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Bøker av George Manus

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  • - - described in 21 Reflections and 94 Food for Thought
    av George Manus

    In this book, the second of two, author George Manus has compromised with his basic philosophy about experience, which briefly states that: You must be master of your own experiences, as that is the only way you can progress. Think about the experiences you have benefited from in life, especially where you believe they have been important for your own development whatever your age. Should it be possible to be master of ones own experiences, one must as a starting point acquire a solid platform to stand on, understood as having a clear perception of lifes most important values and a balanced basis for meeting lifess challenges. For this, it goes without saying that one should listen to the experience of others. The author sees himself as an autodidact but believes that he has acquired a reasonably solid platform to stand on. "Honest self-awareness gives you a solid platform to stand on in life, and is a gift not given to all; many must work towards that goal themselves, like I have done, and this is where these books, as an example, shows you how I have exposed my honest self-awareness, and thereby got a more solid platform from where to stand up to lifes challenges". Inspiration to gather the content and publish this book; he says; comes from readers of his previous books, and two of them in particular: "217 Reflections" and "Food for Thought - 1001 Short reflections". In this book he has chosen 21 Reflections about Life Values from the first mentioned book, and 94 Food for Thought from the second.A book for all ages about My Life Values and Attitudes without reference to religion and politics.

  • - - described in 21 Reflections and 97 Food for Thought
    av George Manus

    In this book, the first of two, author George Manus has compromised with his basic philosophy about experience, which briefly states that: You must be master of your own experiences, as that is the only way you can progress, Think about the experiences you have benefited from in life, especially where you believe they have been important for your own development whatever your age. Should it be possible to be master of oness own experiences, one must as a starting point acquire a solid platform to stand on, understood as having a clear perception of lifes most important values and a balanced basis for meeting lifes challenges. For this, it goes without saying that one should listen to the experience of others. The author sees himself as an autodidact but believes that he has acquired a reasonably solid platform to stand on. Honest self-awareness gives you a solid platform to stand on in life, and is a gift not given to all; many must work towards that goal themselves, like I have done, and this is where these books, as an example, shows you how I have exposed my honest self-awareness, and thereby got a more solid platform from where to stand up to lifes challenges. Inspiration to gather the content and publish this book, he says, comes from readers of his previous books, and two of them in particular: "217 Reflections" and "Food for Thought - 1001 Short reflections". In this book he has chosen 21 Reflections about Life Values from the first mentioned book, and 97 Food for Thought from the second.A book for all ages about My Life Values and Attitudes without reference to religion and politics.

  • - - beskrevet i 21 Refleksjoner og 97 Tankevekkere
    av George Manus
    91 - 215,-

    I denne boken, den første av to, har forfatteren George Manus gått på akkord med sin grunnleggende filosofi om erfaring, som kort sier at: Du må være herre over dine egne erfaringer, siden det er den eneste måten du kan komme deg videre på. Tenk på erfaringene du har hatt nytte av i livet, spesielt de du mener har vært viktig for din egen utvikling. Skal det være mulig å være herre over egne erfaringer, må man som utgangspunkt skaffe seg en plattform å stå på, forstått som å ha en klar oppfatning av livets viktigste verdier, og et balansert grunnlag for å møte livets daglige utfordringer. For dette sier det seg selv at man bør lytte til andres erfaringer. Forfatteren ser på seg selv som en autodidakt men mener at han har funnet en rimelig solid plattform å stå på. Ærlig selvbevissthet gir deg en solid plattform å stå på i livet, og er en gave som ikke er gitt til alle; mange må jobbe mot målet selv, og det er her disse bøkene, som et eksempel, viser deg hvordan jeg har avslørt min ærlige selvbevissthet og derved fått en mer solid plattform å stå på, i møte med livets daglige utfordringer.

  • - - beskrevet i 21 Refleksjoner og 88 Tankevekkere
    av George Manus
    91 - 221,-

    I denne boken, den første av to, har forfatteren George Manus gått på akkord med sin grunnleggende filosofi om erfaring, som kort sier at: Du må være herre over dine egne erfaringer, siden det er den eneste måten du kan komme deg videre på. Tenk på erfaringene du har hatt nytte av i livet, spesielt de du mener har vært viktig for din egen utvikling. Skal det være mulig å være herre over egne erfaringer, må man som utgangspunkt skaffe seg en plattform å stå på, forstått som å ha en klar oppfatning av livets viktigste verdier, og et balansert grunnlag for å møte livets daglige utfordringer. For dette sier det seg selv at man bør lytte til andres erfaringer. Forfatteren ser på seg selv som en autodidakt men mener at han har funnet en rimelig solid plattform å stå på. Ærlig selvbevissthet gir deg en solid plattform å stå på i livet, og er en gave som ikke er gitt til alle; mange må jobbe mot målet selv, og det er her disse bøkene, som et eksempel, viser deg hvordan jeg har avslørt min ærlige selvbevissthet og derved fått en mer solid plattform å stå på, i møte med livets daglige utfordringer.

  • - - 25 refleksjoner
    av George Manus

    This book is a continuation of my STORIES AND THOUGHTS I, and as such contains 25 Reflections. The oldest was put on paper in 1991 and the latest in 2023. I have dedicated the book TO AN UNNAMED PERSON, and obviously had a specific person in mind when I wrote it in 1990, but when I read it today I perceive that as irrelevant. In my opinion, it should remain an unnamed person. Perhaps for you, when you read the book, it may give you associations, and perhaps you will also, in your thoughts, let it remain unnamed. The coloured illustrations are from my own collection of geometric paintings, original size 60x60 cm.

  • av George Manus
    91 - 271,-

    Boken er en fortsettelse av min HISTORIER OG TANKER I, og inneholder som den 25 Refleksjoner. Den eldste ble satt på papiret i 1991 og den siste i 2023.Boken har jeg dedikert TIL EN IKKE NAVNGITT.Jeg hadde naturlig nok en bestemt person i tankene den gang jeg skrev den i 1990, men når jeg leser den i dag oppfatter jeg det som uvesentlig. Etter min mening skal den forbli til en ikke navngitt. Kanskje kan den for deg, når du leser den, gi deg assosiasjoner, og kanskje vil du også, i dine tanker, la den forbli til en ikke navngitt. Fargeillustrasjonene er fra min egen samling av geometriske malerier i originalstørrelse 60x60 cm.

  • - - growing up with my stepfather Max Manus
    av George Manus

    In this book the author George Manus wants to give the reader an insight into how he, as the stepson of Max Manus, perceived his younger days on Landøya in Asker in the time from when he arrived there in 1946, aged seven, until he moved away from home at the age of 21.Here he has collected stories from his collection of reflections, all of which, in one form or other, relate to Landøya and thereby his stepfather Max. As many of his stories are around 65 to 75 years back in time he reminds readers of some words of wisdom from the author Gabriel Garcia Marques. "What matters in life is not what happened, but what you remember and how you remember it". The book contains three chapters from Max's war-book Underwater Saboteur, and pictures which are all related to the time it was about, some from Max Manus own pictures.

  • - -oppveksten med min stefar Max Manus
    av George Manus
    129 - 340,-

    I denne boken ønsker forfatteren George Manus å gi leseren et innblikk i hvordan han som stesønn av Max Manus oppfattet sine yngre dager på Landøya i Asker i tiden fra han kom dit i 1946 , sju år gammel, til han flyttet hjemmefra som 21 åring.Her har han samlet historier fra sin samling av refleksjoner, som alle, i en eller annen form har relasjon til Landøya og derved hans stefar Max. De fleste har han skrevet de siste årene, mens noen har sett dagens lys i hans tidligere bøker.Ettersom mange av historiene ligger rundt 65 til 75 år tilbake i tid, minner han leserne om noen visdomsord fra forfatteren Gabriel Garcia Marques."Det som betyr noe i livet er ikke hva som skjedde, men det du husker og hvordan du husker det". For å gi et autentisk tidsbilde, sett med Max Manus sine øyne, har han tatt med tre kapitler fra sin stefars krigsbok "Det blir alvor", som første gang ble utgitt i 1946, og som blant annet omhandler Oslogjengens omgang med selvlagde torpedoer. Boken inneholder også en del bilder som Max selv tok den gang.

  • - - refleksjoner over stort og smått
    av George Manus

    George Manus har gjennom hele livet reflektert over stort og smått, hvilket allerede har resultert i 19 bøker.Han hevder at mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet. Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie.Betydningen forfatteren tillegger ideen refleksjon er med andre ord ettertanke.I denne, hans tyvnde bok har George Manus plukket frem tanker fra "Refleksjoner" I - II og III, samt "Tanker".

  • - 1001 korte refleksjoner
    av George Manus

    Denne boken dedikerer jeg til: Ofrene for Covid 19 epidemien.Mitt barene-barn Nicholas, som nettopp har fylt 22 år, ble testet positiv etter en vinterferie i St. Anton i mars i år, men var blant dem som ble gitt "all clear" etter et isolert karanteneopphold.Det skulle hele 10 bøker til for å nå 1001 ord med på veien. De fleste refleksjonene er datert og noen ble allerede skrevet i slutten av 1980 årene. Den overveiende største delen så imidlertid dagens lys de siste årene. I denne boken har jeg samlet de 1001 norske og kalt den: TANKEVEKKERE - 1001 korte refleksjoner.At volum ikke på noen måte er ensbetydende med kvalitet er jeg fullt på det rene med, men hvem dømmer godt fra mindre godt og dårlig? Benyttes vedtatte litterære normer antar jeg at det er enkelt, men hvis man ikke skal bedømme ut fra gitte normer blir det vel et spørsmål om hvem som liker hva. Hvis man aksepterer at alle har rett ut fra sine forutsetninger, noe som vel er vanskelig å benekte, ender man kanskje opp med noe for enhver smak?Gode eller dårlige, alle refleksjonene er uttrykk for mine spontane tanker og meninger, basert på mine forutsetninger, da de ble skrevet. For den som måtte være interessert i å vite litt mer om bakgrunnen til personen som har satt disse 1001 korte refleksjonene på papiret, har jeg bakerst i boken gjengitt et ego-foredrag jeg holdt i Furuset Rotary klubb i 1987. Jeg kalte det: Ingen fremtid uten en fortid.

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    WORDS FOR THE ROAD IIIThe author George Manus released his first "WORDS FOR THE ROAD" in May 2018. The second saw daylight in December, and this, the third, came in Mars 2019. With this short interval between the release-dates in mind, he dedicated it to "The Time".He simply calls the book WORDS FOR THE ROAD III with subtitle: 121 short reflections and puns, and presents them like the two first ones in both English and Norwegian.It´s not a coincidence that the first contained 114, the second 117, and this one 121 short reflections and puns. Three of the authors lucky numbers are 14 - 17 and 21. ORD MED PÅ VEIEN IIIForfatteren George Manus utgav sin første ORD MED PÅ VEIEN i mai 2018. Den andre så dagens lys i desember og den tredje ble utgitt i mars 2019. Han har kalt boken ORD MED PÅ VEIEN III med undertittel: 121 korte refleksjoner og ordspill, og presenterer dem som de to første på både engelsk og norsk.Det er ingen tilfeldighet at den første inneholdt 114, den andre 117 og denne 121 korte refleksjoner og ordspill. Tre av forfatterens lykketall er 14 - 17 og 21.Happy reading - God leselystMarch 2019

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    The Author George Manus released his first "ORDS FOR THE ROAD" in the spring of 2018.This one he has dedicated to the "Inspiration", which, according to him, is because two thirds of the content is written in just a few weeks - something he thinks he could thank a wave of inspiration for.He simply calls the book "WORDS FOR THE ROAD II" with subtitle: 117 short reflections and puns, and present them like the first one in both English and Norwegian.Could it be a coincidence that this book contains 117 short reflections, and the first one 114?The Authors lucky numbers are 14 and 17.

  • - - 100 short reflections
    av George Manus

    The Author George Manus has, in several of his books put in Proverbs written by himself.In advance of publishing this collection of 114 of them, he had no thoughts about them representing a mixture of Poetry, Folded hands, Aphorisms and Proverbs. In other words not only Proverbs.This book therefore, which presents them in both English and Norwegian, he named WORDS FOR THE ROAD, as his earlier ones have been published in both languages.

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    This WORDS FOR THE ROAD VI, the sixth in a row, I have dedicated to "Opinions" and given the subtitle: 100 short reflections and puns. With these the total is now 700. All words for the road are expressions of my spontaneous opinions and thoughts when they were put on paper. Some of them the reader will find obvious while others could have been formed differently or not be included at all. But, from time to time it is hopefully some of them that stick out and give an afterthought. If so, my purpose for them is achieved. The reflection "Opinions" which I wrote in 2014, is taken from the book REFLECTIONS II and reproduced from page 14. Most of the content of this book is first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be indulgent in the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian. As in the previous five WORDS FOR THE ROAD, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it. If you should get the feeling that youve heard some of them before, I can assure you it has never been my intention to plagiarize.

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    With this "WORDS FOR THE ROAD IX", the ninth in the series since the first was published in 2018, I have left behind 1000 "Short reflections and puns" in both English and Norwegian.I have dedicated the book to "The Will" which I see as an important ingredient in reaching a goal. In the reflection "The Will", which you can read from page 14, I write: "If one is to reach a goal one has set for oneself, of whatever character, the will must be there. It´s not at all so that if only the will is there one automatically reaches all goals one has set for oneself. The will is only one of the ingredients needed to do so, but Maybe the one that at the end of the day is the condition needed to put one´s thoughts and meanings forward".Most of the content in the book was first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be overbearing about the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian.As in the previous eight "WORDS FOR THE ROAD", the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it.If you feel that you have heard any of them before, I guarantee that it has never been my intention to plagiarize.

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    This "Words for the Road V", the fifth in the series, I have dedicated to the"Continuation" and given the subtitle: 141 short reflections and puns. With these 141, the total have now reached 600.As I see it, there is always a continuation. It does not have to be a continuation of the same, and in this case it is a continuation of the first four books with the same name.When the last of the four was released, most of the content of the fifth was already put on paper.Related to the continuation I wrote a brief reflection in 1994, which is reproduced from page 18. It is about continuation, but in a completely different context. Most of the content in the book was first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be overbearing about the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian.As in the previous four "Words for the Road", the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it.

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    This is the fourth "WORDS FOR THE ROAD" that the author George Manus publishes, all within the last year. This one is presented, as the other three, both in English and Norwegian and has been given the subtitle: 107 short reflections and puns. In total the books contain 459 short stories and puns, divided by 114 in the first, 117 in the second, 121 in the third and 107 in this one.7-14-17 and 21 are the author lucky numbers. As all his lucky numbers now has been used, only time will tell whether this will be his last "WORDS FOR THE ROAD".

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    Author George Manus has with this tenth book in the series WORDS FOR THE ROAD, left behind 1001 "Short reflections and puns".Contrary to the other nine books, each containing 100, this one has 101, to indicate, he says, that it has to be a limit, at least as per today. Furthermore he says it has been a hectic but exiting journey over the last couple of years in addition to his other writings. As curiosity, in his opinion, is the driving force for progress, he has dedicated the book to "Curiosity".Forfatter George Manus har med denne tiende boken i serien WORDS FOR THE ROAD, lagt bak seg 1001 "Korte refleksjoner og ordspill".I motsetning til de andre ni bøkene, som hver inneholder 100, har denne 101, for å indikere, sier han, at det må være en grense, i hvert fall i denne omgang. Han sier videre at det har vært en hektisk og spennende reise de siste par årene i tillegg til hans andre skriverier.Ettersom nysgjerrighet, etter hans mening, er drivkraften for fremgang, har han dedikert boken til "Nysgjerrigheten".Happy reading - God leselystMay 2020

  • - 100 short reflections and puns
    av George Manus

    This WORDS FOR THE ROAD VIII, the eight in a row, I have dedicated to "Does it really matter"? and like the others given the subtitle: 100 short reflections and puns. The so far 900 words for the road are expressions of spontaneous opinions and thoughts when they were put on paper.Some of them the reader will find obvious while others could have been shaped differently or not be included at all. But, in between there may be some one will take notice off and some that give an afterthought. If so, my purpose for them is achieved.The reflection "Does it really matter?", written in 1994, which is copied from the book REFLECTIONS I, is about the written word. Hardly anyone in my class was worse than me when it came to Norwegian spelling. One thing is to write grammatically correct, something else is to write so that the wished-for meaning becomes clear. Read the reflection "Does it really matter"? from page14.As in the previous WORDS FOR THE ROAD, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it.If you get the feeling you`ve heard some of them before, I can assure you it has never been my intention to plagiarize.

  • - Thoughts are duty-free,
    av George Manus

    After the author George Manus´s releases of his three books, REFLECTIONS I - II and III, the last one in late 2017, he thought it might stop there. In the meantime, after publishing a series of five books he calls WORDS FOR THE ROAD short reflections and puns, he now comes with a new twist based on the same theme - STORIES & THOUGHTS I. They are essentially a continuation of his reflections from 1990 to the present. Some are self-perceived stories and events, while others are reflections on specific topics. The smaller format contains half of the previous reflections and is well suited as travel reading. He has dedicated the book to the thoughts, as nothing can be written without thoughts being involved. Thoughts are duty-free, it is said, and the author emphasizes that it´ s a privilege we all have as human beings, that we can keep our thoughts to ourselves. No one will ever get to know what you are thinking about if you wish to keep it to yourself. The thoughts are to me like steam in a pressure cooker, he continues, especially the thoughts he has long been thinking about. They want out in one form or other and out they normally get. Pleasant reading February 2020

  • av George Manus
    81 - 249,-

    Boken er fortsettelsen av mine REFLEKSJONER I - II og III, men isteden for å gå videre til nummer IV, har den fått en ny tittel: "HISTORIER OG TANKER I". Den er utgitt i et mindre bokformat med halvert innhold, mens stilen er den samme. Jeg har dedikert den til tankene, ettersom intet kan skrives uten at det ligger tanker bak. Tittelen dekker derfor etter min mening innholdet. "Tanken er tollfri", heter det. Det er viktig å feste seg ved det. Det er et privilegium vi alle har som mennesker. Tankene har du for deg selv og ingen kommer noen gang til å få vite hva du tenker, hvis du ønsker å holde det for deg selv. Tankene er for meg som damp i en trykkoker. Spesielt når det gjelder tanker som jeg lenge har gått og ruget på. Ut skal de i en eller annen form og ut kommer de som regel. Men, heldigvis, det gjelder kun de som jeg ikke ønsker å holde for meg selv.

  • - - in words and proverbs
    av George Manus

    "Reflections II" has been given its name because as the author, George Manus himself says: My reflections have developed into stories. In the book the author, George Manus, reflects over this and that as well as the somewhat unexpected. No less than 66 reflections have seen the light of day, from those dealing with moral topics such as AMBITIONS and DEPENDENCE, to the enjoyable OSCARs CONFIRMATION SPEECH. Some of the reflections are self-experienced, whereas in others George Manus focuses on general topics. The short stories are presented alphabetically and can thus be read individually.

  • - - i ord og ordsprak
    av George Manus

  • - La Paloma, a woman in my life
    av George Manus

  • - - in words and pictures
    av George Manus

    A reflection is an afterthought. While things are happening, we only think about the here and now. Its only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT. In this book the author George Manus has reflected over this and that and also the somewhat unexpected. No less than 61 reflections have been written, some of them dealing with difficult topics such as CHANGE and SENSITIVITY, while others deal with more down to earth topics like a TABLE and a PIPE. Yes, he has also reflected on a GOLFBALL. Some of the reflections are based on self-experienced stories and events, whereas in others, George focuses on abstract topics.

  • - - and Dashes
    av George Manus

    "Thoughts" was written in only 51 days, during which the author sat down at his computer every morning, with just one idea in mind, to get the thought written down, edited and corrected. He also reaches far and wide, writing about China, the building activities taking place in Spain, a Ford Fiesta and the snow in Norway. We thus understand very well that he after 51 days felt that enough was enough and proudly declared that that was that, had a glass of red wine and went for a long walk through the magnificent landscape surrounding him.

  • - - in words and fantasy images
    av George Manus

    A reflection is an afterthought. While things are happening, we only think about the here and now. It´s only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT. The author George Manus has through all his life reflected over large and small. This have already resulted in two books in this genre, the first, "REFLECTIONS I - in words and pictures", and the second, "REFLECTIONS II - in words and proverbs". This third book got the title "REFLECTIONS III - in words and fantasy images", as many of the reflections/stories are related to fantasy. The images are supplied by the Danish architect and visual artist Jan Arnts pictorial series FANTASIES. The book contains no less than 52 reflections /stories, where the author among others treats subjects like LIGHT and SHADOWS, WITH MY BACK AGAINST THE WALL and FEELING OF GUILT... Yes, even a TYPEWRITER is taken with loving care. All are reflections /stories which can only make you wiser. Happy reading. Revised 2nd edition published in 2018

  • - - i tekst og fantasibilder
    av George Manus
    81 - 244,-

    En refleksjon er en ettertanke. Mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet. Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie, nemlig å REFLEKTERE. Forfatteren George Manus har gjennom hele livet reflektert over stort og smått, hvilket allerede har resultert i to bøker i denne sjanger, hvor den første heter "REFLEKSJONER I - i ord og ordspråk", og den anden "REFLEKSJONER II - i ord og bilder". Den tredje boken har fått tittelen "REFLEKSJONER III - i tekst og Fantasibilde", da flere av refleksjonene historiene kretser rundt fantasi, og suppleres av den danske arkitekten og billedkunstneren Jan Arnts billedserie FANTASIER. Dette er tegninger av dyr og skapninger som hverken er fugl eller fisk, men nettopp den rene fantasi. Boken er en lett blanding av George Manus sine refleksjoner og hans egen-opplevde historier. Boken inneholder ikke mindre enn 52 refleksjoner/ historier, hvor forfatteren blant annet behandler emner som LYS og SKYGGE, MED RYGGEN MOT VEGGEN, og SKYLDFØLELSE... Ja selv en SKRIVEMASKIN taes under kjærlig omtanke. Alle er refleksjoner/ historier som man kun kan bli klokere av. God leselyst.

  • - - i ord og bilder
    av George Manus
    107 - 340,-

    En refleksjon er en ettertanke. Mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet. Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie, nemlig å REFLEKTERE. I boken har forfatteren George Manus reflektert over stort og smått, og også det noe uventede. Ikke mindre en 61 refleksjoner er det blitt til, hvor noen handler om vanskelige emner som FORANDRING og FØLSOMHET, mens andre handler om mer jordnære emner som et BORD og et RØR. Ja, også en GOLFBALL har han reflektert over. Boken er en lett blanding av George Manus sine refleksjoner og hans egnen opplevde historier. I noen av refleksjonene fokuserer han også på mer abstrakte emner. Boken REFLEKSJONER I suppleres på en inspirerende måte med verker av den danske arkitekten og billedkunstneren Jan Arnt fra hans serie Refleksjoner i Farver.

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