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Bøker av Gregory Olson

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  • - Guia definitiva para empresarios principiantes. Plan de negocios, tecnicas de marketing y financiacion. Incluye consejos sobre estructura legal y administracion
    av Gregory Olson

    ┬┐Siempre has so├▒ado con montar tu propio negocio? ┬┐Quieres crear una base s├│lida como empresario?Si buscas el ├⌐xito de una peque├▒a empresa, este es el libro que debes leer. ┬íSigue adelante!Elegir la estructura adecuada para tu negocio es un paso crucial cuando se inicia un negocio. El tipo de entidad que t├║ elijas tiene consecuencias jur├¡dicas, financieras y operativas espec├¡ficas.Los empresarios tienen que planificar de muchas maneras para evitar malas inversiones, errores legales, quiebras, etc. La planificaci├│n tambi├⌐n ayuda a identificar nuevas oportunidades de venta y a abrir la posibilidad de oportunidades de financiaci├│n de grandes cantidades que beneficien a las empresas de nueva creaci├│n.Los planes cambian y evolucionan con tu negocio a medida que reflexionas sobre tu misi├│n, visi├│n y objetivos. Cuando una estrategia exitosa deja de funcionar, es esencial encontrar una nueva para que tu negocio siga creciendo y prosperando. En C├│mo iniciar un peque├▒o negocio en 2020: Gu├¡a definitiva para empresarios principiantes, tendr├ís acceso a:Una gu├¡a clara, paso a paso, sobre c├│mo iniciar una empresa, desde el plan de negocios hasta la comercializaci├│n, la ampliaci├│n y las estrategias de financiaci├│n.Consejos profesionales para la estructura y administraci├│n legalHerramientas para desarrollar un plan de trabajoFundamentos de la empresa dom├⌐stica y del empresario individualLas directrices clave de la financiaci├│n empresarialConceptos b├ísicos de la Asociaci├│n y el LLCInformaci├│n sobre marcas y publicidadEstrategias ├║tiles para la planificaci├│n de los recursos de la fuerza de trabajo, la subcontrataci├│n y la contrataci├│n┬íY mucho m├ís!Si est├ís buscando estrategias simples pero efectivas para crear un nuevo negocio exitoso, este libro es para ti.Incluso si nunca antes has empezado un negocio, absorber la informaci├│n de este libro puede proporcionarte todo lo que necesitas saber sobre c├│mo empezar a trabajar con tu producto o servicio en el 2020.Despl├ízate hacia arriba y haz clic en el bot├│n Comprar, hoy mismo!

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Entreprenurs From Business Plan to Marketing, Scaling & Funding Strategies (Legal Structure & Administration Tips Included)
    av Gregory Olson

    Have you always dreamed of starting up your own small business? Do you want to create a solid foundation as an entrepreneur?If you''re seeking small business success, this is the book you need to read. Keep going!Choosing the right structure for your business is a crucial step when starting a business. The type of entity that you choose brings specific legal, financial, and operational implications.Entrepreneurs have to plan in many ways in order to avoid bad investments, legal errors, bankruptcy, etc. Planning also helps identify new sales opportunities and open up the possibility of big-pot funding opportunities that benefit start-ups.Plans change and evolve with your business as you reflect on your mission, vision and goals. When a successful strategy stops working, it''s essential to find a new one so that your business will continue to grow and prosper. In How to Start a Small Business in #2020: The Ultimate Beginner''s Guide for Entrepreneurs, you will access:A clear, step-by-step guide on how to start a company-from business plan to marketing, scaling & funding strategiesPro tips for legal structure & administrationTools for developing a work planHome enterprise and sole entrepreneur fundamentalsThe key guidelines of business financeAssociation & LLC basicsInfo on trademarks & advertisingHelpful strategies for workforce resource planning, subcontracting & recruitingAnd much more!If you''re seeking simple yet effective strategies for creating a successful new business, this book is for you.Even if you''ve never started a business before, absorbing the information in this book can provide all you need to know about how to hit the ground running with your product or service in 2020.Scroll up and click the Buy Now button today!

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Entrepreneurs The Easy Way to Learn How Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Work: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Entrepreneurs The Easy Way to Learn How Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Work
    av Gregory Olson

    Would you like to improve your entrepreneurial skills? Do you want to create a solid accounting system for your business? If you''re seeking success in the realm of accounting, this is the perfect book for you. Keep reading!Every business needs a sound accounting system to be successful. However, creating a simple account is not so simple. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) were implemented after the Great Depression, and they aim to avoid another economic crisis in the US. GAAP is a compilation of guidelines that aim to enhance financial transparency. Lenders and creditors view GAAP favorably. When offering business loans, most financial institutions need annual GAAP-compliant financial statements as part of their debt covenants. Due to this, the majority of U.S. businesses obey GAAP. The existing set of standards followed by accountants relies on some fundamental premises. The core principles and concepts outlined in this book are considered to be GAAP. By the end of ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES MADE SIMPLE: The Ultimate Beginner''s Guide for Entrepreneurs, you will learn:How to take control of your company''s accountAll about the accounting cycle and how to ''close the books''What GAAP is and why it was formedThe benefits GAAP providesBasic concepts of GAAP, including double-entry journal, T-account, trial balance & general ledgerHow to record assets that have depreciated, etc. And much more!If you''re looking for easy-to-follow strategies for handling your company''s accounting like an expert, this book is a great fit. Even if you''ve never learned accounting, following the guidelines in this book can teach you all you need to know about how Generally Accepted Accounting Principles work.

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