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Bøker av Edith Van Dyne

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  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Baum's delightful novel follows the adventures of three teenage girls as they spend the summer on their uncle's ranch in California. Full of humor, romance, and suspense, it is a classic example of early 20th-century popular fiction.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    212 - 387,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    226 - 401,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    226 - 401,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    226 - 401,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne

  • - Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John, Yiddish edition
    av Edith Van Dyne

    קיינער קען ניט כאָשעד, פֿון די פּשוט לעבן פון דעם הויזגעזינד, וואָס פאַרנומען די רגע ווינקל פלאַך אין 3708 ווילינג קוואדראט, אַז מיס דוילע איז געווען אַ יורש. ניט בלויז דאָס, אָבער טאָמער איינער פון די מערסט ריטשאַסט גערלז אין ניו יארק. און די סיבה איז גרינג צו דערקלערן ווען איך דערקלערן דעם פאַקט אַז דער פעטער פון פּאַטסי, דער קייַלעכיק קליין ליסע-כעדאַד מענטש וואָס איז געזעסן צופרידן צו עסן זיין זופּ, איז געווען אַ מענטש פון פילע מיליאַנז, און דאָס מיידל איז זיין באַליבט פּלימעניצע. מרריק איז געווען אַן אַלט באָכער וואָס האָט קונה אַ גוואַלדיק מאַזל אין די ווייַט נאָרטוועסט. ער האָט לעצטנס ויסגעדינט פון אַקטיוו געשעפט און געקומען מזרח צו זוכן קרובים וואָס קען בלייבן אים נאָך פערציק יאָר אַוועק. זיין שוועסטער דזשיין האט אלנגעזאמלט אַרום איר דריי פּלימעניצע - לויז מעריק, עליזאַבעטה די גראַף און פּאַטריסיאַ דויל - און ווען די מומע דזשיין איז געשטארבן, פעטער יוחנן אַדאַפּט די דריי גערלז און געמאכט זייער גליק די זאָרגן פון זיין פריילעך, ונסעלפיש לעבן. דעמאלסט איז מעיאָר דויל, דער איינציקער געבליבענער פאָטס פון פאטסי, געווען אַן אָרעמער בוכהאַלטער; אָבער ונקלע יוחנן האט אים באַשולדיקן זיין וואַסט פאַרמאָג ינטערעס, און לאַווינג פּאַטי כּמעט ווי געטרייַ ווי איר פאטער, האָט זיך היים מיט די דאָולעס און אנגעהויבן צו הנאה זיך פֿאַר די ערשטער מאָל אין זיין לעבן.

  • - Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation, Vietnamese edition
    av Edith Van Dyne

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    400 - 679,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    150 - 276,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    131 - 255,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    131 - 255,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    140 - 264,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    140 - 264,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    140 - 264,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    131 - 255,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    140 - 264,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    148 - 272,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne
    140 - 264,-

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Book 8 in the Mary Louise detective series for children created by L. Frank Baum. This book was written by Emma Speed Sampson, writing as Edith Van Dyne. Sampson continued the Mary Louise series of girls'' novels after the death of its creator L. Frank Baum. In this book Josie goes to great lengths to find the truth behind two young "orphans''" claim: that their mother is still alive.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    "Edith Van Dyne" is the pseudonym under which L. Frank Baum penned a popular series of novels for younger audiences. This is book 2 in the Mary Louise detective series for children.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    "Edith Van Dyne" is the pseudonym under which L. Frank Baum penned a popular series of novels for younger audiences. In this tale, indefatigable heroine Mary Louise finds out that her beloved grandfather has been accused of treason and works tirelessly to clear his name and restore his reputation.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Aunt Jane''s Nieces is the title of a juvenile novel published in 1906, and written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name "Edith Van Dyne." Since the book was the first in a series of novels designed for adolescent girls, its title was applied to the entire series of ten books, published between 1906 and 1918. The novel "is genuinely original and interesting. It focuses on three adolescent girls, two of whom combine basic good character with ugly traits not usually found in fiction for young girls. Baum starts with a trite situation that could occasion prosy moralizing and gives it several original twists." The rest of the novels in the series feature travel, adventures, accidents, a kidnapping and rescue, romances, and a marriage for Louise. The final novel, Aunt Jane''s Nieces in the Red Cross, was originally published in 1915.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Aunt Jane''s Nieces is the title of a juvenile novel published in 1906, and written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name "Edith Van Dyne." Since the book was the first in a series of novels designed for adolescent girls, its title was applied to the entire series of ten books, published between 1906 and 1918. The novel "is genuinely original and interesting. It focuses on three adolescent girls, two of whom combine basic good character with ugly traits not usually found in fiction for young girls. Baum starts with a trite situation that could occasion prosy moralizing and gives it several original twists." The rest of the novels in the series feature travel, adventures, accidents, a kidnapping and rescue, romances, and a marriage for Louise. The final novel, Aunt Jane''s Nieces in the Red Cross, was originally published in 1915.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Aunt Jane''s Nieces is the title of a juvenile novel published in 1906, and written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name "Edith Van Dyne." Since the book was the first in a series of novels designed for adolescent girls, its title was applied to the entire series of ten books, published between 1906 and 1918. The novel "is genuinely original and interesting. It focuses on three adolescent girls, two of whom combine basic good character with ugly traits not usually found in fiction for young girls. Baum starts with a trite situation that could occasion prosy moralizing and gives it several original twists." The rest of the novels in the series feature travel, adventures, accidents, a kidnapping and rescue, romances, and a marriage for Louise. The final novel, Aunt Jane''s Nieces in the Red Cross, was originally published in 1915.

  • av Edith Van Dyne

    Aunt Jane's Nieces is the title of a juvenile novel published in 1906, and written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name "Edith Van Dyne." Since the book was the first in a series of novels designed for adolescent girls, its title was applied to the entire series of ten books, published between 1906 and 1918. The novel "is genuinely original and interesting. It focuses on three adolescent girls, two of whom combine basic good character with ugly traits not usually found in fiction for young girls. Baum starts with a trite situation that could occasion prosy moralizing and gives it several original twists." The rest of the novels in the series feature travel, adventures, accidents, a kidnapping and rescue, romances, and a marriage for Louise. The final novel, Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross, was originally published in 1915.

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