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Bøker av Deepak Mehra

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  • av Deepak Mehra

    Winners do not beat others, they become better at their own game! Harry, an ambitious young man seeking a career breakthrough and entrepreneurship, lands up on a golf course hoping to learn the game and fast-track his career. But he is in for a surprise. While playing, the coach and a modern-day mystic introduces him to powerful similarities between the unique game of golf and living an extraordinary life. With every stage of the game, different chapters of his life open up, sparking aha moments of self-discovery. Weaving together ageless wisdom, fascinating fables and captivating anecdotes, the mystic leads Harry to seven powerful, wise and practical life skills hidden in the ancient game. Enjoy the journey with Harry, find out what he learnt, and discover how a round of golf can change your life forever.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    IN QUESTO LIBRO SI SCOPRIRA' COME REALIZZARE UNA STAMPANTE 3D A UN COSTO MINIMO, ABBIAMO REALIZZATO QUESTA STAMPANTE A UN COSTO NOMINALE DOPO AVER FATTO TANTE RICERCHE SU DI ESSA E ABBIAMO REALIZZATO UNA SEMPLICE STAMPANTE 3D CON TECNOLOGIA DI INCISIONE CHE PUO' ESSERE UTILIZZATA DA TUTTI.La stampa 3D è una tecnica di produzione additiva in cui gli oggetti 3D vengono stampati con l'aiuto di un software CAD (computer-aided design). Nella tecnologia di stampa 3D sono disponibili diversi processi come (1) FDM (metodo di deposizione fusa), (2) SLS (sinterizzazione laser selettiva), (3) EBM (lavorazione a fascio di elettroni), (4) LOM (produzione di oggetti laminati), (5) DLP (elaborazione digitale della luce), ecc. In questo lavoro ci siamo concentrati sulla progettazione e sulla realizzazione di una stampante 3D portatile con un volume di letto (220 x 220 x 250 mm3) che può essere costruita in modo economico. Utilizziamo meccanismi a 4 assi, di cui 3 assi sono x-y-z e il quarto asse è un estrusore. Il processo da noi adottato è la tecnologia FDM, in cui vengono utilizzati diversi materiali come PLA (acido polilattico), ABS (acrilonitrile butadiene stirene), HIPS (polistirene ad alto impatto), ecc. Riscaldando il materiale del filamento fino al suo punto di fusione, questo viene depositato strato per strato.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    NESTE LIVRO, APRENDERÁ A FAZER UMA IMPRESSORA 3D COM UM CUSTO MÍNIMO, FAZEMOS ESTA IMPRESSORA COM UM CUSTO NOMINAL DEPOIS DE TER FEITO MUITA INVESTIGAÇÃO SOBRE E FAZEMOS UMA IMPRESSORA 3D SIMPLES COM TECNOLOGIA DE GRAVAÇÃO QUE PODE SER UTILIZADA POR TODOS. Existem diferentes processos disponíveis na tecnologia de impressão 3D, tais como (1) FDM (método de deposição por fusão), (2) SLS (sinterização selectiva por laser), (3) EBM (maquinagem por feixe de electrões), (4) LOM (fabrico de objectos laminados), (5) DLP (processamento digital de luz), etc. Neste artigo, concentramo-nos na conceção e no fabrico de uma impressora 3D portátil com um volume de cama (220 x 220 x 250 mm3) que pode ser construída de forma económica. Estamos a utilizar mecanismos de 4 eixos, em que 3 eixos são x-y-z e o quarto eixo é uma extrusora. O processo adotado por nós é a tecnologia FDM, em que diferentes materiais como o PLA (ácido poliláctico), ABS (acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno), HIPS (poliestireno de alto impacto), etc., são utilizados. Ao aquecer qualquer material de filamento até ao seu ponto de fusão, este é depositado camada a camada.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    IN DIESEM BUCH ERFAHREN SIE, WIE SIE EINEN 3D-DRUCKER MIT GERINGEM KOSTENPREIS HERSTELLEN KÖNNEN, WIR HERSTELLEN DIESEN DRUCKER MIT NOMINALEN KOSTEN, NACHDEM WIR SO VIEL FORSCHUNG DAZU GEMACHT HABEN UND EINEN EINFACHEN 3D-DRUCKER MIT ENGRAVIERTECHNIK HERSTELLEN, DER FÜR JEDEN VOLLSTÄNDIG BENUTZT WERDEN KANN.3D-Druck ist eine additive Fertigungstechnik, bei der 3D-Objekte mit Hilfe von CAD-Software (computergestütztes Design) gedruckt werden. In der 3D-Drucktechnik gibt es verschiedene Verfahren wie (1) FDM (Fused Deposition Method), (2) SLS (Selektives Lasersintern), (3) EBM (Elektronenstrahlbearbeitung), (4) LOM (Laminated Object Manufacturing), (5) DLP (Digital Light Processing), usw. In dieser Arbeit haben wir uns auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung eines tragbaren 3D-Druckers mit einem Bettvolumen von 220 x 220 x 250 mm3 konzentriert, der kostengünstig gebaut werden kann. Wir verwenden 4-Achsen-Mechanismen, wobei 3 Achsen x-y-z sind und die vierte Achse ein Extruder ist. Das von uns angewandte Verfahren ist die FDM-Technologie, bei der verschiedene Materialien wie PLA (Polymilchsäure), ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol), HIPS (hochschlagfestes Polystyrol), usw. verwendet werden. Durch Erhitzen des Filamentmaterials bis zu seinem Schmelzpunkt wird es Schicht für Schicht aufgetragen.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    DANS CE LIVRE, VOUS DECOUVREZ COMMENT FAIRE UNE IMPRIMANTE 3D À UN COÛT MINIMAL, NOUS FAISONS CETTE IMPRIMANTE À UN COÛT NOMINAL APRÈS AVOIR FAIT DE NOMBREUSES RECHERCHES SUR LE SUJET ET FAISONS UNE IMPRIMANTE 3D SIMPLE AVEC UNE TECHNOLOGIE DE GRAVURE QUI PEUT ÊTRE UTILISÉE PAR TOUS.L'impression 3D est une technique de fabrication additive dans laquelle les objets 3D sont imprimés à l'aide d'un logiciel de CAO (conception assistée par ordinateur). Différents procédés sont disponibles dans la technologie de l'impression 3D tels que (1) FDM (méthode de dépôt par fusion), (2) SLS (frittage sélectif par laser), (3) EBM (usinage par faisceau d'électrons), (4) LOM (fabrication d'objets stratifiés), (5) DLP (traitement numérique de la lumière), etc. Dans cet article, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la conception et la fabrication d'une imprimante 3D portable d'un volume de lit (220 x 220 x 250 mm3) qui peut être construite de manière économique. Nous utilisons des mécanismes à 4 axes, dont 3 axes x-y-z et le quatrième axe est une extrudeuse. Le processus que nous avons adopté est la technologie FDM, dans laquelle différents matériaux comme le PLA (acide polylactique), l'ABS (acrylonitrile butadiène styrène), le HIPS (polystyrène à haut impact), etc. sont utilisés. En chauffant l'un des matériaux du filament jusqu'à son point de fusion, il est déposé couche par couche.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    V JeTOJ KNIGE VY UZNAETE, KAK SDELAT' 3D PRINTER S MINIMAL'NYMI ZATRATAMI, MY SDELALI JeTOT PRINTER S NOMINAL'NYMI ZATRATAMI POSLE TAKIH BOL'ShIH ISSLEDOVANIJ NA JeTO I SDELALI PROSTOJ 3D PRINTER S TEHNOLOGIEJ GRAVIROVKI, KOTORYJ MOZhET POLNOST'Ju ISPOL'ZOVAT'SYa KAZhDYM. 3D-pechat' - äto tehnologiq additiwnogo proizwodstwa, pri kotoroj 3D-ob#ekty pechataütsq s pomosch'ü programmnogo obespecheniq CAD (awtomatizirowannogo proektirowaniq). V tehnologii 3D-pechati suschestwuüt razlichnye processy, takie kak (1) FDM (metod plawlenogo osazhdeniq), (2) SLS (selektiwnoe lazernoe spekanie), (3) EBM (älektronno-luchewaq obrabotka), (4) LOM (proizwodstwo laminirowannyh ob#ektow), (5) DLP (cifrowaq obrabotka sweta) i dr. V dannoj rabote my sosredotochilis' na razrabotke i izgotowlenii portatiwnogo 3D-printera s ob#emom staniny (220 x 220 x 250 mm3), kotoryj mozhet byt' postroen äkonomichno. My ispol'zuem 4-osewye mehanizmy, gde tri osi - äto osi x-y-z, a chetwertaq os' - äxtruder. My ispol'zuem tehnologiü FDM, w kotoroj primenqütsq razlichnye materialy, takie kak PLA (polimolochnaq kislota), ABS (akrilonitril-butadien-stirol), HIPS (wysokoudarnyj polistirol) i dr. Nagrewaq lüboj iz materialow niti do temperatury plawleniq, na nih nanositsq sloj za sloem.

  • av Deepak Mehra

    Automotive industry is continuously working for the development of the vehicles. New innovative features and advance methods of power generation are being innovated so that the industry can minimize the use of fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel to save them for future. Global warming has also become a major problem for the world and to control the temperature increase, we have to control the emission of vehicle exhaust. The electric vehicles are the best alternative for this and to solve the problem of more consumption of electric power, the vehicles with the installed solar panels can be the best option because we know that sun is the best renewable energy source which is going to last till the existence of human life. This report concludes the designing parameters required for the designing of the vehicle according to the need of future utilization and which can be merged with the solar and electric power source. The objective of the report is to design a vehicle which consist the features like light weight, good ergonomics, compatible with electric system on safety parameters, and good aesthetics.

  • av Deepak Mehra & Vikas Dave

  • av Deepak Mehra

    59 ways to fast-track your career from Classroom to Corporate OfficeSchools and colleges do not prepare us for the real world. Worse still, they often create blind spots that hold us back in the corporate world. As a result, many intelligent, dedicated and hardworking professionals stagnate in their careers.Unleash your potential with Ready, Steady, Go! Analyze the root cause of career-related issues and learn 59 high-octane rules for personal success, including: ? Be Sociable, Not Social ? Passion Is Out of Fashion ? Think Like a Golfer ? Get The Boss Equation Right ... and much, much more!Fast-track your career - whether you have just started out or have years of experience under your belt. So Ready, Steady, Go!Deepak Mehra, an IIT (BHU) alumnus, secured his management degree from IMT Ghaziabad and followed this with an illustrious banking career. Throughout his professional life, he has been involved in developing, coaching and leading teams of high-calibre young professionals in truly multi-cultural environments.

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