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Bøker av Fernando Pessoa

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  • - The Complete Edition
    av Fernando Pessoa
    150 - 157,-

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    With its astounding hardcover reviews Richard Zenith's new complete translation of THE BOOK OF DISQUIET has now taken on a similar iconic status to ULYSSES, THE TRIAL or IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME as one of the greatest but also strangest modernist texts. An assembly of sometimes linked fragments, it is a mesmerising, haunting 'novel' without parallel in any other culture.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    A guidebook to Lisbon for English-speaking visitors written by the author whose typescript of the book was discovered amongst his papers after his death.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935) ei omana elinaikanaan paistatellut julkisuudessa. Hän eli pikkuvirkamiehenä melko porvarillista elämää ja kuoli suurempaa huomiota herättämättä 47-vuotiaana maksakirroosiin synnyinkaupungissaan Lissabonissa. Pessoa oli kirjallisessa tuotannossaan multipersoona, syvällä mielessään luomiensa henkilöiden piirittämä, niiden sulauma ja lopputulos. Hänessä yhtyvät kirjailijapersoonallisuudet tavalla, jollaista maailmankirjallisuudessa saa etsiä.Pessoan merkitys Portugalin kirjallisuuden uudistajana 1900-luvun alkuvuosikymmenillä on kiistaton. Maailmankirjallisuutta hänestä on tullut vasta hänen kuolemansa jälkeen, ja hän on ympäri maailmaa lukevan yleisön yhteistä omaisuutta, kun uudet ja taas uudet sukupolvet ovat hänet löytäneet ja hänen tuotantoonsa ihastuneet.Tällä runoantologialla ovat itsensä Fernandon lisäksi mukana tunnetut heteronyymit Alberto Caiero, Álvaro de Campos ja Ricardo Reis.Runot on valikoinut ja suomentanut Miika T. Meijer, joka on myös kirjoittanut teoksen saatesanat ja selitysosion.Runonäytteitä:

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Poeta lírico e nacionalista cultivou uma poesia voltada aos temas tradicionais de Portugal e ao seu lirismo saudosista, que expressa reflexões sobre seu "eu profundo"

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Message, one of the greatest poems in the whole of Portuguese literature, was Fernando Pessoa's only book written in Portuguese to be published during his lifetime. It is out of an atmosphere of general European decline, and with unwavering focus on his own country in particular, that Pessoa orchestrates his Message: a telling of the great events and protagonists behind the genesis of Portugal, of the golden age of maritime discovery and of subsequent national entropy, all of it predictive and flowing towards the future construction of a new and different empire: the Fifth Empire, which, in the author's vision, would be a matrix of spirituality, messianism and millenarianism. Edited by António Apolinário Lourenço. Translation by Martin Earl and illustrations by Fatinha Ramos.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Álvaro de Campos is one of the most influential heteronyms created by Portugal's great modernist writer Fernando Pessoa. According to Pessoa, Campos was born in Tavira (Algarve) in 1890 and studied mechanical engineering in Glasgow, although he never managed to complete his degree. In his own day, Campos was celebrated-and slandered-for his vociferous poetry imbued with a Whitman-inspired free verse, his praise of the rise of technology and his polemical views that appeared in manifestos, interviews and essays. Here in Margaret Jull Costa and Patricio Ferrari's translations are the complete poems of Campos. This edition is based on the Portuguese Tinta-da-china edition and includes an illuminating introduction about Campos by the Portuguese editors Jerónimo Pizarro and Antonio Cardiello, facsimiles of original manuscripts and a generous selection of Campos's prose texts.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    "After looking for him in the poems, we search for him in the prose. The pursuit of the Other in Pessoa's work is never-ending," writes Edwin Honig. Essential to understanding the great Portuguese poet are the essays written about (and by) his heteronyms—Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis, and Alvaro de Campos—the several pseudonyms under which he wrote an extraordinary body of poetry. In Always Astonished, Pessoa and his several selves debate and discuss one another's work, revealing how Portuguese modernism was shaped. Fernando Pessoa is one of the great voices of twentieth-century literature, and these manifestos, letters, journal notes, and critical essays range through aesthetics, lyric poetry, dramatic and visual arts, and the psychology of the artist. He gives us, too, a singularly heterodox political position in his strange work of fiction, The Anarchist Banker."Eloquent, volatile and obsessed with life—and death—(Pessoa is one of the) modernist giants in whose shadow we live and who made our century one of the extraordinary richness."—The New York TimesFernando Pessoa is Portugal's most important contemporary poet. He wrote under several identities, which he called heteronyms: Albet Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis, and Bernardo Soares. He wrote fine poetry under his own name as well, and each of his "voices" is completely different in subject, temperament, and style.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Writings on Art and Poetical Theory contains a selection of Fernando Pessoa's writings (or those of his heteronyms) on art and poetical theory, originally written in English. In Pessoa's oeuvre one finds not only literary and fictional works but also a multiplicity of theoretical texts on the most diverse subjects concerning artistic movements, literature, and writers.In this book, we witness Pessoa explore, through various heteronyms, general theories on poetics, the poetries of other heteronyms, the uses and abuses of criticism, and more. Also included are essays on sensationism (an aesthetic movement Pessoa dubs a new species of Weltanschauung), translation, and a brief history of English literature, which is comprised of fragments on Shakespeare, Milton, the British Romantics, Dickens, Wilde, and others, as well as additional material, such as Pessoa's own poem Antinous.This edition, prepared by Nuno Ribeiro and Cláudia Souza, allows us to have an overview of Pessoa's writings on art and poetic theory - most of which are presented here for the first time to English readers -, thus opening the way for future studies on one of the most significant authors of Portuguese modernism.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Denne diktsamlinga reknast som eit av hovudverka til forfattaren. Naturpoeten og sauegjetaren Alberto Caeiro er ein av fleire personar som forfattaren dikta opp i sitt forfattarskap. Dikta karakteriserast som opne og prosaiske og prega av eit enkelt liv på landet.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • - Escritos de Amor de Fernando Pessoa
    av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Na coleção 7 Melhores Contos o crítico August Nemo apresenta autores que fazem parte da história da literatura em língua portuguesa. Neste volume temos Fernando Pessoa, o mais famoso poeta português e figura central do Modernismo. Consagrado escritor, Fernando Pessoa também foi astrólogo, crítico literário, tradutor, correspondente comercial e inventor. Seu legado permanece vivo até hoje. Os contos presentes nessa obra são: O banqueiro anarquista , Eu, o doutor , Na farmácia do Evaristo , Fábula , A pintura do automóvel , O vencedor do tempo e Um grande português.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    The writing of Fernando Pessoa reveals a mind shaken by intense inner suffering. In these poems he adopted four separate personae: Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and himself, using them to express 'great swarms of thought and feeling'. While each personae has its own poetic identity, together they convey a sense of ambivalence and consolidate a striving for completeness. Dramatic, lyrical, Christian, pagan, old and modern, Pessoa's poets and poetry contribute to the 'mysterious importance of existence'.

  • - Bilingual edition
    av Fernando Pessoa

    A bilingual companion to The Book of Disquiet, by Fernando Pessoa

  • av Fernando Pessoa

  • - 1928-1935
    av Fernando Pessoa

    Alvaro de Campos, along with Ricardo Reis and Alberto Caeiro is one of Fernando Pessoa's most important poetic heteronyms and, like these fellow fictitious poets, made his first appearance in 1914. This book presents English translations of Campos' later work.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Presents a collection of the Caeiro heteronym in English. This book accompanies introductions of Ricardo Reis and a memoir by Alvaro de Campos, two of Pessoa's other major poetic heteronyms, as well as a poem dedicated to Caeiro by C Pacheco.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    Presents a collection of poems in English.

  • av Fernando Pessoa

    The Transformation Book, which belongs to Pessoa's pre-heteronymic period, contains a series of fragments written in English, Portuguese, and French, none of which were ever published during Pessoa's lifetime.Conceived by Pessoa in 1908, a year of great social and cultural transformation in Portugal, The Transformation Book was designed to reflect and advance social and cultural transformation in Portugal and beyond. Moving between a number of literary forms, including poetry, fiction, and satire as well as essays on politics, philosophy, and psychiatry, The Transformation Book marks one of the fundamental stages in Pessoa's elaboration of a new conception of literary space, one that he came to express as a "drama in people." Alexander Search, Pantaleão, Jean Seul de Méluret, and Charles James Search are the four "pre-heteronyms" to which the texts of The Transformation Book are attributed. These four figures constitute a plural literary microcosm - a world that Pessoa makes, but that is occupied by a multiplicity of authors - and clearly anticipate the emergence of Pessoa's heteronyms. As the singular result of an intersection of Pessoa's personal intellectual trajectory with his hopes for fomenting cultural transformation, The Transformation Book makes for a unique contribution to Pessoa's ever-growing published oeuvre.Although some of the texts conceived as part of the Transformation Book have previously been published in isolation or as fragments, this is the first complete and critical edition of The Transformation Book, and most of the texts in this edition are published here for the first time. Through the critical efforts of Nuno Ribeiro and Cláudia Souza, a fundamental project of Fernando Pessoa's is now brought from the confines of the archive to the public in its most complete and accurate fashion. The Transformation Book should contribute to future studies on the work of one of the most distinctive geniuses of modernist literature.

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