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Bøker av Fiona Valpy

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  • av Fiona Valpy

    The Dressmaker's Gift is a captivating novel penned by the talented Fiona Valpy. Published by Amazon Publishing in 2019, this book falls under the genre of historical fiction. The story takes us through a journey of courage, resilience, and the power of friendship set against the backdrop of World War II. Fiona Valpy beautifully weaves a tale that is both heart-wrenching and inspiring, making it a must-read for anyone who appreciates well-researched historical narratives. The Dressmaker's Gift is a testament to the author's meticulous storytelling and is a valuable addition to Amazon Publishing's repertoire.

  • av Fiona Valpy

    An inspiring, uplifting story of love and loss, courage and adventure, from the bestselling author of The Skylark's Secret.1927. Violet Mackenzie-Grant is embarking on her dream of studying at the Edinburgh School of Gardening for Women. She doesn't yet know that it's a journey that will take her to Kathmandu and beyond, deep into captivating landscapes and cultures that are worlds away from everything and everyone she's left behind in Scotland.2020. Daisy Laverock has dreamed of retracing the footsteps of her great-great-aunt Violet ever since discovering her long-lost journals, whose accounts of plant hunting in the 1930s inspired Daisy's own career. Divorced, and facing an empty nest, Daisy decides to embark on the trip of a lifetime. She arrives in Nepal, ready to start trekking in the shadow of Everest. But fate, and the pandemic, have other plans.Stranded and alone, Daisy must fall back on the kindness of strangers, taking inspiration from Violet's determination and resilience to keep going in the darkest of times. As she gradually pieces together the fragments of Violet's story and uncovers long-held secrets, can Daisy finally reveal a path forward to her own future?

  • av Fiona Valpy

    In this haunting tale from the bestselling author of The Storyteller of Casablanca, Beatrice kept a wartime secret to protect the innocent. Now, could telling it set her free?Tuscany, 1943. Stranded in war-ravaged Italy, Beatrice's dream of an escapist year teaching English is shattered. Granted shelter at the Villa delle Colombe, she seeks refuge in Francesca and Edoardo's beautiful walled garden, hidden from the outside world, with an elaborate cypress maze at its heart. But Beatrice is not the only one seeking an escape here. Francesca has brought children to the safety of the house, as well as other adults, all of them seeking sanctuary on the estate with its mysterious maze. As the war closes in, the residents are forced to witness-and do-unthinkable things...2015. Tess arrives at the villa raw from the agonising loss of her husband. Beatrice, now custodian, guides her to the solace of its gardens, where Tess begins to heal. But all hope of peace is shattered by the arrival of Marco, the estate's absent owner, who wants nothing more than to hand it over to developers. Distraught, Beatrice realises she must finally reveal the villa's painful past if she wants to save it. As the extraordinary story unfolds, Tess realises that Villa delle Colombe is not just a refuge, but a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. Can she convince Marco to give it a new lease of life-and find a way back to happiness herself?

  • av Fiona Valpy

    En fremmed by vekker håpet i en ung jente. Historiefortelleren fra Casablanca er Fiona Valpy på sitt beste!Marokko, 1941Frankrike er okkupert av nazistene, og tolv år gamle Josie har flyktet til Casablanca sammen med familien. Der skal de vente på skyss videre til USA. Alt Josie ser, lukter og hører, kjennes overveldende. Dette er en helt annen verden enn den hun reiste fra - og Josie elsker den!Sytti år senere ankommer en annen kvinne denne berusende havnebyen. Zoe sliter med ekteskapet, den nyfødte datteren og det nye livet på dette fremmede stedet. Men da hun finner et lite treskrin og en dagbok fra 40-tallet under gulvplankene i datterens soverom, forflyttes hun til den unge Josies indre verden. Josie så en gang utover Atlanterhavet på samme måte som henne, men kjente til et helt annerledes Casablanca.Zoe begynner å se byen gjennom Josies øyne. Men kan et nytt perspektiv hjelpe henne med å snu tragedie til håp, og finne den støtten hun trenger for å lege sitt knuste hjerte?"En roman som vil forflytte deg til en annen tid og et annet sted. (...) en varm fortelling om håp, tapperhet og nye begynnelser." Imogen Clark, forfatter"Fiona Valpy har et utsøkt talent for å skape personer som oppleves så nære at man nesten tenker på dem som familie, og det gjør at det som skjer med dem, føles veldig sterkt." Louise Douglas, forfatter"Fiona Valpy har satt søkelyset på noe helt spesielt ... Dette er en medrivende, vakkert skildret, gripende og sentimental fortelling som vil treffe leseren rett i hjertet, sjelen og fantasien." Swirlandthread"Å lese Historiefortelleren fra Casablanca føles som å ha fått en verdifull gave. Det er en bok som fortryller leseren og underholder på ypperste måte, samtidig som man lærer noe viktig. Men mest av alt lar man seg rive med av å lese om kjærlighetens mange fasetter Gå ikke glipp av den." Lindas book bag"Denne boken vil forflytte deg til Marokko. Den er gripende og rørende, varm og tankevekkende." Nbmagazine"Dette er en bok som jeg kommer til å anbefale til mange, for jeg var helt oppslukt av personene, omgivelsene og måten jeg ble kjent med karakterene på." On the shelf, bokblogg" ... en uforglemmelig, vakker fortelling. Den utforsker skyggetilværelsen, men viser oss også at det er mulig å bli akseptert og begynne på nytt. Den er veldig rørende, og jeg kommer til å tenke på den i lang tid." Jerasjamboree"Gripende og oppslukende (...) Vi lærer om historien, maten og dagliglivet, og forstår bedre flyktningkrisen i Middelhavet (...) Dette ville blitt en fantastisk oppfølger til filmen Casablanca." Historical Novel Society.""Virkelig en fantastisk bok, som kan anbefales på det sterkeste." Bookanon

  • av Fiona Valpy

    In this tale of fresh starts in the Escape to France collection from bestselling author Fiona Valpy, Gina has lost everything. Can a crumbling old cottage offer her a new life, new love-and new hope?Revised edition: Previously published as The French for Love, this edition of Light Through the Vines includes editorial revisions. Gina's London life lies in tatters: she has lost her father, her steady job as a wine buyer and her suave but unfaithful boyfriend. When she also suffers the loss of her beloved aunt, a silver lining dawns in the shape of an unexpected legacy: Aunt Liz has left Gina her beautiful, if slightly ramshackle, house in the heart of Bordeaux wine country. With nothing left to lose, Gina takes a chance on a fresh start. Throwing herself into her new life in the beautiful French countryside, Gina discovers the warmth of a close-knit-sometimes too close-knit-rural community and the exhausting exhilaration of the grape harvest under the late-summer sun. But just as she is beginning to feel like she belongs in her crumbling but charming home, she uncovers a long-hidden secret that makes her question the one person she used to trust the most. While she's worrying that this is a sign to pack her bags and run, a storm blows a hole in the roof, and Gina finds herself with nowhere else to turn except her neighbour's capable son for help. Before long Gina finds herself admiring handsome Cedric for more than just his stonemasonry skills...But everyone she's ever held dear has left her or betrayed her. And as the grapes ripen on the vine, can Gina find her way to forgiveness, and could it finally be time for her to open her heart to love again?

  • av Fiona Valpy

    In this charming novel from the bestselling author of The Dressmaker's Gift, food was once the language of Evie's soul. Now, can she remember the recipe for happiness?Revised edition: Previously published as The French for Christmas, this edition of The Recipe for Hope includes editorial revisions.Evie's running away: from her soon-to-be ex-husband's shiny new life, from the devastating loss of her baby last year, from a memory-filled London and, most particularly, from Christmas. A remote cottage in the South of France seems like the perfect peaceful place to soothe her sorrows.But the countryside soon proves anything but quiet, from the rooster crowing at dawn to the barn owl hooting through the night--not to mention Evie's handsome neighbour, doctor Didier, who works away in his garage at all hours.Unexpectedly, the sights and sounds of life amid the sparkling beauty of the Dordogne give Evie a renewed sense of inspiration, and with her French grandmother's recipe book for company, she begins to rediscover her love of cooking. Soon, the tight-knit community begins to enfold her, reminding Evie what really matters in life.But are Didier's gorgeous blue eyes on more than Evie's delicious dinners? And can a cancelled Christmas--complete with a Not-Christmas feast for two--heal her heart?

  • av Fiona Valpy

    In this romantic tale in the Escape to France collection from bestselling author Fiona Valpy, Sara has one summer to make wedding wishes come true. But can she save her own happy-ever-after?Revised edition: Previously published as The French for Always, this edition of The Season of Dreams includes editorial revisions.Once upon a time, in an ancient château nestled above a golden river among the vineyards of Bordeaux, Sara and Gavin opened a wedding venue where fairy tales come true...But when Sara discovers Gavin in the arms of a wedding guest, their own happiness crumbles to dust. Faced with five beaming couples yet to say 'I do', she realises it's up to her to host the rest of their first make-or-break season alone.For the summer to go off without a hitch, Sara must bury her broken heart and her fear that she'll soon be packing her bags for London, and lean on her local team of helpers. So when handsome Thomas Cortini, wine salesman and amateur DJ, crosses her path, Sara's thrilled to draft in further reinforcements--and finally dares to hope the summer might not be a total disaster...But with her life savings at stake, can Sara pull off a successful season, save her budding business and--just maybe--find her own happy-ever-after before the summer ends?

  • av Fiona Valpy

    Paris i 1940 er okkupert av tyskerne, men tre unge syersker forsøker å ha en så normal hverdag som mulig. Alle har de noe å skjule. Mireille er med i motstandsbevegelsen, Claire har blitt forført av en tysk offiser, og Vivienne er innblandet i noe hun ikke kan fortelle noen om. Mange år senere reiser Claires barnebarn Harriet til Paris. Hun er rotløs, og ønsker å finne ut mer om familiens fortid. Snart bor og jobber hun i den samme bygningen som bestemoren gjorde i sin tid - og er i ferd med å avdekke en familiehistorie som er mye mørkere og vondere enn hun kunne forestilt seg.

  • av Fiona Valpy

    The Storyteller of Casablanca is a captivating novel penned by the talented Fiona Valpy. Published by Amazon Publishing in 2021, this book is a testament to Valpy's gift for storytelling and her ability to transport readers to new and exciting worlds. The Storyteller of Casablanca is a journey into the heart of Morocco, where secrets and stories intertwine in the bustling city of Casablanca. Valpy's novel is a must-read for those who love immersive and compelling narratives. With its richly drawn characters and evocative settings, it's no wonder that The Storyteller of Casablanca has quickly become a favorite among readers worldwide. Don't miss out on this gem from Amazon Publishing.

  • av Fiona Valpy

    The Beekeeper's Promise, a captivating novel by Fiona Valpy, was published in 2018 by Amazon Publishing. This book, set in the genre of historical fiction, transports readers to a different time and place, brimming with rich details and complex characters. The Beekeeper's Promise is a story of love, loss, and the enduring power of the human spirit. This book promises to be an engaging read that will keep readers hooked from the first page to the last. Fiona Valpy, with her eloquent writing and immersive storytelling, has crafted a book that is a must-read for all lovers of historical fiction. Published by Amazon Publishing, this book is a testament to Fiona Valpy's talent as a writer and her ability to weave a story that resonates with readers long after they've turned the last page.

  • av Fiona Valpy

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