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    av Herbert George Wells

  • av Herbert George Wells

    This novel by H.G. Wells explores the societal pressure of marriage in Edwardian England. The story follows the marriage of two people who are not in love, and the consequences that result from this decision. It is a thought-provoking work that reflects the changing societal norms of the time.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Herbert George Wells

    This charming and whimsical novel tells the story of a strange and wonderful visitor to a small English village, and the effect he has on the lives of the villagers. It is a delightful and entertaining read for anyone who enjoys imaginative fiction.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - A Collection of Material, Mainly Autobiographical
    av Herbert George Wells

    H.G. Wells, one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, provides readers with a candid and intimate view of his life in this collection of autobiographical essays. From his childhood struggles to his rise to literary fame, Certain Personal Matters is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a true visionary.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Tranzlaty Deutsch English
    av Herbert George Wells

    "Ich kann sehen", sagte er"I can see," he said"Zu sehen?" fragte Correa"to see?" said Correa"Ja, ich kann mit meinen Augen sehen", sagte Nunez"Yes, I can see with my eyes," said Nunezund er wandte sich ihm zuand he turned towards himaber er stolperte gegen Pedros Eimerbut he stumbled against Pedro's pail"Seine Sinne sind noch unvollkommen", sagte der dritte Blinde"His senses are still imperfect," said the third blind man"Er stolpert und redet bedeutungslose Worte""He stumbles, and talks unmeaning words""Führe ihn an der Hand""Lead him by the hand""Wie du willst", sagte Nunez"As you will" said Nunezund er wurde mitgeführtand he was led alongAber er musste über die Situation lachenbut he had to laugh at the situationEs schien, als wüssten sie nichts vom Sehenit seemed they knew nothing of sight"Ich werde es ihnen noch früh genug beibringen", dachte er bei sich"I will teach them soon enough," he thought to himself

  • av Herbert George Wells

    (Welsh Translation of H. G. Wells The Time Machine)Cydnabyddir H.G. Wells fel un o brif ffigyrau cynnar ffuglen wyddonol, mewn unrhyw iaith. Ysgrifennodd dros bum deg o nofelau ac chyfrir y enwocafohonynt, gan gynnwys The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds ac When the Sleeper Wakes, ymhlith y straeon mwyaf enwog a phoblogaidd erioed. Cafodd ei enwebu bedwar gwaith ar gyfer wobr Nobel mewn llenyddiaeth."Eiliad yn ddiweddarach roedden ni'n dau'n wynebu ein gilydd, minnau a'r creadur bregus hwn o'r dyfodol. Daeth yn syth ataf i, a chwarddodd yn uchel yn fy wyneb. Fe'm trawyd ar unwaith gan y ffaith nad oedd awgrym o ofn ynddo o gwbl."Un noswaith yn Llundain tua diwedd y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, mae gŵr ffraeth a hyddysg yn estyn gwahoddiad i grŵp o'i gyfoedion fod yn dyst wrth iddo arddangos ei ddyfais anhygoel newydd: y Peiriant Amser. Gyda hwn, mae'n teithio cannoedd o filoedd o flynyddoedd i'r dyfodol ac yn cael ei hun mewn paradwys, o'r golwg. Ond pam felly bod popeth i'w weld mewn adfeilion? A beth sy'n llechu dan wyneb y byd rhyfedd newydd hwn? Nofel gyntaf Herbert George Wells, heb os, yw un o'r portreadau enwocaf o'r dyfodol mewn ffuglen, ac hyd heddiw, mae'n un o'r rhai mwyaf arswydus. Y cyfieithiad newydd hwn yw'r tro cyntaf i waith Wells fod ar gael yn y Gymraeg. Cyhoeddwyd Y Peiriant Amser yn 1895 a hi oedd ei nofel gyntaf. Er nad hon oedd y nofel gyntaf i archwilio'r cysyniad o deithio mewn amser, hon sefydlodd y syniad o 'beiriant amser' yn y ddychymyg boblogaidd. Heb os, bu'n dylanwad ar Islwyn Ffowc Elis pan ysgrifennodd yntau Wythnos yng Nghymru Fydd, y nofel Cymraeg enwocaf am deithio mewn amser.(English Description)This new edition of H. G. Wells Science Fiction classic The Time Machine is the first time any of Wells' books have been made available in Welsh.

  • av Herbert George Wells

    "Posso vedere", ha detto"I can see," he said"Da vedere?" ha detto Correa"to see?" said Correa"Sì, posso vedere con i miei occhi", disse Nunez"Yes, I can see with my eyes," said Nunezed egli si voltò verso di luiand he turned towards himma inciampò contro il secchio di Pedrobut he stumbled against Pedro's pail"I suoi sensi sono ancora imperfetti", disse il terzo cieco."His senses are still imperfect," said the third blind man"Inciampa e dice parole senza senso""He stumbles, and talks unmeaning words""Conducilo per mano""Lead him by the hand""Come vuoi" disse Nunez"As you will" said Nuneze fu condotto lungoand he was led alongMa doveva ridere della situazionebut he had to laugh at the situationsembrava che non sapessero nulla della vistait seemed they knew nothing of sight"Insegnerò loro abbastanza presto", pensò tra sé e sé."I will teach them soon enough," he thought to himself

  • av Herbert George Wells

    Wells' charming novel tells the story of Bealby, a young boy who sets out on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, he encounters an array of eccentric characters, from gruff sailors to lovestruck librarians. With its witty dialogue, vivid descriptions, and timeless themes of growth and change, this book is a classic of English literature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Herbert George Wells

    "Puedo ver", dijo."I can see," he said"¿Ver?", dijo Correa."to see?" said Correa"Sí, puedo ver con mis ojos", dijo Núñez."Yes, I can see with my eyes," said Nunezy se volvió hacia éland he turned towards himpero tropezó con el cubo de Pedrobut he stumbled against Pedro's pail"Sus sentidos todavía son imperfectos", dijo el tercer ciego."His senses are still imperfect," said the third blind man"Tropieza y habla palabras sin sentido""He stumbles, and talks unmeaning words""Llévalo de la mano""Lead him by the hand""Como quieras", dijo Núñez"As you will" said Nunezy fue conducido a lo largoand he was led alongPero tuvo que reírse de la situaciónbut he had to laugh at the situationParecía que no sabían nada de la vistait seemed they knew nothing of sight"Les enseñaré muy pronto", pensó para sí mismo."I will teach them soon enough," he thought to himself

  • av Herbert George Wells

    'Dwi'n gallu gweld, ' meddai"I can see," he said'Gweld?' meddai Correa"to see?" said Correa"Ydw, gallaf weld gyda fy llygaid," meddai Nunez"Yes, I can see with my eyes," said Nunezac efe a drodd tuag ato efand he turned towards himond baglu yn erbyn mechnïaeth Pedrobut he stumbled against Pedro's pail"Mae ei synhwyrau yn dal i fod yn amherffaith," meddai'r trydydd dyn dall"His senses are still imperfect," said the third blind man"Mae'n baglu ac yn siarad geiriau diystyr""He stumbles, and talks unmeaning words"'Ei roi â llaw'"Lead him by the hand"'Fel y byddwch chi, ' meddai Nunez"As you will" said Nunezac fe'i harweiniwyd ar hydand he was led alongOnd roedd yn rhaid iddo chwerthin am y sefyllfabut he had to laugh at the situationMae'n ymddangos nad oeddent yn gwybod unrhyw beth o'r golwgit seemed they knew nothing of sight"Byddaf yn eu dysgu yn ddigon buan," meddyliodd wrtho'i hun"I will teach them soon enough," he thought to himself

  • av Herbert George Wells

    Je peux voir, dit-il"I can see," he said Pour voir? dit Correa"to see?" said Correa Oui, je peux voir avec mes yeux, a déclaré Nunez"Yes, I can see with my eyes," said Nunezet il se tourna vers luiand he turned towards himmais il trébucha contre le seau de Pedrobut he stumbled against Pedro's pail Ses sens sont encore imparfaits, a déclaré le troisième aveugle."His senses are still imperfect," said the third blind man Il trébuche et dit des mots insignifiants "He stumbles, and talks unmeaning words" Conduis-le par la main "Lead him by the hand" Comme vous voulez dit Nunez"As you will" said Nunezet il a été conduit le longand he was led alongMais il a dû rire de la situationbut he had to laugh at the situationIl semblait qu'ils ne savaient rien de la vueit seemed they knew nothing of sight Je leur enseignerai assez tôt, se dit-il."I will teach them soon enough," he thought to himself

  • av Herbert George Wells
    460 - 726,-

  • av Herbert George Wells

    Recently I set myself to put down what I believe. I did this with no idea of making a book, but at the suggestion of a friend and to interest a number of friends with whom I was associated. We were all, we found, extremely uncertain in our outlook upon life, about our religious feelings and in our ideas of right and wrong. And yet we reckoned ourselves people of the educated class and some of us talk and lecture and write with considerable confidence. We thought it would be of very great interest to ourselves and each other if we made some sort of frank mutual confession. We arranged to hold a series of meetings in which first one and then another explained the faith, so far as he understood it, that was in him. We astonished ourselves and our hearers by the irregular and fragmentary nature of the creeds we produced, clotted at one point, inconsecutive at another, inconsistent and unconvincing to a quite unexpected degree. It would not be difficult to caricature one of those meetings; the lecturer floundering about with an air of exquisite illumination, the audience attentive with an expression of thwarted edification upon its various brows. For my own part I grew so interested in planning my lecture and in joining up point and point, that my notes soon outran the possibilities of the hour or so of meeting for which I was preparing them. The meeting got only a few fragments of what I had to say, and made what it could of them. And after that was over I let myself loose from limits of time and length altogether and have expanded these memoranda into a book. It is as it stands now the frank confession of what one man of the early Twentieth Century has found in life and himself, a confession just as frank as the limitations of his character permit; it is his metaphysics, his religion, his moral standards, his uncertainties and the expedients with which he has met them. On every one of these departments and aspects I write-how shall I put it?-as an amateur. In every section of my subject there are men not only of far greater intellectual power and energy than I, but who have devoted their whole lives to the sustained analysis of this or that among the questions I discuss, and there is a literature so enormous in the aggregate that only a specialist scholar could hope to know it. I have not been unmindful of these professors and this literature; I have taken such opportunities as I have found, to test my propositions by them. But I feel that such apology as one makes for amateurishness in this field has a lesser quality of self-condemnation than if one were dealing with narrower, more defined and fact-laden matters. There is more excuse for one here than for the amateur maker of chemical theories, or the man who evolves a system of surgery in his leisure. These things, chemistry, surgery and so forth, we may take on the reputation of an expert, but our own fundamental beliefs, our rules of conduct, we must all make for ourselves. We may listen and read, but the views of others we cannot take on credit; we must rethink them and "make them our own." And we cannot do without fundamental beliefs, explicit or implicit. The bulk of men are obliged to be amateur philosophers,-all men indeed who are not specialized students of philosophical subjects,-even if their philosophical enterprise goes no further than prompt recognition of and submission to Authority.

  • av Herbert George Wells
    460 - 726,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    593 - 859,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    593 - 859,-

  • - When the Sleeper Wakes, Chinese edition
    av Herbert George Wells

    格雷厄姆 是一位1890年代激进的宣传者,他急切地等待着20世纪及其将带来的所有进步,他为此深感失眠。 最终诉诸药物治疗,他立即陷入长达200年的深度睡眠。 在二十世纪进入一个陌生而噩梦般的地方后,他慢慢发现自己是这个世界的主人,受到了一群自以为是的崇拜者的崇敬。 吓坏了,他从房间里逃出来寻求慰藉-才意识到并不是每个人都崇拜他,有些人甚至想伤害他。格雷厄姆 是一位1890年代激进的宣传者,他急切地等待着20世纪及其将带来的所有进步,他为此深感失眠。 最终诉诸药物治疗,他立即陷入长达200年的深度睡眠。 在二十世纪进入一个陌生而噩梦般的地方后,他慢慢发现自己是这个世界的主人,受到了一群自以为是的崇拜者的崇敬。 吓坏了,他从房间里逃出来寻求慰藉-才意识到并不是每个人都崇拜他,有些人甚至想伤害他。

  • av Herbert George Wells
    593 - 859,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    460 - 726,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    593 - 859,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    726 - 992,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    992 - 1 258,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    367 - 633,-

  • av Herbert George Wells
    593 - 859,-

  • av Herbert George Wells

  • av Herbert George Wells

  • av Herbert George Wells
    726 - 992,-

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