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Bøker av Honor Raconteur

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  • av Honor Raconteur

    After two years of training in Turransky under a new master, Rena is a proper Void Mage, supposedly ready to handle whatever the world throws at her. Which is just as well because Toh'sellor's influence has proven it can pop shards up anywhere at any given time across all three continents, with nothing to use to predict it. Worse still, it doesn't seem to have any real restrictions. Meaning they're in the middle of a losing battle, and even if they destroy the shards, they're losing the overall war. The Magical Intercontinental Specialist Division approach her, asking for help and offering support in dealing with the shards, but Rena senses it's not just the shards they want help with. She has a terrible premonition about what they really want her to destroy, and she's not sure if anyone has enough power to accomplish it.Rena just wonders how long it will take before someone says it out loud.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    While Bannen had every intention of finding adventure, being yanked through a magical portal two continents away isn't quite what he imagined happening. For that matter, being magically bound to a mage-in-training hadn't ever crossed his mind. Being the first human familiar ever summoned in Corcoran? Not on his to-do list.Rena certainly needs all of the help that she can get, as her magic is very different, inhibiting her of the normal shields and protections. Everyone says her summoning a human familiar is a mistake, that she needs to break the bond and send Bannen back.But Bannen doesn't like this idea, not one iota. Renata Rocci has the magic of a Grim Reaper, the heart of a lion, and a body too frail to keep up with either. She can face assassins; meddlesome mages; politicians; and legendary, nightmarish monsters without flinching. Without losing and that's sexy as sin. This is definitely not the adventure he signed up for. It's far, far better.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    How many ways can a marriage proposal go wrong?One: the ring gets stolenTwo: a storm destroys the beachThree: a dead body, seriously?Four: A THEFT RING?!Come hell or highwater, he WILL propose before leaving this benighted island.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    "That boy thinks the world of you," Xiaolang murmured. "And..." he visibly hesitated, slanting a questioning look at me from the corner of his eye."And...?" I encouraged him. Xiaolang rarely hesitates in his speech. When he wanted to say something, he said it. "He'll be very important in the future," Xiaolang murmured. "I'm not sure how to put this..." he paused, mouth rummaging for words. "Something will change very soon, Garth. Someone will be discovered who will change everything. When that happens, you need to trust Trev'nor like he trusts you. Much will be lost otherwise." I looked, really looked at Trev'nor. Trev'nor has always been special, a child prodigy in a life that had no child prodigies. My head was swimming with questions after Xiaolang's revelation. Who was the boy we were to rescue, and why was Trev'nor so important for that boy?

  • av Honor Raconteur

    He had known this day would come. No man could escape the entire might of the Sovran forever. He just found it humorous that it was an enemy of the Sovran that had caught him instead. Bound, kneeling before a queen whom he had hounded for a straight year, he should have been anxious. Or at least a little worried. Instead, a strange sense of relief filled him. It was over. His mad escape from Brindisi's justice was over. "That is a very calm expression on your face, General Darius Bresalier," she observed. Her tone was idle, but her eyes were as sharp as a hawk's. "Are you not worried?" "I knew what the punishment would be, Your Most High Majesty," he answered respectfully. "I have had a year to resign myself to my fate. I cannot complain." She gave a low, musical hum of approval. "Well said. I have heard many reports on what you did but never once did I believe I could have the full tale." She leaned forward, causing the silk pillows behind her to slide in every direction. "Kingslayer, tell me. Why did you kill your king?"

  • av Honor Raconteur

    It takes more than wizards and kings to mold a kingdom.... "Da. I think it be time we press matters.""About getting more wizards here? Aye. That be a sound notion." Lately, Estole has more problems than solutions, and not enough resources to implement the ones they do have. When Ash collapses from magical exhaustion, the group decides the only course is to bring in more wizarding help. Riana can only pray that they get the help they need before Iysh strikes again. For if they don't, food shortages will be the least of their worries.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    With an un-cursed prince and king back on the throne, Sevana goes back to her usual routine without worry. But her peaceful days don't last for long. A hunter from a small northern village comes to her, pleading for help. The people in his village are disappearing during the night, transported great distances in their sleep, and they don't know why. Transportation magic such as this hasn't been seen since the days of great magic, hundreds of years past. On top of that, the power levels that Sevana sees are insanely high-far higher than any modern magic can reach. Sevana drops everything, racing toward the small village of Chastain, praying that she can find the source for all of this and stop it. Otherwise, the magical backlash might destroy Windamere.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    "What does Baros say?" Amalah asked in a hushed tone. "He's asking for my help."Amalah's dark brows shot straight into her hairline. "Your help? You're wanted by the entire Sovran, how can you possibly help him?""He says here that he's wrangled a full pardon for me so that I can enter, but he needs my help." Darius stared down at the letter, blindly, as everything he had heard in the past year coalesced into patterns all at once. "Amalah. I told you that because Niotan wrested free of the Sovran, avoided being conquered, that Baros would lose control slowly of the other countries.""Yes, so you did. Is that happening now? Is that what he wants you to stop?""No. Something worse than that. I should have anticipated this, but-" he swallowed the words down because in truth, he had actively not thought about war much in the past year. "The Roran barbarians were the first to break free of the Sovran after last year. And now it seems they've pulled together, at least most of the clans, perhaps all, and they're threatening the northern countries. Baros has battled them to a standstill for now, but he can't find a way to force them back into their territories. If he doesn't do it soon, then they'll overrun him. They'll overrun the Sovran."

  • av Honor Raconteur

    Freezing mid-step, I stared in disbelief. There, standing very calmly in front of me, was a Gardener. Copying what I'd seen Garth do, I slowly sank to one knee and held out a hand."Riicshaden," he hailed in a surprisingly deep and clear voice, "I greet you.""Well met," I responded shakily. Busted buckets, his voice and presence in my head was overwhelming. How had Garth done this? And several times to boot! "We have a task for you.""Ahhh..." It was probably stupid, but I felt compelled to ask anyway. "You sure you want me? Not Garth?""We have a task for you," he repeated patiently, a twinkle in his eye. "A young Weather Mage has awakened in Chahir."A thrill of pure joy and relief shot through me. A Weather Mage. A Weather Mage! YES! I'd feared I'd never hear that another would live. "You are relieved to hear this.""I am," I admitted, probably uselessly as he could feel everything I felt. "Chahir just doesn't look right to me.""The land is not as it should be. We awakened a mage and have given her the task of restoring the land.""Wait, you said 'her.' The new Weather Mage is a girl?""Yes. She is lost. We task you, Riicshaden. You must find her. You must protect her. She is very precious and if she dies, there will not be another to replace her."

  • av Honor Raconteur

    This is the final book of the Advent Mage Cycle. Here is the conclusion to Garth's amazing story.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    There was a time when magic was welcome in the country of Chahir, but that was nearly two centuries ago. Now, all forms of magic are strictly forbidden. Anyone caught using magic, or possessing magical abilities, are immediately imprisoned and executed. For Garth, that policy is a problem.As Garth approaches his sixteenth birthday, he realizes that he definitely has magical abilities. What's worse, he has no control over them. In order to stay alive, he only has one choice-he must leave his homeland, Chahir, and flee into the neighboring country, Hain. The journey isn't an easy one; he still has to make it out of Chahir without alerting anyone as to his abilities. What Garth doesn't know is that getting to Hain, and the Academy for All Magic, is going to be the easy part. Garth goes into Hain for one reason only; he wants training for his out-of-control magical powers. So how does he become a member of an exclusive magical clan known as the Jaunten; adopted by a magically enhanced colt; best friends with a gifted Witch; and foster brother of a four year old Mage? Let's just say he has a gift for finding trouble.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    Weather Mage Riicbeccaan has a plan. As plans go, this is a pretty good one. Officially, she needs to go into the Khobunter-Libendorf area to figure out what is messing with her weather patterns. Unofficially, since they are going that far north, it's the perfect opportunity to get dragons. Sure, traveling that direction is dangerous, but with Trev'nor and Nolan going along, there isn't much to worry about, as three full-trained mages can handle just about anything. But from the moment the three set foot in Khobunter, nothing goes according to plan. The whole world knows that Khobunter is a political mess, but there's another, darker layer underneath it all that no one speaks of. The three prodigy mages are ensnared by it before they can fully comprehend what's going on. Fighting against an entire country is not something that just three people can handle, even if they are mages. Becca, Nolan, and Trev'nor don't have much of a choice, though. There is an abhorrent evil right in front of their eyes and they only have one of two options: fight or flee. Unfortunately for Khobunter, no one has ever taught them how to run.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    Sevana Warran, reigning prodigy Artifactor, has absolutely no desire to selflessly serve her fellow man.Bellomi Dragonmanovich, Prince of Windamere, is a twenty-one year old cursed into the body of a perpetual eight year old.In order to regain his lost throne, prince and Artifactor know that breaking the curse won't be enough. It will take a coup and more than just a little magic.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    Once upon a time, there was a dragon...Take one newly trained Fire Mage. Make him the first (sane) Fire Mage that's been born in the past two hundred years. Have him leave home and venture into the Empire of Sol.Add one powerful, curious, fire-eating dragon. Fire Mage Haikrysen never imagined that he would be adopted out of the blue by a dragon. But then, he never thought he'd find a permanent home in the northern section of Sol, working as a firefighter either. Still, he likes his new home and adores his dragon companion-even if she does hoard jewelry and eats whole sheep for breakfast. But his peaceful days end abruptly when an arsonist starts torching the eastern section of the empire, his attacks becoming progressively bigger and faster. It's beginning to look like he's another insane Fire Mage on the loose. Krys, Kaya, and his partner Mari are sent to investigate, but they have no idea what the aim of the arsonist is, and very little knowledge of the man. Desperate, the three of them race against time to catch the madman before he burns a path across the whole empire, and everyone in it. Dragon's Mage by Honor Raconteur, set in the Advent Mage world, features the returning character of Haikrysen, the first real Fire Mage of his generation.

  • av Honor Raconteur

    Someone left Jamie a prezzie and she would like to return it with a no thank you. It all starts with a dead Robert Martin, the man who killed RM Burtchell. Jamie doesn't know how, but it's obvious he was yanked out of high security prison, murdered, and dumped on her front doorsteps. Now the situation is entirely out of control. Someone obviously wants her attention-her people are being targeted and hurt, they can't catch a lead, and it's bringing up Belladonna vibes. Jamie would like to request a new plot device.

  • av Honor Raconteur & Katie Griffin

  • av Honor Raconteur

  • av Honor Raconteur

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