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Bøker av Donna Brown

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  • av Suzanne Martin, Brendan McCormack, Tanya McCance, m.fl.

    Personsentrert helsearbeid - en innføring presenterer forskningsbaserte perspektiver på personsentrert praksis i helsetjenesten.Med bidrag fra internasjonalt anerkjente spesialister er dette blitt en verdifull lærebok hvor studenter og helsepersonell innvies i sentrale ideer innen personsentrert omsorg i ulike sammenhenger. Med utgangspunkt i en innovativ teoretisk modell som er fundert på mer enn 20 års forskning og praksis - rammeverket for personsentrert praksis - får studentene solid innsikt i komponentene i en personsentrert tilnærming, hvordan de er forbundet og samspiller med hverandre og hvordan de kan innarbeides slik at helsepersonell, brukere og pårørende får gode opplevelser i møte med helse- og omsorgstjenesten.Personsentrerte tilnærminger er dynamiske og komplekse, og boka understreker hvor viktig det er med et felles språk og en felles forståelse av personsentrert praksis i alle deler av helsetjenesten - fra sykehus og helse- og omsorgstilbud til tjenester innen psykisk helse og rehabilitering. Denne praktiske og innsiktsfulle boka: gir en engasjerende og pedagogisk gjennomgang av personsentreringens viktigste prinsipper og praksiser i en multiprofesjonell og tverrfaglig kontekst beskriver kasuistikker og eksempler på personsentrert praksis fra hele verden inneholder aktiviteter som bidrar til å utvikle en personsentrert tilnærming i arbeidet drøfter fremtidsutsiktene for personsentrert tilrettelegging, læring og praksis gir veiledning i helhetlige tilnærminger til utviklingen av personsentrerte, meningsfulle relasjoner til andrePersonsentrert helsearbeid - en innføring er en uunnværlig ressurs for sykepleierstudenter, sykepleiere og andre helseprofesjoner og et viktig referanseverk for lærere, veiledere og helsearbeidere.Camilla Anker-Hansen, førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Østfold, har skrevet forordet til boken og vært fagkonsulent i oversettelsen til norsk.

  • av Donna Brown
    327 - 411,-

  • - More Stories from the Village of First Responders with Cops, Firefighters, Ems, Dispatchers, Forensics, and Victim Advocates
    av Donna Brown
    297 - 420,-

  • - Save time, make money, profit from the couch
    av Donna Brown & Natasa Denman

    Natasa Denman and Donna Brown share their combined experience of working from home to help you in your business.

  • - Stories from the Village of First Responders with Cops, Firefighters, Dispatchers, Forensics, and Victim Advocates
    av Donna Brown
    294 - 415,-

  • av Donna Brown

    Fifteen-year-old Lacey Mayford has been infatuated with Matthew since she was a little girl. Matthew, a half-breed Indian, doesn't see her as anything more than a little girl cousin. How can she convince him that she is growing into a beautiful young woman he should consider? In the frontier town near the turn of the century, Matthew Thorton is blamed for Luther Hannibal's murder after an altercation with Luther over stolen furs. Lacey defends Matthew with the help of a teacher, Felix Grackle. They look into other suspects who could have killed Luther Hannibal. Matthew's father Luke and his best friend Jacque Pierre are looking for the person responsible for stealing the furs. They believe the thief might have something to do with Luther Hannibal's murder. Will Lacey be able to clear Matthew's name? Will Luke and Jacque Pierre find the man who stole the furs? Will the vigilantes stop the Whiskey Rebellion without bloodshed? The truth is far more sinister than anyone could imagine.

  • av Donna Brown

    Nightmares and claustrophobia plague World War II veteran Eric Stone. His German twin brother died in his arms and that later led to him being imprisoned. Troubled and restless, Eric leaves his relatives in Colorado and rides a motorcycle to the California coast. Is he searching for happiness, a place he can really call home, or trying to fulfill a promise to his dying Hawaiian friend who wanted to teach him how to ride a surfboard? Eric told him he would somehow learn. Eric only knows his uncle, Colonel James Stone, will be home soon, and right now he's too angry to confront him. Near the coast, a car runs Eric off the road then rams the Arroyo Grande high school bus. Though injured, Eric hobbles to the site. His assistance to the injured students endears him to families in the coastal town. He stays all summer, manages to fulfill his promise, makes many good friends, and falls in love with Kathy Ryan, but almost loses, all he gains.

  • av Donna Brown

  • av Donna Brown

    With food costs rising sharply every time we step into a grocery store, it is time everyone started a garden. This book shows you how. Learn to start a vegetable garden using healthful, easy to grow vegetables, and extend your harvest from early spring through winter. This guide shows the best ways the author has found to grow healthful vegetables from the moment the ground thaws in the spring until the ground freezes again in the winter. Cygnet Brown is not a novice gardener. She has over forty years of practical gardening experience under her belt. For her, organic gardening principles are not simply a philosophy, they are a way of life. Without using chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides, she has managed to grow many of the family's groceries and has improved her corner of the planet's soil in the process. Her use of this natural, practical philosophy stems from the premise that "healthy soil produces healthy plants".

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