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Bøker av Hannah Arendt

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  • av Hannah Arendt

    'How could such a book speak so powerfully to our present moment? The short answer is that we, too, live in dark times' Washington PostHannah Arendt's chilling analysis of the conditions that led to the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian regimes is a warning from history about the fragility of freedom, exploring how propaganda, scapegoats, terror and political isolation all aided the slide towards total domination. 'A non-fiction bookend to Nineteen Eighty-Four' The New York Times'The political theorist who wrote about the Nazis and the 'banality of evil' has become a surprise bestseller' Guardian

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Considering humankind from the perspective of the actions of which it is capable, this text addresses diminishing human agency and political freedom - the paradox that as human powers increase through technology and inquiry, we are less equipped to control the consequences of our actions.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Hannah Arendt's authoritative and controversial report on the trial of German Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann first appeared as a series of articles in the New Yorker in 1963. This revised edition of Eichmann in Jerusalem contains further factual material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript commenting on the controversy that arose over her book.

  • av Hannah Arendt

  • av Hannah Arendt

  • av Hannah Arendt & Jerome Kohn

  • av Hannah Arendt

    From Hannah Arendt, the author of The Origins of Totalitarianism, her influential essay examining the relationship between violence, power, war and politics'Violence can destroy power; it is utterly incapable of creating it'Why has violence played such a significant role in human history? Written in 1970, with the Holocaust and Hiroshima still fresh in recent memory, war in Vietnam raging and the streets of Europe and America exploding into student protest, Hannah Arendt's seminal work dissects violence in the twentieth century: its nature and causes, its relationship with politics and war, its role in the modern age. Arendt warns against the glamorization of violence by revolutionary causes, and argues that true, lasting power can never grow 'out of the barrel of a gun'.'Incisive, deeply probing, written with clarity and grace, it provides an ideal framework for understanding the turbulence of our times' The NationWith an introduction by Arendt expert, Lyndsey Stonebridge, Professor of Humanities and Human Rights at the University of Birmingham.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Responsibility and Judgment gathers together unpublished writings from the last decade of Arendt's life, where she addresses fundamental questions and concerns about the nature of evil and the making of moral choices. At the heart of the book is a profound ethical investigation, "Some Questions of Moral Philosophy,” in which Arendt confronts the inadequacy of traditional moral "truths” as standards to judge what we are capable of doing and examines anew our ability to distinguish good from evil and right from wrong. We also see how Arendt comes to understand that alongside the radical evil she had addressed in earlier analyses of totalitarianism, there exists a more pernicious evil, independent of political ideology, whose execution is limitless when the perpetrator feels no remorse and can forget his acts as soon as they are committed.Responsibility and Judgment is an indispensable investigation into some of the most troubling and important issues of our time.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    The essence of the correspondence between Arendt and Scholem can be said to lie in three things. Above all it provides an intimate account of how two great intellectuals try to come to terms with being both German and Jewish, and how to think about Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust. They also debate the issue of what it means to be Jewish in the post-Holocaust world whether in New York or in Jerusalem. Finally, the specter of Benjamin haunts the work and in a sense the letters are as much about Benjamin as the other two questions since his life and tragic death epitomize them both. Arendt and Scholem's letters on these weighty questions are lightened by more routine exchanges: on travel itineraries, lunch or dinner parties where important people were present, and so forth. These daily details are woven throughout the correspondence and provide vivid biographical information about Arendt and Scholem that is unavailable in any other source.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Although Hannah Arendt is not primarily known as a Jewish thinker, she probably wrote more about Jewish issues than any other topic. As a young adult in Germany, she wrote about German Jewish history. After moving to France in 1933, she helped Jewish youth immigrate to Palestine. During her years in Paris, her principle concern was the transformation of antinomianism from prejudice to policy, which would culminate in the Nazi "final solution." After France fell, Arendt escaped from an internment camp and made her way to America. There she wrote articles calling for a Jewish army to fight the Nazis. After the war, she supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in a binational (Arab-Jewish) state of Israel.Arendt's original conception of political freedom cannot be fully grasped apart from her experience as a Jew. In 1961 she attended Adolf Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem. Her report, Eichmann in Jerusalem, provoked an immense controversy, which culminated in her virtual excommunication from the worldwide Jewish community. Today that controversy is the subject of serious re-evaluation, especially among younger people in the United States, Europe, and Israel.The publication of The Jewish Writings-much of which has never appeared before-traces Arendt's life and thought as a Jew. It will put an end to any doubts about the centrality, from beginning to end, of Arendt's Jewish experience.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Inspired by the trial of a bureaucrat who helped cause the Holocaust, this radical work on the banality of evil stunned the world with its exploration of a regime's moral blindness and one man's insistence that he be absolved all guilt because he was 'only following orders'.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Together for the first time, classic essays on how and when to disobey the government from two of the greatest thinkers in our literature As we grapple with how to respond to emerging threats against democracy, Library of America brings together for the first time two seminal essays about the duties of citizenship and the imperatives of conscience. In "Resistance to Civil Government" (1849), Henry David Thoreau recounts the story of a night he spent in jail for refusing to pay poll taxes, which he believed supported the Mexican American War and the expansion of slavery. His larger aim was to articulate a view of individual conscience as a force in American politics. No writer has made a more persuasive case for obedience to a "higher law." In "Civil Disobedience" (1970), Hannah Arendt offers a stern rebuttal to Thoreau. For Arendt, Thoreau stands in willful opposition to the public and collective spirit that defines civil disobedience. Only through positive collective action and the promises we make to each other in a civil society can meaningful change occur. This deluxe paperback features an introduction by Roger Berkowitz, Founder and Academic Director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities and Professor of Politics, Philosophy, and Human Rights at Bard College, who reflects on the tradition of civil disobedience and the future of American politics.

  • av Hannah Arendt
    257 - 280,-

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Venez découvrir la pensée d'Hannah Arendt grâce à une analyse philosophique de référence ! Écrite par un spécialiste universitaire, cette étude est recommandée par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient notamment la biographie du philosophe, le résumé détaillé de sa pensée, ainsi que l'analyse de son courant philosophique. Retrouvez tous nos titres sur :

  • av Hannah Arendt

    More urgent than ever, two landmark essays by the legendary political theorist on the greatest threat to democracy, gathered with a new introduction by David Bromwich"No one," Hannah Arendt observed, "has ever counted truthfulness as a political virtue." But why do politicians lie? What is the relationship between political lies and self-delusion? And how much organized deceit can a democracy endure before it ceases to function? Fifty years ago, the century's greatest political theorist turned her focus to these essential questions in two seminal essays, brought together here for the first time. Her conclusions, delivered in searching prose that crackles with insight and intelligence, remain powerfully relevant, perhaps more so today than when they were written. In "Truth and Politics," Arendt explores the affinity between lying and politics, and reminds us that the survival of factual truth depends on the testimony of credible witnesses and on an informed citizenry. She shows how our shared sense of reality-the texture of facts in which we wrap our daily lives-can be torn apart by organized lying, replaced with a fantasy world of airbrushed evidence and doctored documents. In "Lying in Politics," written in response to the release of the Pentagon Papers, Arendt applies these insights to an analysis of American policy in Southeast Asia, arguing that the real goal of the Vietnam War-and of the official lies used to justify it by successive administrations-was nothing other than the burnishing of America's image. In his introduction, David Bromwich (American Breakdown: The Trump Years and How They Befell Us) engages with Arendt's essays in the context of her other writings and underscores their clarion call to take seriously the ever-present threat to democracy posed by lying.

  • - tre essay
    av Hannah Arendt

    On Violence utgitt i 1971 med tittelen Vold i vår tid. Dette essayet er oversatt på nytt og har nå fått tittelen Om vold. I tillegg inneholder utgivelsen to korte essay av Arendt med samme tematikk: Om terror fra 1953 og Er Amerika et voldelig samfunn? fra 1968.Det første og det siste essayet er skrevet med den amerikanske borgerrettsbevegelsen, Vietnamkrigen og studentopprøret som bakgrunn. Om terror er skrevet med Hitler og Stalins terrorregimer som bakgrunn.Boka er oversatt av Lene Auestad og med forord av Helgard Mahrdt.Hannah Arendt var en tysk-jødisk politisk tenker som flyktet fra Nazi-Tyskland til USA. Hennes generasjons politiske erfaring var preget av krig og revolusjon. Hun ville derfor utvikle en ny forståelse av politikk som ikke var bygget på vold, men på makt. Mens makt oppstår når mennesker handler sammen, kan vold brukes av enkeltindivider for å nå sine mål. Vold kan være rasjonelt, men aldri være legitimt. Volden kan tilintetgjøre makten, og i verste fall er det som står igjen et terrorvelde som tar sikte på å ødelegge alle mellommenneskelige relasjoner, både i den offentlige og i den private sfæren.]]>

  • - The Life of a Jewish Woman
    av Hannah Arendt

    A biography of a Jewish woman, a writer who hosted a literary and political salon in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Germany, written by one of the twentieth century''s most prominent intellectuals, Hannah Arendt.Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewish Woman was Hannah Arendt’s first book, largely completed when she went into exile from Germany in 1933, though not published until the 1950s. It is the biography of a remarkable, complicated, passionate woman, and an important figure in German romanticism. Rahel Varnhagen also bore the burdens of being an unusual woman in a man’s world and an assimilated Jew in Germany.She was, Arendt writes, “neither beautiful nor attractive . . . and possessed no talents with which to employ her extraordinary intelligence and passionate originality.” Arendt sets out to tell the story of Rahel’s life as Rahel might have told it and, in doing so, to reveal the way in which assimilation defined one person’s destiny. On her deathbed Rahel is reported to have said, “The thing which all my life seemed to me the greatest shame, which was the misery and misfortune of my life—having been born a Jewess—this I should on no account now wish to have missed.” Only because she had remained both a Jew and a pariah, Arendt observes, “did she find a place in the history of European humanity.”

  • av Hannah Arendt

    This is the first volume in any language that collects Hannah Arendt's remarkable series of essays and notes on literary figures and cultural questions.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    This is a revised and corrected English translation that incorporates Arendt's own substantial revisions and provides additional notes based on letters, contracts and other documents. It demonstrates how her early work on Augustine provides the key to her later critique of modernity.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Hannah Arendt's last philosophical work was an intended three-part project entitled 'The Life of the Mind'. Unfortunately, Arendt lived to complete only the first two parts, 'Thinking' and 'Willing'. Of the third, 'Judging', only the title page, with epigraphs from Cato and Goethe, was found after her death. As the title suggests, Arendt conceived of her work roughly parallel to the three 'Critiques' of Immanuel Kant. In fact, while she began work on 'The Life of the Mind', Arendt lectured an 'Kant's Political Philosophy', using the 'Critique of Judgment' as her main text. The present volume brings Arendt's notes for these lectures together with other of her texts on the topic of judging and provides important clues to the likely direction of Arendt's thinking in this area.

  • av Hannah Arendt
    1 532,-

  • av Hannah Arendt

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Presents an analysis of the nature, causes, and significance of violence in the second half of the twentieth century. This title also re-examines the relationship between war, politics, violence, and power.

  • av Hannah Arendt

    Hannah Arendt is considered one of the major contributors to social and political thought in the twentieth century. This title includes selections from her major works, including "The Origins of Totalitarianism", "Between Past and Future", "Men in Dark Times", "The Jew as Pariah", and "The Human Condition", as well as shorter writings and letters.

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