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Bøker av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa

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  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa

    Unlike the rest of the world, Brazil's largest oil fields are located offshore, which makes their exploitation an ever greater challenge as reservoirs are discovered under deeper water every day. Organophilic clays are an essential input in the production of organic-based drilling fluids. In this study, three types of clay were organophilized and their compositions were introduced into paraffin, ester and diesel oil-based fluid formulations, with the aim of evaluating the performance of these fluids in terms of their various rheological and filtration properties. The results show the importance of studying organophilic clay compositions and the feasibility of obtaining fluids with satisfactory rheological behavior, making use of lower quality clays more viable. Ester-based fluids are promising, with properties that meet most of the API (2005) restrictions and also have the advantage of causing less environmental impact when compared to diesel-based organic fluids.

  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa

    A differenza del resto del mondo, i maggiori giacimenti petroliferi brasiliani sono situati in mare aperto, il che rende il loro sfruttamento una sfida sempre più grande, dato che ogni giorno vengono scoperti giacimenti in acque più profonde. Le argille organofile sono un elemento essenziale per la produzione di fluidi di perforazione a base organica. In questo studio, tre tipi di argilla sono stati organofilizzati e le loro composizioni sono state introdotte in formulazioni di fluidi a base di paraffina, esteri e gasolio, con l'obiettivo di valutare le prestazioni di questi fluidi in termini di varie proprietà reologiche e di filtrazione. I risultati mostrano l'importanza dello studio delle composizioni di argille organofile e la possibilità di ottenere fluidi con un comportamento reologico soddisfacente, rendendo più fattibile l'uso di argille di qualità inferiore. I fluidi a base di esteri sono promettenti, con proprietà che soddisfano la maggior parte delle restrizioni API (2005) e hanno anche il vantaggio di causare un minore impatto ambientale rispetto ai fluidi organici a base di gasolio.

  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa

    Contrairement au reste du monde, les plus grands gisements de pétrole du Brésil sont situés en mer, ce qui fait de leur exploitation un défi de plus en plus grand, car des réservoirs sont découverts chaque jour dans des eaux plus profondes. Les argiles organophiles sont essentielles à la production de fluides de forage à base organique. Dans cette étude, trois types d'argile ont été organophilisés et leurs compositions ont été introduites dans des formulations de fluides à base de paraffine, d'ester et d'huile diesel, dans le but d'évaluer les performances de ces fluides en termes de propriétés rhéologiques et de filtration. Les résultats montrent l'importance de l'étude des compositions d'argiles organophiles et la possibilité d'obtenir des fluides au comportement rhéologique satisfaisant, rendant plus viable l'utilisation d'argiles de moindre qualité. Les fluides à base d'esters sont prometteurs, avec des propriétés qui répondent à la plupart des restrictions de l'API (2005) et ont également l'avantage de causer moins d'impact sur l'environnement par rapport aux fluides organiques à base de diesel.

  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa

    Im Gegensatz zum Rest der Welt befinden sich die größten Ölfelder Brasiliens vor der Küste, was ihre Ausbeutung zu einer immer größeren Herausforderung macht, da jeden Tag neue Lagerstätten unter Wasser entdeckt werden. Organophile Tone sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil bei der Herstellung von Bohrspülungen auf organischer Basis. In dieser Studie wurden drei Arten von Tonen organophilisiert und ihre Zusammensetzungen in Paraffin-, Ester- und Dieselöl-basierte Flüssigkeitsformulierungen eingebracht, um die Leistung dieser Flüssigkeiten im Hinblick auf ihre verschiedenen rheologischen und Filtrationseigenschaften zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, organophile Tonzusammensetzungen zu untersuchen, und dass es möglich ist, Flüssigkeiten mit einem zufriedenstellenden rheologischen Verhalten zu erhalten, wodurch die Verwendung von Tonen geringerer Qualität praktikabler wird. Flüssigkeiten auf Esterbasis sind vielversprechend, da sie die meisten der API (2005)-Einschränkungen erfüllen und im Vergleich zu organischen Flüssigkeiten auf Dieselbasis den Vorteil haben, dass sie die Umwelt weniger belasten.

  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa, Gelmires de Araújo Neves & Heber Carlos Ferreira

  • av Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de Sousa, Isao Ujike & Matheus Urtiga Sousa

    When we write this book, after researching, we think about not being kept on a bookcase, but being widely used. The products currently used are weighed and the effect of time, the interaction between its walls and the fluid flowing therein, the leaves more brittle causing rupture. The idea is to replace existing pipes with a smaller steel pipe API grade wrapped with composite material used as reinforcement or coating the products existing in composite materials, minimizing the problems associated with the welding process, and corrosion resistance under stress. In terms of cost, the proposed pipeline will be more accessible to poor countries over the current product available there as well, processing of poor countries with relatively simple technology, providing them pipelines that are more resistant. The new product tested is more resistant to currently produced, which can be highlighted the excellent physical properties such as tenacity, elasticity, tensile strength and deformation, making them more flexible, even in adverse conditions.

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