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Bøker av Hal Foster

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  • Spar 14%
    - Modernism * Antimodernism * Postmodernism
    av Hal Foster

    Includes the developments in the study and practice of art. With a clear year-by-year structure, this book presents 130 articles, each focusing on a crucial event - such as the creation of a seminal work, the publication of an important text, or the opening of a major exhibition - to tell the myriad stories of art from 1900 to the present.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    A scoundrel has ruled over the continent''s troubadours for the past three years, introducing scum and villainy into their ranks. Arn and Court Jester sir Dinadan travel to France to set things right, while Prince Valiant accompanies the headstrong Gunther of Germany on his quest to recover stolen holy relics and claim a wife in Jerusalem. The mercenary army of a Persian warlord sweeps across the Middle East, forcing Queen Aleta to seek refuge in a hidden utopian city ruled by women. Val competes in tournaments in Marseille and Camelot and reunites with Sir Lancelotm but a tragic death impacts a member of Val''s family. Plus: more dazzling commercial illustration work by Hal Foster.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    During a journey back to her Misty Isles kingdom, Aleta is hypnotised and abducted by a wizard. Val pursues them to the evil Hashida''s cavernous domain, only to learn that Aleta can rescue herself. Aleta''s younger sister Helene is gambled away by her husband to a Corsair mercenary, drawing Prince Valiant and his Singing Sword into a deadly duel. And in between battles, romance has its way with kings, wizards, and slaves. This edition includes a large gallery of Hal Foster''s art for the 1930 U.S. Naval Academy yearbook, and an interview with Mad artist Angelo Torres.

  • av Hal Foster
    1 319,-

    This first-ever Prince Valiant boxed set collects over six years of Hal Foster Sunday strips along with tons of supplementary art, photos, and essays!

  • av Hal Foster

    Prince Val, Aleta and Arn continue their newspaper page adventures in Scotland, Wales, Rome and beyond: this volume has "extras."

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    "A collection of Hal Foster's writing as a critic, since 1993"--

  • Spar 22%
    - 1993-1994
    av Hal Foster

    The wedding of Karen and Vanni! The adventures of three queens and a princess! Val and Sir Gawain in North Africa! A traitor in control of Aleta's Misty Isles! Siege on top of siege! Val's quest for the truth-compelling Shield of Achilles! Plus, Prince Valiant scholar and translator Dr. Uwe Baumann on Prince Valiant in the early 1990s. Universally acclaimed as the most stunningly gorgeous adventure comic strip of all time, Prince Valiant ran for 35 years under the virtuoso pen of its creator, Hal Foster. Starring a daring and gallant young hero, the series features epic sword fights, elaborate scenes of pomp and pageantry, and breathless plotting that always leaves the reader wanting more. Fantagraphics' deluxe editions, each collecting two years' worth of Sunday strips, boast superbly restored artwork that captures every delicate line and chromatic nuance of Foster's art.

  • av Hal Foster

    Surveying the artistic and cultural scene in the era of Trump.

  • av Hal Foster

    "Hal Foster dedica questo studio ai primi anni della pop art e a cinque artisti che più di altri hanno forzato i limiti della pittura riuscendo a combinare la rivoluzione pop di un'immagine immediata con temi culturali e identitari, da quì il sottotitolo "pittura e soggettività". In questo gioco tra arte bassa e alta, la pop art rimane in contatto con "la pittura della vita moderna" definita un secolo prima da Baudelaire come quell'arte che si sforza di distillare l'eterno dal quotidiano, dal transitorio. Si tratta tuttavia di una pittura "strategica" ("una sorta di meta-medium" la definisce Hal Foster), pronta ad accoppiarsi con la fotografia o le arti grafiche, ad accostare privacy e forme pubblicitarie, l'iconico e l'evanescente, con un atteggiamento ambiguo nei confronti della grande arte e della cultura di massa. Tutto ciò consente agli artisti pop di non essere né critici né rigorosamente complici ma, infine, proprio tale ambiguità, permette alle proprie opere di non limitarsi a riprodurre le proprie fonti ma di reinventarle, di poter comunque coltivare una consapevolezza critica delle contraddizioni culturali in atto. Per i lettori interessati a collocare la pop art nell'ambito del postmoderno e delle teorie postrutturaliste sulla soggettività, il libro di Foster è destinato a diventare un importante lavoro di riferimento, resoconto magistrale di uno dei periodi più importanti dell'arte del XX secolo, ma anche un libro che getta nuova luce sul presente dell'arte e sul nostro complesso rapporto con le immagini.Concentro le mie riflessioni su cinque artisti - Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein, Gerhard Richter, Ed Ruscha e Andy Warhol -perché rimandano, in maniera più evidente di altri, alle mutate condizioni della pittura e dello spettatore nel primo periodo della pop art, che faccio risalire alla metà degli anni Cinquanta. Ridotta alla sua essenza, la mia tesi è che in questo periodo cambia sia lo status dell'immagine che quello della soggettività e i lavori di questi artisti lo dimostrano nel modo più suggestivo".(Hal Foster)

  • Spar 21%
    av Hal Foster

    The 28th volume of Fantagraphics' ambitious reprinting of Hal Foster's immortal masterpiece.

  • Spar 20%
    av Hal Foster

    The action never lets up in the 27th volume of Fantagraphics' exquisite reprinting of Hal Foster's masterpiece, as Val embarks upon another treacherous journey that will test his mettle.

  • Spar 23%
    av Hal Foster
    1 091,-

    Our series of special slipcased gift sets of the most visually opulent comic strip in the medium's history, based on the King Arthur mythos, continues with Vols. 16 - 18 (1967-1972).

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    Fantagraphics is proud to present the 25th volume of one of the most enduring comic strips, based on Arthurian legend, ever created.

  • av Hal Foster

    There's Merlin, Mordred, Maeve, Monsters, and Magic in this collection of the beloved Arthurian newspaper strip!

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    In this volume of the classic Arthurian newspaper strip, there's death, birth, curses, quests, plots, magic and war.

  • Spar 14%
    - Dubuffet, Bataille, Jorn, Paolozzi, Oldenburg
    av Hal Foster

    In Brutal Aesthetics, leading art historian and critic Hal Foster explores how postwar artists and writers searched for a new foundation of culture after the mass devastation of World War II, the Holocaust, and the atomic bomb. Inspired by "positive barbarism," the enigmatic idea that modernist art can teach us how to survive a civilization become barbaric, Foster examines the variety of ways key figures from the early 1940s to the early 1960s sought to develop a "brutal aesthetics" adequate to the destruction all around them. With a focus on the philosopher Georges Bataille, the painters Jean Dubuffet and Asger Jorn, and the sculptors Eduardo Paolozzi and Claes Oldenburg, Foster investigates this manifold move to strip art down, or to reveal it as already bare, in order to begin again.

  • Spar 20%
    av Hal Foster

    Kerry James Marshall is one of America’s greatest living painters. History of Painting presents a groundbreaking body of new work that engages with the history of the medium itself.In History of Painting, the artist has widened his scope to include both figurative and nonfigurative works that deal explicitly with art history, race, and gender, as well as force us to reexamine how artworks are received in the world and in the art market. In the paintings in this book, Marshall’s critique of history and of dominant white narratives is present, even as the subjects of the paintings move between reproductions of auction catalogues, abstract works, and scenes of everyday life.  Essays by Teju Cole and Hal Foster help readers navigate the artist’s masterful vision, decoding complexly layered works such as Untitled (Underpainting) (2018) and Marshall’s own artistic philosophy. This catalogue is published on the occasion of Marshall’s eponymous exhibition at David Zwirner, London, in 2018.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    Val must win back the queen of (his) heart, Aleta, and much more in this collection of the King-Arthur inspired classic Sunday adventure strip.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster & John Cullen Murphy

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    After his long sojourn in the Mediterranean, Prince Valiant is back in Britain, where he takes on a new, intricate mission on behalf of King Arthur. Here, Valiant finds himself in the middle of a conflict between Saxon settlers and violent Viking raiders. Gawain''s return journey to Camelot is fraught with misadventure as he is beset by jealous romantic rivals, a marriage-minded widow and a thieving sorcerer. Young Galan goes on a hunt to capture the fabled unicorn, and Arn, after losing his horse in a Welsh bog, is enslaved and held for ransom.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    Arn goes berserk, and there are love triangles, slave rebellions, greedy governors, and more in this volume of the Arthurian-inspired comic strip.

  • av Hal Foster

    In this latest volume of the Arthurian-inspired comics page, Arn lands on the New World, and Aleta is mistaken for a mermaid. The volume also includes a feature on Bob Fujitani''s run of Prince Valiant stories in the Dell comic books, and a gallery of Valiant covers from books and comics. Hal Foster''s Prince Valiant continues as one of the all-time magnificent romantic adventure comics ever conceived and Fantagraphic''s reprinting is the loveliest treatment of the strip in the history of publishing.

  • av Hal Foster

    Valiant fights battles large and small, and Prince Arn comes to the rescue, in this classically illustrative Sunday comic strip based on the King Arthur mythos.

  • - 1957-1958
    av Hal Foster

    Arvak the Red Stallion's first appearance occurs in this volume of the classically illustrative Sunday comic strip, based on the King Arthur myth.

  • Spar 10%
    av Hal Foster

    Aleta is kidnapped and Val fights famine in the latest collection of the King Arthur-inspired newspaper strip.

  • - Painting and Subjectivity in the Art of Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Richter, and Ruscha
    av Hal Foster

    Who branded painting in the Pop age more brazenly than Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, and Ed Ruscha? And who probed the Pop revolution in image and identity more intensely than they? This book presents an interpretation of Pop art through the work of these Pop Five.

  • av Hal Foster

    A critical primer on artist Richard Serra's work.

  • av Hal Foster

    Prince Valiant and Aleta travel to Canada, where their child is born, in this Legends-of-the-Roundtable-inspired strip.

  • av Hal Foster

    A wide-ranging, gripping lecture on Roy Lichtenstein.

  • av Hal Foster

    A survey of the explosive rise of Pop from 1950s-60s.

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