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Bøker av David Servan-Schreiber

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  • - A New Way of Life
    av David Servan-Schreiber

    An updated edition for 2011 including all the latest medical research and up-to-date studies.An approachable, empowering guide to staying healthy and fighting disease.Would it surprise you to hear that one in four people are affected by cancer? If you knew that simple lifestyle changes could significantly reduce your chances of developing the disease, would you take advantage of your natural defences?'I had cancer. I was diagnosed for the first time 15 years ago. I received conventional treatment and the cancer went into remission, but I relapsed after that. Then I decided to learn everything I could to help my body defend itself against the illness. I've lived cancer free now for seven years. In this book, I'd like to tell you the stories - scientific and personal - behind what I learned.'Author David-Servan Schreiber is an academic physician with a wealth of experience in the field of integrative medicine. He will show you how, through simple alterations in diet, lifestyle and attitude, you can tackle cancer alongside conventional treatments, or even avoid it altogether. This is not a biology textbook, but a practical, insightful and individual guide that will allow you to make the best choices for your own health and well-being.

  • - hva kan du selv gjøre
    av David Servan-Schreiber

    For sytten år siden oppdaget jeg, gjennom en skanning av min egen hjerne, at jeg selv hadde hjernekreft. Sannsynligheten var stor for at jeg gikk en tidlig død i møte. Jeg var blitt kreftpasient, og kunne ikke lenger skjule meg bak posisjonen som lege og forsker.Denne boken er fortellingen om hva som skjedde etterpå: Om å vende tilbake til liv og helse, faktisk til en bedre livskvalitet og helsetilstand. Dette er historien om hvordan jeg brukte mine kunnskaper som fagperson til å saumfare den medisinske litteraturen for nær sagt alt som kunne bidra til å bedre sjansene mine. Det aller viktigste er at resultatet ble et nytt, vitenskapelig perspektiv på kreft, som kan øke mulighetene for å beskytte oss mot denne sykdommen. Nå har jeg holdt min kreftsykdom under kontroll i sju år. - Hvordan? Jo, jeg mener å ha tatt i bruk, på en enda bedre måte, de delene av kroppen som er naturlig innstilt på å bekjempe celler som ellers ville ha kunnet utvikle seg til en tumor - og bli til kreft.

  • - Curing Depression, Anxiety and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy
    av David Servan-Schreiber

    Millions of Americans try drugs or talk therapy to relieve depression and anxiety, but recent scientific studies prove certain alternative treatments can work as well or better-often bringing on a cure. In the extraordinary international bestseller The Instinct to Heal, award-winning psychiatrist and neuroscientist David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D., presents seven natural approaches, each with proven results, that together form a treatment plan that builds on the body''s relationship to the brain, yielding faster, more dramatic, and permanent changes. People who want to leave suffering behind now can live joyful, happy lives.

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