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  • - Embracing Stress Relief and Positive Thinking Through Mindful Living
    av Dave Drayton
    225 - 265,-

    In the hustle of modern life, true clarity often eludes us. "The Art of Noticing: Embracing Stress Relief and Positive Thinking Through Mindful Living" is your guide to unfurling the sails and navigating the vast ocean of the unnoticed. This isn't just a book; it's a journey that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, led by the wisdom of renowned mindfulness expert Jay Shetty.Dive into Part I: From Blind Spots to Brilliant Insights, where you'll awaken your inner curiosity and learn to see beyond the veil of the ordinary. Experience the profound moments of Kelvin and understand the Invisible Gorilla Experiment that unveils the science behind perception.Unveil the Extraordinary in the Everyday with Part II, as you decode the unspoken language of life itself. Discover the power of nonverbal cues, the art of active listening, and the hidden depths of your senses through the experiences of Sophia.Master the Art of Noticing in Part III, where every chapter is an opportunity to fuel your curiosity and reclaim your attention from the digital deluge. Oliver's story, along with neuroscience-based strategies, will empower you to live healthier and more aware.With a 30-Day Noticing Toolkit and practical, fun exercises, this book is not just about reading - it's about action. Every page is a step towards a life of less stress, more positivity, and an abundance of creativity. Let "The Art of Noticing" guide you to a world where gratitude, happiness, and discovery are not just felt but lived.Are you ready to transform the way you see the world? "The Art of Noticing" is your first step. Add it to your cart and begin the journey of a lifetime.

  • av Dave Drayton

    Unleash the Power Within You - "The Art of Being Alone: Harness Your Superpower By Learning to Enjoy Being Alone," inspired by the profound insights of Jordan Peterson, is your gateway to a life of unparalleled fulfillment and happiness.Do you find yourself trapped in the endless cycle of loneliness and longing for connection, only to end up compromising your true self just to fit in? It's time to break free from this cycle. In this groundbreaking book, we guide you on a journey to discover the transformative potential of solitude-a journey that will forever change your perspective on being alone.The journey begins with the revelation that loneliness is not your enemy but a misunderstood friend. We delve into the core reasons behind our obsession with loneliness and unveil the hidden costs of living a life inauthentic to our true selves. With guidance inspired by the wisdom of Jordan Peterson, we empower you to shed the masks you wear and embrace your unapologetic, authentic self.As you progress through the book, you'll master the art of enjoying your own company and find true contentment within yourself. Solitude is not a curse but a remarkable period of personal growth. We guide you to thrive during alone time, develop your 'Life Doesn't Suck' Blueprint, and create a Kick-Ass Solitude Action Plan. By the end of this journey, you'll be equipped to make alone time your most valuable resource.But that's not all; with "The Art of Being Alone," you'll also receive a special bonus: "Dear Me: The Brutally Honest Love Letter You Never Knew You Needed." This love letter to yourself will touch your heart and awaken a sense of self-love and empowerment you never thought possible.Are you ready to unlock your superpower, to find happiness in your own company, and to embrace a life that celebrates your true self? Say goodbye to loneliness, and say hello to a world where solitude becomes your greatest ally. Join us on this transformative journey today, and discover the art of being alone-a journey that promises to change your life forever. Your transformation begins here.Click The Buy Button Now and Get Started Today

  • av Dave Drayton

    Unleash the Power Within You - "The Art of Being Alone: Harness Your Superpower By Learning to Enjoy Being Alone," inspired by the profound insights of Jordan Peterson, is your gateway to a life of unparalleled fulfillment and happiness.Do you find yourself trapped in the endless cycle of loneliness and longing for connection, only to end up compromising your true self just to fit in? It's time to break free from this cycle. In this groundbreaking book, we guide you on a journey to discover the transformative potential of solitude-a journey that will forever change your perspective on being alone.The journey begins with the revelation that loneliness is not your enemy but a misunderstood friend. We delve into the core reasons behind our obsession with loneliness and unveil the hidden costs of living a life inauthentic to our true selves. With guidance inspired by the wisdom of Jordan Peterson, we empower you to shed the masks you wear and embrace your unapologetic, authentic self.As you progress through the book, you'll master the art of enjoying your own company and find true contentment within yourself. Solitude is not a curse but a remarkable period of personal growth. We guide you to thrive during alone time, develop your 'Life Doesn't Suck' Blueprint, and create a Kick-Ass Solitude Action Plan. By the end of this journey, you'll be equipped to make alone time your most valuable resource.But that's not all; with "The Art of Being Alone," you'll also receive a special bonus: "Dear Me: The Brutally Honest Love Letter You Never Knew You Needed." This love letter to yourself will touch your heart and awaken a sense of self-love and empowerment you never thought possible.Are you ready to unlock your superpower, to find happiness in your own company, and to embrace a life that celebrates your true self? Say goodbye to loneliness, and say hello to a world where solitude becomes your greatest ally. Join us on this transformative journey today, and discover the art of being alone-a journey that promises to change your life forever. Your transformation begins here.Click The Buy Button Now and Get Started Today

  • av Dave Drayton

    Betreten Sie das Rätsel des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts, ein generationenübergreifendes Thema, das ständig die Aufmerksamkeit der Welt auf sich zieht und leidenschaftliche Diskussionen inspiriert. Viele betrachten es aus der Ferne, aber wahres Verständnis erfordert mehr als oberflächliches Wissen. Sich diesem Thema zu nähern, ohne ein klares Verständnis zu haben, kann unbeabsichtigt zur Verbreitung von Fehlvorstellungen führen, die Teilung vertiefen und sinnvolle Gespräche entgleisen lassen. Stellen Sie sich eine Welt am Rande eines eskalierten Konflikts vor, in der die USA als zentraler Akteur in der Politik des Nahen Ostens tiefer in das Geschehen hineingezogen werden könnten. Die Folgen? Bilder aus dem Herzen des Konflikts, die in unseren Medien verbreitet werden, fordern unsere ethischen Standpunkte heraus und könnten unsere Gesellschaften weiter spalten. Was dieses Buch bietet: Gründliche Untersuchung: Tauchen Sie ein in eine detaillierte historische Analyse, die es den Lesern ermöglicht, das gesamte Spektrum des Konflikts zu erfassen und an informierten Diskussionen teilzunehmen.Globale Auswirkungen: Erkunden Sie die komplizierte Geopolitik und ihre Implikationen und verstehen Sie die Bedeutung der Förderung friedlicher Lösungen.Humanitäre Einblicke: Eine ausgewogene Sicht aus israelischen und palästinensischen Perspektiven, die mögliche Wege für globales Eingreifen zum Schutz der Menschenrechte aufzeigt.Empathie & Respekt: Entwickeln Sie eine Denkweise des Verständnisses und des Respekts, um sich diesem Thema zu nähern, ohne unbeabsichtigt die Kluft der Teilung zu erweitern.Bonusabschnitt (nur in der Taschenbuchausgabe): Durchqueren Sie das Labyrinth der israelischen und palästinensischen Geheimdienstoperationen und bringen Sie Licht in ihre Rollen bei der Förderung oder Behinderung des Friedens. Um das komplexe Netz der israelisch-palästinensischen Beziehungen wirklich zu durchdringen, bedarf es eines unvoreingenommenen, faktischen Wissens. Rüsten Sie sich mit diesem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden aus und fördern Sie eine informierte Haltung zu einem der komplexesten Themen der Welt. Der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt: Eine moderne Perspektive Dieses Buch bietet eine immersive Einführung, die sowohl für Studenten als auch für allgemein Interessierte geeignet ist. Es verfolgt die Wurzeln von der Entstehung des Nationalismus innerhalb europäischer Juden und der arabischen Einwohner des osmanischen Palästinas bis zur Gegenwart und setzt die Ereignisse in einen globalen Kontext. Mit einer nahtlosen Integration von biografischen Anekdoten, Erlebnisberichten, poetischen Ausdrücken, Fiktion und offiziellen Dokumenten verspricht diese Erzählung ein reiches Gewebe an Informationen. Die aktualisierte Ausgabe geht auch auf das sich entwickelnde Narrativ der Zwei-Staaten-Lösung während der Trump/Netanyahu-Ära ein, unterstützt durch ein umfangreiches Glossar und Empfehlungen für weiterführende Literatur.

  • av Dave Drayton

    Unlock the Complex World of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Balanced and Enlightening InsightStep into the puzzle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a multi-generational issue that persistently holds the world's gaze and inspires passionate discussions. Many view it from afar, but true comprehension demands more than surface-level knowledge.Delving into this topic without a clear understanding can inadvertently lead to the spread of misconceptions, strengthening divisions and derailing meaningful conversations.Envision a world teetering on the precipice of escalated conflict, with the US, as a pivotal player in Middle Eastern politics, potentially drawn deeper into the fray. The repercussions? Images from the heart of the conflict splashed across our media, challenging our ethical stands and potentially dividing our societies further.What This Book Offers:In-depth Examination: Dive into a detailed historical analysis, empowering readers to grasp the full spectrum of the conflict and partake in informed discussions.Global Ramifications: Navigate the intricate geopolitics and its implications, and understand the importance of championing peaceful resolutions.Humanitarian Insights: A balanced view from both Israeli and Palestinian perspectives, highlighting potential avenues for global intervention in safeguarding human rights.Empathy & Respect: Cultivate a mindset of understanding and respect to approach this subject without inadvertently widening the chasm of division.Bonus Section (Paperback Exclusive): Journey through the maze of Israeli and Palestinian intelligence operations, shedding light on their roles in either propelling or impeding peace.To truly navigate the intricate web of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship, one needs unprejudiced, factual knowledge. Equip yourself with this indispensable guide and foster an informed stance on one of the globe's most intricate subjects.The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Modern PerspectiveThis book provides an immersive introduction suitable for both students and general enthusiasts. Tracing the roots from the birth of nationalism within European Jews and the Arab inhabitants of Ottoman Palestine to the present, it contextualizes the events within a global backdrop. Seamlessly integrating biographical snippets, firsthand accounts, poetic expressions, fiction, and official records, this narrative promises a rich tapestry of information. The updated edition also delves into the evolving narrative of the two-state solution during the Trump/Netanyahu era, bolstered by an extensive glossary and recommendations for further reading.

  • av Dave Drayton

    Being alone can be confusing, but it doesn't mean you're trapped. Dive into the special moments that come from enjoying your own company and getting to know yourself better.In this book, you'll peel back layers of societal expectations, peer pressures, and personal narratives to uncover the essence of being alone without being lonely.Being alone doesn't mean you're disconnected. In fact, it can be the key to deeply connecting with your inner self, the world, and the canvas of your life.In This Book, You'll Unravel:The undeniable power and potential that solitude can bring to your life.Techniques to embrace your own company, driving away the shadows of doubt and dread.Ways to cherish present moments, no matter how solitary, and find joy in them.Strategies to reshape and redefine life's experiences, even if they don't align with societal norms.Insights to break the chains of negative introspection and to bask in the warmth of positive self-reflection.How to sail smoothly through life's solitary phases, shedding anxiety and apprehension.Methods to foster an environment of growth, creativity, and potential in solitude.The art of becoming comfortable with the unpredictable and the unknown.The silent wisdom that solitude can offer, pushing boundaries of conventional thinking.Being alone doesn't signify emptiness or lack; it can be a canvas of opportunity, filled with moments of self-discovery, growth, and enlightenment."The Subtle Art of Being Alone" is not just another self-help book. It's a journey of introspection, of understanding, and of enlightenment. It's not about changing who you are but embracing your truest self, even in moments of solitude.Navigate the paths less traveled, with your own company as your guide. Discover the art, the beauty, and the power of being alone.

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