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Bøker av Franz Kafka

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  • av Franz Kafka

    A collection of translations that brings together the small proportion of the author's works that he himself thought worthy of publication.

  • av Franz Kafka

    Franz Kafka has given his name to a world of nightmare, but in Kafka's world, it is never completely clear just what the nightmare is. Kafka deals in dark and quirkily humorous terms with the insoluble dilemmas of a world which offers no reassurance, and no reliable guidance to resolving our existential and emotional uncertainties and anxieties.

  • av Franz Kafka
    123 - 164,-

  • av Franz Kafka
    144 - 164,-

  • av Franz Kafka

    Kafka first made the acquaintance of Milena Jesenska in 1920 when she was translating his early short prose into Czech, and their relationship quickly developed into a deep attachment. In 1924 Kafka died in a sanatorium near Vienna, and Milena died in 1944 at the hands of the Nazis, leaving these letters as a moving record of their relationship.

  • av Franz Kafka

    A beautiful gift edition of Kafka's classic psychological novel with an afterword by David Stuart Davies.

  • - A New Translation Based on the Restored Text
    av Franz Kafka

    Written in 1914, The Trial is one of the most important novels of the twentieth century: the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, Kafka's nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers. This new edition is based upon the work of an international team of experts who have restored the text, the sequence of chapters, and their division to create a version that is as close as possible to the way the author left it.In his brilliant translation, Breon Mitchell masterfully reproduces the distinctive poetics of Kafka's prose, revealing a novel that is as full of energy and power as it was when it was first written.

  • - Bilingual Parallel Text in Deutsch/English
    av Franz Kafka

    A bilingual parallel text of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis in the original German and translated into English on the facing pages.

  • av Franz Kafka

  • - A New Translation by Susan Bernofsky
    av Franz Kafka
    131 - 199,-

    "This fine version, with David Cronenberg's inspired introduction and the new translator's beguiling afterword, is, I suspect, the most disturbing though the most comforting of all so far; others will follow, but don't hesitate: this is the transforming text for you."-Richard Howard

  • av Franz Kafka

  • av Franz Kafka

    The complete short stories of the 20th century's greatest visionary'Kafka is important to us because his predicament is the predicament of modern man' W. Some are well known, others are mere jottings, observations of daily life, given artistic form through Kafka's unique perception of the world.

  • av Franz Kafka

    The Metamorphosis tells the story of a young man who wakes up one day to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As he grapples with his bizarre condition, he faces the emotional and physical challenges of adapting to his new form. The novella is a clever parable for the alienation of the Individual in the modern world. Read The Metamorphosis now and see why Kafka was so revered.

  • av Franz Kafka

  • - new translation by Isabel Tucker
    av Franz Kafka

  • av Franz Kafka
    101 - 134,-

  • av Franz Kafka

  • av Franz Kafka

    Karl Rossman has been banished by his parents to America, following a family scandal. There, with unquenchable optimism, he throws himself into the strange experiences that lie before him as he slowly makes his way into the interior of the great continent. Although Kafka's first novel (begun in 1911 and never finished), can be read as a menacing allegory of modern life, it is also infused with a quite un-Kafkaesque blitheness and sunniness, brought to life in this lyrical translation that returns to the original manuscript of the book.

  • av Franz Kafka

  • av Franz Kafka

    An unabridged edition to include Franz Kafka's obituary (1924) by Milena Jesenska at book's end - a short novel by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915, a widely studied work of fiction to this day.

  • av Franz Kafka

    In 1945, W. H. Auden remarked that Kafka stands in the same relation to his century as Shakespeare does to his-Kafka is the representative of the twentieth century, the poet who gives it its voice.

  • - Includes The Trial, Amerika and The Castle
    av Franz Kafka

    The complete novels of one of the greatest German writers of all time, collected together in one literary masterpiece. Kafka's characters are victims of forces beyond their control, estranged and rootless citizens deceived by authoritarian power.

  • av Franz Kafka

    The Complete Stories brings together all of Kafka’s stories, from the classic tales such as “The Metamorphosis,” “In the Penal Colony,” and “A Hunger Artist” to shorter pieces and fragments that Max Brod, Kafka’s literary executor, released after Kafka’s death. With the exception of his three novels, the whole of Kafka’s narrative work is included in this volume. 

  • av Franz Kafka

    Such poets as Rilke or such novelists as Thomas Mann are dwarfs or plaster saints in comparison to him' Vladimir NabokovThe story of K. K.'s isolation and perplexity, his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomises Kafka's vision of twentieth-century alienation and anxiety.

  • av Franz Kafka

    Kafka's letters to Felice Bauer were written between 1912 and 1917, during which time they were twice engaged to be married. This complex relationship, which coincided with a period of great productivity for Kafka, gave him both hope and strength, but gradually disllusionment and the onset of illness drove them apart.

  • av Franz Kafka
    197 - 366,-

  • av Franz Kafka

    Métamorphose: plongée dans l'absurdité kafkaïenne Franz Kafka nous invite dans son univers singulier et inquiétant avec La Métamorphose, une histoire poignante qui explore les profondeurs de l'aliénation, de la solitude et de l'absurdité de l'existence. Gregor Samsa, un homme ordinaire, s'est réveillé un matin et s'est transformé en un monstrueux insecte. Cette métamorphose soudaine et inexplicable bouleverse son existence et le contraint à se confronter à une réalité cauchemardesque. Rejeté par sa famille et ses amis, il se retrouve isolé et voué à une vie misérable. Kafka nous emmène dans l'esprit de Gregor, nous faisant ressentir son angoisse, sa confusion et sa honte face à sa nouvelle condition. La transformation physique de Gregor devient une métaphore frappante de l'aliénation et de la perte d'identité que les individus peuvent ressentir dans une société indifférente et hostile. L'histoire explore également les thèmes de la famille et de la responsabilité. La famille de Gregor, d'abord horrifiée par sa transformation, se retrouve obligée de s'adapter à cette situation grotesque. Le père, autrefois dominant, devient impuissant face à la maladie de son fils. La mère, si honteuse et dégoûtée, se consacre à prendre soin de Gregor. Quant à la soeur cadette de Grete, elle est passée de l'indifférence à la miséricorde, devenant le seul soutien de son frère. Métamorphose est une fable moderne qui nous interroge sur l'humanité et la place de l'individu dans la société. L'écriture claire et précise de Kafka, teintée d'humour noir et de fantastique, donne vie à un univers onirique et claustrophobe, nous captivant dès les premières pages. Cette nouvelle, véritable chef-d'oeuvre de la littérature moderne, est une lecture incontournable et vous hantera longtemps après la fermeture du livre. En plus des sujets mentionnés ci-dessus, Métamorphose peut également être interprétée de différentes manières: C'est une critique de la société bureaucratique et de l'exploitation des travailleurs. Comme une exploration des angoisses existentielles et des peurs de la différence. Comme une allégorie sur la maladie et la mort. Quelle que soit votre interprétation, Métamorphose est une oeuvre riche et complexe qui ne cessera de vous interpeller et de vous faire réfléchir. N'hésitez pas à vous plonger dans cet univers fascinant et inquiétant pour découvrir une expérience littéraire unique et inoubliable.

  • av Franz Kafka
    230 - 278,-

    "La Métamorphose" de Franz Kafka présente l'histoire troublante de Gregor Samsa, qui se réveille un matin transformé en un insecte monstrueux. L'oeuvre explore la déshumanisation, l'isolement et le désespoir face à une transformation radicale. À travers un style narratif unique et une atmosphère d'absurdité, Kafka suscite une réflexion sur l'aliénation et la condition humaine. "La Métamorphose" demeure une oeuvre emblématique du XXe siècle, exprimant le malaise existentiel et la difficulté de la communication au sein de la société moderne.

  • av Franz Kafka

    "Wie ein Hund!" sagte er, es war, als sollte die Scham ihn überleben. Mit diesem Satz beendet Franz Kafka seinen Roman "Der Prozess" und benennt ein zentrales Thema seines Schaffens: Die Scham. Sie und viele andere mit dem Werk Kafkas verbundene Themen haben den Schriftsteller tatsächlich überlebt und als "kafkaesk" eine allgemeingültige und immerwährende Eigenständigkeit erlangt. Dort, wo Angst, Verzweiflung, unheimliche und klaustrophobische Verhältnisse, bürokratische Enge sowie Machtmissbrauch herrschen, wird oft eine gedankliche Brücke zu Kafka geschlagen. Daraus haben viele Künstler*innen, die im Zentrum der Ausstellung stehen, wichtige Impulse erhalten. In diesem Katalog werdenPositionen der Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts zusammengefasst, die sich explizit oder implizit auf Kafka beziehen. Figuren aus Erzählungen und Romanen von Franz Kafka führen die einzelnen Themen ein: Der Offizier aus der "Strafkolonie", Gregor Samsa aus der "Verwandlung", Karl Rossmann aus "Der Verschollene", der Landvermesser K. aus dem "Schloss", das namenlose Tier aus dem "Bau" und natürlich Josef K. aus dem "Prozess".Der Katalog sprengt dabei die bildungsbürgerliche Kafka-Rezeption und richtet sich an ein breites Publikum. Comics führen niedrigschwellig in die Thematik ein und zeigen unterschiedliche Facetten der einzelnen Protagonisten aus Kafkas Schriften.Ed.: Helena Pereña. Künstler*innen:da Applebroog, Louise Bourgeois, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, David Claerbout, Robert Crumb, Robert Gober, Rodney Graham, Andreas Gursky, Mona Hatoum, Roni Horn, Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler, Tetsuya Ishida, Sebastian Jung, Franz Kafka, Konrad Klapheck, Alfred Kubin, Maria Lassnig, Via Lewandowsky, David Zane Mairowitz, Margot Pilz, Paula Rego, Germaine Richier, David Rych, Anri Sala, Heidrun Sandbichler, Thomas Schütte, Chiharu Shiota, Michael Sommer, Ignacio Uriarte, Maja Vukoje, Jeff Wall, Franz Wanner, Cathy Wilkes

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