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Bøker av Edmund Husserl

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  • - First Book: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology
    av Edmund Husserl
    515 - 1 410,-

  • - Basic Writings in Transcendental Phenomenology
    av Edmund Husserl & Donn Welton

    The first anthology in English of Edmund HusserlOs major writings.

  • av Edmund Husserl

  • av Edmund Husserl

  • av Edmund Husserl
    442 - 568,-

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    276 - 429,-

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    276 - 429,-

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    1 154,-

    Preparatory Considerations.- I / The Structures and the Sphere of Objective Formal Logic.- 1. Formal logic as apophantic analytics.- 2. Formal apophantics, formal mathematics.- 3. Theory of deductive systems and theory of multiplicities.- 4. Focusing on objects and focusing on judgments.- 5. Apophantics, as theory of sense, and truthlogic.- II / From Formal to Transcendental Logic.- 1. Psychologism and the laying of a transcendental foundation for logic.- 2. Initial questions of transcendental-logic: problems concerning fundamental concepts.- 3. The idealizing presuppositions of logic and the constitutive criticism of them.- 4. Evidential criticism of logical principles carried back to evidential criticism of experience.- 5. The subjective grounding of logic as a problem belonging to transcendental philosophy.- 6. Transcendental phenomenology and intentional psychology. The problem of transcendental psychologism.- 7. Objective logic and the phenomenology of reason.- Conclusion.- Appendix I / Syntactical Forms and Syntactical Stuffs; Core-Forms and Core-Stuffs.- § 1. The articulation of predicative judgments.- § 2. Relatedness to subject-matter in judgments.- § 3. Pure forms and pure stuffs.- § 4. Lower and higher forms. Their sense-relation to one another.- § 5. The self-contained functional unity of the self-sufficient apophansis. Division of the combination-forms of wholes into copulatives and conjunctions.- § 6. Transition to the broadest categorial sphere.- a. Universality of the combination-forms that we have distinguished.- b. The distinctions connected with articulation can be made throughout the entire categorial sphere.- c. The amplified concept of the categorial proposition contrasted with the concept of the proposition in the old apophantic analytics.- § 7. Syntactical forms, syntactical stuffs, syntaxes.- § 8. Syntagma and member. Self-sufficient judgments, and likewise judgments in the amplified sense, as syntagmas.- § 9. The "judgment-content" as the syntactical stuff of the judgment qua syntagma.- § 10. Levels of syntactical forming.- § 11. Non-syntactical forms and stuffs - exhibited within the pure syntactical stuffs.- § 12. The core-formation, with core-stuff and core-form.- § 13. Pre-eminence of the substantival category. Substantivation.- § 14. Transition to complications.- § 15. The concept of the "term" in traditional formal logic.- Appendix II / The Phenomenological Constitution of the Judgment. Originally Active Judging and Its Secondary Modifications.- § 1. Active judging, as generating objects themselves, contrasted with its secondary modifications.- § 2. From the general theory of intentionality.- a. Original consciousness and intentional modification. Static intentional explication. Explication of the "meaning" and of the meant "itself." The multiplicity of possible modes of consciousness of the Same.- b. Intentional explication of genesis. The genetic, as well as static, originality of the experiencing manners of givenness. The "primal instituting" of "apperception" with respect to every object-category.- c. The time-form of intentional genesis and the constitution of that form. Retentional modification Sedimentation in the inconspicuous substratum (unconsciousness).- § 3. Non-original manners of givenness of the judgment.- a. The retentional form as the intrinsically first form of "secondary sensuousness". The livingly changing constitution of a many-membered judgment.- b. Passive recollection and its constitutional effect for the judgment as an abiding unity.- c. The emergence of something that comes to mind apperceptionally is analogous to something coming to mind after the fashion of passive recollection.- § 4. The essential possibilities of activating passive manners of givenness.- § 5. The fundamental types of originally generative judging and of any judging whatever.- § 6. Indistinct verbal judging and its function.- § 7. The superiority of retentional and recollectiona

  • av Edmund Husserl

  • av Edmund Husserl
    1 047,-

    Der vorliegende Band enthält den Text der zweistündigen Vorlesung, die Husserl im Sommersemester 1912 unter dem Titel ¿Einleitung in die Phänomenologie¿ in Göttingen gehalten hat. Das Thema der ursprünglich als ¿Urteilstheorie¿ angekündigten Vorlesung wurde kurzfristig geändert, da es nicht möglich sei, wie Husserl zu Beginn der Vorlesung erläutert, ¿eine Urteilstheorie darzustellen, ohne weitgehende Kenntnis in Betreff gewisser allgemeiner Bewusstseinsgestaltungen vorauszusetzen¿. Neben einer Untersuchung von Bewusstseinsphänomenen wie ¿äußere und innere Wahrnehmung, Erlebnis- und Zeitbewusstsein, Erinnerung, Erwartung, Aufmerksamkeit, Erfassung, Explikation und dergleichen¿ liegt das Hauptaugenmerk der Vorlesung auf der Erläuterung der beiden Grundpfeiler der phänomenologischen Methode: der Wesensschau und der phänomenologischen Reduktion.Die Vorlesung vom Sommersemester 1912 diente Husserl als Vorlage bei der Niederschrift seines transzendental-phänomenologischen Hauptwerkes, der ¿Ideen I¿ (Husserliana Bd. III/1), mit der er während der Vorlesungszeit, nämlich Ende Mai oder Anfang Juni 1912, begann. Inhaltliche Übereinstimmungen mit dem Vorlesungstext weisen der Erste Abschnitt der ¿Ideen I¿ (¿Tatsache und Wesen¿), der Zweite Abschnitt (¿Die phänomenologische Fundamentalbetrachtung¿) und teilweise der Dritte Abschnitt (¿Zur Methodik und Problematik der reinen Phänomenologie¿) auf. ¿ Die hier erstmals veröffentlichte Vorlesung ¿Einleitung in die Phänomenologie¿ aus dem Sommersemester 1912 bietet Forschern und Studenten interessante Einblicke in Entwicklung und Thematik von Husserls transzendentaler Phänomenologie.

  • av Edmund Husserl

  • - Versuch einer Kritik der logischen Vernunft
    av Edmund Husserl
    1 582,-

    In seinen Logischen Untersuchungen (1900/01) hatte Husserl die Eigenstandigkeit und Idealitat logischer Gebilde gegenuber einem falschen Subjektivismus und Psychologismus geltend gemacht. Es ging ihm dabei nicht um die formale Logik selbst als solche, sondern um die Begrundungsfunktion der Logik fur eine apriorische Wissenschaftslehre. Diese in den Ideen (1913) weitergefuhrte Konstitutionsproblematik wird nun in dem Werk uber Formale und transzendentale Logik im Sinne einer Kritik der logischen Vernunft vertieft und durch den Ubergang von der formalen zur transzendentalen Logik begrifflich entschiedener gefat.

  • - Allgemeine Einfuhrung in die reine Phanomenologie
    av Edmund Husserl
    1 445,-

    Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) legt in dem Buch, das als Schlussel zu seiner phanomenologischen Wissenschaft gilt, seine Auffassungen von einer 'reinen' Phanomenologie nieder - dem idealistischen Agnostizismus Rechnung tragend, der ihn zeitlebens beseelte und der ihn daran hinderte, jemals die Schwelle zur Objektwelt zu uberschreiten, die Kant und alle anderen deutschen Philosophen fur eine verbotene Schwelle hielten. Nach der deutschen idealistischen Lehre, die bis heute fortwirkt, gibt es nur beschrankte Erkenntnisse uber die Beschaffenheit der Welt, uber innere Eindrucke, die sie hinterlat. [dpa 1996]

  • av Edmund Husserl

  • - Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts from the Manuscripts (1920-1925)
    av Edmund Husserl
    1 397 - 1 788,-

    This volume presents, for the first time in English, Husserl's seminal 1923/24 lecture course First Philosophy (Erste Philosophie) together with a selection of material from the famous research manuscripts of the same time period.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    1 200,-

    Husserl lays out the philosophical problem of knowledge, indicates the requirements for its solution and introduces the phenomenological method of reduction. This text gives a glimpse into the epistemological motivation of his work and his concept of intentionality.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    1 299,-

  • - An Introduction to Phenomenology
    av Edmund Husserl
    1 200 - 1 276,-

  • - Zweiter Band Untersuchungen zur Phanomenologie und Theorie der Erkenntnis
    av Edmund Husserl & U. Panzer
    11 700 - 12 288,-

  • av Edmund Husserl
    654 - 1 123,-

    ALSTON GEORGE NAKHNIKIAN January 1964 CONTENTS V Preface Introduction IX The train of thoughts in the lectures I Lecture I 13 Lecture II 22 Lecture III 33 Lecture IV 43 Lecture V 52 INTRODUCTION From April 26 to May 2, 1907, Husserl delivered five lectures in Gottingen.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    695 - 2 170,-

    The key sections of Husserl's classic and influential work on phenomenology are available for the first time in one paperback volume, specially abridged and edited, with a new introduction by Dermot Moran.

  • - General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology
    av Edmund Husserl
    259 - 4 029,-

  • - Vorlesungen 1907
    av Edmund Husserl & U. Claesges
    2 370,-

  • - Erster Band Prolegomena zur reinen Logik
    av Edmund Husserl & E. Holenstein
    1 929 - 1 954,-

  • - From the Lectures, Winter Semester, 1910-1911
    av Edmund Husserl
    2 041 - 2 806,-

    This book provides a short introduction to Husserlian Phenomenology by Husserl himself. Husserl highly regarded his work "The Basic Problems of Phenomenology" as basic for his theory of the phenomenological reduction.

  • av Edmund Husserl
    6 935,-

    This is the first English translation of Husserliana XXIII, the volume in the critical edition of Edmund Husserl's works that gathers together a rich array of posthumous texts on representational consciousness.

  • av Edmund Husserl

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