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Bøker av Eline Snel

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  • av Eline Snel

    Denne boken er skrevet til foreldre og barn, som sammen kan oppleve at det å bli kjent med sin egen pusterytme og urolige tanker, gir kroppen og sinnet fokus, fred og ro. Lydfiler kan lastes ned på Cappelen Damms hjemmeside: av i dag er ofte urolige, atspredte og stresset. Hvordan kan vi hjelpe dem å roe seg ned? Hvordan kan vi lære dem å konsentrere seg? Den nederlandske pedagogen Eline Snel har utviklet et meditasjonsopplegg for barn i alderen 5-12 år. Inspirert av Jon Kabat-Zinns legendariske mindfulness-meditasjon, som hundretusener av voksne har nytte av i sammenheng med stress, uro, søvnproblemer, smertetilstander, nedstemthet og depresjon, mente Eline Snel at det å meditere faller enda mer naturlig for barn. Og med tanke på at altfor mange barn er vitne til den hektiske voksenverden og blir utsatt for stadig flere inntrykk, valg og krav, hvorfor skulle ikke barn oppnå den samme rogivende effekten av mindfulness? Hun fikk ideen om å bruke frosken i dette arbeidet en kveld da datteren ikke fikk sove. Kroppen min vil, men hodet mitt vil ikke. Hvordan kan jeg sove da?, spurte datteren. Frosken ble altså svaret. Denne forunderlige skapningen som kan sitte helt i ro og se ut som om den bare er opptatt av øyeblikket og sin egen pust.

  • - mindfulness for foreldre med tenåringer (12-19 år)
    av Eline Snel

    Denne boken er først og fremst for foreldre og bonusforeldre med tenåringsbarn. Tenåringen er både kvikk og gøyal, sårbar og utålmodig, uforutsigbar og krevende. Selvstendighet og å ordne opp i det meste selv, er «kamp-ropet». Men når det butter mot, kan terskelen for å be om hjelp være høy og innebære følelsestilstander med høy temperatur, som ender med å tappe alle parter for krefter. Eline Snel beskriver hun blant annet hvordan man kan lære seg stå «på stedet marsj», en ferdighet som har overraskende god effekt i turbulente situasjoner. Det dreier seg om å reagere, å være «på», som om du legger inn en tankestrek - et rom - som fylles av oppmerksomhet og nærvær og en ikke-dømmende holdning overfor barnet ditt. Da vil du vise velvilje, empati og bygge tillit. Og slik kommer du også i kontakt med dine følelser, din klokskap og gleden over å være sammen.Eline Snel, nederlandsk pedagog, har utviklet et meditasjonsopplegg for barn og ungdom inspirert av Jon Kabat-Zinns mindfulnessmeditasjon. Hun mener at det å meditere faller svært naturlig for barn.]]>

  • - 75 Mindfulness Games for Kids
    av Eline Snel

    75 fun mindfulness games and activities to teach children ages 4-8 to calm themselves down, focus, be attentive to people around them, and to feel more peaceful.Mindfulness is one of the most effective practices to teach kids to calm themselves in stressful moments, increase focus and attention, ease anxiety, and promote a sense of empathy toward others. Eline Snel's Sitting Still Like a Frog has helped thousands of children around the world to become more relaxed and attentive, more aware of their bodies and emotions, and more open toward others.This book is packed with entertaining and useful activities that children ages 4-8 can do alone or with a parent, including:• Fun yoga exercises• Hands-on activities and projects• Meditation stories• Cut-out posters and cards• Colorful stickers• Mindful games

  • - Mindfulness Exercises for Toddlers (and Their Parents)
    av Eline Snel

    Parenting toddlers can be challenging but mindfulness can help! The popular author of Sitting Still Like a Frog offers advice and tools for parents of kids ages 18 months-4 years to respond skillfully and with mindful intention, especially in difficult moments. ​In The Little Frog Awakes, Eline Snel offers parents of young children advice and tools for responding mindfully and effectively in the moment. These skills help us regain trust in ourselves and in the integral wholeness of our kids. And when we make mindfulness practice a part of daily life, it gives our children a powerful message on how to recognize, name, and deal with emotions and situations.  This practical guide will help you to:   •  connect with and respond mindfully to your own feelings as they arise  •  cultivate compassion for yourself as a parent or caregiver through meditations and breathing practices  •  encourage serenity, self-confidence, and emotional regulation in your children, through stories and activities  •  strengthen your bond with your kids and help all of you manage stress  •  be more fully present with your children, and more able to give them your undivided attention  •  embrace imperfection and focus on the things that really matter  •  and more  The book and the accompanying audio include activities, practices, and stories for both you and for your toddler that cultivate mindful moments and action, and self-compassion.

  • - Mindfulness for Parents of Teenagers
    av Eline Snel

    Simple mindfulness practices for parents of teenagers to help you stay present, positive, and open-hearted with your child during their teenage years. Includes an audio download of guided exercises.Parenting a teenager can be extremely challenging as we struggle to stay balanced and supportive of our child's ups and downs, granting them increased freedom while still maintaining necessary limits. Mindfulness meditation-which emphasizes the quality of attention that combines full awareness with acceptance of each moment, just as it is-is a practice that is uniquely well-suited to helping us strengthen our parenting skills during this this time. This practice-which has gained broad acceptance among family therapists and other mental health professionals, and in schools, for stress and anxiety reduction and behavior modification-helps us to stay calm in tense moments and be less reactive with our children. It allows us to respond to them in ways that are most helpful, and that promote dialogue rather than clashing. This little book, written by Eline Snel, a popular therapist and mindfulness teacher, is a very appealing introduction to mindfulness meditation for parents of teenagers. In a warm, simple, and accessible way, Snel describes what mindfulness is and how mindfulness-based practices can help you calm down during tense and heated moments and become a more focused and open-hearted parent. Snel includes numerous guided meditations on the accompanying audio.

  • - Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)
    av Eline Snel

    Simple mindfulness practices to help your child (ages 5-12) deal with anxiety, improve concentration, and handle difficult emotions. Includes a 60-minute audio CD of guided exercises read by Myla Kabat-Zinn.Mindfulness-the quality of attention that combines full awareness with acceptance of each moment, just as it is-is gaining broad acceptance among mental health professionals as an adjunct to treatment. This little book is a very appealing introduction to mindfulness meditation for children and their parents. In a simple and accessible way, it describes what mindfulness is and how mindfulness-based practices can help children calm down, become more focused, fall asleep more easily, alleviate worry, manage anger, and generally become more patient and aware. The book contains eleven practices that focus on just these scenarios, along with short examples and anecdotes throughout. Included with purchase is an audio CD with guided meditations, voiced by Myla Kabat-Zinn, who along with her husband, Jon Kabat-Zinn, popularized mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) as a therapeutic approach.

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