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Bøker av Destiny S Harris

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  • - Build Wealth and Be A Bad$ss
    av Destiny S Harris

    Investing Basics For Women: Build Wealth And Be A Bad$ss It is a fact that women typically invest less than men. However, those of us who are investing tend to outperform men because, well, we're dope AF. But how can we get more women to invest, which is the primary way to build wealth? It starts with knowledge acquisition. If you don't know how to invest, you're likely not going to invest, but with the proper knowledge, investing becomes easy. This book will help you learn what you need to start investing and how to use investing to build long-term wealth.

  • - Build Wealth, Eliminate Financial Mediocrity, and Become Financially Independent
    av Destiny S Harris

    20 Strategies to Elevate Your Financial Outcomes: Build Wealth, Eliminate Financial Mediocrity, and Become Financially Independent We often don't know where to start or what to implement to create change in our financial results. Lack of knowledge and access can negatively impede our financial progress for decades. The sooner you acquire the right knowledge, the sooner you can start experiencing better outcomes. Your daily habits, thoughts, and decisions are creating your financial future. If you don't like your financial results, it's time to change them. You can't keep hoping things will change without taking action. This book will give you the tools to shift your financial outcomes immediately. Doing better with money isn't hard; it's as easy as changing your daily decisions. Instead of hurting yourself, help yourself. And you can start helping yourself TODAY.

  • - Shift Your Trajectory
    av Destiny S Harris

    15 Habits To Financially Thrive: Shift Your Trajectory How does one shift one's financial trajectory? Through their daily decisions. Each day, we can positively or negatively affect our finances. What are your financial goals -- are you working towards them or against them? Many people aren't aware that they're working against themselves regarding their financial goals. This book will challenge you to shift your financial habits and create a transformative shift in your daily decisions that impact your money. Fifteen habits are deposited in this book, all within your reach. You can start implementing these today. You are where you are financially because of your decisions, which create your habits. Are you ready to experience a change in your money?

  • - 14 Habits
    av Destiny S Harris

    Improve Your Money: 14 Habits Want to shift your money situation? Want to elevate your economic status? Learn 14 habits that will elevate your finances, give you the foundation to succeed financially, and provide you with the necessary tools and strategies to take action today.

  • - Thoughts
    av Destiny S Harris

    Think & Grow Rich For Black Women: Thoughts If you want to change your life, you're going to have to change things in your life. How do you change your life? You first have to start by changing your thoughts and then taking action on those thoughts. All too often, people underestimate the power of their thoughts and the external variables that can insidiously infect their minds with unproductive thoughts. Stay vigilant over your mind. For the mind is your greatest asset. Your next greatest asset is your time, which you should never spend focusing on negative thoughts. This book will challenge you to shift your thoughts to help facilitate the right mindset to attract wealth into your life.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Ways To Create Tons Of Content In Less Time Without AI I've published thousands of books and articles, and I did it without artificial intelligence. Instead, I used my brain, voice, and hands. There is nothing wrong with leveraging AI, but a writer writes, which is precisely what I'm choosing to do with my content. There have been days where I have published more than ten books or 40 articles. Depending on the self-imposed goal or exercise I'm working on determines my publishing rate. One thing is sure: the more you write, the faster you write, and the easier it becomes to publish more content. Learn some tips and tricks I've been using to publish content since 2004.

  • - Fitness Hacks From A Gym Rat
    av Destiny S Harris

    Create Your Dream Physique: Fitness Hacks From A Gym Rat Attaining your dream physique is all about implementing the right tools to create the ideal circumstances for you to do so. Many people miss the easy opportunities to experience their ideal physique because they lack access to the proper knowledge. I've been in the gym for decades and enjoy sharing my knowledge daily with people I meet, family, and friends. Not only do I easily maintain my ideal physique, but I can eat whatever I want (despite my historical "genetics" wanting to say otherwise). Learn the tips and tricks I implement to maintain my ideal fitness and health.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Hacks To Destroy Fat Blasting fat and losing stubborn weight can seem challenging, but it doesn't have to be. There are too many missed opportunities from simple everyday choices we make that can expedite the process. Learn from this book, 10 Hacks to destroy fat, and get the attractive, stronger, and healthier physique you desire. Your dream physique is possible without surgery, diet pills, and tedious effort.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Attract Abundance Into Your Life Abundance is not solely monetary; it carries over into all areas of your life. Reframe your beliefs and thoughts with these phrases to set a firmer foundation in an abundance mentality. Abundance is your birthright.

  • - Get A Tech Job In 90 Days
    av Destiny S Harris

    A 15 Minute Read To Help You: Get A Tech Job In 90 Days Have you been wondering how to get a job in tech after seeing friends or people at a distance work remotely, earn better-than-average salaries, and live a more flexible lifestyle? That dream no longer has to be a dream. In this book, you will learn the recipe to help you obtain a new tech job within 90 days. Get help with the resume, the type of job you want, negotiation skills, confidence, training, and transferring your skills to create the right background for your next ideal opportunity. Get more career resources @

  • av Destiny S Harris

    The Minority's Guide to Negotiating Minority groups have made tremendous economic growth, but we still have much to cover. One of the key ways to improve our economic situation is by boosting our negotiation skills, confidence, and self-value. How we value our time and effort will significantly influence our financial results.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Monetize Your Effort It's easy to monetize your effort, but how you monetize your effort is crucial. Many people undervalue their services and time, which leads them to earning less than their potential. Learn some practical negotiation strategies in this book to help you monetize your efforts effectively and earn what you deserve.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Negotiation Tactics The offer stage is the most crucial stage of your career earnings. It is during every offer stage that you set your pay for years to come. If you lowball yourself, you will receive lowball pay for potentially years, which takes time to recover over the long haul. The sooner you can increase your pay, the better for your all-time career earnings. Learn negotiation tactics you can start practicing in your career today.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    12 Unhealthy Money Habits You Should Quit Now Mastering the game of money requires mastery of yourself. If you are unwilling to implement discipline...If you are unwilling to educate yourself about money...If you are unwilling to create a new healthy pattern regarding your relationship with money... You will suffer financially. Learn about twelve unhealthy habits people refuse to let go of, which keeps them broke.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Questions You Should Answer Before Paying For Your Kid's College You probably want to pay for your kids' college educations; this is the dream for many parents. But what parents fail to understand is the implications of disallowing their children to provide for themselves. One of the best gifts they gave me was not paying for my college education costs. To do this day, I will be forever grateful for this. However, I still watched my parents sacrifice their financial future for mine in other ways. Though thankful, I wish they invested in their financial health earlier. Ask, review, and think about these ten questions before you pay for your kids college.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    15 Finance Tips For Kids & Teens A person is never too young to start learning about money. The best time to teach your kids or other kids about money is now. This book will help you review simple, valuable concepts with your loved ones to encourage financial conversations and provide them with a sound foundation to make wise choices with money in the future.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    There Is No Excuse To Fail At Money Learn about the ten financial basics that enhances your relationship with money.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Things You Can Do To Stop Running Out Of Money Every Month Are you tired of running out of money every month and suffering for too many months but not enough money? Dive into ten simple strategies to help you make wiser financial choices that will increase the amount of money you have available each month.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Money This Year Every year grants you the opportunity to handle your dollars differently. Learn ten strategies that can help you re-shape your financial outcomes into new and improved ones.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Ways To Avoid Financial Fear Are you tired of feeling anxious about money? It's counterproductive if you ever desire to experience financial peace. Learn strategies and action steps to sever your relationship with fear about money so you can walk into your financial destiny.

  • - Dating Questions
    av Destiny S Harris

    Let's Get Invasive: Dating Questions A big red flag is when people get uncomfortable with you asking questions to learn who they are -- especially if they want to date you, have sex with you (unless you're keeping it casual), marry you, take your time, and integrate into your life. The best part of dating is the learning process, but if you rush into a situation without taking the time to learn who the person is, you might run into some unexpected surprises later on (some of you know what I'm talking about). Ask all the questions that come to mind (at the right time). The best time to ask is now, not later.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    100 Questions To Ask Your Dating Partner Ever notice when couples are asked questions about each other, some miserably fail, and others excel with flying colors? For the ones that don't miserably fail, it's because they took the time to get to know each other, which indicates that they will have a much more successful relationship. The best time to ask your partner questions is before you have sex (unless you're seeking something casual) and before things get serious. It's better to know someone sooner than later, so you're not wasting your time or theirs. And the higher your standards, the more particular you will base your decisions on whether to proceed per their responses. Ask all the questions (not ones stemming from insecurity), but ones that will help you decide whether you want them to be in your life. Many questions in this book aren't sexy, might be deemed invasive or aggressive, and could cause discomfort. But if you desire anything worthwhile, you have to get uncomfortable. At the end of the book, you'll find a section that allows you to write and prepare some of your own questions that might stem from the questions in the book or other things that are important to you regarding your dating partner. Cheers to intentional dating and love!

  • av Destiny S Harris

    I'm Not Sure I Should Max Out My 401k Anymore. We've all heard the advice: Max out your 401k if you have enough disposable income and desire to stay on track with your retirement goals. But should we invest this large sum of money into our 401k (aka the stock market)? Let's dive into this theory more and see if it is the right decision.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    100 Phrases To Raise Your Frequencies The best way to uplift your spirit is to engage in healthy, fun, and stimulating activities that you enjoy AND stating positive and affirming words. Focus on speaking these 100 phrases whenever you're feeling low.

  • - Affirmations
    av Destiny S Harris

    Feelin' Good Enjoy over 100 different affirmations to raise your vibrations, frequencies, emotions, and mood to experience more joy right now. Speak these word with powerful feeling, and focus on engaging in activities and surrounding yourself with people and environments that make you feel good.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Most People Dream Of Being Rich But Are Terrified Of Losing Money The only way to build wealth is through investing. Yet, so many people don't invest or underinvest. What's the common excuse? Fear and procrastination (which is masked fear). Learn how to be rich and transform your financial outcomes in this quick read.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Rewire Your Brain And Earn More The foundation of creating wealth is via the shifting of your mindset. You can earn all the money in the world or have every opportunity fall into your lap, but if you have an improper mindset, you will blow the opportunities and end up broke, which we see happen all the time with wealthy individuals. If you don't have the proper thinking, your financial outcomes will remain limited. Learn how to re-wire your brain for financial success (better outcomes with your money).

  • - With Affirmations
    av Destiny S Harris

    I'm A Badass At Money Do you want to be a badass at money? If so, you must master six actions. Learn the six actions you must master, along with eight concepts to help you refine your financial situation to become a badass at money. You don't have to suck at money, be broke, and live with financial limitations all your life. You can experience a healthy, empowering, abundant, and fun relationship with money. The choice is up to you.

  • - Increase Your Bank Account
    av Destiny S Harris

    Affirmations: Increase Your Bank Account Shift your thoughts and feelings about money to elevate your bank account balance.

  • - Learn To Walk Away With Ease
    av Destiny S Harris

    Walk Away From Purchases: Learn To Walk Away With Ease You're likely to give in to short-term pleasure over beneficial long-term outcomes. Self-discipline is hard; it's painful. And it's not fun -- at least at first. But the more you can walk away from purchases, the more you increase your financial freedom. Minimalism is not normal, but the financial benefits are astronomically powerful. Most people make purchases on "stupid stuff," which means any of the following: - They don't use it.- They don't need it.- They don't really want it.- They went into debt to buy it.- They don't even know they have it. 73% of purchases are unplanned. Look around you; how many of your purchases have been planned? How much more money would you have in your pockets, bank accounts, and financial portfolio if you had more financial discipline?

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