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Bøker av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Drenched by rain, the town has been decaying ever since the banana company left. Its people are sullen and bitter, so when the doctor - a foreigner who ended up the most hated man in town - dies, there is no one to mourn him. But also living in the town is the Colonel, who is bound to honour a promise made many years ago.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Introducing you to a host of extraordinary characters and communities, this book includes a collection of short stories written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    When a witch doctor appears on the Marquis de Casalduero's doorstep prophesising a plague of rabies in the Colombian seaport, he dismisses her claims - until he hears that his young daughter, Sierva Maria, was one of four people bitten by a rabid dog, and the only one to survive.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Fridays are different. Every other day of the week, the Colonel and his ailing wife fight a constant battle against poverty and monotony, scraping together the dregs of their savings for the food and medicine that keeps them alive. But on Fridays the postman comes - and that sets a fleeting wave of hope rushing through the Colonel's ageing heart.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    As a small South American town sweats under an oppressive heat, an unknown person creeps through the night sticking malicious posters to walls and doors. When the contents of one poster lead to a murder, everyone knows that the town is threatened by a malevolent presence, but is there anything the mayor, the doctor or the priest can do about it?

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Pablo Escobar: billionaire drugs baron, ruthless manipulator brutal killer and jefe of the infamous Madellin cartel. A man whose importance in the international drug trade and renown for his charitable work among the poor brought him influence and power in his home country of Colombia, and the unwanted attention of the American courts.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    While her grotesque and demanding grandmother retires to bed, Erendira still has floors to wash, sheets to iron, and a peacock to feed. The never-ending chores leave the young girl so exhausted that's he collapses into bed with the candle still glowing on a nearby table - and is fast asleep when it topples over...

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    As the citizens of an unnamed Caribbean nation creep through dusty corridors in search of their tyrannical leader, they cannot comprehend that the frail and withered man lying dead on the floor can be the self-styled General of the Universe.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    In 1955 eight crew members of Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were swept overboard. Velasco alone survived, drifting on a raft for ten days without food or water. Marquez retells the survivor's amazing tale of endurance, from his loneliness and thirst to his determination to survive.

  • av Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Love In The Time Of Cholera is a captivating novel by the renowned author, Gabriel García Márquez. Published by Everyman in 1997, this book is a masterpiece that beautifully intertwines love, passion, and the relentless passage of time. The story is set in a cholera-stricken South American country, where the protagonists, Florentino and Fermina, find themselves caught in a tumultuous love saga that spans over five decades. Márquez, known for his magical realism, weaves a tale that is as enchanting as it is poignant. This novel is a must-read for those who appreciate literature that explores the depths of human emotions and the complexities of love. Love In The Time Of Cholera is not just a book, but a journey through time, love, and the mysteries of the human heart. Published by Everyman, it is a testament to Márquez's literary genius and his ability to touch readers' hearts across generations.

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