanted me, but in the end, he rejected me.The Mating Games are over and so is my relationship with Ares Raith. He chose my enemy, that despicable liar and fame whore, Laurel. Yet, he claims he did it to protect me, but how could he?Laurel Grimhowl is the worse type of shifter: manipulative, shallow, vindictive. How can Ares stand to be with her, especially when the blatant attacks on weaker shifter families begin and she threatens to strip away my Supreme Alpha title?I can't let Laurel and William Raith destroy our traditions and peace. Whatever they're planning spells disasters for the few remaining packs. Moreover, the illness affecting both vampires and shifters is still a threat. Maybe Ares and I, along with the Dark Match, hold the answer.But to be able to stop them, I must learn to control my Supreme Alpha powers and doing that may very well be my end.If that's the case, so be it. I'm willing to sacrifice for what is right.

  • - Rejected Mate
    av Ingrid Seymour

    I was supposed to mate with a werewolf. Instead, I fell in love with a vampire.The Mating Games are a timeless werewolf tradition, one I'm sucked into no matter how old-fashioned. It's how powerful couples are created. Yet, I'm not ready for a mate. The problem is... I have no choice. It's my duty to my family, and family is everything.But when I arrive, I'm met with disaster. Bloodthirsty vampires kidnap us and tell us our plans of mating with the strongest, most desirable mates of our kind are ruined. The other female contestants and I find ourselves trapped in a giant castle and unable to shift to defend ourselves.The insanity doesn't end there. The vampires say they want to... eh hem... "mate." With us.Um... nope. Not on their lives, which I'm happy to help end. Except when their leader, Ares Raith-who's sexier than I'd like to admit-sets his sights on me, something changes. His dark gaze sends shivers up my spine every time he comes near. But no matter how delicious and mysterious he is, I will never belong to a vampire-not when my family's future and safety depend on it.Soon the games and the vampires' cruelty take their toll, and Ares reveals secrets that change the games completely.Alliances will be made and broken. Passion will reign, and my life will never be the same.** Enemies-to-lovers romance best suited for ages 17+ readers.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    The prince would choose to save his realm.But the beast would follow his heart...To me.After I saved his life and kingdom, Kalyll let me go, choosing duty over the passion that burned between us.Though his death was written in the stars, I found a dark, impossible way to pull him back, to anchor his soul to the world of the living. Still, that wasn't enough to win his heart.Now, the force that lives within him gives way to his darker nature, and for a second time, I'm kidnapped and made prisoner-this time in a high tower in the Seelie capital of Elyndell.With good and evil fighting within him, both his kingdom and heart stand at risk. He can't have it all, and his attempts to do so may be the end of all he and I hold dear.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Sie haben mir den Tod ins Haus gebracht. Jetzt bringe ich ihn zu ihnen.Ich bin überfordert. Das ist nicht mehr zu leugnen. Der Krieg der Schrägen ist real und ich stecke mittendrin. Doch nach dem, was sie meinem Freund angetan haben, gibt es kein Entrinnen mehr. Alle, die sich mit denen anlegen, die ich liebe, haben es auch mit mir zu tun - und sie werden dafür bezahlen.Meine neuen Kräfte werden immer stärker und ich bin bereit, alles zu lernen, was Eric Cross mir beizubringen hat, um unsere Feinde zu besiegen.Doch als die Hybriden uns überfallen, erkennen wir, dass Bernadetta Fiore und Stephen Erickson weiter gegangen sind, als wir erwartet haben. Wir dachten, wir hätten sie daran gehindert, diese abscheulichen Monster zu erschaffen, doch wir haben uns geirrt, und ihre Existenz verändert alles.Als wäre das alles nicht genug, versuchen Jake und ich noch immer einen Weg zu finden, diese Verlobung aufzulösen, meine Agentur hängt am seidenen Faden und eine Mitternachtshexe hat sich unseren Feinden angeschlossen.Mein Leben ist ein einziges Chaos.Jake und ich können nicht zusammen sein.Vielleicht ist Rache alles, was mir bleibt, wenn alles vorbei ist.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    He needs my help, but he'll be my downfall.A prince by morning.A cretin by noon.A beast by nightfall.There is a curse on his blood, an ailment that, if revealed, could destroy his kingdom.The only one who can help him is me, a human with average healing abilities. It's what the Envoy told him, and her word is law.I'm his only hope.He sends his blue-blooded friends to kidnap me so I can join their quest to Mount Ruin, the only place where I can heal him.The path is terrifying, and the prince is lying, hiding things from me. To make matters worse, he isn't always nice. A Fae prince isn't supposed to lust for a human, especially when she's his prisoner. And a human girl isn't supposed to burn for someone so out of her league.The quest might kill me, but it's my heart I'm worried about.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Meine Fährtensucherkräfte verändern sich und ich fürchte mich davor, zu was ich mich entwickle.Mein Leben hat sich in einen Mission Impossible-Film verwandelt und meine Agentur bezahlt den Preis dafür. Egal, wie sehr ich mich bemühe, dem Chaos fernzubleiben, das in meiner Stadt tobt, ich werde immer wieder in das Geschehen hineingezogen. Die Rechnungen häufen sich, unser Ruf hängt am seidenen Faden und wir haben keine neuen Kunden. Alle Zeichen deuten in eine Richtung: Mein Traum wird platzen und ich werde wieder mit nichts dastehen.Zu allem Überfluss spielen meine Fähigkeiten verrückt, verwirren mich und werfen mich aus der Bahn, wenn ich es am wenigsten erwarte.Trotz allem kann ich dem Durcheinander, das St. Louis zu einem Kriegsgebiet der Schrägen zu machen droht, nicht entfliehen. Ich gerate immer tiefer und tiefer in das schreckliche Komplott, das die machthungrigen Werwölfe und Vampire, die die Stadt beherrschen, ausgeheckt haben.Und als ich zum Mittelpunkt ihres wahnsinnigen Plans werde, habe ich keine Wahl, als sie zu bekämpfen. Ich hoffe nur, dass ich mich selbst dabei nicht verliere.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Alles hat sich verändert. Ich bin eine Schräge, eine Supernatürliche, doch welche Art?Vor zehn Tagen marschierte Jacob Knight zurück in mein Leben und brachte alles durcheinander. Trotzdem half ich ihm, den Erben einer mächtigen Werwolfsfamilie aufzuspüren, und es war ein Erfolg, doch jetzt weiß ich nicht mehr, wo oben und unten ist.Meine Realität hat sich verwandelt, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Ich bin nicht die, für die ich mich hielt, und die Veränderungen sind zu viel für mich. Und als ob das nicht genug wäre, wird meine Stadt von einer neuen Droge heimgesucht, die auch meine Kunden in der Agentur für Gefährtenvermittlung betrifft. Was geht nur vor sich?Als ich also versuche, mich mit meiner neuen Identität abzufinden und mein neues Geheimnis vor dem Mann zu verstecken, den ich liebe, bricht in der Welt um mich herum Chaos aus, und ich finde mich inmitten einer neuen Verschwörung wieder, in der Bündnisse zerschlagen werden und sich Dinge, die mir lieb und teuer sind, als nichts als Lügen herausstellen.Wird mein Geheimnis den Wandel meiner Normalität und mein Glück mit Jake zerstören?

  • av Ingrid Seymour

    Er hat ein Geheimnis, doch wenn meines enthüllt wird ... wird seines wie eine Kleinigkeit wirken.Vor zwei Jahren stahl ein heißer Werwolf mein Herz. Wir waren glückselig, bis er wie ein Schatten in der Nacht verschwand.Ich sammelte die Scherben meiner Seele auf und eröffnete eine Agentur, um meine Fährtensucherfähigkeiten dazu zu nutzen, die Liebe des Lebens für andere Leute zu finden. Was für eine Ironie!Doch dann kehrt Jake Knight zurück und ist fest entschlossen, mich in ein Leben voller Gefahr zu verwickeln.Zwischen den Vampir- und Werwolf-Fraktionen von St. Louis braut sich ein Krieg zusammen. Ein prominenter Alpha wurde entführt und Jake will, dass ich ihn aufspüre, bevor es zu spät ist.Abzulehnen ist leichter gesagt als getan. Es stellt sich heraus, dass das Schicksal Jake als meinen Gefährten bestimmt hat, und es ist unmöglich, es zu leugnen.Außerdem hat er ein Geheimnis, das den Grund dafür darstellt, warum er mich verlassen hat.Diesen Grund zu erfahren, bringt mich dazu, mein Leben zu riskieren, und zuzulassen, dass meine friedliche Welt für immer verändert wird.

  • av Ingrid Seymour

  • - Sunderverse
    av Ingrid Seymour

    The epic conclusion to the Mate Tracker series.My best friend is missing and I will bring death to the one who took her.My compass is gone. Nothing holds meaning anymore, and nothing will-not until I bring my best friend back home. It is all I want to do, but there is so much more going on.A sadistic Midnight Witch has a secret vendetta against one of the most powerful Skews in St. Louis. She is mass-producing monsters and sending them all over the city to sow chaos. As if that wasn't enough to keep her busy, she develops a new vendetta against me after I ruin her plans.The witch with a "b" is totally insane and vows to kill everyone I love as payment for my interference. She makes good on her promise by going after my family and even my livelihood.But when she goes after the man I love, things reach a different level of messed up. Her magic is powerful, but so are my new skills and I will take her down, even if I go down with her.If you enjoy K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, Annette Marie, and CN Crawford then step into a conspiracy where you don't know whom to trust.

  • - Sunderverse
    av Ingrid Seymour

    They brought death to my doorstep. Now, I'll bring it to theirs.I'm in over my head. There is no denying it anymore. The Skew war is real, and I'm smack in the middle of it. Moreover, after what they did to my friend, there is no getting out of it. Anyone who messes with the people I love messes with me, and they'll pay for it.My new powers are taking shape, and I'm willing to learn everything Eric Cross has to teach me to defeat our enemies.But when hybrids ambush us, we learn Bernadetta Fiore and Stephen Erickson went further than we'd anticipated. We thought we'd prevented them from creating the vile monsters, but we were wrong, and their existence changes everything.As if all of this weren't enough, Jake and I are still trying to figure out a way to break up his engagement, my agency is hanging by a thread, and a Midnight Witch has joined our foes.My life is chaos.Jake and I can't be together.Revenge might be all I have left once this is all said and done.If you enjoy K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, Annette Marie, and CN Crawford then step into a conspiracy where you don't know whom to trust.

  • - Sunderverse
    av Ingrid Seymour

    My tracking powers are changing, and I fear what I might become.My life has turned into a Mission Impossible flick, and my tracking agency is paying the price. No matter how hard I try to stay out of the pandemonium unfolding around my city, I keep getting pulled into the thick of things. So the bills are piling up, our reputations hang in the balance, and we have no new customers. I can almost see the writing on the wall. My dream will crash and burn.To top it all off, my tracking skills are acting up, confusing me and throwing me for a loop when I least expect it.Despite all of this, I can't turn away from the chaos that threatens to turn St. Louis into a Skew warzone, and I keep getting deeper and deeper into the awful scheme that the power-hungry werewolves and vampires that rule the city have concocted.And as I become the center of their deranged plot, I know I have no other choice but to fight them. I just hope I don't lose myself in the process.If you enjoy K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, Annette Marie, and CN Crawford then step into a conspiracy where you don't know whom to trust.

  • - Sunderverse
    av Ingrid Seymour

    Everything has changed. I'm a Skew, a supernatural, but what type?Ten days ago, Jacob Knight waltzed back into my life and screwed it all up. Still, I helped him track the heir of a powerful werewolf family, and that was a win, but now I don't know which way is up.My reality has shifted, pun intended. I'm not who I thought I was, and the changes are more than I can handle. As if that wasn't enough, a new drug is ravaging my city, including the customers at my mate tracking agency. What gives?So as I try to come to terms with my new identity and I hide my new secret from the man I love, the world around me bursts into chaos, and I find myself in the middle of a wide conspiracy where alliances are broken and the things I hold dear and true to my heart turn out to be nothing but lies.Will my secret destroy my change of normalcy and happiness with Jake?If you enjoy K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, Annette Marie, and CN Crawford then prepare to enjoy a witty heroine and her rekindling romance with a hot werewolf. And if you shed a few tears, maybe you'll even get a potion to help track your soulmate.

  • - Sunderverse
    av Ingrid Seymour

    When the son of a powerful alpha is kidnapped, Toni gets recruited to find him. Sparks fly as, along with her ex, she gets pulled into a plot meant to cause a war between werewolves and vampires.

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