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  • av Étienne Garbugli

    A short, practical guide showing you how to find the right market for your product or innovationThe market a startup chooses to pursue has a significant influence on its odds of finding success.Pick a strong market with customers that value the unique benefits of your product or innovation, and hypergrowth might follow. Pick the wrong market, and everything will feel like a slug...You'll have to fight for every call. Every meeting. Every demo. Every client. Your team won't be excited. And you'll have a hard time staying motivated...In spite of the importance of picking the right market, entrepreneurs spend little to no time thinking through their market strategy.Unsurprisingly, 73% of startups enter the wrong market, first.That's time they waste, runway they lose, and opportunities that are suddenly off the table.Deciding which customers to target should never be an afterthought.Learn to identify the right market for your innovation, every timeFind Your Market will show you how to:Flesh out the core value of your product or innovationIdentify promising market opportunities derived from the unique strengths of your technologyStrategically evaluate the most promising market opportunitiesGain conclusive evidence that a market is worth committing toMold your positioning and go-to-market strategies to get the growth engines goingEvaluate the market or customer fit on an on-going basisIdentify expansion market opportunities to keep the growth goingIt's everything you need to make great market selection decisions.Find Your Market was written for:Deep Tech or Frontier Entrepreneurs: Founding teams with unique technologies, ideas, or inventions that can be valuable to dozens of different types of users or organizations. The upside of each market opportunity may vary greatly.Solution-First Startups: Founders that may have already built a full product, or large parts of a product, and that are now looking for greater traction or early customers.Technology-push firms: Technology-push organizations like Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) or Research Commercialization Offices tasked with the direct or indirect commercialization of inventions and research findings.

  • av Étienne Garbugli

    "A great no-BS resource where you are guaranteed to pick up useful tips and approaches, whether you're an email pro or just starting out."- Andrus Purde, Founder & CEO, Outfunnel- -No matter how great your product is, it's very likely that 40-60% of free trials never see your product a second time. This means that you stand to lose up to 60% of yourhard-earnedsignups.Do you just let them go?Email marketing is one of the highest leverage activities in a SaaS business. It can help:increase onboarding and trial conversions;reduce churn; andgrow monthly recurring revenue (MRR).By introducing a single campaign today, you could significantly increase your conversions, and get the benefits of that increase predictably and repeatedly, week after week. That's the beauty of automation. It's also how we created an upsell program at LANDR that was generating up to 42% of weekly subscription conversions. When I joined LANDR, we were only sending 3 automated emails (and only 1 of those was performing). By focusing on sending the right email to the right user at the right time, performance jumped up, with increases in:product onboarding completion;engagement;sales; andupgrades to annual subscriptions.We made a lot of mistakes along the way (including sending 85,000 emails to the wrong users). It took a lot of trial and error, long hours, and exhaustive internet searches, but the results were obvious. Email was more effective at generating revenue than:Investing in more ads;Building new features hoping they'll drive engagement;Redesigning at the cost of trial and error.You can learn SaaS email marketing the way we did (through hard work), or jump to the front of the line.The SaaS Email Marketing Playbookincludes everything I would have loved to know about emailbeforeI got started at LANDR:how and when to create new emails or In-App messages to influence your users' behaviors and purchase decisions;how to double, triple, or quadruple the performance of every single email you send;how to stand out in an increasingly more crowded inbox; andhow to create processes and structure to systematically grow the performance of an email marketing program.The book also includes seven deep dives to help you implement your onboarding, upsell, retention, referral, and behavioral sequences, among others.You don't need to be a master copywriter (or have one on your team) to send effective emails. You just need the right processes and knowledge to start growing your business with email.The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook contains everything you need to plan, build, and optimize your email marketing program.- -The SaaS Email Marketing Playbookwas written for businesses with clear signs of Product-Market Fit, that are:selling to consumers or businesses;charging monthly or yearly subscription fees;generating more than $2k MRR; andadding at least 200 email signups per week.

  • av Étienne Garbugli

    A book that actually teaches you how to create growth in a product businessSolving Product is not a big idea book. It's a book entrepreneurs and product teams are using to drive real results in their organizations.The book helps them:Reveal the gaps in their business modelsClarify the challenges they're facingCarefully weigh alternative solutions for addressing blockers and driving new growthLearn from their prospects and customers with the right customer research techniquesLay out clear action plans to address the issuesMake their organizations more customer-centricIt's everything you need to know about growing a product from Idea to MaturitySolving Product is exhaustive. It contains actionable advice from hundreds of product leaders and customer research experts, and features over 25 case studies.No matter where you are in the product growth cycle-at the idea stage, at maturity, or somewhere in between-the book will help you find new growth.The book is used by thousands of organizations around the worldSolving Product is actively in use by product teams and entrepreneurs in:Startups: Entrepreneurs and early-stage teams are using the content to find their business opportunities, identify competitive advantages, validate their concepts, and iterate their early products' value until they find product/market fit.Scaleups: Growing startups are using the book to reduce friction, fine-tune their positioning, test acquisition channels, and expand into new markets.Mature Product Organizations: Established companies are using the overarching framework to identify their business' bottlenecks, the supporting content to make their organizations more customer-centric, and the various tools in the book to train and level-up their product teams.Accelerators & Incubators: From Canada to Lebanon, to the United-States and Singapore, accelerators and incubators have been structuring their programs around the content of the book, often even using the content to train the founders in their programs.A book you'll find yourself going back to, time and time againSolving Product is a different type of book.It's structured in a way so you can put it on your desk and thumb through it whenever you face a growth challenge in your organization.You can read it from beginning to end, or navigate to the section you need to drive new growth.You'll be going back to the content, time and time again. Solving Product is not a book you'll read once, then simply put away.

  • av Étienne Garbugli

    Quelle que soit la qualité de votre produit, il est fort probable que 40 à 60 % des personnes qui l'utilisent pour la première fois n'y reviennent jamais. Vous risquez donc de perdre jusqu'à 60 % de vos inscriptions acquises à la dure. Est-ce que vous les laissez simplement abandonner votre produit ?Le courriel est une des activités qui a le plus grand potentiel d'impact dans une compagnie SaaS.Il peut aider à :augmenter les conversions et le taux de complétion de l'onboardingréduire le taux de désabonnementaugmenter les revenus mensuels récurrents (MRR)En introduisant une campagne aujourd'hui, vous pourriez augmenter considérablement vos conversions et bénéficier de cette augmentation de manière prévisible et répétée, semaine après semaine. C'est la beauté de l'automatisation. C'est également de cette manière que nous avons créé chez LANDR un programme d'upsell qui générait jusqu'à 42 % des achats d'abonnements hebdomadaires. Lorsque je me suis joint à LANDR, nous n'envoyions que 3 courriels automatisés. En nous concentrant sur l'envoi du bon courriel au bon utilisateur au bon moment, les performances ont grimpé en flèche, avec une augmentation de :la complétion de l'onboarding du produitl'engagement des utilisateursles ventesl'achat d'abonnements annuelsNous avons fait beaucoup d'erreurs en cours de route (notamment l'envoi de 85 000 courriels aux mauvais utilisateurs...). Il aura fallu beaucoup d'essais et d'erreurs, de longues heures au bureau et de nombreuses recherches exhaustives sur l'internet, mais les résultats étaient évidents... Le courriel était plus efficace pour générer des revenus que :Investir dans l'achat de nouvelles publicitésCréer de nouvelles fonctionnalités en espérant qu'elles suscitent l'engagement des utilisateursRepenser et re-concevoir le produit à coûts d'essais et erreursVous pouvez apprendre l'email marketing SaaS à la dure comme nous, ou vous pouvez passer en tête de liste. Le Guide de l'Email Marketing SaaS contient tout ce que j'aurais aimé savoir sur le courriel avant de débuter chez LANDR :comment (et quand) créer de nouveaux courriels ou des messages In-App afin d'influencer les comportements et les décisions d'achat des utilisateurscomment doubler, tripler ou quadrupler les performances de chaque courriel que vous envoyezcomment se démarquer dans des boîtes de réception de plus en plus encombréescomment créer des processus et une structure qui vous permettent d'améliorer systématiquement les performances de votre programme de marketing par courrielLe livre comprend également sept analyses immersives afin de vous aider à définir vos séquences d'onboarding, d'upsell, de rétention, de recommandation et de réactivation. Vous n'avez pas à être un maître de la rédaction (ou d'en avoir un(e) dans votre équipe) pour envoyer des courriels efficaces.Le Guide de l'Email Marketing SaaS contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour planifier, élaborer et optimiser votre programme de marketing par courriel.

  • av Étienne Garbugli

    Get from idea to product/market fit in B2BStartups don't have infinite runway.To reach product/market fit, they need a solid roadmap, effective strategies to learn from their market and customers, and a framework for deciding when to pivot, and when to persevere.The issue is that most of the advice they get is either incomplete, unrealistic, misguided, or it's just not catered to the enterprise or B2B journey.Founders can create their own processes through patchwork at the cost of trial and error, but this can easily send them sideways.What startups really need is...A proven playbookThousands of entrepreneurs and innovators have already used Lean B2B (the first, or this second edition) to quickly get from idea to product/market fit in B2B.Startups like Loopio, Knoetic, Flutura, Cobrainer, and Jupl were able to leverage the methodology to learn, test, validate, and build sustainable businesses.Intrapreneurs, corporate innovators, and innovation consultants in companies like Altran, the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), and ING leveraged the methodology to shortlist their ideas, improve their innovation practices, and build innovative products.Incubators, accelerators, investors, educators, and government officers have also used the methodology to increase the success rate of the startups (and founders) they work with.Lean B2B has everything you need to get from idea to product/market fitWith the book, you'll learn:How to think through different ideas and company structures to set your venture on the right pathHow to find early adopters, establish your credibility, and convince business stakeholders to work with youHow to learn from stakeholders, identify a great opportunity, and create a compelling value propositionHow to get initial validation, create a minimum viable product, and iterate product value until you reach product/market fitHow to stress-test the progress you're making, keep your sanity, and evaluate alternate paths when things aren't going the way you'd likeHow to identify and avoid common challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and learn advanced techniques to speed up product/market validationAn entirely new & updated version for a new realityToday, there are more companies building B2B products than there has ever been.Products are entering organizations top-down, middle-out, and bottom-up. Teams and managers control their budgets. Buyers have become savvier... but also more impatient. The case for the value of new innovations no longer needs to be made.The updates made to Lean B2B reflect the growing importance of differentiation, rapid value delivery, and market positioning.The new edition adds content on:Why companies look for new products, and why they agree to buy from unproven vendors like startupsThe 4 type of opportunities that can increase the chance of building products that get adopted by companiesHow to create a very specific wedge, and think about market opportunitiesThe iteration process from initial MVP to delivering a product that exceeds customer expectations (and is at product/market fit)Service/consulting firms transitioning to products, corporate innovation, and much much more

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