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Bøker av Elena G Rivers

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  • - Unlock Infinite Love, Inner Peace, and Lasting Transformation
    av Elena G Rivers

    Activate Your Inner Manifesting Magic by Supercharging Your Heart Chakra! Discover your divine potential and unleash unlimited love, bliss, inner healing, and abundance. Your heart chakra is your most powerful energy center. When fully balanced and activated, it will help you enjoy an amazing life while embracing your spirituality, divinity, and intuition. Your heart chakra is like a connector that bridges your physical desires with the spiritual realm of unlimited potential. The Heart Chakra Magic is your all-in-one guide to help you reconnect with the astonishing power of your heart to manifest the life you love, desire, and deserve. No previous spiritual knowledge is required, and the methodology covered in this book is simple, effective, and open to readers of all spiritual backgrounds. Inside, you will discover simple-to-follow techniques and empowerment to get your beautiful heart chakra back in balance it needs to help you manifest a happy, joyful, and abundant life.With the Heart Chakra Magic, You Will Quickly Learn: -The significance and magic of the heart chakra, what happens when it's out of balance, and what to do about it;-How heart chakra influences your manifestations and why healing it is the fastest way to manifest your deepest desires (the path of least resistance);-Techniques to release negative energies and enjoy the flow of positive, uplifting emotions;- How to unlock inner harmony, strength, courage, and confidence so that you can discover and pursue your life's purpose;-How to connect with your higher self, re-harmonize your energies, and reclaim your natural self-healing ability!-A myriad of transformative modalities and easy-to-use tools specifically for heart-chakra rebalancing (including inner work, affirmations, journaling, vibration-healing herbal essences, crystals, essential oils, sounds, and frequencies + more to support your heart-chakra journey);-Deeply Healing Green Ocean meditation to connect with your angels and guides while unlocking guidance, protection, and Universal love;-How to tap into the power of self-love and let it guide you (warning- it can result in most magical manifestations your mind couldn't even comprehend);-Heart Chakra magic and synchronicities through non-linear healing and gratitude practices;-Specific shadow work prompts to help you release your manifesting blocks and step into your divine power.Your heart chakra is connected to love, the highest vibration in the Universe, the vibration that can manifest miracles in the most magical ways. By choosing to heal and activate your heart chakra, you master the language the Universe understands and quickly responds to. It's time to heal and master the creative Heart Chakra energy that can move mountains! Are you ready to transform, transcend, and be magnetic? Your most healing, spiritual journey starts today! Order your copy of The Heart Chakra Magic and discover how powerful you truly are!

  • - Activating the Law of Positive Expectation
    av Elena G Rivers

    It's Time to Stop Hiding Your True Light and True Potential by Unlocking the Power of Positive Expectation! The Law of Expectation is one of the most fundamental yet most overlooked laws of the Universe. When used with pure intention, it can supercharge your manifesting powers and help you create your best life. Unfortunately, many teachings about this law are incomplete or not fully adapted to modern times. Some operate from a fear-based, superstitious, one-size-fits-all mindset. It's time to release all outdated fear-based mindsets and create your own manifesting rules! It's time to make the Law of Expectation work for you, and this is what Expect to Manifest is designed to help you with! In this book, modern spirituality and manifestation author Elena G.Rivers takes you on a liberating journey to help you realize that the true essence of the Law of Expectation is love-based. You get to choose how to use this powerful law to mold your desired reality, no matter who you are, what your goals are, or how much you know about manifesting. Join Elena and activate the power of positive expectation for your highest good! Discover how to avoid confusion when manifesting and let go of your fears and doubts. Enter a new reality where only your positive thoughts manifest. It's time to expect to manifest your best life. The power is in your hands! Order your copy today and activate the Law of Positive Expectation for your highest good!

  • av Elena G Rivers

    For those of us who seek out spiritual teachings or self-empowerment techniques, I have a question for you.Why do we do it? Why do we look for these teachings and practices? In fact, why do we pursue anything in life?Regardless of how we may respond to these questions, the fundamental reason for seeking anything is because we believe that we will become happier if we achieve its attainment.Allow me to present another question to you:-What is happiness? Besides being an emotion or the experience of feeling good, what is it?-Where does it come from? How can we hope to achieve happiness if we do not know its nature?The problem that most of us encounter in trying to become happier is that we treat happiness as if it was a commodity.We may say thing to ourselves like:"When I find the right relationship, then I will be happy.""When I make enough money, then I will be happy.""How can I be happy given what I have experienced in the past?""How can I be happy living this way?"Regardless of what we tell ourselves, most of us have made the happiness that we desire contingent upon us doing or accomplishing something.Even those who are spiritually-minded can fall into this trap.An example would be the Law of Attraction.Many people become frustrated that they are unable to manifest their desires because they have fallen for the same kind of thinking.They start doubting themselves because their experiences did not match their expectations.  This workbook is about delving deeper than the pursuit of happiness. Instead, it is about developing an understanding of the source that affects every aspect of our being.The aspect that I am referring to is our vibrational frequency, also known as our life force. This book will give you a five-day plan to raise your vibrational frequency on a deeper level (we''re talking about powerful mindset and energy shifts...) so that you can spontaneously experience what you desire, rather than trying/struggling to achieve it.

  • av Elena G Rivers

    ¿Quieres manifestar un negocio que te dé abundancia y libertad, pero no sabes por dónde empezar?¿Quizás has probado diferentes oportunidades de negocio, y nada ha funcionado?¿O quizás ya tienes éxito, pero te has topado con el límite invisible?¿Sin importar lo mucho que trabajes, no puedes aumentar tus ingresos o tu impacto?¿Has invertido en diferentes tácticas de marketing, pero todavía no puedes alcanzar el siguiente nivel?¿Te suena familiar?Si la respuesta es sí, ¡sigue leyendo porque por algo has dado con este libro!La ley de la atracción para emprendedores es un sistema probado, basado en la mentalidad para ayudarte a manifestar el negocio de tus sueños sin estrés, agotamiento o utilizando el último "truco" de marketing.Diseñado para: emprendedores, dueños de negocios, creativos, practicantes holísticos, educadores, escritores y sanadores que quieren aumentar sus ingresos y su impacto cambiando su identidad.Esto es exactamente lo que descubrirás en este libro:•La verdadera razón por la que procrastinas (y un simple CAMBIO de mentalidad para dejar de sentirte atascado).•El ejercicio de la escalera de la claridad para empezar a atraer rápidamente las ideas de negocios de tus sueños.•Por qué los tableros de visión y las afirmaciones NO son suficientes para los emprendedores ambiciosos (y cómo usar el cambio de identidad en su lugar).•¡La fórmula del pequeño nicho energético para empezar a atraer clientes de calidad que no pueden esperar a invertir en tus productos y servicios!•El método de "engañar a tu mente" que los atletas de fama mundial utilizan para NUNCA sentirse fracasados.•La fórmula de la disciplina consciente para eliminar el agotamiento de una vez por todas (¡para que puedas desarrollar tu negocio con alegría y facilidad!)•El único rasgo increíblemente sorprendente que todos los emprendedores guiados por el corazón deberían aprender de los líderes narcisistas (¡y cómo utilizarlo para el bien común!)•Los peligros ocultos de manifestar desde tu antigua identidad (¡los gurús de la ley de la atracción no quieren que lo sepas!)•La única cosa que tienes que hacer para dejar de temer a las críticas y ser IMPARABLE.Y mucho, mucho más (incluyendo ideas prácticas de negocios y recursos extra)No atraes lo que quieres, atraes a QUIEN eres.La única manera de cambiar lo que eres, es a través del cambio de identidad.Si estás cansado de sentirte estancado en el mismo nivel y estás listo para hacer explotar tus ingresos y tu impacto,¡desplázate hacia arriba en la página y compra tu copia hoy mismo!Únete a miles de otros emprendedores guiados por el corazón que ya están utilizando esta metodología revolucionaria y manifiesta tus sueños con alegría y facilidad.

  • av Elena G Rivers

    Un poderoso programa de 5 días para ayudarte a manifestar la realidad de tus sueños con alegría y facilidad.Este libro tiene como objetivo cambiarte la vida y está diseñado especialmente para personas con almas ambiciosas, líderes, profesionales, creativos, empresarios centrados en el corazón, empáticos y sanadores que estos para dar un paso hacia el desarrollo pleno de su potencial y atraer abundancia ilimitada a todas las áreas de sus vidas.Si estás listo para profundizar y descubrir los pasos probados para manifestar la realidad de tus sueños a través de un cambio efectivo de tu identidad, y alinearte con lo que necesitas ser para manifestar tus deseos, entonces "La visualización desmitificada" tiene todas las respuestas que has estado buscando.Verás, no siempre manifiestas lo que quieres. Pero, ¡siempre manifiestas lo que eres!La mejor manera de alinearte con la realidad de tus sueños es a través de la visualización, la cual representa la herramienta más eficaz para ayudarte a deshacerte de las dudas, la autocrítica y todos los elementos limitantes de la mentalidad que pueden mantenerte atascado en donde estás.Esto es exactamente lo que descubrirás en este libro:-Los PELIGROS inconfesables de las ganancias rápidas de dineroo y la única manera de manifestar una ABUNDANCIA duradera.-Un método super sencillo para BORRAR los MIEDOS a pedido, y tomar acciones que te inspiren para acercarte a tus objetivos.-La técnica de la escalera de visualización para MANIFESTAR ABUNDANCIA y AMPLIFICARLA una y otra vez (más ejemplos de la vida real de quienes lo han hecho).-El mayor ERROR que comete la gente con su POR QUÉ (y la principal razón por la que tu POR QUÉ no es suficiente).-La sorprendente verdad de por qué la visualización puede funcionar incluso para las personas que no creen en la ley de la atracción, o que nunca han oído hablar de ella.-El método de la captura de pantalla mental para tener una visión clara como el cristal.-Exactamente por qué huir de tu verdadera vocación te BLOQUEA para recibir la verdadera abundancia (y cómo solucionarlo).-Cómo eliminar la RESISTENCIA incluso antes de experimentarla (¡más vale prevenir que lamentar!).-La técnica de visualización probada para dejar ir finalmente la negatividad de los demás para siempre (¡y sentirte libre como un pájaro!).-La rutina secreta de estiramiento mental que los líderes exitosos centrados en el corazón utilizan a diario.-Cómo manifestar rápidamente tus sueños desde un nuevo paradigma sin torturarte, con la última técnica de motivación.-Por qué el DESEO por sí solo puede no ser suficiente y la razón por la cual se le debe añadir ingredientes para potenciarlo.-La ciencia probada de corte del cordón desde la raíz para recuperar tu poder y manifestar con facilidad.-¡Historias de éxito de la vida real y pruebas que te ayudarán a mantenerte inspirado para crear la realidad de tus sueños!-Como creador poderoso, mereces vivir en una abundancia ilimitada mientras inspiras a los que te rodean.¡La realidad de tus sueños ya existe y te está esperando!¡Si estás listo para manifestar tus deseos y crear un éxito imparable, compra tu copia hoy mismo y únete a otras miles de personas con almas ambiciosas, que ya están usando este sistema de transformación para vivir una vida increíblemente abundante y feliz!

  • - The Proven Art of Attracting What You Want by Becoming What You Want
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - It's Time to Design & Attract Your Dream Life (Even if You Think it's Impossible Now)
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - El arte de atraer lo que quieres al convertirte en lo que quieres
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Evita estos errores y haz que la Ley de la Atraccion funcione para ti (!o llevala al siguiente nivel!)
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Los secretos nunca antes contados para reprogramar tu mente subconsciente y manifestar la realidad de tus suenos en 5 pasos sencillos
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Secretos probados para dejar la mentalidad basada en el miedo, activar ley de la atraccion y comenzar a manifestar tus deseos
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Deja de manifestar lo que no quieres y cambia tu mente subconsciente hacia el dinero y la abundancia
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Manifestation Exercises-Transform All Areas of Your Life with Tested LOA & Quantum Physics Secrets
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Instantly Shift into Self-Love, Heal Your Life & Create the Abundance of Joy You Deserve
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - The Proven Art of Attracting What You Want by Becoming What You Want
    av Elena G Rivers

    Self-Image Demystified - How to Attract What You Want, by Becoming What You Want (without trying hard to be someone you're not or sacrificing your authenticity)Are You Ready to Create an Unshakable Self-Image?Do you want to manifest more abundance in all areas of your life?Perhaps you have tried the traditional Law of Attraction techniques like meditations, affirmations, visualizations...BUT you still can't manifest the success, love, or abundance you feel like something might be missing on your journey...You see...even though the law of attraction techniques are great, they will not work if you don't know how to transform your mindset, energy, and actions by shifting your identity - so that you can attract more of what you desire by becoming a vibrational match to it.This is what the Self-Image Demystified guide is designed to help you with.It will HELP YOU shift your mindset & self-image, one step at a time.So that you can remove all the success blocks that are keeping you STUCK and manifest more goodness (money, energy, good vibes, extraordinary synchronicities) into your life...As you shift your self-image, you will automatically feel like taking inspired action in alignment with what you want.So that you can manifest your next level of success while tuning yourself into new opportunities.Inside this book, you will discover the best methods to help you align your mindset and actions to the energy of abundance, love and success (in a very PRACTICAL way!).The knowledge in this book is not to be taken as dogma or indoctrination into a specific way of thinking or being. We learn as we grow and practice, and life is our greatest teacher. The ultimate manifestation power is already within you. Self-Image Demystified is a tool to invoke your greatest potential.Happy Reading & Good Luck!

  • - How to Change Your Relationship with Money to Manifest the Wealth You Truly Desire
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Change Your Relationship with Food, Stop Torturing Yourself with Dieting and Transform Your Body with LOA!
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - 12 Hidden Truths to Help You Shift Your Mindset and Start Attracting the Abundance You Deserve (without Trying So Hard)
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques to Manifest Your Dream Reality by Changing Your Self-Image Forever
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Tested Secrets to Let Go of Fear-Based Mindsets, Activate LOA Faster, and Start Manifesting Your Desires!
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - This Book Includes: Manifestation Secrets Demystified, Script to Manifest & The Love of Attraction
    av Elena G Rivers
    263 - 331,-

  • - Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques to Manifest Your Dream Reality by Changing Your Self-Image Forever
    av Elena G Rivers
    227 - 265,-

  • - This Edition Includes: Law of Attraction for Amazing Relationships, Money, Abundance, Self-Love, Motivation + Manifestation Exercises
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - Tested Secrets to Let Go of Fear-Based Mindsets, Activate LOA Faster, and Start Manifesting Your Desires!
    av Elena G Rivers
    229 - 235,-

  • - Advanced Identity Shifting Secrets to Manifest the Income and Impact You Deserve
    av Elena G Rivers

  • - The Untold Secrets to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind and Manifest Your Dream Reality in 5 Simple Steps
    av Elena G Rivers
    221 - 244,-

  • - Manifestation Mistakes to AVOID and How to Finally Make LOA Work for You
    av Elena G Rivers
    235 - 240,-

  • av Elena G Rivers

    Become the Master of Conscious Manifesting by Using the Language the Universe Understands and Quickly Responds to! Your communication with the Universe is what makes your manifestations successful or not. To fully take charge of the manifesting process and become a conscious and confident manifester, you need to:Release what no longer serves you;Align your energy with what you desire to attract;Fully embody your desires energetically. The truth is, the Law of Attraction always works; you can't switch it off, and it works as an amplifier; it amplifies and manifests what's inside you. The good news is that you can re-align your energy with what you want, and this is what Law of Attraction - Manifestation Exercises book is designed to help you with! ¿¿Here's Exactly What You'll Discover Inside to Start Supercharging Your Manifestations Today¿¿ -The main reason why you may have gotten mixed results with your previous manifesting attempts + how to turn it around for your highest good; -Powerful techniques to change your belief system and align your vibrational frequency with what you want (and why this unique mindset and energy work combo is the fastest way to manifest!); -The hidden magic of "release to manifest" and how you can manifest more by letting go of trapped energy and emotions that are holding you back; -Inner work prompts for manifesting lasting abundance; -How to activate the energy of oneness and pure consciousness to fill your life with joy, magic, and bliss; -The power of emotions in the manifestation process and how to use it for your highest good; -How to understand, master, and embody the language of vibrational frequencies to communicate your desires to the Universe and receive them with ease; -Inner work to align with the quantum field of unlimited possibilities to start manifesting new, unexpected ideas and solutions; -Detailed guidance to feel at peace with yourself and truly live in the present moment; -Life-changing skills to lower your resistance and embrace the energy of detachment (side effect -more happiness and bliss!) -Love vs. fear-based intentions explained and why fear-based intent results in not-so-desired manifestations (+ how to quickly shift to LOVE to manifest what you want); -Journaling prompts to raise your vibration, heal your energy, and cleanse your thoughts; -High-frequency meditations and deeply healing inner work to re-program your subconscious mind to make it work for you, not against you; Forget about past disappointments with LOA and allow your energy to transform as you read and align with the new, more empowered, and unstoppable version of yourself! Whether you're brand new to the LOA, or you've been on this journey for some time, this book appeared in your life for a reason- you are ready to discover how the Universe really works and activate the hidden manifestation master inside you while discovering the power of releasing your ego and opening your heart. Your best life is calling you. It's time to claim it and fuse yourself with it by mastering the conscious manifesting process vibrating the frequency of your desires!

  • - 12 Hidden Truths to Help You Shift Your Mindset and Start Attracting the Abundance You Deserve
    av Elena G Rivers
    205 - 280,-

  • - How to Drastically Improve Your Love Life and Find Ever-Lasting Happiness with LOA
    av Elena G Rivers
    216 - 280,-

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