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Bøker av Debra Kayn

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  • av Debra Kayn

    August 20. The day his world crumbled. Moving to Seaglass Cove with the new Chapter of Havlin Motorcycle Club after serving his sentence in the state prison, Maverick bought a house and executed the fail-proof way to get his eight-year-old daughter back into his life. Damaged and unable to speak more than a few words at a time, Maverick's job with the club never requires him to talk-talking will get him killed. With his kid back under his roof, all he must do is get rid of his daughter's aunt. It's a simple job. Get in, clean up, and never say a word. Being twenty-five years old and raising her niece for the last four years on her own took every minute, every dollar, and every bit of strength Brooke Harrison possessed. So, when the job offer with a hotel on the coast is presented to her, she jumps at the chance to better their lives. She never expected to arrive at the rental and have a biker hold her hostage and threaten her life. Day after day, throughout the summer, a fear she's never experienced before makes her highly attuned to the mysteries surrounding her kidnapper. Skye blossoms under the attention of the silent biker. But her niece isn't the only one drawn to the man with few words, a dragon tattoo, and is three times her size. Call it a coping mechanism or Stockholm Syndrome or insanity, she starts seeing Maverick for who he really is, and the truth scares her more than the kidnapping.

  • av Debra Kayn

    June 7. The day everything changed. One day a year, Daisy Hill purposely drinks until she can't remember her past. Then, she bounces back to her quiet existence, living on the coast of Seaglass Cove and managing the city pool. This year, as she shakes off the effect of alcohol, she discovers her new neighbor has moved into the other side of the duplex. And he's a sexy beast-for a grumpy biker. As the V.P. of Havlin Motorcycle Club, Bane only has a week to get the parts shop up and running, carve out a clubhouse, and settle into the duplex he rented. But on his first night in a new town, he finds a woman on the other side of the duplex, sitting in the sand and sobbing. Despite having no time to help a woman in need, she won't let him go. The next day, the same woman stands before him at the shop, holding a plate of homemade cookies with no memory of the previous night. He soon learns sexy Miss Sunshine comes with a dark past that's turned dangerous. And in the face of danger, he finds himself unwilling to let her slip away.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Sometimes, secrets are kept to protect the one you love. Tana, a biker who rides for Serpentine Motorcycle Club and works at Glacier Crest Ranch, is locked in a passionate battle of wills with his fiery redheaded wife. Their love is a whirlwind of fierce fights and sizzling make-ups. Just when they are on the verge of living under the same roof again, Tana is arrested and sent to prison. In his absence, Mia must navigate a year alone. A year that threatens to break her spirit. In the darkest hour, Jack, a cowboy from Circle M, becomes an unlikely friend to Mia. When Tana's sentence ends, he races back home, only to find another man lurking in the shadows of his life. As a proud Native American, he refuses to let anyone else lay claim to his woman. He'll fight with the fury of a thunderstorm to win back the love that has always been his.

  • av Debra Kayn

    No good deed goes unpunished.Armed and ready to roll at a moment's notice, Curley thrives as Vice President of Tarkio Motorcycle Club. The routine and responsibilities of his position within Tarkio keep him from focusing on his past. And like clockwork, every few months, all hell breaks loose when his biggest mistake storms into his life, reminding him that he has an old lady.In a world filled with crime and hidden truths, he's a breath away from losing the one person he loves more than his freedom.Born under a bad moon, Abandoned is her middle name.From the time she could talk, Faye Walker called every Tarkio member UNCLE. They were her family after her mom ran away and handed her to Uncle Walker-until he goes to prison. Then, Great-Grandma June raised her- but died before Faye was ready to be on her own.Throughout the years, Curley remains the only constant in her life. Her favorite UNCLE. She loves him with a desperation that paralyzes her.At seventeen years old, one brave, immature decision changed her life.Curley made her a promise.She's going to make sure he keeps it.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Debra Kayn has taken readers inside the bestselling Bantorus and Moroad Motorcycle Clubs and shown you their purpose. It's now time to view the clubs from the outside, through the all-consuming romance of Caiden Hall and Jolene Shayne... There is only one woman for Caiden Hall. One woman who promised him a future. That promise ended when he wound up in prison for murder after an illegal boxing event at Bantorus clubhouse. Upon his early release-thanks to the president of Ronacks Motorcycle Club, Caiden arrived back in Federal, Idaho, expecting Jolene to be waiting for him, and found he had nothing left of his former life. Jolene Shayne walks into the gas station after moving back to Federal and comes face to face with the one man who changed her life twenty years ago. She recognizes Caiden instantly. Unprepared to find Caiden living in Federal, she struggles to understand the anger and hatred directed at her. Until she realizes she's living the life that she and Caiden had planned together...alone.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Quint Mathews lives each day looking for an opportunity to bury his past. But after a harsh winter, a personal loss, and his enemies breathing down his back in the Bitterroot Mountains, he only wants to get through the upcoming camping season alive. Then, she walks into Bitterroot Campground barefooted and wearing men's clothes. It isn't how sexy she looks that irritates him. The woman has no business pulling a travel trailer or thinking she can survive on her own. Life is full of regrets for Katelynn Pierce, but none are bigger for her than meeting a man over the internet in the hope of falling in love and getting stuck in the Bitterroot Mountains far away from home. One stupid decision leaves her broke and desperate. The only choice she has is to accept help from an older man who resembles a stereotypical mountain man, heavy on listening and light on talking. Thrust into a web of nightmares bigger than her own, her troubles have only begun.

  • av Debra Kayn

    For as long as Scarlett can remember, Nelson Steel is the constant in her life. He's her best friend, her confidant, her secret. He dries her tears with rough, stained hands. Teaches her to drive. Looks after her as she flirts with dating and even shows her how to kiss.She never tells anyone about the older boy next door because he depends on her, too. Every time his dad beats him up, she takes care of him. When he's lonely, she keeps him company.Her dysfunctional family, for all their problems, only helps her see what she truly wants in life. And, that's Nelson.Until the worst night of her life when she hears the arguing, the gunshots, and loses him.She never imagines him coming home ten years later. But there he is, waiting for her on the other side of the fence.Hardened.Bossy.And, sexier than ever.There're only three things Nelson cares about, his motorcycle, Steel Mechanics, and Scarlett. One gives him freedom, the other income, and...well, Scarlett, she's the sunshine in his life. He's thought about her every second of every day for ten long years.But his path back to her is filled with violence, and he has a massive target on his back. The only crime he's guilty of is loving Scarlett, and he'll fight everyone in Missoula if it means having another chance with her.

  • av Debra Kayn

    - Missing for twenty-five years - Wayne, Thad, Glen, Chuck...they are his life. Notus Motorcycle Club. Thalia's murder. His decision to leave twenty-five years ago still stands.Nothing Rich Carter says will get through to the men who are closer than brothers to him after finding himself back in St. John's. They hold on to allegiance until death. The only thing he can do to push them away is show them proof they need to let go. - The truth will set her free - As far as her twin sister or anyone believes, Gracie Nelson has pulled her life together after being abducted, terrorized, and surviving a serial killer four years ago. But, when she's alone, she fails to remain strong. The most unexplainable things scare her. A scent in the air. A sound. A voice on the television. Notus Motorcycle Club not only saved her, they've continued to surround and protect her. They've given her a safe place between home and Vavoom's Bar. When the club members ask her to watch over Rich and find out why he left after Thalia's murder, she agrees.Over time, she discovers Rich is more like her than she realizes. Whether it's love or their shared reality, she finds it impossible to let him leave. Again.

  • av Debra Kayn

    A deadly mistake in an otherwise routine crime for Brikken Motorcycle Club puts an eight-year-old girl in front of Chief. Just why Chief steps up to become Johanna's guardian escapes his reasoning, nor has he wasted time trying to find an excuse beyond protecting a child's innocence from the club's criminal activities. He only knows that when he looks down into her sweet, innocent face full of curiosity instead of fear, she moves him. Her eyes are more expressive, her personality more addictive, than anything he's ever experienced. Johanna fills a void inside of him in a way that being president of Brikken, the son of Rollo, the leader of hundreds of the roughest men, fails to satisfy. And so, he plants Johanna in his life. He provides and gives, and makes her feel special. She isn't only his taste of freedom from the hard life he lives, but his spring, summer, fall, winter. She becomes his breath of fresh air in a world where betrayal, enemies, and a knife in the back can happen at any moment. Through building Brikken Motorcycle Club and continuing his father's legacy, Chief deals with heartache, incarceration, secrets. Determined not to repeat his father's mistakes, he creates and manipulates the world around him, including those he permits into his life. He does everything for Brikken.For Rollo.For his sons- Jett, Olin, and Thorn.For Johanna, the child, the woman, who makes it all possible. Johanna's earliest memories center around a big man who picks her up, changes her life, and the way his beard tickles her skin. At a young age, she learned there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who love forever and those who love-or maybe can't love-and leave. Her mom left her with strangers. Nene sent her away. Karla would eventually push her away. But, from the moment Chief walks into Johanna's life, he promises to stay. No one has given her the comfort, security, and pleasure that she fearfully needs, until Chief. Through the tribulations of her childhood, the awakening of her womanhood, and a new world filled with bikers, she learns to survive on promises, trust, and the love of one man, through the biggest struggles of her life.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Most people will frown on a relationship between Dutch Owen and Marla Marie. Unless they were there from the beginning...Dutch stole Marla Marie Smith when she was ten years old. She wouldn't say kidnapped because she willingly left town with him. She'd even swear on her mother's life that she gave him no choice but to keep her.Thrust into a new lifestyle with Rachel and Skull, Marla fails to adapt to her new family, longing to go back home. Always on the outside, never belonging, she connects and relies on Dutch in a way that escapes her. With him, they have no secrets. She grows up trusting that he'll never leave her.Some will say he forced Marla Marie to love him. Maybe he had.But he needs her as much as she needs him.Riding for WAKOM Motorcycle Club, the open road is his home as he rides between the three chapters. The fallback of wearing the patch brings added risks to his life. But the biggest danger to his freedom comes in the form of a young girl. While he protects Marla Marie throughout the years from the world, his MC family, and himself, an unbreakable bond grows between them.Until he finds himself in a situation where he must set her free and chance destroying them both.-This is a saga romance novel that'll take you through growing pains, stubborn rebellion, crippling heartache, and uninhibited passion.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Straight out of prison, Rick Nolan arrives at the door of Tarkio Motorcycle Club. The next thing he knows, he's got a woman underneath him, his motorcycle back in his possession, and a job.He'll never ask for help, and he'll never owe anyone his loyalty. Not again. Not after what was done to him.Raised within Tarkio Motorcycle Club, Tracy Greer isn't an innocent when it comes to club crimes. She's seen and done things most people wouldn't survive.Her attraction to Rick is overwhelming and unexplainable.Until she spots the scars on his back.Those scars come with secrets that rip Tracy's heart open and puts her face to face with her nightmare.But there's a bigger secret. One that leaves Tracy afraid of losing him, and gives Rick a reason to keep living.

  • av Debra Kayn

    She's an unusual girl. Young and more confident than the other women he entertains.For Priest, President of Tarkio Motorcycle Club, everything centers around trust and possession. He's at his strongest when he has total control over his club, his life, his women. So when he finds a free-spirited girl dancing alone at the clubhouse, his dark sexual desires push him to seize her.Make love, not war.Born to hippy parents and raised on a commune, Nicole's desires are sparked by innocence and impulsiveness rather than deeper yearnings. A night of flirting with an older biker has her teasing him with the freedom she lives by. In him, she glimpses a spark of authority that she finds seductive.But not everything is about pleasure. Between murder, sex trafficking, and exposing her family's livelihood, she finds herself pushed out of her comfort zone, and learning a valuable lesson.To truly trust, she should never question.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Mel Davis pledged his life to Ronacks Motorcycle Club as a sixteen-year-old runaway. He's committed his share of crimes through the years as he went from prospect to lifer, but none more dangerous than falling in love with Raelyn and her son, Dukie. Then, one night, he makes a decision that will forever change his life. And, he has no one else to blame but himself. Five years after the death of her husband, Raelyn Williams has settled into managing the club-owned Pine Bar & Grill. The love, support, and protection she receives from Ronacks while being a single mom raising the son of a deceased Ronacks member provides her with everything she needs. Until, her wild mom, eccentric Grandma June, and her younger brother arrive at the bar out of the blue in a beat-up motorhome, complicating her life and disrupting her safe haven. Maybe their craziness is rubbing off on her because she suddenly finds Mel too sexy, too tempting, too dangerous. There's no way she'll compromise herself by getting involved with another biker again. The club always comes first, and it only takes one dangerous activity for her to lose another person she loves.She won't do it.She can't.

  • av Debra Kayn

    An eye for an eye. If it takes a lifetime, he'll make those responsible for murdering his parents pay.Whip walked out of prison wanting retaliation on Cusclan Motorcycle Club. As a second-generation Tarkio member, all he's known was club life. People are either loyal or rebels, and he has no time or interest in dealing with anyone associated with his enemies.But one platinum blonde with long, sexy legs refuses to keep her distance and leave Missoula.Twyla's whole life has been a case of disappointing others. Call her unfeeling, rude, or stuck-up. She rather flip her finger up at the world than let anyone hurt her again. That's why she aims the pistol she stole from her ex-boyfriend and fires the shots. It's why she refuses to give what she stole back. It's why she won't let the Tarkio member tell her to leave town.Frustration makes her weak. One sexy biker makes her strong and gives her hope.With her life in turmoil, she has to make a choice. Trust Whip or never see him again.

  • av Debra Kayn

    A sexy, gripping romantic suspense...He leads. She follows. She might have Stockholm Syndrome. Heidi Lundin has lost her name, her identity, and her past. She's just another homeless person trying to make it through the night. Until the biker from Notus Motorcycle Club keeps saving her and won't let her drift back into the shadows. One moment brings her out into the light, and the people she desperately tried to protect are in danger again. Glen suspects the woman he caught stealing his wallet and sleeping in the alley behind Vavoom's Bar isn't telling him the truth. As a member of Notus Motorcycle Club, he searches for missing persons in partnership with the local police department all the time. Not once has he ever had someone find him. Nothing prepares him for the story Heidi shares or the revelations that come from helping her. Somewhere in their psyche, beyond their intelligence to decipher facts and know the difference between right and wrong, their love becomes uncontrollable. -Each book in the Notus Motorcycle Club series is a standalone and can be read on its own.

  • av Debra Kayn

    A sexy, gripping romantic suspense... She has three rules: No marriage. No children. No promise. He's going to love her. Thad Bowers, Vice President of Notus Motorcycle Club, searches for missing persons when he's not punching the clock at Port Loaders. He goes out of his way to hold those he loves close since his sister was kidnapped and murdered twenty-four years ago, and he lost his MC brother in the aftermath. So, when the mysterious woman who has tempted him one too many times needs his help, he's not walking away. No matter how many rules she throws at him. As a 911 dispatcher, Lena Hollis deals with emergencies from a safe distance. She enjoys a quiet, private life with the occasional non-committal date thrown in for excitement. But, her simple life grows complicated when Tigres, a local gang, puts a mark on her back and her recent date hauls her to his house for her protection. A home that includes parents, bikers, and a huge social circle. Everything she doesn't want in her life. Lena brings new meaning to being the black sheep of the family. Thad's going to do everything within his power to show her what it feels like to give and receive love. To hell with the rules...

  • av Debra Kayn

    Maggie Sawyer works the night shift at Country Mart in Federal, Idaho - where she was born and raised. Now living in a single-wide trailer after divorcing her cheating husband, she drives a beater with a heater and marches through life on her own. All her joy comes from her romance books and online reader friends. At the moment, her favorite book boyfriends belong to motorcycle clubs. But, the fictional bikers with their one-true-love alpha hotness are not like the rough-scary-mean bikers who inhabit Federal. When one of those outlaw bikers decides he wants her, she experiences some overwhelming déjà vu moments straight out of a romance book. While waiting to meet his contact and receive the shipment of illegal guns, Lash entertains himself by watching the curves of the sexy cashier at the store walk to her car each night. With her nose constantly stuck in a book or on her phone, she never sees him watching her. Living a lifestyle where tomorrow isn't promised, and the Feds are always hot on his tail, Lash can't fight his need to have Maggie. Making her his woman is worth dancing with the devil.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Cam Farrell, president of the Moroad Motorcycle Club, struggles to adjust to living on the outside after spending the last eighteen months in prison. Pressured to confess to his part in the crime of bringing his son into the club, he must make drastic changes to stay ahead of the law and prove to Christina he will never leave her again. The noose tightens as he faces the possibility of losing everything he's worked for within the Moroad MC. Can he save his club, his woman, his son, and his life?

  • av Debra Kayn

    Born into Bantorus Motorcycle Club, Lee Ramchett skirts the law, works secretly for the federal government, and kills. As he grows closer to seeking revenge for what the Mexican mafia has done to his family, his supervisor orders him to go back to Bantorus MC to watch over Shari -one of the available and beautiful Silver Girls. In the chaos Shari creates inside of him, he learns his purpose has more to do with washing his hands free of blood than becoming a lifer, and sets out to end the war between Bantorus MC and Los Li for good. Five years ago, Shari's Uncle Ted dropped her off in Federal, Idaho to keep her safe after he received threats linking her to Tango, an undercover agent. She works hard to make herself a valuable asset to Bantorus MC, but her charade is compromised when the dangerously troubled nomad biker with more scars and secrets of his own demands her attention. This time, she's not sure she'll be able to stay away from the one biker who needs her more than she needs the safety of the club.

  • av Debra Kayn

    The woman's shelter gave Gia two options. A house in the middle of Wyoming or share a duplex in Montana with a biker. From the first day of her arrival to Haugan, Gia pushes herself into Swiss's routine. Then, danger moves her into his side of the duplex. The stoic biker with few words and more mystery than her body can handle pulls her under his protection with a profound commitment to keeping her safe from the men trying to kill her. But, close encounters and long nights fail to protect her heart, and she falls in love with Swiss. And, that's the one stipulation guaranteed to push Swiss away from her. Swiss's ex-Army skills benefit Ronacks Motorcycle Club and the patch on his vest gives him the freedom to live without responsibilities. Responsibilities that nearly killed him in the past. He thrives off solitude until his isolated existence gets interrupted when a sexy lady moves into the duplex and his gut tells him something isn't right.

  • av Debra Kayn

    He is his father's son. After fifteen years in the Idaho State Penitentiary, Jeremy Aldridge walks out of prison with the knowledge and skills that made his dad a legend in the gang wars within the system and the driving force behind Moroad Motorcycle Club. Outside of the Cyclone fence, Jeremy reaches for the familiar...Lola, the lifers, his Harley. But, the one woman he owns and expected to find waiting for him has pulled away from Moroad. He discovers Tiff running the biggest illegal business Federal has ever seen, and her time is up. She belongs to him, and he'll risk everything to keep her. Stop loving him. Tiff's mantra since losing Jeremy falls to the wayside when he walks into Silver Girls and claims she still belongs to him. At one time, Jeremy was her whole world despite her tendencies to test him at every turn with petty fights, temper tantrums, and jealousy. The man who returned from prison no longer plays games. Bigger, stronger, smarter, scarier, Jeremy's presence threatens her business, resurrects old insecurities, and has the ability to destroy her.

  • av Debra Kayn

    After her grandpa dies and she inherits the apartment complex, Joey Farran spends her time between fantasizing about the sexy, rugged, toolbelt-wearing biker who lives a few doors down from her and playing pool at the local bar on Friday night, hoping to raise enough money to enter the Blackfoot Tournament at the end of the year. Her two favorite things never mix until Wyatt shows up at Riverside Bar, gets drunk, and takes her back to his place. He'll never remember their hookup, so what's the harm?Finding himself a full-time dad to his two teenage kids after his ex-girlfriend dies, Wyatt Carr's life is a chaotic mess. His son keeps running off. His daughter is afraid of losing another parent. He's working long hours running Carr Construction, spending sleepless nights on the couch, and his kids survive off eating pizza every night.Just when he feels he's barely hanging on, Wyatt finds Jess and Travis in the manager's apartment eating spaghetti dinner... and the sexy, new owner of the apartment complex looks vaguely familiar.Thinking his dark days are behind him, Wyatt is unprepared for the threats against his family. The only way he can hold it together is with the help of Tarkio Motorcycle Club and the woman who brings the sunshine to all their lives.

  • av Debra Kayn

    The end is near. Mark can feel it.When a woman walks into Discover the Bitterroot to rent an ATV and asks for directions to Bear Peak, Mark DeLane knows she's there to kill him.Carly Jones has spent eight years waiting for the perfect time to travel to the Bitterroot Mountains and confirm the existence of the men she's only read about. Despite her plan not to interrupt any of their lives, she's drawn to Mark and uses her attraction to him as an excuse to get to know him better. But when she finds him living in an underground bunker, tapped out with security so he can close his eyes each night, his lonely existence breaks her heart.As Carly makes her rounds staying at Anders' Lair and the Bitterroot Campground, Mark is positive she works for his enemy, Michael Jaster-the man responsible for kidnapping him at fifteen years old, forcing him to participate in dogfights, and trying to kill him ever since he and the others escaped.Mark has everything, but peace.A peace only Carly can bring him.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Raul Sanchez, president of the Lagsturns Motorcycle Club, proved himself over the span of eight years to lead the outlaw bikers. No longer able to distinguish right from wrong, the undercover FBI agent is after blood when he finds out the Mexican Mafia took his woman. When he finds out his other half is still alive, he sheds the badge, throws himself into chaos, and seeks biker justice. Because any man who touches his woman is going to die. Swinging on a pole in a seedy lounge in Palm Springs, Crystal Rose works to keep herself one-step away from trouble. With a prior rap sheet of pissing off a rival MC president, shacking up with a crazed out drug addict who used her for collateral against the Mafia, she's one day away from disaster. All she wants is the one man who rocks her world. But she can't go back, because loving Raul could get him killed.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Wild women, good times, and easy rides allow Ink to hide the emotional ties he has with Lilly, the daughter of the president of Bantorus Motorcycle Club. With two warnings to stay away from Lilly on his record, his addiction swings wildly out of control and he can no longer bury the past. Either he's going to lose his club or Lilly will break up her family, and that will destroy them both. Lilly's forbidden love for Ink has survived her childhood straight to adulthood. The more she fights for both of them, the closer she comes to finding out what is keeping Ink from claiming her. This time, she wonders if it wouldn't be best to point her boots toward Pitnam and live the rest of her life knowing she'll never have the one man she loves. With Silver Girls under Lilly's management, the Moroad MC taking favors from Bantorus, and the militia's orders skyrocketing, Ink's time is running out. He's living a beautiful war full of addictions, rules, and heartbreak, and the only one who can save him is Lilly. -Each Bantorus MC novel features a new couple with their own happily ever after-

  • av Debra Kayn

    Her story isn't sad. It's raw and blunt.It's her life, and she's living it. Aged out of foster care, Tee Smith works hard to keep a steady job and a roof over her head. She wants to prove to herself that she is good enough-despite the allergies that trouble her. But when the tattoo artist gets killed at work, it starts a chain reaction of danger that surrounds Tee. The older biker who witnesses the murder offers Tee protection. While Shrader makes her feel safe, he rouses a storm within her that she hasn't faced in her twenty years of hardships. As with life, she holds on and powers through the conflicting emotions that leave her wishing and wanting more. As a member of Killere Motorcycle Club, Shrader can spot danger a mile away. That's why he takes Rager's niece and her best friend home with him-to keep them safe. Tee isn't like other women. The chemistry between them has him walking a fine line. But there's no stopping him from taking what he wants-even if he must break into her apartment to get to her. Staying in the shadows is easy. Facing the truth is hard.

  • - A Perfectly Captive Love
    av Debra Kayn

    He's a protective Norwegian biker. She's a gorgeous, gum-snapping, mysterious woman. The lines blur in a perfectly captive love.As Vice President of Slag Motorcycle Club, Brage Olden spends his time organizing, overseeing, and protecting three-hundred aggressive Norwegian bikers. With the club on high alert, he notices a new woman hanging around the clubhouse. Nothing grabs Brage's attention more than a challenging woman with an attitude. She's playing a dangerous game, and he's looking to relieve some stress.But, something feels off. His first clue hits hard when Moroad MC shows up on Slag property asking for Dinah and ends with exchanging gunfire.Dinah Reed takes an opportunity to enjoy a one-night stand to relax from spying on Slag Motorcycle Club. As all hell breaks loose, Brage kidnaps her. Everything she knew about herself turns out to be a lie -her age, her family, even her name.Submerged within Slag MC, she starts to see the club members for who they truly are and questions everything she believes of her past. As her life spirals out of control, she holds on to the one man who remains rock steady.With the sole purpose of gaining the Fed's attention for their illegal activities, Slag will become the biggest threat to every motorcycle club from Montana to California.

  • av Debra Kayn

    Slade Ramchett, vice president of the Bantorus Motorcycle club, has failed his two boys, his woman, and his club. Between battling with his ex-wife and her gambling addicted husband, Los Li shooting at his old lady, and the merge of colors with a rival MC, Slade's ready to go out fighting before the madness infects everyone he loves. After working years at Cactus Cove, Taylor can't imagine life without Slade or the club. She's definitely done keeping their relationship secret. When Slade's world is ripped away from him, she'll help him anyway she can...including blackmail and putting her life on the line.

  • - A Runaway For Love
    av Debra Kayn

    Peer Nyland never planned to be a single father. As Treasurer of Slag Motorcycle Club, Peer's Nordic heritage demands he put family, loyalty, and trust first in his life. The only reason he's surviving at parenting is because of Coco. The rest of the time, he has no idea what the hell he's doing. Collette Lewis fell in love with an infant. Then, she fell in love with the baby's pappa. Coco's biological clock is ticking-loud and clear. Being around Peer twenty-four/seven is making her crazy. She's never wanted a man as much as she does the Norwegian biker. But when it comes to Peer seeing her as a woman, an available one, he's blind. An unwanted woman shows up from Peer's past. Threats are made. Peer wants to run away to Norway. Coco wants to run away from love. In the end, the little boy who needs both of them in his life has the most to lose.

  • av Debra Kayn

    For Callie Moore, it's a day-to-day struggle to live in a town where everyone thinks she's the worst person on earth- thanks to rumors. Divorced, living with her ailing dad, and the scars of finding her ex-husband in bed with not one, but two, of her friends, have her on a downward spiral.Her immediate problems outweigh her concern over the rough and gruff biker her dad hires to help out at the gas station. No matter how attractive she finds Kent, he's only another person she needs to defend herself against.A drifter his whole life, Kent Calder can live anywhere as long as he has his motorcycle and a road in front of him.Stopping at Moore's Gas Station was only a pit stop on a road trip with no destination. A way to put a few dollars in his pocket. He has no plans to stay in Missoula, where drama and rudeness from the locals is a way of life.Until the talk centers around Callie, and he sees what the lies are doing to her.If she can't stand up for herself, he'll fight for her. But as soon as he stomps out one fire, another one pops up.Through attraction, heartache, devastation, and time, the flames between Kent and Callie only grow hotter.

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