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Bøker av Hartmut Rosa

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  • - A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World
    av Hartmut Rosa
    267 - 829,-

  • av Hartmut Rosa
    220 - 543,-

    "The price we pay for our modern desire to control the world"--

  • - A New Theory of Modernity
    av Hartmut Rosa
    362 - 1 105,-

    Hartmut Rosa advances an account of the temporal structure of society from the perspective of critical theory. He identifies three categories of change in the tempo of modern social life: technological acceleration, evident in transportation, communication, and production; the acceleration of social change, reflected in cultural knowledge, social institutions, and personal relationships; and acceleration in the pace of life, which happens despite the expectation that technological change should increase an individual's free time.According to Rosa, both the structural and cultural aspects of our institutions and practices are marked by the "e;shrinking of the present,"e; a decreasing time period during which expectations based on past experience reliably match the future. When this phenomenon combines with technological acceleration and the increasing pace of life, time seems to flow ever faster, making our relationships to each other and the world fluid and problematic. It is as if we are standing on "e;slipping slopes,"e; a steep social terrain that is itself in motion and in turn demands faster lives and technology. As Rosa deftly shows, this self-reinforcing feedback loop fundamentally determines the character of modern life.

  • - artikler om livet i senmoderniteten
    av Hartmut Rosa

    I denne artikkelsamlingen blir Hartmut Rosas berømte nøkkelbegreper akselerasjon og resonans utgangspunkt for engasjerende samtidsdiagnoser som har fått stor oppmerksomhet både hos et bredt publikum og hos akademikere. Gjenkjennelige hverdagserfaringer får en eksistensiell og poetisk dybde, samtidig som fenomenene han undersøker blir gjenstand for presise analyser. De fire artiklene i denne boka gir leseren en effektiv innføring i Rosas forfatterskap og viser hvordan akselerasjon, en økt hastighet på mange livsområder, fører til en tapt resonans - mindre muligheter for gjenklang og levende relasjoner. Resultatet er fremmedgjøring i forholdet til oss selv, hverandre og verden.Der akselerasjon er årsaken og fremmedgjøring diagnosen, mener Rosa at resonans er løsningen, men hvis vi skal vinne resonanserfaringen tilbake, må vi forstå og akseptere livets ukontrollerbare sider. Vi må ta lengselen etter å bli berørt og etter å bli forvandlet på alvor: ikke bare eksistensielt og poetisk, men også som et sosiologisk og teoretisk faktum. Rosa argumenterer for at resonanserfaringer er avgjørende for det gode liv, en innsikt som åpner for en fruktbar videreføring av sosiologiens modernitetskritikk.Akselerasjon og resonans. Artikler om livet i senmoderniteten er oversatt av Anders Dunker. Forordet er skrevet av Odin Lysaker og Aurora Jacobsen Evenshaug. I den nye rekken av Cappelens upopulære skrifter kommer Akselerasjon og resonans som nr. 86.

  • av Hartmut Rosa

    Die Soziologie der Weltbeziehungen untersucht, wie Menschen sich in der Welt verorten und mit ihr in Verbindung treten. Auf welche Weise dieser Ansatz für unterschiedliche Disziplinen fruchtbar gemacht werden kann, zeigt dieser Band. Dabei widmen sich die Autor:innen einer Analyse grundlegender Konzepte der westlichen Moderne - etwa den Praktiken des Teilens und Tauschens. Darüber hinaus eröffnen sie eine historisch sowie global vergleichende Perspektive anhand vielfältiger Themen, etwa dem Verständnis von Markt und Eigentum in China oder der Dekolonisierung von Forschung in Indien. Hieran anschließend formulieren sie konkrete Vorschläge zu einer Neuausrichtung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften.

  • av Hartmut Rosa, Stephan Lessenich & Klaus Dörre

    Three radical perspectives on the critique of capitalismFor years, the critique of capitalism was lost from public discourse; the very word ';capitalism' sounded like a throwback to another era. Nothing could be further from the truth today. In this new intellectual atmosphere, Sociology, Capitalism, Critique is a contribution to the renewal of critical sociology, founded on an empirically grounded diagnosis of society's ills. The authors, Germany's leading critical sociologistsKlaus Drre, Stephan Lessenich, and Hartmut Rosashare a conviction that ours is a pivotal period of renewal, in which the collective endeavour of academics can amount to an act of intellectual resistance, working to prevent any regressive development that might return us to neoliberal domination. The authors discuss key issues, such as questions of accumulation and expropriation; discipline and freedom; and the powerful new concepts of activation and acceleration. Their politically committed sociology, which takes the side of the losers in the current crisis, places society's future well-being at the centre of their research. Their collective approach to this project is a conscious effort to avoid co-optation in the institutional practices of the academy. These three differing but complementary perspectives serve as an insightful introduction to the contemporary themes of radical sociology in capitalism's post-crisis phase.

  • - Social Acceleration, Power, and Modernity
    av Hartmut Rosa & William E. Scheuerman

    Examines the processes of acceleration in politics, economic, culture, and society at large. Focuses on why and how the high-speed contours of crucial forms of social activity now shape so many facets of human existence, and suggests possible responses.

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