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Bøker av Gary R Wilson

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  • - Poems, Short Stories, and Other Ramblings
    av Gary R Wilson

    In late 1981, I was awakened at about 2:00 in the morning with the first half of a little poem chasing itself around in my mind. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but it wouldn't go away. I finally got up, found a scrap of paper and a pencil, wrote down what I had been given so far, and went back to sleep. When I woke up later that morning, the rest of the poem was waiting for me to write down, which resulted in my one and only children's book, "A Tiger Tale or A Tale about a Tiger's Tail."I have made many attempts to write poems and other stuff over the years, beginning in high school. Most ranged from amateurish to pathetic. This little children's poem was the first time something had just "come to me." It remained part of my "not worth publishing" collection until my wife kept "encouraging" me to publish it.I did keep trying to write, and I now have 13 published books. When you can escape into the written word, it exercises your mind and trains your imagination to think beyond what you see. Only by reading can you go anywhere you want to go, be anything you want to be, and do anything you want to do.

  • - A Tale About A Tiger's Tail
    av Gary R Wilson

    In late 1981, I was awakened at about 2:00 a.m. with the first half of this little poem chasing itself around in my mind. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but it wouldn't go away. I finally got up, found a scrap of paper and a pencil, wrote down what I had been given, and went back to sleep. When I woke up later that morning, the rest of the poem was waiting for me to write down.I have made many attempts to write poems over the years, beginning in high school. Most ranged from amateurish to pathetic. This was the first time something had just come to me. It has remained part of my "not worth publishing" collection until now. But I kept trying, and now, I have 13 published books. When you can escape into the written word, it trains your imagination to think beyond what you see. Only by reading can you go anywhere you want to go, be anything you want to be, and do anything you want to do.

  • - One Flesh Forever
    av Gary R Wilson

    If you could ask God to bless your marriage, knowing He would do it, would you? Marriage is God's top priority. We know that because of these passages from the Book of Genesis: "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit [perfect] for him.'" (Genesis 2:18)"So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, 'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, 'she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'" (Genesis 2:21-23)

  • - A Critical Expose`
    av Gary R Wilson

    The importance of Romans to the Church and individuals today cannot be emphasized enough. It is the most concise, understandable, and well-ordered presentation of the gospel and Christian doctrine in all Scripture. When Martin Luther read Romans, he was amazed at the grace of God. As he began to study and understand Romans, he began to question medieval Catholic doctrine, which led to the Protestant Reformation. His "95 Thesis" led to one of world history's most significant dividing points! The way many people read and study the Bible is like the parable of a group of blind men in India who touch an elephant for the first time. Each blind man felt a different part of the elephant's body; then, they described the elephant based on the limited area they had touched. Each man described the elephant differently. Those who read only a small portion of Scripture without seeing the full context of what is written will be like those blind men. So, read Romans and the rest of the Bible in its historical context, in the context of what was written, in the genre in which it was written, and for the people or people groups to whom it was written.

  • - A Critical Expose`
    av Gary R Wilson

    This letter to the church in Ephesus is often regarded as the heart of Paul's theology. Nearing the end of his apostolic journey, Paul sits down to write his magnum opus; his fullest statement of the gospel. Here he explains how all humanity is under judgment, the justification of the ungodly by grace through faith, the process of sanctification, how election works, how Christians should live their lives, the role of husbands and wives in marriage and how God created sex not only as the means for populating the earth but as a gift of pleasure for the husband and wife to enjoy within the parameters of marriage. Does he really say that? Read and find out.

  • - Apologetics Made Simple
    av Gary R Wilson

    The purpose of this, another book on apologetics, is to present to the reader, in simple terms, how to cover the basics. It will show how to effectively communicate the Word of truth. You must be able to present the truth in a coherent way, to answer the questions; what you believe, why you believe it and to do it with gentleness and respect. It is critical that you remember to present yourself to people as real, genuine and un-pretentious.

  • - God's Gift to Mankind
    av Gary R Wilson

    The formation of the woman is described as requiring both time and care on the heavenly Creator's part. God knew she needed to be so unique and possessed of such special attributes that He designed and "made" her Himself! Therefore, a woman is no casual or hasty production of nature, but is the finished result of the labor and skill of All Mighty God! She is then brought with special honor to the man as the Creator's last and most perfect work. There is truly something special about a woman; "God's Gift to Mankind".

  • av Gary R Wilson

  • av Gary R Wilson

  • - God's Gift to Mankind
    av Gary R Wilson

  • - A Biker's Code to Unlocking the Bible
    av Wilson Gary R. Wilson
    200 - 328,-

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