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Bøker av H. G. Wells

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  • av H. G. Wells
    479 - 758,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    758 - 1 037,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    758 - 1 037,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    286 - 438,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    286 - 438,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    236 - 410,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    479 - 758,-

  • av H. G. Wells

    Anticipations forecasts the evolution of 20th century society and the consequences of technology.

  • av H. G. Wells

  • av H. G. Wells
    1 455 - 1 733,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    178 - 521,-

  • av H. G. Wells

  • av H. G. Wells

  • av H. G. Wells
    897 - 1 176,-

  • av H. G. Wells
    340 - 619,-

  • av H. G. Wells

    Dans l'abîme, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l'histoire humaine, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, nous, aux éditions Alpha, nous sommes efforcés de le préserver en republiant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et conçu. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur travail original et, par conséquent, le texte est clair et lisible.

  • av H. G. Wells

    The Wonderful Visit is an early work by H. G. Wells, published in the same year as The Time Machine. It takes a gentle, semi-comic approach to some of Wells¿ social concerns by using the device of an angel fallen into our world from the Land of Dreams. This external observer, largely ignorant of the ways of humans and our society, is able to focus an unbiased eye on our failings.The story opens with a strange glare over the little village of Sidderford one night, observed by only a few. But then reports arise of a Strange Bird being seen in the woods. The Rev. Hilyer, the Vicar of Sidderford, is a keen ornithologist. He takes his gun and goes out to hunt this unusual specimen for his collection. He does indeed see a strange flying creature, shoots at it, and brings it down. To his horror, he finds that he has shot and wounded a man-like creature with wings¿in fact, an Angel.The Vicar restores the Angel to health, but finds himself incapable of convincing others that this person really is an angel. The continuing clashes of the Angel¿s idealistic points of view with the harsh reality of the human world are the core of this story.The Wonderful Visit was well-received by critics and Wells¿ contemporaries. Joseph Conrad praised it for its imaginative approach in a personal letter to Wells.

  • av H. G. Wells

    After learning of atomic physics, H. G. Wells began to think of its potential impact on human society. In The World Set Free, atomic energy causes massive unemployment, shaking the already fragile social order. The ambitious powers of the world decide to seize the opportunity to compete for dominance, and a world war breaks out, echoing the looming Great War about to ignite in 1914. Waking to the catastrophe, humanity begins the hard search for a way into a better future. The novel traces a soldier, an ex-king, a despot, and a sage through a profound transformation of human society, and we gain a window into Wells¿ own thoughts and hopes along the way.With one prophetic stroke, Wells gives the first detailed depiction of atomic energy and its potential destructive power, and predicts the use of the air power in modern warfare. He may have even directly influenced the development of nuclear weapons, as the physicist Leó Szilárd, shortly after reading the novel in 1932, then conceived of harnessing the neutron chain reaction critical to the development of the atom bomb.

  • av H. G. Wells

  • av H. G. Wells
    619 - 897,-

  • av H. G. Wells

    El excelente Mr. Morris era un inglés que vivió en la época de la buena reina Victoria. Era, un hombre próspero y muy sensato; leía el Times e iba a la iglesia. Al llegar a la edad madura, se fijó en su rostro una expresión de desdén tranquilo y satisfecho por todo lo que no era como él. Era Mr. Morris una de esas personas que hacen con una inevitable regularidad todo lo que está bien, lo que es formal y racional. Llevaba siempre vestidos correctos y decentes, justo medio entre, lo elegante y lo mezquino. Contribuía regularmente a las obras caritativas de buen tono, transacción juiciosa entre la ostentación y la tacañería, y nunca dejaba de hacerse cortar los cabellos de un largo que denotara una exacta decencia. Todo cuanto era correcto y decente que poseyera un hombre de su posición, lo poseía él, y lodo lo que no era ni correcto ni decente para un hombre de su posición, no lo poseía.Entre esas posesiones correctas y decentes, el tal Mr.

  • av H. G. Wells

    Wells describes his aim as to state "as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer." He distinguishes his religious beliefs from Christianity, and warns readers that he is "particularly uncompromising" on the doctrine of the Trinity, which he blames on "the violent ultimate crystallization of Nicaea." He pleads for a "modern religion" or "renascent religion" that has "no revelation and no founder."Wells rejects any belief related to God as Nature or the Creator, confining himself to the "finite" God "of the human heart." He devotes a chapter to misconceptions about God that are due to mistaken "mental elaboration" as opposed to "heresies of speculation," and says that the God in which he believes has nothing to do with magic, providence, quietism, punishment, the threatening of children, or sexual ethics. Positively, in a chapter entitled "The Likeness of God," he states his belief that God is courage, a person, youth (i.e. forward- rather than backward-looking), and love.Wells finds in scientific atheists like Metchnikoff beliefs that are equivalent to what he regards as "the fundamental proposition of religious translated into terms of materialistic science, the proposition that damnation is really over-individuation and that salvation is escape from self into the larger being of life."

  • av H. G. Wells
    758 - 1 037,-

  • av H. G. Wells

    The Salvaging of Civilization by H. G. Wells has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • av H. G. Wells

    Love and Mr. Lewisham by H. G. Wells has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • av H. G. Wells

    H.G. Wells, the author, has been called the father of science fiction.?The Time Machine? is one of his most notable science fictions. It?s a Time Traveller?s journey into the future. He explains that there are really four limensions, three of which we call the three planes of the Space, and a fourth, Time. Also, there is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it.The book narrates how the Time Traveller plans for a machine to travel through time and disappear. Comparison between the present time and future time. Like as, the air is free from gnats, the earth from weeds or fungi; everwhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers; brilliant butterflies fly hither and thither. The ideal of preventive medicine is attained. Diseases are stamped out. No contagious diseases. Even social triumphs too is effected. Like as, the mankind is housed in splendid shelters, gloriously clothed, and as yet are not engaged in toil. No signs of struggle, neither social nor economical.The population is also ceased to increase.No one can predict anything about the future Time.This book seems very interesting, in this way. Solves many queries raised by the various characters in the book with the Time Traveller.The author has written his best to enthrall the readers.Many future films and Television Series are made on ?The Time Machine?, which has in turn inspired to write new books on the topic of ?The Time Machine?.

  • av H. G. Wells

    The Passionate Friends by H. G. Wells has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • av H. G. Wells

    Ahora que escribo aquí, sentado entre las sombras de los emparrados bajo el cielo azul de la Italia Meridional, me acuerdo, no sin alguna sorpresa, de que mi participación en las asombrosas aventuras del señor Cavor fue, al fin y al cabo, resultado de una mera casualidad. Lo mismo podía haberle sucedido a cualquier otro. Caí en esas cosas en un momento en que me consideraba libre de la más leve posibilidad de perturbaciones en mi vida. Había ido a Lympne porque me lo había figurado como el lugar del mundo en que sucedieran menos acontecimientos. «¡Aquí, de todos modos ¿me decíä, encontraré tranquilidad y podré trabajar en calma!». Y de allí ha salido este libro, tan diametral es la diferencia entre el destino y los pequeños planes de los hombres. Me parece que debo hacer mención, en estas líneas, de la suerte extremadamente mala que acababa de tener en algunos negocios. Rodeado como estoy ahora de todas las comodidades que da la fortuna, hay cierto lujo en esta confesión que hago de mi pobreza de entonces. Puedo hasta confesar que, en determinada proporción, mis desastres eran atribuibles a mis propios actos. Tal vez haya asuntos para los cuales tenga yo alguna capacidad, pero la dirección de operaciones mercantiles no figura entre ellos. En aquella época era aún joven: hoy lo soy todavía en años, pero las cosas que me han sucedido han desterrado de mi mente algo de la juventud: si en su reemplazo han dejado o no un poco de sabiduría, es cuestión más dudosa.

  • av H. G. Wells

    The Open Conspiracy presents H. G. Wells' vision for an international movement to establish control over the destinies of human life. Through a process of propaganda and a "conspiracy" unfolding in full view, Wells hopes to create a world which is politically, socially and economically unified, ultimately leading to a revolution aimed at peace, welfare and happiness - a "world commonwealth".First published in 1928 when radical movements like communism and fascism were shaking the established order, Wells pushes for a utopian world in which science is a religion, nation states do not exist any more, and population size and the distribution of food are coordinated by a global elite of businessmen and experts.The Open Conspiracy prophetically foreshadows current developments towards global, technocratic governance and data-driven decision making.

  • av H. G. Wells

    El Viajero a través del Tiempo (pues convendrá llamarle así al hablar de él) nos exponía una misteriosa cuestión. Sus ojos grises brillaban lanzando centellas, y su rostro, habitualmente pálido, se mostraba encendido y animado. El fuego ardía fulgurante y el suave resplandor de las lámparas incandescentes, en forma de lirios de plata, se prendía en las burbujas que destellaban y subían dentro de nuestras copas. Nuestros sillones, construidos según sus diseños, nos abrazaban y acariciaban en lugar de someterse a que nos sentásemos sobre ellos; y había allí esa sibarítica atmósfera de sobremesa, cuando los pensamientos vuelan gráciles, libres de las trabas de la exactitud. Y él nos la expuso de este modo, señalando los puntos con su afilado índice, mientras que nosotros, arrellanados perezosamente, admirábamos su seriedad al tratar de aquella nueva paradoja (eso la creíamos) y su fecundidad. ¿Deben ustedes seguirme con atención. Tendré que discutir una o dos ideas que están casi universalmente admitidas. Por ejemplo, la geometría que les han enseñado en el colegio está basada sobre un concepto erróneo. ¿¿No es más bien excesivo con respecto a nosotros ese comienzo? ¿dijo Filby, un personaje polemista de pelo rojo.

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