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Bøker av Gordon Nsowine

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  • av Gordon Nsowine

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo algunas personas logran alcanzar un éxito y dinero excepcionales en la vida? ¿Cómo algunas personas construyen y amplían sus fortunas mientras que a otras les resulta difícil sobrevivir? ¿Cuáles son sus secretos comerciales y sus tácticas para aprovechar las mayores oportunidades y superar los obstáculos?No eres el único que busca respuestas a estas preguntas. Yo era un joven ghanés que compartía la curiosidad y el afán de absorber el conocimiento de las leyendas de la riqueza y las inversiones. A pesar de venir de una familia empobrecida al nacer, nunca dejé que la pobreza definiera quién era yo y en quién me convertiría. Tenía un fuerte deseo de mejorar mi situación financiera y ser financieramente independiente lo antes posible.Siempre seguí a los grandes hombres que me inspiraron a través de una variedad de plataformas y avenidas. Examiné sus actividades, filosofías, empresas y vida personal. Adquirí conocimiento de sus triunfos y reveses, virtudes y defectos, experiencia e ignorancia.Descubrí que si bien cada uno de ellos abordaba la inversión de una manera diferente y con un estilo distinto, también tenían algunos ideales e ideas en común. También entendí que podía utilizar sus técnicas y conocimientos internos según sus propias circunstancias y objetivos y obtener resultados comparables.Tomé medidas basándome en ellos además de aprender de ellos. Comencé a realizar inversiones en muchos campos e industrias siguiendo el consejo y la dirección de mis mentores. Mis inversiones incluyeron tecnologías disruptivas (Elon Musk), empresas de alta calidad con grandes descuentos (Warren Buffett), flujos de ingresos pasivos (Robert Kiyosaki), mercados emergentes (Bill Gates), productos que agradan al cliente (Steve Jobs) e impacto social y Desarrollo comunitario (Mark Zuckerberg).Además de iniciar mi propio negocio en Internet, también varié mis fuentes de ingresos. Publiqué mis propios libros y ayudé a otros compartiendo mi conocimiento y experiencia en Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), donde llegué a la cima de la lista de éxito. Además, enseñé a más de 300 personas y las ayudé a desarrollar sus conocimientos y habilidades financieras.No lo logré rápidamente y no estaba trabajando solo. A lo largo del camino encontré numerosas dificultades y barreras, pero también encontré una gran cantidad de recursos y oportunidades. Adquirí conocimientos tanto de mis propias inversiones como de las críticas de otras personas. Tanto mi propia visión como la de mis mentores sirvieron de inspiración. Obtuve beneficios de mis inversiones, así como de la satisfacción que se obtiene al hacer buenas obras.Emergí como la próxima generación rica.Este libro le enseñará cómo lo logré. Descubrirá las tácticas y los secretos comerciales de mis mentores en materia de inversiones, así como también cómo los dominé y los utilicé para lograr mis propios objetivos. Obtendrás conocimiento de mis experiencias, triunfos y enseñanzas. También descubrirás cómo lograrlo.

  • av Gordon Nsowine

    Have you ever pondered how some people manage to attain exceptional success and money in life? How do some people build and expand their fortunes while others find it difficult to survive? What are their trade secrets and go-to tactics for seizing the greatest chances and conquering obstacles?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you.This book will teach you the secrets and strategies of some of the world's most successful and influential entrepreneurs and investors, such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Robert Kiyosaki and Mark Zuckerberg. You will learn how they started and succeeded in their investment journey, how they followed and applied their investment philosophy and approach, and how they created and offered products and services that changed the world and improved the lives of millions of people. You will also learn how they used and shared their wealth and influence to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as health, education, and climate change. This book is for anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom and prosperity, who wants to learn from the world's most successful and influential entrepreneurs and investors.Many people struggle with financial difficulties whic can also affect their health, relationships, and happiness.Some of the common financial difficulties that people face are:Low income: Many people earn less than they need or want, due to factors such as lack of education, skills, or opportunities, or due to unfair or unequal pay or treatment. Low income can make it hard to cover the basic needs and wants, such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and entertainment, and can prevent them from saving and investing for the future.High expenses: Many people spend more than they earn, due to factors such as inflation, taxes, fees, or emergencies, or due to poor or impulsive spending habits. High expenses can make it hard to balance the budget and to pay the bills, and can lead to debt and financial stress.Debt: Many people owe more than they own, due to factors such as loans, mortgages, credit cards, or medical bills, or due to unexpected or unavoidable events, such as accidents, illnesses, or losses. Inflation: Many people lose the purchasing power of their money, due to factors such as rising prices, falling wages, or currency devaluation, or due to economic or political instability or uncertainty. Inflation can make it hard to afford the same goods and services, and can erode the value and returns of their savings and investments.Unemployment: Many people lose their source of income, due to factors such as layoffs, downsizing, outsourcing, or automation, or due to personal or professional reasons, such as illness, injury, or retirement. These financial difficulties can seem overwhelming and hopeless, and can make people feel helpless and hopeless. They can also make people feel ashamed and isolated, and can prevent them from seeking and receiving help and support. This book will show you the way. This book will teach you how to increase your income and wealth, by investing in profitable and successful companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta, and by creating and launching your own profitable and successful products. This book will teach you how to reduce your expenses and debt, by saving and budgeting your money, and by using and sharing your wealth and influence to help and support your family and friends, your employees and partners, your customers and users, and your causes and charities. Don't let your financial difficulties stop you from achieving and enjoying your goals and dreams.

  • av Gordon Nsowine

    If you are suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD), you may feel hopeless and helpless. You may think that your only options are to endure the painful symptoms, take medications with harmful side effects, or undergo dialysis or transplantation. But what if there was a way to restore, preserve, and improve your kidney function naturally, without drugs or surgery?In this book, you will discover the groundbreaking research and proven methods that have helped thousands of CKD patients to reverse their condition and avoid dialysis. You will learn how to:Identify the root causes of your kidney damage and how to address themAdopt a kidney-friendly diet and lifestyle that will nourish and heal your kidneysUse natural remedies and supplements that will support and enhance your kidney functionMonitor your kidney health and track your progressPrevent and treat common complications and co-morbidities of CKDAnd much more!This book is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is a comprehensive guide that will empower you to take charge of your own health and make informed decisions that suit your individual needs and goals. Whether you have mild, moderate, or advanced CKD, this book will show you how to restore, preserve, and improve your kidney function and avoid dialysis. Chronic kidney Disease (CKD) is a main general medical condition around the world. It has been assessed to influence around 13.4% of the populace. In the US, more than 40 million individuals experience the ill effects of CKD. In any case, there are very few compelling medicines for this sickness. However, there are solid solutions for kidney sickness that are obscure to individuals with CKD. An eating regimen low in protein and phosphorus is typically one that is plant-based. This is a decent kidney illness diet yet isn't normally advanced. Rather, in the US and numerous western nations, individuals grow up being instructed that they should eat bunches of meat to be sound. Yet, meat and meat items can be inconvenient to kidney wellbeing (as well as heart wellbeing). We underline this reality in this book with logical examinations to back the case. Drinking sufficient water is crucial for kidney wellbeing and health yet it isn't underscored all of the time. This book shows readers not simply drinking water is really great for your kidneys, yet how. It likewise demonstrates the way that specific normal nutrients, teas and spices can assist with further developing kidney capability and stop and, surprisingly, turn around CKD and stay away from dialysis. Applicable distributed investigations are accommodated confirmation and further perusing.. A few patients might need to begin here and read the full sections at their recreation. It makes sense of circumstances where kidney sickness is reversible and ways of forestalling reversible decreases in kidney capability. It disperses numerous legends about CKD treatment that have no advantage and, at times, might be risky. For patients who are contemplating about whether dialysis is in their future, the book offers multiple ways of anticipating on the off chance that dialysis is logical or impossible in a CKD patient's future. It spreads out upsides and downsides of the different choices for patients who are thinking about a kidney relocate or dialysis and makes sense of why getting a kidney relocate before dialysis is at any point begun or picking home peritoneal dialysis are the two most ideal choices for most CKD patients who require a kidney substitution treatment. Don't let CKD rob you of your quality of life. You can reclaim your health and happiness with this book.

  • av Gordon Nsowine

    Chronic kidney Disease (CKD) is a main general medical condition around the world. It has been assessed to influence around 13.4% of the populace. In the US, more than 40 million individuals experience the ill effects of CKD. In any case, there are very few compelling medicines for this sickness. However, there are solid solutions for kidney sickness that are obscure to individuals with CKD. An eating regimen low in protein and phosphorus is typically one that is plant-based. This is a decent kidney illness diet yet isn't normally advanced. Rather, in the US and numerous western nations, individuals grow up being instructed that they should eat bunches of meat to be sound. Yet, meat and meat items can be inconvenient to kidney wellbeing (as well as heart wellbeing). We underline this reality in this book with logical examinations to back the case. Drinking sufficient water is crucial for kidney wellbeing and health yet it isn't underscored all of the time. This book shows readers not simply drinking water is really great for your kidneys, yet how. It likewise demonstrates the way that specific normal nutrients, teas and spices can assist with further developing kidney capability and stop and, surprisingly, turn around CKD and stay away from dialysis. Applicable distributed investigations are accommodated confirmation and further perusing.This book composed for the typical reader, offers helpful data for patients with extremely gentle CKD to those patients who need to make arrangements for dialysis or kidney relocate. It offers deductively demonstrated ways of easing back movement of CKD, remembering a section for a Savvy Diet for all CKD patients. This diet not exclusively can slow CKD movement yet can likewise assist patients with living longer and better. It offers the best therapies for the clinical issues that can accompany a determination of CKD. For most patients this book will ease worries about having CKD and for certain patients with cutting edge CKD it offers a methodology that can postpone the beginning of dialysis for a long time or even a long time at times. It makes sense of why low and exceptionally low protein slims down, advanced by numerous kidney books for patients, is typically not advantageous and may try and be hurtful. It gives the furthest down the line proposals to treatment of CKD that comes from global kidney specialist associations. The book is coordinated in a manner that gives data to all patients with CKD in the initial segment of the book and has data in later parts for patients whose CKD has advanced. For those patients who need to get the "meat" of the book, the last section gives an outline of all the book's material. A few patients might need to begin here and read the full sections at their recreation. It makes sense of circumstances where kidney sickness is reversible and ways of forestalling reversible decreases in kidney capability. It disperses numerous legends about CKD treatment that have no advantage and, at times, might be risky. For patients who are contemplating about whether dialysis is in their future, the book offers multiple ways of anticipating on the off chance that dialysis is logical or impossible in a CKD patient's future. It spreads out upsides and downsides of the different choices for patients who are thinking about a kidney relocate or dialysis and makes sense of why getting a kidney relocate before dialysis is at any point begun or picking home peritoneal dialysis are the two most ideal choices for most CKD patients who require a kidney substitution treatment.

  • av Gordon Nsowine

  • av Gordon Nsowine

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